PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:11 AM
quote: If waiting to commit to paper marriage after living together is a delay on one hand, why count fiance, live-in partner or cyber-lover as 7th relationships? There's no consistency to rules, it's just taking what suits.
I think that is such a vital point because that whole fatalistic view is Vedic astrology and is used in relation to class structure, etc. And I don't abide by that. Because it doesn't allow for modern set-ups - that's right. It is rigid in that the couple are arranged (with or without their personal permission) and then they marry. It is not in their culture to live together beforehand. It just doesn't fit our structure.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 26, 2008 07:12 AM
Weird, how you all say that something internally important will happen, when I go and see Jude as Hamlet.A friend of mine said the same thing, repeatedly actually. She said I just HAD to go there, if anything in life was predestined, then it was that. No matter what exactly would happen or not happen at all. A crossroad. A glance behind the veil. Whatever. And I agree. Also, I am a tad different to you both, as I share the SN-Saturn-conjunction with Jude. Don`t know what that means. But we have an exact Karma-Saturn-conjunction, too, and his Destinn opposes my Saturn. (Destinn and Karma are like the asteroid equivalent of the nodal axis to me). England yes, definitely see that. Even though, having said that, I see myself in Ireland even more. I cannot describe how it felt when I made my first step onto that beloved ground again, so many years ago. I was about 17 years old and I started crying. Just because I touched the soil. Weird. And do not get me started on the stonecircle there. I also see myself in Middle england. And I know when I am in london I HAVE to go to Canterbury. I MUST know if the cathedral is the one from my dreams I had in my youth. I just need to go there. It feels pretty compulsive.
Sabian symbols, yes. Ì know it is much work, but I would include the Draco`s, too, and I think Eros and Psyche, Destinn and Karma and Juno might be important asteroids. (Personally I like Isis and Osiris, but that is a personal thing for me I guess).
Johnny Lee Miller - one of the best friends of Jude (another J-name ). Like him a lot. Saw him actually before I saw Jude in Dracula 2000. I think Jude may have been his best man on the wedding with Angelina, but am not sure about it. The trhee of them, Jude, Ewan and Johnny, once shared a flat.
Rafe - No, please do not make me go there. I avoided that for VERY long.
It was Koi, that made me realize that I actually had seen him in Schindler`s list all these years ago (I completely supressed that memory), and this might have been the subconscious reason I never saw a film with him again. The way this film, and especially his character, affected me is beyond words. Horrible? The understatement of the century. I was actually kinda blacking out during the whole film. I just wasn´t there anymore in my present life. I was somewhere else, and it started the minute Meta`s beloved appeared on screen. I was horrified, petrified, I was having physical symptoms, and later when it was all over, the film I mean, and I kinda awoke, I realized I was holding my arm and stating with surprise to myself that I still had that arm. I hadn´t felt it the whole film long. Yes, I know the film was supposed to terrify, but the terrors I experienced during watching, are beyond any explanation. Coincidentally, I switched on TV yesterday, and of course they showed Schindler`s list and whom did I see? I do not have to tell, do I? I can`t telly ou the nightmares I have been having last night. STill haven`t really recovered from them. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:14 AM
quote: Me neither, it's the wrong way around. I trust my intincts. I meet people ~ friends ~ and then astrology helps me understand them better and how we interact.
Yes, exactly the same here. It is almost on the astro forum that some people are pre-arranging their own weddings through the charts. Ironic that if someone else was to do this for most of them they'd object. It's no different to an arranged marriage. It's so funny when you think about it. Instinct is everything when it comes to partnerships. That's what I mean when I use the word "feel". It's how the person makes you feel, how you feel in their presence, in their absence, everything. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:19 AM
DDSchindler's List. I had very similar physical reactions to you. I didn't finish watching it. And also with The English Patient. Maybe I just can't watch Rafe. I don't know. But I watched The End Of The Affair. Maybe that means something in itself. And ending. Actually, I've been thinking - with Saturn and now Nessus, that I must have hurt Robert in that past lifetime and that it's too painful for him to encounter me. Maybe that explains the Saturn conjunct NN. That it's just not going to happen. Or, with Saturn being all it is - later in life. But I doubt it very very much. His Mars, Pluto and Uranus are on my South Node. That's pretty heavy stuff right there. So maybe he lost me somehow or I hurt him shockingly somehow and he can't handle the extent of the pain. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:22 AM
DDIsis & Osiris. I just haven't been able to relate to them yet. I'm open to them, but they don't seem to fit. Or maybe, the people just aren't right? That's not the dynamic. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 07:25 AM
PA That might have been the problem ~ quoting from Vedic and applying it in a modern Western sense. But even there I wouldn't put a casual affair under 7th rulership. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:27 AM
bm quote: Too slow even for me sometimes, I frustrate myself, lol.
I have all that Aries which makes me easily bored but also jump from one project to another. I also have Pluto in Virgo in 6th. And believe it or not - despite all that Aries - I have tremendous concentration. I can become completely immersed in something that is so intricate. And I like to get to the depths. Neptune in Sag in 8th. And I'm apt to take my time - even though I want to jump in there and know it immediately. I'll study something until I know it inside out. At work, leave me alone with my task and I'm fully devoted to it. I'm one of those people that is so immersed that I end up exhausting myself and mostly through sickness end up with forced rest which makes me detach. I'm starting studies again next year. So that's going to be interesting. With Uranus in Libra in 6th as well, it's going to be exciting. I really feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - even though I don't understand why - or even where I'm going with it, just yet. It "feels" so so right. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:35 AM
quote: That might have been the problem ~ quoting from Vedic and applying it in a modern Western sense. But even there I wouldn't put a casual affair under 7th rulership.
