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Author Topic:   GODZALA

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posted October 23, 2008 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
But I am surprised you are into him. He is all AIR, no water. lol

Moon in Gemini, MErcury and Mars in SAgittarius, Venus in Aquarius - isn`t it too detached, too mental for you?

Hmm.. i don't know how to explain it. I only know him through several films. I NEVER would have guessed he was so Air/Fire oriented. I definitely feel Earth from him.

I don't know what to say. Looking at our syn there's a lot going on, but different things are happening than with you two.

I'm not trying to compete here for him. You can have him. He doesn't affect me the way he has you. By looking at our syn the dynamic here could possibly be just attraction. I think he's attractive but that doesn't mean we would have anything in common. That doesn't mean that there would be any emotion.

So please, don't think i'm trying to move in on him. Or overshadow you.

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posted October 23, 2008 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
Looking at your deeper aspects it seems that you are influenced by him in a very abrupt way. In a "whether you like it or not" way.

I think the reason behind MY being enticed by him is because his Venus/Chiron enter into my Grand Square. Patrick Dempsey and Gary Oldman also do this to me. Even if they aren't watery or earthy it's not really possible for me not to be pushed by them.

But like i said, hands down, he's yours. You said Sexual Captivation, right? Who can compete with that?

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 23, 2008 12:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

"I NEVER would have guessed he was so Air/Fire oriented. I definitely feel Earth from him."
He`s got a Cappy-Sun at least. And who knows what Ascendant he has? If he has been born real late in the night, his Moon might even fall into the beginning of Cancer, which I could definitely see. NOt necessarily like, but I could see that.

In his progressed chart his Sun is in Pisces, his Moon in Taurus (like mine) and his Mars is in Cappy conjunct his Sun. So maybe that is what you sensed?

Regarding your synastry:

his Psyche and NN on your Anteros, Valentine, Juno, Pluto and ASC (God, girl, you REALLY are one Plutonic-person!) are very interesting.
And his Juno seems to conjunct your Psyche - so you have a Juno-Psyche-dw, a nice one for spiritual link.

His Sun conjunct your Neptune is not too shabby either.
And his Chiron and Venus of course also conjunct YOUR Moon, not only mine.

"You can have him."
I don`t want him.

"Looking at your deeper aspects"
Why do you think our aspects are deeper?

WEll, what I noticed is that there seem to be a several karmic aspects, especially to his asteroid Karma, which aspects my Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, NN, ASC and IC!

My Karma trines his Chiron / Venus-conjunction.

And his Mars-Juno-opposition falls onto my nodal axis with his Juno conjunct my SN.

It would probably interesting to see what is going on in the Draco`s.

"t seems that you are influenced by him in a very abrupt way. In a "whether you like it or not" way."
Yes. I AM affected by him. Can`t deny it. Mostly in the "I like it not"-way.

In one of his films I have actually seen (and equally loved and loathed) the protagonist`s name is very similiar to my real name. And at one point, when he sais it, it actually sounds like my name is spoken.
But that is something that happens pretty often,a s the names are kinda very similiar. But it feels strange nevertheless.

"ou said Sexual Captivation, right? Who can compete with that?"
Ah well it is just one of these very colourful descriptive names the Magi have invented.
We also have a Heartbreak-clash, as my Saturn is quinkunx his Chiron, and since I am the Saturn person I would be the one inflicting the Heartbreak.
SEe`? A lot of contradictions, he would have the upper hand, but I would break his heart!

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posted October 23, 2008 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
"I NEVER would have guessed he was so Air/Fire oriented. I definitely feel Earth from him."
He`s got a Cappy-Sun at least. And who knows what Ascendant he has? If he has been born real late in the night, his Moon might even fall into the beginning of Cancer, which I could definitely see. NOt necessarily like, but I could see that.

In his progressed chart his Sun is in Pisces, his Moon in Taurus (like mine) and his Mars is in Cappy conjunct his Sun. So maybe that is what you sensed?

