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Author Topic:   GODZALA

Posts: 5535
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posted October 26, 2008 09:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message
Ladies and gentleman, introducing to you one of the most esteemed actors of his time.

The star of such greats as:

The Boring Patient

Sleeper's List

Plaid In Manhattan

One gin Too Many

The CumScrubber

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posted October 26, 2008 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

One month after the airline incident, Fiennes again made headlines when he reportedly disturbed sleeping guests at Bruges, Belgium's posh Hotel Tuilerieen during a 5 a.m. naked pool romp with four women. The actor was a guest at the hotel while shooting the film In Bruges.

From wikipedia. Did you know this?

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posted October 26, 2008 10:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

Take a look at this. It's with birthtime. Have a look at may South Node - Pluto & Venus. SN/NN conjunctions. Plus Moon conjunct my IC. Saturn conjunct Eros. IC conjunct ASC. MC conjunct DSC. LOL!

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

Isis and Osiris works for me perfectly, but maybe the reason for this is, that I have an exact Isis-Osiris-conjunction which falls onto my Venus (orb: 1,5°).

Anyway looking at Sabians:
Blashke, who worked extensively with SAbians, sais one should also take the antiscia point into account.


6°41 Scorpio would have the antisica on 23°19 Aquarius and so on.

Why that degree?
I just realised that Rafe`s Draco Chiron and my Draco Saturn are on the 7th degree of Scorpio, and the Sabian for this is "Deep sea divers", which made me blush for a reason I don`t even know. Something about that term, no idea...

Jude`s Draco Amor is actually on the opposite degree, on 7th degree of Taurus.

It`s not the degree we have in common, but I thought it was interesting.

And Meta, if you read this, I am still not interested in your man.

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Posts: 3756
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posted October 26, 2008 10:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

are you sure you aren`t Madonna? You really seem to like her men.

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Posts: 3756
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posted October 26, 2008 10:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Let me give it a try:

22th degree of Cancer (21°00 - 21°59)
Antiscia 9th degree of Gemini (08° - 08°59)

Eros and Vertex on 22° Cancer

Venus and Chiron on 22° Cancer

Draco Destinn on 09° Gemini

- so the three of us have a connection to the degree / antiscia degree here

nope, but if he has been born a few minutes earlier, his DSC would fall onto the 9th degree of Gemini

nope, but we do not know his ASC

nope, but the cusp of his 5th house might fall onto 9th degree of Gemini

Seems to be something the three of us have in common, but not Jude, RDJ or Rafe, at least not necessarily.

Sabian would be

22° Cancer

- personally this Sabian fills me with a hard to describe emotional ache

09° Gemini:

Hmm, does it tell you anything, PA?

And why oh why do I have to think of Boromir? LOL

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

your aspects with Christian are really outstanding. Wow.

"His sun conjuncts my Moon."
The classical soulmate-aspect.

"His Psyche conjuncts my Eros."
"His Isis conjuncts my Osiris."
I know you do not like Isis and Osiris, but hey, two strong hints towards soulmates. What more could you want?
WEll, in the very least they symbolize a coming together of Yin and Yang energy, which would be pretty fulfilling.

"Mars conjunct Mars."
He is your masculine ideal. Or at least there would be some sexual sparks.

"His Moon conjunct my Venus."#
You`re his feminine ideal in a very emotional nurturing way.
He would deeply care for you, and you would adore him.

"His Chiron conjunct my Karma."
A karmic wound.

"His Pluto conjunct my Uranus, Descendant & Isis."
PRetty intense.

"His Pluto opposite my Sun, Ascendant, Chiron & Psyche."
More intensity. But maybe at times too intense and probing.
He could easily be trying to manipulate you or dominate you, which you woul´dn`t allow as the true Aries you are.
He could hurt you deeply, or heal you.

"His Moon conjunct my Mercury."
good emotional communication and unerstanding. You understand his feelings.

"His Moon conjunct my IC.
btw - His Amor is conjunct my IC too."
A deep emotional love of your inner core. He could feel at home with you.

"His Eros is conjunct my Psyche."
*gulps* PHew, you have that two times? In the tropical and the Draco`s?
Hmm, you sure you married the right man?

"His Nessus is on our South Nodes, opposite our North Nodes."
Maybe he played a very dark, obsessive role in a past life. Maybe there was potential danger or abusive situations, or just an uncontrollable desperate passion for you, and he was the one chasing you.

"His Eros is conjunct my Chiron, Ascendant, Psyche, Karma & Sun. That's huge!"
Yes, it is. You would totally turn him on!

