23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 27, 2008 08:25 PM
Choice Bro TAFE!IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:25 PM
BM, quote: If we lived in the same town we would be drinking wine and talking about how the postman has a nicer arse than the butcher. That not being possible, this is an amusing alternative. I don't really believe in past lives or karma. I don't eat meat either, but the butcher in our town is quite fit, I noticed when I went to buy a bottle of milk from his shop.
LMAO! We would! That's so true. You're a vegetarian??? I'm a vegan! We really are a perfect match! But no, i know you're not switching teams- even for me. But that's ok, i like you dearest, but i've got man-fever. I'm pretty sure there's no cure for it. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:27 PM
quote: the only fantasy I have of him is to catch his eye and notice me for that one split-second
I get that. Because that's all it takes for recognition. And yes, that is doable. Whereas I can understand if you believe anything else is unattainable, but that - most definitely. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:27 PM
quote: Yeah, so feast your eyes on this. In a past life he shinned up triple ladders and cleaned out the guttering of my house.
ROFL!!! You're too much!! IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:27 PM
quote: I'm going to have to buy a laptop so I can communicate with you while I'm at school during the day next year. I swear you guys keep me sane. I say school because I don't want to use the term college because it's a technical college - TAFE for 23 as she'll know - saying college makes it sound grander than it is.
If you abandon ship, PA, i'll have to hunt you down and hurt you... IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 27, 2008 08:30 PM
Also recognition is still fantasy if you know what I mean, taking it further becomes reality and who knows what way that will go. Maybe you're right PA, maybe I like ambiguity. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 08:31 PM
Never say never, and all that. But generally I work on the principle that most people I meet aren't desperate to have sex with me, mostly they are either polite or moderately friendly. Every now and then things might progress to something dramatic like going out for a drink or round their house for a bottle of wine. Or the cyber-equivalent. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 27, 2008 08:33 PM
Maybe I like control. Maybe that's my problem. I like control. I'm an Aqu. I don't like things that make me loose control. He made me lose control before. You can control fantasy, reality is controllable to an extent. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 27, 2008 08:34 PM
BM - I think the friendliness you mention is also important re meeting celebrities. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:36 PM
quote: Never say never, and all that.
True. quote: But generally I work on the principle that most people I meet aren't desperate to have sex with me, mostly they are either polite or moderately friendly. Every now and then things might progress to something dramatic like going out for a drink or round their house for a bottle of wine. Or the cyber-equivalent.
Well BM, you never know. Underneath that friendly smile of the stranger in the street there could be a burning desire to do sexual things that are illegal in some states!  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:38 PM
quote: If you abandon ship, PA, i'll have to hunt you down and hurt you...
Not abandoning. But I know I'm going to be very very busy next year. And I won't be able to do the 3am times like I do now. More to do than pack the kids off to school. I want to be coherent for my studie. This is really important to me. I want it so much - so bad. And I want to do well.
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 08:40 PM
This is the one ~ you must have put this up on one of the Godzala incarnations. The thick lines are hiding the kite but it's there. Trying to find some kite stuff IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 08:42 PM
quote: Kite The Kite configuration consists of a Grand Trine with one of the planets making an opposition to a fourth planet which in turn makes sextile aspects to the two others of the Grand Trine. The Kite has a balance between the easy-flowing energy of the Grand Trine and the more grounding and maybe difficult energy of the opposition.
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:43 PM
quote: Not abandoning. But I know I'm going to be very very busy next year. And I won't be able to do the 3am times like I do now. More to do than pack the kids off to school. I want to be coherent for my studie. This is really important to me. I want it so much - so bad. And I want to do well.
Yes, Godzala has become something of an obsession to us all, has it not? We're great friends, i think. We probably know more about each other than some of our dayd-to-day friends know about us. I wish you well. I hope you do wonderfully. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 08:45 PM
Friendliness ~ people get switched off from celebs if they persistently act grumpy and up their own butts. Everyone has an off-day, but if it starts to look like not a coincidence.... IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:46 PM
quote: This is the one ~ you must have put this up on one of the Godzala incarnations. The thick lines are hiding the kite but it's there.