Maybe. I just have this sense of darkness about him. He isn't light like an air sign would be. He's deeper. He's a secret keeper. A dweller. But i didn't go straight to water for him, which makes me think earth. He's sensual. Sexual. Struggles with lust maybe. Sins of the flesh dominate him easily. I don't know why, but i get that feel from him. Not very air or fire like.

Regarding your synastry:

his Psyche and NN on your Anteros, Valentine, Juno, Pluto and ASC (God, girl, you REALLY are one Plutonic-person!) are very interesting.
And his Juno seems to conjunct your Psyche - so you have a Juno-Psyche-dw, a nice one for spiritual link.

His Sun conjunct your Neptune is not too shabby either.
And his Chiron and Venus of course also conjunct YOUR Moon, not only mine.

But i don't see him in a spiritual way (thanks for the plutonic-person statement. Quite a complement!). I see him in a very sexual way.
His Venus squares my Mars and Pluto, then opposes my Sun.
My Venus ONLY inconjuncts his Saturn.
My Mars trines his Sun.
His Sun sextiles my Pluto.
Nothing extreme, but nowhere in there do i see any real signs of compatibility. Maybe the Venus/Chiron-Moon thing. But that's just one aspect. Everything else is pointing to... yes...

Why do you think our aspects are deeper?

Looking at your syn Saturn and Karma play a big part. Plus i thought i saw a DW of Eros/Psyche. I think he and i have an Osiris/Isis trine, but that's it.
I think the affects you would have on each other would be deeper than the affects he and i would have on each other. Not BETTER or WORSE, but different. There seems to be that Hot/Cold syndrome going on between you two. That's much more interesting and beguiling than "Oh, hey, i think you're attractive".

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posted October 23, 2008 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message
His Lust/Adonis trines my Venus/Chiron. C'mon now! We wouldn't be taking long walks on the beach or sharing childhood memories!

You've got something deeper going on. That's what i'm trying to say. Even if it's a struggle between repulsion and attraction, at least you can TALK about something.

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 23, 2008 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
"Maybe. I just have this sense of darkness about him."
Definitely agreed.
He can have blonde hair and blue eyes and yet seems so dark.

"He's sensual. Sexual. Struggles with lust maybe. Sins of the flesh dominate him easily."
Could be. Did you see "Phantom of the opera" with him?
IT was an absolute disgusting film except for some scenes with him, but when he meets Christine for the first and second time, that is very sensual, yet in a controlled way. At least both of them struggle to control their sudden fierce attraction, even though it looks like it nearly kills them.
I don`t like the dominance and forcefulness of his character though (yet it probably suited the role), but can`t deny the sensuality that is expressed in some of these scenes.

"His Venus squares my Mars and Pluto, then opposes my Sun."
Not surprised you see him in a sexual way. lol
Also interesting, it is similiar to the synastric aspect you mentioned in my synastry with him, just with partly reversed roles (in our case it is his Pluto aspecting my Venus and Mars; btw his Mars also aspects my Pluto by sextile, and his Venus conjuncts the ruler of my 8th house)
I think his Dwad Mars might also be conjunct my Dwad Venus.

I think compatibility could also be seen in the comparision of the natals. Like
His Moon and Venus in Airsign would get along with my Moon in Aquarius

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 23, 2008 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
"Looking at your syn Saturn and Karma play a big part."
Yes, karmic stuff, maybe.

" Plus i thought i saw a DW of Eros/Psyche."
No. His Eros is sextile my Psyche, but the orb of his Psyche - my ERos would be nearly 10°. However as I said his Psyche conjuncts my dr Eros exactly.

"I think the affects you would have on each other would be deeper than the affects he and i would have on each other."

