blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:22 PM
LEOMeta's @ Sun 14* blue's SN @ 17* AQUA blue's Mars @ 13* Meta's Moon @ 15* blues NN @ 17* TAURUS Meta's Mars 16* Taurus blue's Venus 18* Taurus SCORPIO Meta's ASC 11* blue's ASC 13* Meta's Pluto 15* What a p!sser we are both straight women, even the 20 years age difference isn't that big a deal With the Big Man himself LEO his Mars @ 16* blue's SN @ 17* AQUA His Sun @ 11 * His Saturn @ 13* blue's Mars @ 13* blues NN @ 17* TAURUS blue's Venus 18* Taurus SCORPIO blue's ASC 13* his Neptune 15*
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:25 PM
Oh, and I've seen End of the Affair. Stephen Rea was the husband, can't remember the others. I like him, so does mr bm who was particularly impressed with his performance in this one. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:25 PM
Should have known. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:31 PM
Ralph & Meta report with his birthtime at 10:30PM (middle of Virgo):"Love: 67 Friendship: 40 Sex: 130 Partners: 0 COMMITMENT: Mine-Average/below Mutual- Average/below Ralph's- 1 STRONG INTIMACY: Mine- Average/below Mutual- 2 DOMINANT Ralph's- 4 SUPREME PASSION: Mine- 2 DOMINANT Mutual- 2 DOMINANT Ralph's- 3 POWERFUL" I'm still not satisfied... b@stard report...! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:35 PM
BM, quote: LEOMeta's @ Sun 14* blue's SN @ 17* AQUA blue's Mars @ 13* Meta's Moon @ 15* blues NN @ 17* TAURUS Meta's Mars 16* Taurus blue's Venus 18* Taurus SCORPIO Meta's ASC 11* blue's ASC 13* Meta's Pluto 15* What a p!sser we are both straight women, even the 20 years age difference isn't that big a deal
Woah... no wonder i like you!!!! Too bad we're not lesbians, i could have taken you behind the Shoot & Squeeze and shown you how we do it in Pennsylvania! quote: With the Big Man himselfLEO his Mars @ 16* blue's SN @ 17* AQUA His Sun @ 11 * His Saturn @ 13* blue's Mars @ 13* blues NN @ 17* TAURUS blue's Venus 18* Taurus SCORPIO blue's ASC 13* his Neptune 15*
Aww... his Nep on your Venus- do you romanticize him, BM? AWWW!!! Tell me, how exactly do you feel about him? What does he evoke from you? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:36 PM
quote: Oh, and I've seen End of the Affair.Stephen Rea was the husband, can't remember the others. I like him, so does mr bm who was particularly impressed with his performance in this one.
So you liked the movie? Yes, it had Stephen Rea, Ralph, and Julianne Moore. Have you ever seen Guinevere? That's another movie with Stephen Rea in it. Loved his performance in that. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:36 PM
quote: crap, my Moon is just out of your preferred orb and it is on 17 Aquarius. Oh never mind. lol
That's Conjunct my North Node. Now you are scared.
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:37 PM
quote: Should have known.
What is THAT supposed to mean, missy?!?!?!! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:37 PM
End of the Affair is a great movie. I loved it!Grahame Green novel, right? Not seen Guinevere. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:40 PM
quote: End of the Affair is a great movie. I loved it!Grahame Green novel, right? Not seen Guinevere.
Yes indeed, 'tis a Graham Greene novel. Graham Greene's writing is very passionate as well. Hmm, well i haven't seen too much else of Rea's work. Are you a fan or anything? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:47 PM
quote: But without aspects to Venus-Pluto it jsut doesn`t feel like passion, you know?
Not everyone wants that level of passion and drama, they want something more gentle, more workable. Just like the aggression of hard Mars contacts isn't for everyone, either. If, like me, you have a Moon/Pluto contact, heavy contact with that might be something you try and avoid. This is certainly in some ways the case. There is potential trouble if Venus heads that way, and Mars is a real minefield. Venus signs coming up! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1279 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 24, 2008 12:50 PM
quote: Not everyone wants that level of passion and drama, they want something more gentle, more workable.If, like me, you have a Moon/Pluto contact, heavy contact with that might be something you try and avoid. This is certainly in some ways the case. There is potential trouble if Venus heads that way, and Mars is a real minefield. Venus signs coming up!