True. But maybe it has a different interpretation of "casual affair". From my understanding Vedic astrology goes by the creed that EVERYTHING is pre-determined - everything. So basically you're just living out a script. Why? I don't know. It makes no sense to me. And it makes a senseless life and pointless existence. I'll take the free-will option - thanks. So in it's rigidity - maybe it accepts (foresees) the date of marriage as the activation of "marriage" - and before hand is casual. Does that fit? I don't know. I just don't agree with it. It doesn't allow for free-will and it doesn't allow for responsibility of choices. And I see it as a way of the class conscious rich people controlling the poorer masses and also keeping them where they are by elevating themselves. I'm highly suspicious of it. I bought a vedic report for myself a few years ago out of curiousity and when it arrived I read a couple of pages and thought it was crap and threw it in the bin. I didn't even finish reading it. It's so black and white. This person will marry above their class. This person has cancer. Stuff like that. It tells you loss of children, partners, how you'll die. Even if it were true - who wants to know this stuff. Well, I know I don't. I'll live it one day at a time and try to have some say over tomorrow by the choices that I make for myself today.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 07:38 AM
The Geminian spirit is interested in everything But with Taurus Mercury it sits around and ponders ~ but the butterfly is still looking around, distracted. So I'm still stuck on the thought of the 7th house rulers and why I got irritated, the thread has moved on to asteroids and all the while whilst I'm wondering where my son has put the gluestick, so I can finish making the cards on the desk here. Just a little insight there, into my mind.  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 07:46 AM
quote: who wants to know this stuff
People who don't want to take any responsibility for their choices? Some things in life are beyond our control, or fault, like we discussed with the miscarriage situation earlier. But other things are ~ every adult on the planet should be able to come up with a self-criticism of where they could have tried harder and just didn't for whatever excuse. I could certainly give a list. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 07:56 AM
bm quote: The Geminian spirit is interested in everything
I see a lot of similarity between Gemini and Aries. I don't think the Aries spirit is too removed. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 08:01 AM
One is mind-based, one is action-based. I have to go, a shame I have enjoyed the thread this morning/night, a lot, much to ponder. I shall depart with this ponderance.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:01 AM
quote: But other things are ~ every adult on the planet should be able to come up with a self-criticism of where they could have tried harder and just didn't for whatever excuse. I could certainly give a list.
Yes, there a multitude of inexplicable things that happen - and that often don't have an answer. But for the ones where we are responsible, from a choice we have made - I'm not convinced that everyone is capable of taking the responsibility. Have you ever known someone who, when things were wonderful, they were happy to take credit, but when it all fell apart, they place the blame on someone or something else? It doesn't work that way. You can't have it both ways. You can't take responsibility for the good stuff and shirk it on the bad. It's not honest. I have a long list - I think anyone who doesn't is lying. But I'll wear it - knowing it was my choice. Some things genuinely are beyond our control. But there's a lot that we create ourselves. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 08:02 AM
Aries IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 08:04 AM
quote: Some things genuinely are beyond our control. But there's a lot that we create ourselves
Agreed. And we'll never run out of opportunities to put this basic life principle in astrological form whilst we post here. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:04 AM
bmMaybe it comes down to something really basic. Something that I can relate to. Maybe some things irk more than others because it's hard to believe the mindset behind them - how someone could believe or think something so utterly ridiculous or fail to see what is obvious to you. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:06 AM
bmYou need to give warning before posting that Sean pic. Oh Lord! What was I thinking? What was I going to say? LOL! Oh yeah! Enjoy your day. It's always a pleasure talking with you.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:07 AM
quote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some things genuinely are beyond our control. But there's a lot that we create ourselves --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agreed. And we'll never run out of opportunities to put this basic life principle in astrological form whilst we post here.
I think that's where astrology is useful in retrospect. Some things are clear in retrospect. Sometimes it's the only way. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 26, 2008 08:12 AM
Yep, got to go now. *pouts*But just had to come back to say ~ just thought ~ we both have Moon/Saturn contacts. Emotional maturity and refusing to be seen as a victim ~ does that strike a chord? Enjoy the rest of your evening, speak to you later! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:16 AM
quote: refusing to be seen as a victim ~ does that strike a chord?
Oh God yes! Absolutely true. Just pick up and keep going - because you have too. That is such a brilliant insight. EDIT: Because it's a sign of weakness to be a victim. And we probably both pride ourselves on our inner strength. But there is that Saturn lesson of wearing responsibility as well. Maybe in childhood we just learnt (from being told/shown) that whatever happened was our fault or doing. Which is a wound in itself, I guess. But parents can bury you as well as nurture you. And it's a defence. We just don't talk about it openly and woundedly like others. It's weakness. It wasn't safe for me to show emotion when I was little so I learned to hide behind a veneer of unemotion. I can do the best deadpan. During my second birth - I gave the appearance of being in no pain so well that the midwife didn't believe I was in labour at all - until she did a check and I was 7cm dilated and ready to push the baby out. LOL. That's extreme. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:34 AM
koiHave you looked at your compatability with Jen at Top Synergy? IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:36 AM
Taurus Ascendant? Or Cancer Ascendant? While it's more traditional for Cancer influence to give a round face, there is also a breed that have the longish face. The hair - the way it curls in - it's either Taurus or Cancer. But he feels so Earthy. His sexuality is very Earthy. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 08:52 AM
bmFor you. I think this is what we call a "double whammy". IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 09:03 AM
bm quote: Me 'n' Rafe Venus Opposite Venus Mars Square Saturn
Be grateful!  This is what you miss out on: IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 26, 2008 09:04 AM
There's a reason it's not permissable for public use. Just look at it!IP: Logged |