"His Venus is also conjunct my Ascendant, Psyche, Karma & Sun."
You are the epitome of his ideal woman. He would feel very attracted to you and love you.

"There's a dw of Eros & Uranus if that means anything."
A strong erotic attraction that comes as a surprise, very sudden and completely unconventional.

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

if the three of us have been together in a life with Rafe, maybe PA and me were just servants and you were his wife or his beloved daughter?
Or his favourite maid? (Even though not in Manhattan )

Oh and in the Draco only look at conjunctions and oppositions.

My DC conjunct his Pluto
Definitely a very passionate connection. His power from a past life still influences your relationships needs today.

"My Saturn/Neptune opp his Venus/Isis"
This one is interesting. I do not know how to interprete it. But the image of the ideal femine woman, as it is embedded in the depth of his soul, is triggered by your SAturn and Neptune. The positive quality of Saturn and Neptune is the potential to make dreams (Neptune) materialize (Saturn). Maybe there takes some idealization place, if t the same time a certain fear to believe. AS if he is too good to be true.

His Natal/My Draco:

His Moon opposite my Saturn
Very karmic, but maybe there is some kind of fear of rejection very deeply involved here. Something about his emotional being might trigger that inside of you. But this is only true, if his Moon is really on that degree. Moon can move pretty much over the day.

His Venus opposite my Karma
Sure-shot past life love relationship (That is what Venus de India and IQ once told me, if Venus and Karma are in aspect; Jude and me have the same opposition in the tropical; PA and RDJ have the conjunction, and in all three cases it is their Venus and our Karma. Seems another aspect we have in common)

"His Pluto conjunct my Venus/Chiron"
Pure passion.
Venus Pluto has been called the Twinsoul-aspect. I am not sure it is true. If it was then Christian Bale would be my Twinsoul, as we share the dw conjunction of DRaco Pluto conjunct Venus, and I do not think he is my Twinsoul.

But nevertheless it is a very deep and profoundly passionate aspect.

It is really hard to let go of someone you share that aspect with, especially if it is embedded in your soul, as the Draco`s show.

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
I bet you can`t wait for my Draco aspects with Jude, now can you?

Tropical: (his first)

Sun conjunct Venus, Isis and Osiris
Moon conjunct Uranus
Venus conjunct Neptune and NN
Jupiter opposite Saturn
Saturn trine Moon
Saturn conjunct Karma and widely conjunct SN
Neptune conjunct Mars and ASC
Pluto squares Venus
Pluto conjunct MC
SN conjunct Saturn
ASC conjunct Mars, Neptune, NN and ASC
MC conjunct Pluto
Vertex conjunct Vertex, Eros and Destinn
Karma trine Chiron
Destinn opposite Saturn
Eros conjunct Juno
Eros trine Eros, Vertex and Destinn
Psyche trine Jupiter
Amor conjunct Psyche
Juno conjunct Mars and Amor
Osiris opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Nessus trine Psyche and Lilith
Lilith conjunct Amor, Mars, ASC
Lilith trine IC
Amor conjunct Lilith
Moon and Uranus trine LIlith

Draco - Draco (his first)

Sun conjunct Amor
Mars opposite Chiron
Jupiter conjunct Neptune
Uranus opposite Juno
Neptune conjunct Uranus
ASC conjunct Uranus
Antivertex conjunct Karma
Destinn conjunct Neptune
Destinn conjunct ASC
Eros conjunct Moon
Psyche conjunct MC
Amor oppoiste Saturn
Isis opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Pluto opposite Lilith

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
His Draco - my natal

Sun conjunct Juno
Moon conjunct Isis and Osiris
Venus conjunct Psyche (and Lilith)
Uranus conjunct Venus
Neptune conjunct Moon
Pluto opposite karma
ASC conjunct Psyche
Chiron opposite Sun
Chiron conjunct Nessus!
Lilith conjunct Moon
Vertex conjunct Pluto
Antivertex conjunct IC
Eros opposite Mars and Amor
Psyche opposite Eros and Destinn
Juno conjunct Moon

His Natal - my Draco

Sun opposite Juno
Moon opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Venus opposite Psyche and Lilith
Saturn conjunct Psyche and Lilith
Neptune opposite Moon
Pluto and MC conjunct Karma
DSC conjunct Moon
Lilith opposite Moon
Chiron conjunct Sun
Antivertex conjunct IC
Eros conjunct Amor
Psyche conjunct Eros and Vertex and Destinn
Amor conjunct Uranus
Isis conjunct Chiron
Osiris conjunct Juno

And yes I know, there are stronger Draco comparisions than that one.