Holy smokes, BM, you're not a passion junkie?? You're not an intense, possessive, jealous Heathcliff-woman? How is that possible with your placements?! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 12:54 PM
I didn't mean me. I don't think I'm typical. In fact, I know it. Plenty of people seem to prefer a less volatile choice of relationship. Long-term, at least. Mr bm has Sag Venus ~ Square my Moon/Pluto. And, like you see, we have a Fixed Grand Cross. Moon/Pluto is quite a potent force, I don't really like Mars getting too close to it, I've had my little fingers burnt once. Bear in mind I have Mars Sesquiquadrate Moon/Pluto. Someone with Aries Mars at around 1 degree is going to trigger that off and sit on my Mars/Venus midpoint. As great as that might seem in fantasy, I'm not sure the reality of it might be quite so much fun.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 01:53 PM
~~Venus signs ~~As much as I like something a little grating to keep my Martial drive running and fighting ~ with a free choice I'd opt for a Venus sign that provides some synastric harmony. water
Scorpio ~ Opposes my Taurus. It's a slow-boiling fight. In women with a Virgo component is bound to set my teeth on edge. Kipper and curtains. I've argued with 2 men on this site who have this on their chart. I wanted to punch them, what chance would we have in real life? Cancer ~ if it clashes with my Uranus that is not going to be good. Someone is going to say a dazzling dramatic affair. However, I share this with 2 people in my family so I associate it more with being criticised for my lack of housewifely skills and having someone cry in front of me about how hurt they are over something trivial (like my tattoos) and making me want to RUN FAR AWAY.~ For that nice little piece of harmony, maybe a Trine to my ASC, or sextile to Taurus Stellium is possible. However, I also know someone like this very well and I have nothing in common them, I find them insular. Pisces ~ probably about my favourite Venus sign. With Aqua, this is about as good as it gets. Sweet, gentle, caring, but trouble if it gets opposite my Moon/Pluto. Of the right kind. summary ~> Pisces = sweet, Scorpio/Cancer = head for the hills air summary = no problems here Libra ~ good. It can't clash with anything, I only have Moon and Uranus in cardinal, they are O.K on the natal so this Venus sign tends to work harmoniously. Good, that's two of us in the house chug along with ease. Some people on LL seem to hate Libran charm but I'm not one. Gemini ~ At the end of the sign we are heading into Square with Moon/Pluto. At the beginning into my lazy T-Square, but Trine my Moon. In the middle, my Sun, and some happy Trines. Anywhere it goes it is workable. My dad has this Venus sign, we get on fine. Aqua ~ late on that could clash with the Taurus Stellium in the wrong place which might get ugly. Possibly. In the first degrees, Trine my Moon, that's about as good as it gets. summary ~> no problems here, harmony fire Sag ~ at the beginning it is joining in the Jupiter/Neptune end of the lazy T-Square. I might oppose my Sun which doesn't sound like an easy ride. But at the late end, it is Square my Moon/Pluto and of course this means dazzling passion. The tolerant intelligence of this sign goes down well with me. Leo ~ if that gets in the wrong place it could be clash time with my Taurus stellium. I can smell an argument. I tend to upset Leos so I'm not sure this is the greatest, in a friend maybe, but I'm not sure it would work in a co-habit sense. Too free-spirited, probably, they need more attention than I am likely to give. Aries ~ in the early degrees this is fireworks ~ because it will trigger off Moon/Pluto/Mars and the Venus/Mars midpoint. Great if it is Russell Crowe, not so keen if it is in the office. Though it will also Trine Jupiter/Neptune, which can't be that bad. Around the point it opposes my Uranus it makes my Grand Trine into a Kite. Actually, I like this one. What harm can it do? Nothing I'm not 50% in on. And I'm in! Bring it on! summary ~> Aries/Sag = yes Leo = hard work earth Taurus ~ that's me. It might not be so cozy rubbing up against my Saturn at the arse end of the sign, but aside from that we are good in our meadow. Virgo ~ it could clash with my Sun at a certain spot which I can't be having. At the beginning it is sitting at the apex of my lazy t-square, but that's my M.C so a strong connection. I'd like to meet the person who has this on my Pluto and moving into my Moon, I think I'd like them. The Virgo boys in the family are the ones everyone loved and I think there is a reason for that ~ I tick this box! Capricorn ~ I was about to diss this and remember my best bud has this one so I it is going to get a tick, just for that, lol. In the right place this is going to make me a Grand Trine. Hey, they won't cry on me about silly stuff, this has got to be a winner. summary ~> tick all boxes, we have harmony IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 02:30 PM
