deuxantares Knowflake Posts: 977 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 21, 2008 11:30 AM
quote: Have you ever had a discussion with bm or caught one of her posts immediately after posted? Go back a few minutes later and it's a totally different post.
Hey, I caught you earlier today. You changed your post following my "nose" post in the Madonna thread. LOL. 23 also does this sometimes. I think there were 2 times when I'd read her post (not in the Godzala thread, but some light flippy thread i don't remember now) and then next time I came back the post was changed or entirely gone. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 12:01 PM
quote: Yes, the sensitivity threads and posts are hilarious. They are the ones that expect you to walk on egg shells for them but they can be as carefree and rude as they choose, because apparently, they are the only ones who are sensitive and the rest of us are crap. They're the worst. The reason that touches a place with me is because I've known people in day-to-day life like that. They want to be treated with a sensitivity that they are not prepared to offer others. It doesn't work like that. And being a hypersensitive person doesn't excuse you treating other like sh1t. If anything it should teach you to be emphatic towards them. They're the genuinely sensitive beings.
We are one on this ~ I am related to people of this ilk, it can really bring me down. I would have replied earlier but I locked myself out of my house. I have a Neptune Square to Mercury transit going on. I am being the biggest dope about. But it has revealed to me the identity of my knight in shining armour, and his lady, I pretty much knew, but if there is message from the universe it is reinforced in that. Though in this case the knight got his burly mate to kick the door in. Poor old mr bm will have to take them for a pint as a thank you. That will pain him, SO much, lol. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 01:29 PM
23,"I suppose a blessing is that we do have an occultation of Jupiter-Venus." That is indeed a blessing. It indicates real good feelings between you, that you genuinely like each other. The Jupiter person would appreciate the Venus and support her and make her laugh, I think. "and my Saturn is very tender (in Cancer in the 4th, ruler of MC)" I can imagine. I myself have a retograde Saturn in Cancer in 8th house. *Sighs*
"I have this natally with you, you're Saturn and I feel it sometimes with you" That means you either have an Aries- or Libra-moon,w hich means my own Moon would be trine or sextiles yours (my own Moon is on 17° Aquarius and exactly quinkunx my Saturn). " in that I feel like I'm handing onto you a child pestering you always for information." I`ve never seen you that way. Actually I thought I was pestering YOU with my questions about Eros, remember?
"I feel that I can be burden on you I really I hope I'm not bothering you" Of course you are NOT. It`s just sometimes, that it gets a bit much. Not you, but recently I`ve looked at quite some synastries, and don`t get me wrong I LOVE doing this, or otherwise I wouldn`T do it, but there is always so little time. That is the only reason my answer may take some time. But hey, I am learning with every new synastry I can look at and if it is helping someone else, well all the better.
OF course I expect a prompt reply, when I`ll be pestering you again about Eros and squares. "don't think I'll do much with my appearance and no I'm not his type physically" How do you know that?
"Otherwise, we have his kite where my unaspected Venus sits at the "arrow" point with his Jupiter which is the positive thing." That is pretty awesome. This Venus / Jupiter-occultion becomes the point everything is pointing to, it will be very much in the focus, and how nice that it is such a great great aspect.
Paul, that musical crush I once had, and me also share a kite of his Venus, his Karma, his Pluto, my Venus, Isis and Osiris, my Jupiter and his Chiron. The backbone (opposition) of htis kite is his Pluto opposing his Chiron and my Jupiter; and my name in his chart falls also on top of his Chiron (and my Jupiter and Ceres). So there is that conjunction of my Jupiter and Ceres and his Chiron. Well, I am pretty sure I like YOURS better, much better. But aspect configurations are an awesome thing, especially when someone seems to just fill that void in an incomplete aspectfigure, must be pretty binding. I know they say we are not to include asteroids or angles into aspect figures, but I guess it would be interesting to see a pattern. I mean I was almost choking with laughter, when I realized that I share an interesting aspectfigure with Sean Bean (no, I am not talking about the almost 2 super sexual T-squares ). A Grand Trine of my Moon in Aquarius, my Karma in GEmini and his NN / Juno-my Aphrodite-conjunction in Libra and additionally his SN falls exactly onto my Part of Reincarnation. ROFL And there is actually a mystical triangle of my Juno, his Juno and my Karma. Another one between my Juno, my Saturn and his Juno. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 02:12 PM
quote: I wanted to apologize. I am very much so guilty of saying these kinds of things. Now i see how immature it is. How unnerving it is. I don't mean them in the narcissistic context you have described, truly, but now that i understand how you feel (and how others feel) i feel like a total f*cking git.