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message

Sean`s eyes are green, green like the Irish sea, when it is churned up.

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
Will have a look at my aspects with Julian Sands, too. Why?
Well, don´t really know, but he somehow has gotten stuck in my mind, and it really starts bugging me. So maybe he will leave again, once I have done the aspect list?

Tropical (his planets first)

Sun opposite Saturn
Moon opposite Sun
Moon conjunct Nessus
Venus conjunct Moon
Venus trine Karma
Mars conjunct Mars, Neptune, NN and ASC
Pluto widely tirne Venus
Pluto square Mars
Chiron conjunct Moon
Chiron trine Karma
Karma conjunct IC
Karma opposite Pluto
Karma square Venus
Karma trine Mars, Neptune, NN and ASC
Destinn oposite Jupiter
Eros conjunct Sun
Eros opposite Nessus
Psyche trine Jupiter
Amor conjunct Chiron
Juno trine Pluto
Juno conjunct SN and DSC
Juno opposite Mars and Neptune
Osiris trine NN and ASC

Draco (his planets first)

Sun conjunct Moon
Venus conjunct Juno
Mars widely conjunct Venus (4,5)
Jupiter conjunct Amor
Saturn conjunct Antivertex
Saturn opposite Eros and Destinn
Uranus opposite Jupiter
Neptune conjunct Mars and ASC
Pluto conjunct MC
Chiron conjunct Juno
Psyche opposite Karma
Juno opposite Venus, isis and Osiris
Isis conjunct MC
Osiris opposite Jupiter
Nessus opposite Sun

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
His Draco - my natal

Sun opposite Mars
Sun conjunct DSC
Venus opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Mars opposite Uranus
Pluto opposite Vertex, Eros and Destinn
Chiron opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Lilith opposite Moon
Psyche conjunct IC
Amor opposite Jupiter
Juno conjunct Union
Isis opposite ERos, Vertex and Destinn
Nessus conjunct Aphrodite
NEssus opposite Part of Reincarnation

his natal - my Draco

Mars opposite Moon
Jupiter opposite Venus, Isis and Osiris
Uranus conjunct Chiron
Neptune conjunct Saturn
NN conjunct Saturn please tell me, I did not see, what I see.
NN conjunct Vertex and Eros
Lilith conjunct Mars and ASC
Karma opposite Karma
Psyche conjunct Eros, Vertex and Destinn
Amor opposite Nessus
Juno conjunct Moon
Osiris conjunct Chiron

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
PA and Meta,

" I can't help but think of Henry VIII."

I have always been fascinated with him, this time, and the time afterwards with Elisabeth and Maria Stuart. Actually I have been VERY fascinated with Maria Stuart, since I heard her name for the first time. I read it on the bookshelf of my parents, as the title of a play the author Schiller had written, and from then on I was bugging my teacher at school t hat I wanted to read it so much, and everyone was telling me it was too soon, I should wait (same with Oscar Wilde and the book about Dorian Gray).
I wanted to read it when I was only 10 or 11 years old, and I had to wait.
And later on I read some biographies on both women, as they interested me immensely, and even more so the time surrounding and preceding them.

I don`t know if there is any connection,b ut when Jude came into my focus, I had a dream, actually I had two dreams of him, which were continuations of each other, and they puzzle me until today.

I wrote about them in a mail, and i will quote the mail here, so I do not invent anything that I hadn`t written then.

I just reread the prequel to that dream for the first time in 3 ******* years, and feel like I will pass out any moment.

I will start with the beginning of the mail:

"BTW I had a dream again. It was a little bit weird.
Jude and me were sitting somewhere in the halfdark, I don`t know, where. And we obviously had just ended a kiss. (I would have appreciated it to start the dream a little bit earlier,s o I could have really felt the kiss. Would that have been such a hard task for my dreaming guidance?). However, suddenly I was getting really alarmed, and when I looked at him again, he has changed. HIs hair had grown blonder and longer, well, actually he has transformed in someone, who looked like Julian Sands .
I wanted to run away, but then I looked into his eyes and was enthralled. I think I even said something like: "It`s still your eyes. It always have been." And all at once, everything I was, my body, mind and soul calmed down and grew soft and still all at once. I felt as if I was floating. I didn`t understand what was happening to me, but it felt so right. So right, like nothing else in my life has ever felt before."