Stephen Rea ~> seems to crop up a lot in good British/Irish drama. Citizen X, that was a great film. He was also in Breakfast in Pluto, funny in that. mr bm ~> I've washed his underpants for 16 years. This isn't my idea of romance. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 24, 2008 04:40 PM
BM and Meta,passion: I think I have a lot of passion boiling underneath, but it`s easier for me to feel it from afar than in direct contact. I have been talking about my difficulties in choosing what I want. And I just thought it might have to do with my Venus and Mars. My Venus is in Capricorn squaring Pluto. My Mars is in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune and squaring Jupiter. Maybe it means that I indeed have a lot of controlled passion and intensity underneath, or that I control my feelings intensely. There is a lot of internal struggle and fear and depth and despair and feelings inside of me. But it is difficult to find an outlet. My Venus feels all that passion, even if she might try to keep it under control, but Neptune on my Mars dampens my chance of actively expressing this passion. Usually it all boils up until it explodes. I do have my emotional outburst from time to time, usually when I am alone at home, hearing music or watching a movie or reading. The trigger could be everything, a certain sound, a line in a book, a facial expression, and I can have an outburst of rage, despair, feeling passion all at once, seemingly out of the nothing. My mom told me that as a child when I came home from school, I would often let myself fall down to the earth and kick and scream, just to get all that pressure out of me. It`s something I share with my Dad. We, mum, Dad, my brothers and me, used to take a lot of walks, and on these walks usually into the wilderness, my Dad would start screaming / shouting now and then. Not because he was angry with us (he never shouted at us, but was just screaming or shouting), but because there was a lot of bottled-energy that needed to be released. He also has Mars conjunct Neptune (but his is in Libra). So, I guess I might have inherited that habit from him. And it might sound ridiculous that I can actually literally rage through my apartment and throw pillows at the wall (I am controlled enough to stay away from the hard things) and cry and shout. But it`s really just a releasing of energy, that would otherwise suffocate me from inside. And yes, I know this is not normal. But I rather have these outbursts inside my rooms than directing it towards things and other people, which I would never do and have never done (except in cases of defense). My father is actualyl the same, as he is the most peaceful harmony-seeking man I have ever seen. You should think that someone with so much unexpressed energy would have a tendency to violence, but it has never been the case with him. I guess his Aquarius-planets might help a bit there, too. I also think that those two of my placements may be a key-element of why I am attracted so much to actors, gay musical singers and the darker characters in movies like vampires or about all characters Sean Bean and Julian Sands play. lol
In my attraction to actors and those gay singers, I kinda project my Neptune on them, so my Mars is free floating. Freed from the Neptunian mist it can be pretty energetic and enthusiastic. In my fascination with those villains I can project my Pluto on them, so my Venus is released to feel the attraction. Of course I know that I should integrate Neptune as well as Pluto into myself. Also, I think a man for me would have to share this duality. The urge for openness, enthusiasm, positive, light energy, with a strong element of romance, fantasy or spirituality as My mars in Sag conjunct Neptune wants.
And also the need for the dark, deep, desparate passions and emotions that are within me as my Venus in Capricorn square Pluto sais. It`s interesting now that I analyse that. Jude has this duality, too. His dark side is clearly portrayed in his Cappy-Sun square Pluto, Pluto on the MC and Mars in Scorpio, while the open side is signified by his Venus -Neptune-conjunction on his Sagittarius-ASC.
Even Sean has that. A fierce Aries-Sun, proud and dazzling Leo-Sun, with Venus in Gemini opposite Jupiter - very positive energy. And yet his Mars is in emotional Cancer sextile Pluto and his Venus squares Pluto.