I hadn't noticed you do this. quote: Not to get all heavy, but i wanted to tell you that i don't wish to get under your skin, in fact, i like you very much. I seek your approval in some ways. SO please, don't think poorly of me.
I don't think poorly of you, and you've never struck me as being up your own butt. Nor narcisstic nor immature. It's the people who bang on about drawing out emotions that really wind me up. That's not sensitive. Don't force us Moon/Pluto/Saturn types, it will work out badly. A good friend of mine is highly empathetic ~ the hairdresser, the drunk on the street, the rats in the alleyway. I've seen her suffering over them all. I didn't make any of those up. If you wonder how she gets through the day the answer is sometimes she doesn't, she is often in bed for 2 days at a time with the stress of it all. But this is someone I respect very highly. She does actually give a sh!t about other people and is very kind and generous. In fact, she can't understand why people tend to be so selfish. Oh, and she is an air sign. She has never tried to force me to tell her how I feel. But she gets to hear more than most. Though she often asks: what are you like at home? Thinking I secretly cry or something, but really I am just the same. I am emotionally contained for about 98% of the time. My husband lived with me for 5 years before he saw me cry, and then I was in hospital after a work injury and was in a lot of pain. He looked quite astonished. If someone starts crying when they are talking to me I always try and find a way to comfort them or make them laugh so they will stop. I can't be doing with it. That is SO Gemini. EDITED
The irrelevant stuff about my mother. It's a Moon/Pluto/Saturn thing.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 02:20 PM
So just for you
He did a good job in this ~ he made Heathcliffe as rotten a lot as Bronte portrayed him ~ he wasn't a romantic hero. He was a wife-beating bitter old man.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 02:22 PM
quote: "do you see 3rd house Mars? That he communicates sexuality?"
I've got Mars 3rd House. quote:
Yes, maybe. 3rd house is also a house of actors, because that is what they do, they communicate with the screen, verbally but also nonverbally with body language. And if Mars is there, he might appear very masculine in that regard...
I work in a library! quote: "Being in the house of siblings - couldn't that make him be seen as a brother as well?" Hmm, I don`t know. But maybe he has a Martian brother?
I always wanted more brothers. I see/find them everywhere ~ friends, sons, husband. There will never be enough. I don't know why, I like the one I got, maybe it is the Martial 3rd house. ~~Sean getting all brotherly Cancerian Mars~~ IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 04:10 PM
BM,you did it again, you edited your post. Well, seems to be a fitting manifestation of Mars in 3rd house,b oth the library thing as well as wanting brothers.
BTW it`s funny, this evening I was standing in front of my DVD`s and detected one I HAD to buy back in the days, but somehow never watched it, even though Ewan Mc Gregor was playing a leading role. It was "the island" and of course I watched it now. I think it was a good film, even though maybe a bit too much action for my taste. Have you seen it?
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 04:25 PM
PA,nice report you have there: "herefore, being with the other is like being with yourself." Didn`t you go when you read that? "You truly love each other" Ah that is so sweet.
"Your love is reflected in the other's eyes, so you see yourself as loved, and love the feeling of being loved." "You have a strong emotional and psychic attunement with one another." So the spiritual connection is affirmed, ONCE AGAIN.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 04:25 PM
" You nurture and care for each other without being possessive. You give one another freedom and autonomy, but are always there for one another." That sounds really perfect to me. Caring for each other without suffocating each other. "You are sexually attracted to one another and find the other stimulating." Do you want to reconsider your statement that you are not drawn sexually to him?
"You feel beautiful and loved when you are with RDJ." Seems he makes you feel like a woman.
"Your sexual energies are strongly triggered by RDJ and fun comes first when you are together."