I only quoted this paragraph because of the mentioning of Julian Sands. So strange, that I completely forgot about that.

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Posts: 3756
From: Germany
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posted October 26, 2008 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for darkdreamer     Edit/Delete Message
But the dream I wanted to tell you about, which had Jude in it (in a way), took place on the night from the 1st to 2nd april 2005 (yes, I wrote downt he date).

"This dream felt different, even though I can`t really say what made it so different. SO, I was walking into a forest, but not a dense dark one. It was a friendly forest, with sunlight shinging through the trees. There was a broad path, and I walked on, until I saw a smaller path on the left. I slowed down, I was so curuious, cause I had never seen that path before. It was quite narrow, but you still could walk easily on it. It became darker, the more it led into the distance. The trees became dense and yet there was an inexplicable yearning to walk this path, to have a look, where it may lead. I knew I was probably losing my way, but I couldn`t do anything but walk down the smaller, darker path.
WEll, I only took a few steps more,w hen my mind suddenly turned blank, dark. Id idn`t fear anything. I didn`t see blackness, there was just...NOTHING.

And then all at once I found myself in a room with oldfashioned furniture, and I was wearing an oldfashioned dress, black with a little bit white around the collar. I was a widow, or rather I actually had been a bride-to-be, but my fiancee, whom I didn`t know very well, had died, and I visited his family to.. I don`t really know to do what, I guess to mourn with them. OR maybe I was on my own and it was planned that I should live with them. WEll, an older man welcomed me and introduced me to the members of the family. There were quite a few, but only two suck out to me. One of them was a young man; I guess my fiancee`s brother or cousin,w ho was different. NOt so rigid and polite as those other ones. He was tall, at least I thought so, and he had red hair, like the tone of copper. But his eyes were Jude`s eyes.

I remember that I felt so shy in this dream. And this young man, I don`t know his name (but a certain name just urges to come out, and it is something like Nikolaj or Nicholas), he was very playful and daring.
He certainly didn`t behave like a gentleman would. Whereas the others greeted me friendly by shaking my hand, he pressed a wet kiss onto my cheek, very brotherly of course. I was indignated, of course, and yet, during all these speeches and eating, I couldn`t keep my eyes from wandering to him over and over again. OH and I felt so embarassed, when he replied my glance with an open grin.
Of course I lowered my eyes. But I was so amazed.
The other guy was almost a boy, maybe my age, maybe one or two years younger (Peter or Henry, I am not sure about his name). He resembled Nick a lot, even their eyes had a similar colour, only his were a shade darker.

Then I remember that I was standing in the corner of the door watching them talking to the older man, and Nick looked up and blinked at me suddenly.
I was so absorbed with my thoughts of him, that I jerked when a hand was put on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a woman, probably the older man`s wife or maybe even a servant; she had a pitiful and yet wise look in her eyes as she whsipered to me: "Lady Katherine, that wouldn`t be appropriate."

That was the dream No 1, but I dreamed a continuation of that dream a few weeks later on. I`m actually a bit embarassed by that dream, because it just sounds like taken from a cheesy novel, maybe I should delete it, when you have read it.

"It was night and I was quickly down a path that led into a thick forest. I walked on, until I reached a clearing. It must have beens pring, cause it wasn`t really cold, but nevertheless I wore a cloak. I stood there for some minutes, waiting, hesitating, with the nagging feeling it was wrong to be here. What would the family, what whould they all say, if they ever learned about that? It just wasn`t appropriate to be here, to foul their kindness this way. They had shown so much compssion to me, they took me in, they treated me like their own family and how was I going to repay them?
Well, the thoughts of guilt and shame made me decide to go back again. But before I could turn around to do as I had decided, I suddenly felt a warm breath against my neck and a male voice said: "You have come."
I froze a little bit, but didn`t turn around. Instead I just said: "Yes, I have. But..."
But whatever I wanted to say, I didn`t get to finish, for he sighed and said: "I know, you are a respectable lady." While speaking he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind and then untied the knowt of my cloak (it was tied around my lower throat) and let the cloak sink down onto the grass.
I could hardly breathe, but somehow managed to say: "Not so respectable at all, given where I am now. I can`t believe I really came here."
He pressed a short kiss onto my cheek and whispered: "I`m glad you did."
He started stroking my upper arms, then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him.
I tried to remember what I wanted to tell him and said: "Nick, I must talk to you."
"Go on." he said.
I tried to grip his hands to stope them from moving and distracting me. But it didn`T work as I had intended it, for now he was raising one of my hands to his lips, kkissing the palm of my hand.
However, I kept on speaking: "This is not appropriate. We must not meet. WE must not touch. This is wrong."
And he said in the softedst voice I have ever heard: "You`re so reasonable." And then he continued: "But I am not."
And he kissed my neck.
But I continued: "But what shall I say on Sunday in church? I possibly can`t speak about that during my confession." (I really don`t know, why, but it seemed to be rather important for me to make my confession. And I am not even catholic!)
He rested his head on my shoulder and said: "You can make your confession to me."
I swear, I heard a smile in his voice, and I couldn`t help but smiling myself, and willing to play along I said: "Father, I have sinned."
And he answered in a very pathetic tone: "What did you do, my daughter?"
I said: "I`ve had impure thoughts about a man."
And him: "Tell me more, child."
Me: "And when he asked me to, I complied and met him at night and I .."
"Yes?" He turned me around in his arms; even though he was smiling, there was a serious expression in his eyes.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and fell silent.
"What did you do, my daughter?" he asked, an urgent tone in his voice.
I smiled up at him and said: "I surrendered.".