And in both cases their duality relates to mine through strong aspects. Interesting. I guess I can learn something from both of them. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 04:50 PM
You might think I'm mad but maybe a Trine to Saturn might help out here ~ to calm things down a bit. My husband's Saturn sits at one end of my Venus Square Mars. Saturn CNJ Mars gets a bad press, but it might just be something I need in my life. There seems to be plenty of Saturn CNJ Venus people in my family so I think I have subconsciously filled the gap. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3198 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 24, 2008 05:21 PM
Yes, I think Saturn can calm a bit and being a voice of reason. Regarding Venus I am a bit more picky, it usually has to be in a yin sign or Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini under certain circumstances.
Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces seem to be very attractive to me, too; Venus in Scorpio, sometimes, but surprisingly not that strong as the others. No Venus in Aqua or Leo for me though! Gemini is good if it falls into my 7th house, opposes my Sun or Mars, conjunct ms DSC, squares my Pluto or if the other`s Venus is in strong aspect to Mars, Saturn or Pluto. No Venus in Cancer, ususally. But there might be exceptions. Yet, Cancer quinkunx all my male Sag-planets and opposes my Cap-Venus. Venus in Libra happens, but usually in friendships. Would sextile my Sag-planets and trine my Moon and possibly conjunct my Pluto, but is not that attractive. Venus in Sag of course triggers my romantic side of Mars conjunct Neptune, but my own Venus in Cap might be a bit hungry, it`s not completely fulfilling, unless of course this Sag-Venus is natally connected to Mars, SAturn or Pluto.
Venus in Aries would possibly make a T-square with my Venus and Pluto; but Venus-Venus-square is nothign I like to have. But it would at least trine my Mars and ASC. Maybe a late Aries-Venus would be better, as it would trine my Sun with no chalenging aspects. Don`t know why I am so much into Taurus-Venus; it trines my Venus, opposes my Uranus, if it is in the beginning of that sign. Later on Taurus-Venus is a real bad idea - because of all the quinkunxes and a square to my Moon. The second half of Taurus is not for me actually. Venus in Pisces - yip, definitely attractive. My Mars conjunct Neptune loves that Neptunian vibe, and probably this Venus would square my Mars - strong attraction. So for me it would have to be an early Pisces Venus. The later would have squares to my Sun. Venus in cappy - I like. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 3649 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 24, 2008 05:38 PM
Venus Capricorn has that Saturnian flavour, but also softness, anything too hard and Saturnian is not good for that Mars/Neptune vibe. Actually mr bm has a T-Square involving Sun/Mars/Neptune amongst other guilty parties ... ie. Saturn. One of the problems with synastry is I don't have many charts of people I don't get along with ~ if I have them that's because we are related. Otherwise I would avoid them ~ there are people I know I just won't ever get along with, it's fruitless to try. But it would make for a comparative study. I don't think it is coincidence that by the time we run up charts there is going to be some connection. We have probably filtered out those degrees of the zodiac that are going to cause an impossible clash. Some clashes are passion, some are just painful in all the wrong ways. I don't think it is a coincidence I don't know any Scorpios. I liked my friend Mr Scorpio Mars, but he didn't have any other planets in this sign. The generation of men with Uranus and/or Pluto in this sign with the Sun also, this is just a nightmare with the Mars Aqua and Venus Taurus. Even over the 'net I get the bad vibes. It's just ~ not good, lol. No, Venus Scorpio, not good for me, and I hate to say there is a Moon sign I will always think NO! when I see it. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7251 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted October 24, 2008 11:03 PM
DD, you around?? I've become besotted with one of your countrymen..... Ottmar Liebert ~ ..... and with Andreas Vollenweider (DOB Oct 4th 1953) ~ imho, this is some of the prettiest music ever created, from the album "Down to the Moon," there's a song called "Water Moon" and a song called "Drown in Pale Light" that make this water moon shiver with delight:
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 24, 2008 11:09 PM
Ottmar Liebert is one of my favourite artists!!IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7251 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted October 24, 2008 11:16 PM
Yay, koi!! I've been listening to Ottmar on an internet radio station where you can select the artists and types of music you want to hear -- his "New Age Flamenco" really got under my skin Ditto Andreas Finally got my links (above) to work -- they are quite a few megabytes so will take awhile to download/listen to -- they include most of the album I mentioned..... IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Moderator Posts: 7251 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted October 24, 2008 11:32 PM
Another extraordinary guitarist I've been listening to:Billy McLaughlin (from right here in Mpls ) ~ IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 24, 2008 11:54 PM
time for NEW THREADIP: Logged | |