Well, the astro-com-report sais:

" You and Julian Sands invoke a powerful erotic intensity in each other. You are fascinated by your partner's emotional depth and passion"

"Julian Sands has a way of inspiring feelings of great warmth and generosity in you, while you in turn have an expansive and vivifying effect on his personality and his sense of what he wants"

No, seriously. I don`t feel that.
I certainly feel *some* kind of attraction or curiosity. But I do not feel any kind of emotional connection (yeah I know I should with his Venus conjunct my Moon).
In a way I feel much more attracted to Sean Bean, despite everything; there is just something about Sean that feels "familiar", something that makes me "click" emotionally on some level. That`s the reason SEan feels warm to me.
And the lack of that feeling towards Julian is probably my perception of "coldness"or "void".

Of course you could explain it by their natal charts, too.
Julian has Sun in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius opposing Uranus, Moon in Gemini. NOne of these placements are really "warm".
The Mars in Sag widely square Pluto would give him a little bit more intensity, though.

Sean has Sun in Aries and Moon in Leo, Venus in Gemini but squaring Pluto and Mars in Cancer.
PRetty hotblooded (Sun and MOon in fire), intense (Venus square Pluto,e ven though Venus is in Gemini) and passionate (Mars/Eros-conjunction in Cancer).

Total different personality.

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posted October 24, 2008 12:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message
PA & wheels -

I'm the same way with food. I'm really picky about who I eat with. If it's not someone I'm completely comfortable with, I'd rather eat alone b/c their presence makes it harder for me to have a tastegasm.

I warn new people before I eat with them that I eat like a beast. I'm very focused on the food and not self-conscious. Sauce on my chin? Don't mind if I do! I don't eat loudly though, that's a pet peeve of mine. I have a cousin who breathes like Darth Vader when he's eating and can make any food smack like gum, even mashed potatoes.

lol about simulating sex with food. I was in the car with one of my bff's. We were parked outside a McD's at about midnight enjoying some milk shakes that we had both been craving. Joking around, I kept pulling out the straw and licking it up and down, to let the milk shake know how in love with it I was. So she says that there's a guy outside watching, and I say suuuure, of course there is. Because isn't that what always happens comedically, there's someone there watching the silliness? I kept doing it for a while and she's laughing hard now, and then I notice that there really is a guy standing not far away, all creepy like and staring. His expression and body language looked like Maxwell at 1:22 in this video.

Worth watching anyway b/c Maxwell is incredible.

Anyway, we wondered about the guy and decided that was his nightly entertainment. Standing in a McDonald's parking lot, watching people eat. Instead of dollar bills, he'd give the girls Happy Meal toys. Who am I to judge what someone considers a good time. He must've been a Taurus.

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posted October 24, 2008 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message
So I asked her, "which ***** is yours?".

What, no orgy? Missed opportunity, PA!

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posted October 24, 2008 12:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message
blue moon -
The mystery of boldness has been solved, but if you're ever wondering what someone did to make a text show up a certain way, you can click to edit their post. In the edit box, whatever they typed to get that effect will show up. You can also get the codes for pictures that way.

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posted October 24, 2008 01:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message

*Fascinated by meta and PA's Rafe analysis*

I've always seen Rafe more as you do, meta.

I think that i see him in myself. I feel like he wants exactly what i want - this immaculate emancipation of emotion; body, mind and spirit- which is why i am so completely moved and you are not.

I think it's that Cap sun of his, wrapped around his deeply emotional Sco moon and venus. And 23 pegged him as a Virgo rising. I think that rising fits well, not just b/c it would add to him being controlled and cerebral, but also b/c that could make it cnj meta's Mercury.

Letting go and just being is hard for him. I don't think he chooses to maintain control. Control is just a constant part of who he is. He can have moments where he loses control, like during sex, but his identity is inherently one with walls and structure. An Aries naturally masters the ability to just be. So that may make someone like Rafe appear deliberately controlled and isolated to someone with strong Aries, instead of inherently controlled and isolated. And if someone appears deliberately controlled, it's only natural to wonder what it is that they're getting out of being like that. It would be easy for him to appear like he's motivated by a desire to be in control.