That was the dream, I warned you it was going to be cheesy and silly.

I don`t even know why I wrote it down. I shall delete it soon, I guess.

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Posts: 1851
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posted October 26, 2008 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for meta_4     Edit/Delete Message

One month after the airline incident, Fiennes again made headlines when he reportedly disturbed sleeping guests at Bruges, Belgium's posh Hotel Tuilerieen during a 5 a.m. naked pool romp with four women. The actor was a guest at the hotel while shooting the film In Bruges.

From wikipedia. Did you know this?

No... no i didn't...

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Posts: 1055
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posted October 26, 2008 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for koiflower     Edit/Delete Message

PA - fire away with your question!!!

Will be back tonight (but only for a short time )

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blue moon

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posted October 26, 2008 05:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
Sharpe's Peril is on the T.V next week.

According to my dad Sharpe started his career in India, he didn't end it. It's all wrong!

Sean is looking raggedy and rough in the ads, showing his age. Great! The rougher he looks the more I (and all the other women over 35 in the U.K) like him.

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blue moon

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posted October 26, 2008 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
I've got a friend looks a bit like Beanie (after a few drinks), but the upper-crust version. The strangle shot is a bit reminiscent of him, it's the hair, though his has a bit more strawberry in the blonde.

Pictures from the Mighty Bean dot com

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posted October 26, 2008 06:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

Cool. Have you always had feelings of attraction towards women - something that you were aware of at an early age - or did you fall in love with someone and they happened to be the same sex as you?

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posted October 26, 2008 07:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

And Meta, if you read this, I am still not interested in your man

She's lying! Secretly, we all want the great Rafe.

Hey - is that like Grape Ape. But only - Great Rafe?

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posted October 26, 2008 07:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

are you sure you aren`t Madonna? You really seem to like her men

No - I don't really like her men. I find Guy intruiging but that's about it. I figure the more I learn about him the more common he becomes and the more I won't like him. For someone who has a high class background, he seems to lack some class.

The reason I did the synastry with Sean Penn was because in astrotheme when I was looking at certain aspects his name kept appearing. Which made me curious. As you will well understand.

There is room for only one Sean in this thread. I think bm has it covered quite well. And, of course, there is duly only room for one Rafe!

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posted October 26, 2008 07:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

22° Cancer

- personally this Sabian fills me with a hard to describe emotional ache

It's waiting for something (someone) to make their way to you.

The knowledge that you cannot do a thing about it but wait - until they are ready.

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posted October 26, 2008 07:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

09° Gemini:

Hmm, does it tell you anything, PA?

Can only mean two things.

1. Cupid = love.
2. War.

Fine line perhaps?

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Posts: 5535
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posted October 26, 2008 07:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message

if the three of us have been together in a life with Rafe, maybe PA and me were just servants and you were his wife or his beloved daughter?

I nearly fell of my chair when I first read that earlier this morning. Because..... THAT is precisely how I have seen this play out. Meta was in a place of privelige with him. I assumed wife - chosen wife - as in arranged, perhaps. Maybe she really loved him and had that feeling that she could never quite get close enough to him - he wouldn't let her in - and it spills over to this lifetime where she still wants to probe him (and heal him).

Sorry meta - we'll just talk about you like you're not here for a moment. Sheesh! Feel free to join in and help us work out your past. What do you get? But, quite honestly, I don't know if you have the detachment necessary to see what's there when it comes to Rafe.

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