Yeah, i see it BM. But i just thought that was a "Grand trine" not a Kite. Thank you for posting my chart and the little snippet about the configuration.  Yeah.. i guess i am guilty of focusing on the negative instead of the good that could come out of m placements. I put too much emphasis on what and how i am being hindered. Not enough on what gifts i am being given. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:47 PM
quote: We're great friends, i think. We probably know more about each other than some of our dayd-to-day friends know about us.
Most definitely.  quote: I wish you well. I hope you do wonderfully.
***mwah*** Thank you.  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 08:51 PM
Well you should feel very lucky. The Mars/Pluto Opposition is not an easy one, and here it is one part of your Grand Cross. BUT it is also the main leg of the Kite. You have the Grand Trine, a gift, but a muscle that needs to be flexed. To make it easier for you to do this, you have the Mars/Pluto stuck across the middle, like the stick in a kite. That is a VERY important opposition for you, one to work on. The chart you have there says everything ~ somehow you have managed to pick a version that draws it badly and emphasises the potential trap of the Grand Cross but hides the Kite. Dump that one and get a better one drawn up. There must be one on Astro. That's a suggestion, not an order, btw. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 08:51 PM
quote: Friendliness ~ people get switched off from celebs if they persistently act grumpy and up their own butts. Everyone has an off-day, but if it starts to look like not a coincidence....
Whatcha mean? That some people, "celebs" are truly @ssholes? LOL! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 27, 2008 09:01 PM
I think your chart will look better with the web default style. I tried that compared to the Classical style and the others that made the lines thick. On mine it drew in too much blue. There's plenty of red there, I want to be able to see it, that's the bit I need to work on. Celebs are just people with high-profile and often glamorous jobs. They're not really anymore interesting or attractive than anyone else, they're just more accessible. O.K, possibly they might be more charismatic. Swap Christian Bale with one of our librarians, people might be raving over them, not him. And he can help me on the late night shift and get some of the books shelved. Time for some cr@p telly, to make sure I am good and tired for bed. The clock change has messed up my sleep patterns. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 27, 2008 09:33 PM
quote: Well you should feel very lucky. The Mars/Pluto Opposition is not an easy one, and here it is one part of your Grand Cross. BUT it is also the main leg of the Kite. You have the Grand Trine, a gift, but a muscle that needs to be flexed. To make it easy for you to do this, you have the Mars/Pluto stuck across the middle, like the stick in a kite. That is a VERY important opposition for you, one to work on. The chart you have there says everything ~ somehow you have managed to pick a version that draws it badly and emphasises the potential trap of the Grand Cross but hides the Kite. Dump that one and get a better one drawn up. There must be one on Astro. That's a suggestion, not an order, btw.
Thanks BM. Really. I think i have this idea because in the reports i've read it focuses on how people with the Grand Cross have constant difficulties. And Mars/Pluto isn't a walk in the park either. So i've only gotten one side of the story, really. But yes, i'll have to set that aside and focus on the good that can come out of all of this. Good is good, ya know? IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 27, 2008 10:20 PM
quote: Celebs are just people with high-profile and often glamorous jobs. They're not really anymore interesting or attractive than anyone else, they're just more accessible.O.K, possibly they might be more charismatic. Swap Christian Bale with one of our librarians, people might be raving over them, not him. And he can help me on the late night shift and get some of the books shelved.