But I think a Cap's control isn't chosen, and a Cap's control doesn't have to indicate coldness. I think, like anyone, they long to share with a partner that passion and love that everyone has inside them. An Aries' very identity is passionate. A Capricorn needs to lose his identity a bit, surrender his sense of self, in order to tap into that primal passion. How frustrating it must be to feel like you yourself stand in the way of love, that as long as you're there, you can't really connect with someone else because there are walls around you.

Aries are loving and lovable because they're gifted at existing without those types of walls.

When he says "I'm jealous of the rain" he could have said that with an inner fire. Of course, he may have delivered to the director's request - but.... there's no soul in those beautiful words. No yearning for her. And yes, I know that's his character - and he's an actor - he's supposed to show that desire for her in the breath and intonation - in every gesture and tone. He doesn't. Because he can't let go.

lmao @ the rain line. I hadn't realized that line was for real. I haven't seen this scene, but that won't stop me from analyzing it. From the way it's described, I think his passionless delivery is perfect b/c it's precisely that pure inner fire that he wishes he had. That's why he's jealous of the rain. The rain has that ability to purely exist, and it's in that state that love is possible. (Is the rain falling on someone he loves? What's the context?) He yearns for the type of connection the rain can have with her that he cannot have, b/c he's not free. And he knows that and feels that bondage, and like meta said, longs for that emancipation. But he says it with that cynical Cappy acceptance that that sense of freedom just isn't who he is.

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posted October 24, 2008 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message
Personally, I would have opted for some pubic hair (face it - how often do you actually get to eat any of those...

Speak for yourself! I find that a sprinkling of chopped pubes is the perfect finishing touch on most dishes. I get it from a pube plant (plant one hair and water--there's a full bush in a month). Cuz getting it from a human would be disgusting.

...or have gone straight for the clit.

Let's see: 1) goes straight for the clit, 2). only requires a sex partner to have a pulse. There's that Venus in Aries charm I know and love!

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 24, 2008 07:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I just got the top synergy report for Sean and me.

Our score is:

Love: 110
Friendship: 100
Sex: 130

we are both strongly committed to each other (1 point each)
scored strong in intimacy (1 point each)
dominant sexual attraction (me to him: dominant with 2 points; him to me: powerful with 3 oints).

There are green lights for all kind of relatonships:
love relationship
sexual affair

This result is even better than the one with Jude. Even though Jude and me have 140 regarding sexual attraction, but our love-score is only 80.

Hmm, BM, what is your score with Sean?
160 in sexual attraction?

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blue moon

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posted October 24, 2008 07:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
Synergy report ~ I don't remember where these were ~ Astro?

I am still some pages behind here, in my brain.

Still pondering over Mars signs, and that question that got dissected, who is the best in the sack?

Well, Sean, Mars in Cancer. That says to me ~ I get to make all the efforts. But if he wants me to fondle him all over, hey, I'm there!

He's getting on a bit and he likes his pint, I don't expect him to be leaping around like gymnast, and that's O.K, that's no problem. He can just lie, it's fine by me. More on Mars signs in a mo, bet you can't wait.

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posted October 24, 2008 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

you can get the reports on

Interesting question you are pondering. Let me know what conclusion you find.

mars in Cancer - have never known someone with that placement I think.
But it kinda appeals to my Venus in Capricorn and to my Eros and Vertex in Cancer.

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blue moon

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posted October 24, 2008 07:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message

Partly I am going on what conossieurs have said on the astro-forum.

That and my fevered imagination.

Mars Cancer isn't a placement of which I have a great working knowledge.

It could Trine my Ascendant, or slam into my Libran Uranus, but otherwise it is on its own. Maybe a sextile to Taurus Venus, that could work.

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Posts: 3198
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posted October 24, 2008 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Well, Mars trine ASC sounds pretty delicious actually.