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 04:26 PM
No, I've not seen the Island. Do you think I have EDIT button addiction? It's that Virgo MC. Very picky. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 04:30 PM
I'd never thought about Mars and brothers before but I really think you are onto something psychological with me there, there's no explanation I can think of other than the astrological one. I never really wanted a sister. I grew up with my brother, and two boys next door, they were like my brothers too, still are, see there you go, accumulating surrogate brothers from an early age. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 04:45 PM
I do that sometimes, with the editing. It`s tempting. "The Island", I was jsut a bit surprised, that there was yet another film with Sean Bean on my DVD-shelves. Maybe if I digged deeper, I would find even more. I mean is there any film, he did NOT have a role in?
"The island" was pretty good, some kind of science fiction film. Somehow it reminded me of "Gattaca" with Jude and Ethan HAwke, even though it`s a different film. But I just couldn`t get the thought of Jude out of my head while watching it. Well, at least those time when I was not thinking "Wow, that man looks really hot in black!" And I am not talking about Ewan here. The more I see of Sean in films, the more I find myself reduced to a drooling, giddy heap. Do you have the SLIGHTEST idea what you did when you brought him on here? EDIT:
I even did that stupid "What Sean Bean character do you love" today. How low have I come? And my result is even lower than that: Your Result Lord Fenton - Oh, so you like them when they smirk, can be mean, and down right dirty, eh? Maybe even a little sadistic? Well, you have the right man then. He may look good, but he is a bad man. Have fun with him... he sure will with you... ::wicked grins:: IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 04:49 PM
It's another one of the Mars in 3rd manifestations. I introduced my buddies Sean and Colin. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 04:55 PM
quote: Richard Sharpe - A man and his uniform. But, he is also good with a sword, yells, is very manly and can he kiss! Just watch out, he's a real ladies man
It's always going to be, isn't it? Bean as Sharpe, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 21, 2008 05:00 PM
Yeah, you and your Sharpe. Ah I found some more quizzes on there.
I just took the test on who I was in a past life, and I got Cleopatra. ROFL I think I should be going to bed now. Goodnight.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 21, 2008 05:25 PM
Creepily, although I dont' really believe in past lives, I took that one and I was Julius Ceasar. The universe is laughing at us! Goodnight, have dark dreams. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7251 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted October 21, 2008 05:36 PM
quote: I just received an email from titled: "Look Out For Number One". Well, it could have been worse. It could have been "Look Out For Number Two". If that's being forecast astrologically - then I'm feeling very afraid right now. Actually, I received one from a friend the other day - you know who you are - titled "Colin Farrell". As I said to her - just what a girl likes to see - Colin Farrell in her Inbox.
We aims to please IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 21, 2008 06:44 PM
quote: We aims to please
God Zala!!!! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 21, 2008 07:04 PM
BM,I'm not shoved up my own @arss, but i have stated (and do believe) that i can empathize with people like 23, or DD, or anyone who is sharing their feelings, or talking about the rough patch they're going through. So that's what i meant. That's what i thought you were saying was ridiculous. By the way, i took that quiz DD posted and i got Julius Caesar too. We should be dancin' partners PA!!! I have something for you- Hilarious. It's Colin Farrell, your on the side lover I will be back, but i have class now. You can thank me later IP: Logged |
deuxantares Knowflake Posts: 977 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 22, 2008 03:07 AM
quote: i can empathize with people like 23, or DD, or anyone who is sharing their feelings, or talking about the rough patch they're going through.
Meta, this is going to be very useful for you. I think it's an absolute must in your would-be line of work... will lend more "believability" to the characters you portray. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 22, 2008 04:11 AM
meta quote: "Next time I take the tape with me"
Priceless. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 22, 2008 04:19 AM
DD quote: Only one report?
Nah! I've got three - so far. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 22, 2008 04:23 AM
jane quote: Now who's the compassionate one! Your understanding moves me to tears.
Awww, thanks. ***wipes tears from eyes*** You have moved me. But you know, you have a pulse - I mean - what more could a girl possibly need? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 22, 2008 04:27 AM
jane quote: "You are so dirty. What a whorish creature you are."
Just a gesture to let you know that I'm thinking of you. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 22, 2008 04:31 AM
deux quote: Hey, I caught you earlier today. You changed your post following my "nose" post in the Madonna thread. LOL.
**de Niro style** "Are you talking to me?". "Are YOU talking to ME?" Yeah, I know! Guilty as charged. 23 is phenomenal for it. Posting, changing and deleting. IP: Logged |