The jobs appear glamourous to us. But are they really glamourous? Making films doesn't sound so sexy to me in reality, maybe fun or stimulating. Doing 55 takes on a song or media releases doesn't sound glamourous to me either. I'm not sure if celebrities are literally accessible, they are accessible because media promotes them and we feel that they have come to us and developed a personal relationship with us. In reality, they would be hard to track down of course and their image might not match their reality. I often wonder whether I would find the celebrities that I find attractive attractive in reality*. I often walk through the streets and might see the occasional attractive person but more often than not the sensation isn't as confronting as seeing the hot celebrity the first time. Rather in reality, it seems to be a bit of a build up, the more you get exposed to the person, the more attraction you develop towards them. Occasionally, there is the person that you get floored by. In celebrity, the attraction seems to be more immediate or at least develop faster. I wonder why that is? Is it because they are 2-D and they are easier to relate to or the attraction is easier to develop that? I think I'd find the celebrities that I like physically attractive in reality, they generally correspond to how they look like in image in APPEARANCE, however as I said before, reality would add other dimensions to them that we have been ignoring or not privy to. I think that's the problem I have with my crush, I can see reality seep into it and it does not match the original attraction. Make sense? I also think that BM's transposition is very interesting too. I've thought before how I would be viewed if I was to be famous. Would I be considered more desirable for instance? This leads me to another point, because these people are placed on a "pedestal" and seen to be desirable by others (eg people around us commenting on how "hot" they are), does that make us feel that we want them because they are desired heavily by the general population? This leads to another thing of image manipulation too. For example, photos of men with many women hanging off him. It shows he is desired by more than one, this triggers possibly competition in a female viewer's brain and maybe makes them more desirable to a female. I can think of one picture in the Siren album cover (and searched high and low on the net to try and find it but no luck) where Ferry is dressed in a GI suit sitting on a chair with his legs far apart and a somewhat comical/whimsical face. He has two women draped on him with in strapless dresses with lips parted ready to do what he wanted. It's a terribly clever photo because it tweaked my competition button and I wanted to get the girls off him and claim him for me and the picture was done both seriously and comically. I'd seriously consider buying the album just to show you the photo. However, not every celebrity can do it, it's a fine line between sexiness/humour and the grotesque. However, it just shows you the power of image. * This is because I identify and there has to be an element of some identification there in reality. For example, when you see an interview with a celebrity, not all of it can be acted out, some of it has to come from the truth within the celebrity, eg as PA put it a laugh or a look in the eye etc, emotions that cannot be acted out on the spot. PA said we act on instinct when we deal with these attractions, we do it in reality too I think. When we look to attraction in reality, we as straight/gay women often are attracted to men/women to things that remind us of our loved ones somehow or of ourselves. The same goes for celebrity. Question is then, is there something in ourselves that reminds us of them or of their loved ones, for example, appearance or behaviour? If that is the case, then reality comes into play and there would be a real attraction. This is what synastry is about I guess, particularly the 1st and 7th house, the mirror effects. However, to go back to the original point, I'm sure the celebrities would still be attractive but not intoxicatingly attractive, I'm sure some of the attraction is due to glamourousness we "see" in their job. Eg JT in the Rio videoclip playing soldier and having fun in the sun. I know in reality, the tropics has got its down sides (crocs, mozzies, cyclones, sweating, mould) but on the video it's sexy, all the problems disappear. I still don't quite understand why I buy the lie, do I just like being seduced by fantasy because the truth is painful and boring? Maybe this is what my Neptune (fantasy) - Mars (in Gemini, rational) opposition is about. ...and I should say that celebrities fantasise and are starstruck about other celebrities too that they have not met. You can see that they aren't immune to "image" either. ...Anyway enough of my ranting. Just tell me to shut up if I have a stream of consciousness. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1055 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 28, 2008 02:28 AM
"Ring? What ring? I'm not wearing a ring"
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1055 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 28, 2008 03:23 AM
Okay, so that was really corny........
quote: Anyway enough of my ranting. Just tell me to shut up if I have a stream of consciousness.
I think not! Keep it rolling!!! IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4096 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 03:40 AM
RDJ strikes a pose.Koi - really? Sometimes I feel I rant and rant and I'm kinda embarrassed by it all. Just look at the passage above! IP: Logged |