In Sean`s case his Mars falls into my 7th house and opposes my Venus, is contrascia my Sun and Mercury and trines my Uranus.
Definitely feel this Mars-Venus-oppositions, especially since we also have the opposition between his Venus and my Mars also (on my DSC-ASC-axis). No way I would stay unimpressed.
The thing that could be difficult is the fact that his Mars is inconjunct mine.

But I think I like his whole chart, or at least can relate to it. Hey we even share the same Eros-Psyche-combo natally!

Oh I noticed that his second name Mark falls flat onto my ERos-Psyche-mp, asteroid actor, Part of Marriage and opposes my Mars-Pluto-mp. lol

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blue moon

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posted October 24, 2008 09:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message

Mars in Leo is the one I know best.

It aims to please, it likes quality.

And of course, I have to give it the gold medal. Else it will sulk. It's a Leo thing.

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blue moon

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posted October 24, 2008 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
But there's no denying the pull towards Mars in Scorpio.

If I was asked for my fantasy list, that would be right near the top.

But.. I do know this one too.

Scorpio could be opposite my Venus, Square my Mars, Conjunct my Asc. That is powerful stuff... as I know.

Venus in Scorpio ~ different matter altogether sat on that corner.

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 24, 2008 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I checked some Top synergy reports.

With Jude, Stuart, Sean and Julian - only for research reasons of course.


Love: 43
friendship: 00
SEx: 130

commitment: 00 in all cases
intimacy: zero in all cases again
mutual: 2 (dominant)
my passion to him: 2 (dominant)
his passion to me: 3 (powerful)

So that means the only area that connection would work would be the bedroom.

We have 1 combined synergy though, whatever that means. But I read it can make up for some weak other areas.

Jude and me:

Love: 87
Frienship: 50
Sex: 140

they say that a result of 100 is very good and everything above is HIGHLY good.
Personally I think, everything over 70 is "manageable". But there is really a huge gap between the SEx-quotient and the other areas.

mutual: none
my com. to him: 1 (strong)
his to mine: 0

mutual: 1 (strong)
my intimacy to him: 1 (strong)
his to mine: 2 (dominant)

mutual: 3 (powerful)
mine to him: 4 (supreme)
his to mine: 2 (dominant)

Well, the relationships that seem possible with that result are:
Romance and sexual

But no love relationship or real friendship, because the commitment is lacking.

Also, I think it could be seen as a problem, that the results in passion are so unbalanced. I think the difference of 1 point is okay, but 2 points difference could be troublesome. It basically means that I am much more attracted to him than he is to me, even though he feels a strong attraction. But I am just more into him than the other way round.

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blue moon

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posted October 24, 2008 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
I'm not so familiar with Mars in Taurus. But I am curious about that, as Taurus is my Venus sign. And of course, it clashes with my Mars sign, Aquarius. Which makes fireworks.

Aqua, the same Mars sign, I don't know that well, it sounds fun. But is it more? Is there enough spark? It will be one end of my natal Mars/Venus Square so there is that chance.

So there is the clue for me ~ it is all the fixed signs that I feel most lured towards. They make the Opposition, the Square, the Conjunction, and they all set off my natal Mars/Venus Square into fireworks.

The same quadruplicity.

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posted October 24, 2008 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Julian and me:

Love: 87
friendship: 50
Sex: 140

mutual: 1 (strong)
mine to him: 1 (strong)
his to mine: 1 (strong)

mutual: none
mine to him: none
his to me: 1 (strong)

passion: 3 (powerful)
mine to his: 2 (dominant)
his to mine: 4 (supreme)

In a way that is the opposite relationship as I would have with Jude (not completely but almost).
In this case it seems that Julian would be much more influenced than me.
He would be more passionate about me and more emotionally attached.

The results are overall not bad, but as it is VERY unbalanced, they suggest the only possible relationship would be a highly passionate affair.


Love: 110
Friendship: 100
Sex: 130

mutal: 1 (strong)
mine to him: 1 (strong)
his to mine: 1 (strong)

mutual: 1 (strong)
mine to him: 1 (strong)
his to mine: 1 (strong)

mutual: 2 (dominant)
mine to him: 2 (dominatn)
his to mine: 3 (powerful)

As the results are so high and at the same time quite balanced (he feels a little bit more attracted to me than the other way round; a result I surely won´t be whining about ), they say it is a good result for:

love reltationship, friendship, romance and sexual, so every kind of personal relationship.

Actually someone posted their report on their forum, who had the EXACT same results and that is what the author of that system said to this report:

"Your compatibility for a long-term love relationship is just great! and can hardly get any better!!!

Not only the both of you posses all the required ingredients for such a relationship, but they are also very balanced between the two of you."


That was fun!

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blue moon

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From: U.K
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posted October 24, 2008 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
Earth signs go well with my Venus in Taurus.

That's a more harmonious, sensual experience. So here I must give honorary mention to the Mars sign preceeding mine by birth, Capricorn:

I know many Virgo Mars people, for some reason, but not in the intimate sense. It's a funny one to be curious about, but if it gets near my Pluto at the end of Virgo, it will draw in the Moon in the first seconds of Libra.

fire Mars signs

Leo is mentioned above.

Aries at the early degrees could oppose my Moon/Pluto or Uranus, which could be interesting. For a while. Like Sag by sign Aries is sextile my natal Mars by sign. That's nice, but not big on fireworks.

But Sag Mars Square my Moon/Pluto, thanks but... not sure it is really wise.

So there are my thoughts on Mars hitting Venus, Pluto and the Moon. On my chart you get Pluto, you get the Moon and vice versa.

water Mars signs

Scorpio we've mentioned. Cancer, also. Pisces is again a Venus/Moon/Pluto experience.

air Mars signs.

Aqua mentioned above.

Gemini and Libra are part of the trine experience, harmonious, fun, good for friends but not quite the same spark.

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 24, 2008 09:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

I`m not surprised to hear you fall for the fixed signs. After all you have Venus AND Mars in a fixed sign (it was Taurus and Aquarius, right?).
You know that fixed clash internally, no wonder you are attracted to them.

I`m pretty open towards Mars-signs actually; But I know that I feel pretty attracted, when there is some Pluto in the mix between Mars and Venus. Also, Mars-Venus-square would attract me. I mean, if he had natally a Venus-mars-square.

My Pluto is sextile my Mars and squares my Venus (Venus and Mars are semisextiles) and I could really fall for Mars or Venus in Scorpio or aspecting Pluto.

Ah I browsed a bit on the top synergy site and quote some of their personal report on Sean`s personality:

"Warm, loving and generous in his relationships, Sean Bean inspires tremendous devotion and loyalty in his loved ones.

Sean wants to be adored and worshipped like the royalty he feels he is, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and attention Bean lavishes on those he cares about. Sean Bean has a great deal of pride and needs to be recognized and appreciated. The way to really hurt his feelings is to ignore him

Sean Bean hates emotional games and dishonesty.
(Funny enough, I read an interview yesterday, where he said that in almost the exact words. lol)

Sean has an unusual sense of humor and enjoys acting a little bit crazy or outlandish sometimes. Bean craves excitement and emotional freedom and he likes to break the rules and take risks.

In a love relationship, Sean Bean is more interested in the person's sense of humor and intelligence than in her physique. Sean likes a partner who is mentally alive and keeps him guessing and Sean Bean becomes restless and bored with someone who never asks questions, changes or surprises him.
(Venus in Gemini I guess)

Sean Bean experiences powerful, compelling emotional and sexual attractions, and he may feel that he has little choice or control over his desires. Sean Bean has an intense need for love and may be emotionally greedy or insatiable. His love relationships are passionate and often tumultuous and painful as well. Jealousy, power struggles or possessiveness can become areas of conflict in his relationships

(One has to love that Venus-Pluto-square. lol)"

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Posts: 3198
From: Germany
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posted October 24, 2008 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Meta, you MUST check out Rafe`s personal report on relationships. You will lOVE it.

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