meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 10:23 AM
quote: Yes, Pluto rules my chart, I'm Scorpio Rising. Pluto/Moon Trine Saturn says a lot about me ~ that's the sensible part. I don't feel watery? That's probably because I don't have any water planets. Everything is below the surface (Pluto). But on the draconic chart I have 7 water planets.
Yes, i know you're Scorpy Rising, but i thought you meant Pluto was the dominant planet in your chart. Like, it has the most aspect to it. "Plutonian"- ya know? Nevermind. I'm retarded. Anywho, you SEEEEEEEM watery but at the same time you don't. Does that make sense? I feel like you're emotional and sensitive and sentimental but none of that is obvious or brimming over the top. Maybe it's because in your natal you're not watery but in your Draco you are. You're confusing my feelers, BM! Damn you! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 10:24 AM
meta,yes, even if they were in that lifeline, maybe they didn`t have contact with you or Ralph. They are working with each other now, so they maybe have encountered each other before. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 5535 From: Australia Registered: May 2008
posted October 28, 2008 10:25 AM
I have to go - I truly feel ill. And I have to get up in a few hours and go and help at school.Have a really wonderful day/night everyone. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 10:26 AM
quote: meta, yes, even if they were in that lifeline, maybe they didn`t have contact with you or Ralph.They are working with each other now, so they maybe have encountered each other before.
This is true. But how do they connect to you? How do you see them playing a role in your lives? Does PA feel connected to Jude? And where, too. Where do you see them? IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 10:26 AM
quote: I have to go - I truly feel ill. And I have to get up in a few hours and go and help at school. Have a really wonderful day/night everyone.
Get better, ok? IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 28, 2008 10:31 AM
A sip of whiskey will sort you out. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 10:31 AM
Meta,I can`t answer that question at the moment. Well, if this relates somehow to the dream I posted, then I guess, it was a secret. And noone was supposed to know about him and me. But not sure it relates to that. PA, I can understand that with the nightmares and all. It did affect me badly,t oo, but luckily I didnīt have nightmares, even though I still can`t look at pictures of the towers. But then what sense would there be? Maybe you`ve had a previous experience with an explosion? In my case the fear revolves more around open fire, and loud noises. Fireworks are not a pure joy for me, especially with the noises. Have a good night with pleasant dreams.  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 10:33 AM
quote: A sip of whiskey will sort you out.
LOL. When all else fails..! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 28, 2008 10:36 AM
Low on Cardinal, hmm, that pretty much builds into the rest of the chart. I'm not exactly a dynamo of ambition and energy. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 12:08 PM
PA and Meta,call me crazy, but I did the synastry with Julian Sands, particularly in regard to the newfound asteroids. his tropical - my tropical
his Moon opposite my Sun his Moont rine my Adonis his Moon conjunct my Nessus - possibly his Venus conjunct my Moon his Venus trine my Karma his Venus trine my Aphrodite his Mars ocnjunct my Mars his Mars conjunct my NN his Mars conjunct my ASC his Pluto squares my Mars his Juno opposite my Mars his Juno trine my pluto his Juno conjunct my SN and DSC his Karma conjunct my IC, opposite my Pluto and squares my Venus his Karma trine my Mars, ASC and NN his Destinn conjunct my Persephone his Eros conjunct my Sun his Eros opposite my Nessus his Amor conjunct my Chiron his Aphrodite conjunct my Saturn his Adonis trine my Destinn his Proseprina oposite my Eros, Vertex and Destinn DRaco - Draco
his Sun conjunct my Moon his Venus conjunct my Juno his Mars conjunct my Venus his Saturn opposite my Vertex, Eros and Destinn his Chiron conjunct my Juno his Destinn conjunct my Aphrodite his Psyche oposite my karma his Aphrodite opposite my Moon his Adonis conjunct my Sun his Proserpina conjunct my psyche his persephone opposite my Venus his NEssus opposite my Sun and Proserpina his natal - my Draco
his Venus conjunct my Adonis his Mars opposite my Moon his NN conjunct my Saturn, Eros and Vertex his Juno conjunct my Moon his Karma opposite my Karma his Psyche ocnjunct my Vertex and DEstinn his Psyche conjunct my Eros his Draco - my natal
his Sun opposite my Mars his Sun conjunct my DSC his Venus and Chiron opposite my Venus his Pluto opposite my Vertex, DEstinn and Eros his Juno conjunct my Union and Adonis his Psyche conjunct my IC his Amor conjunct my Persephone his Aphrodite conjunct my Mars his Aphrodite conjunct my ASC his Adonis opposite my Aphrodite his Proserpina conjunct my SN his Persephone conjunct my Adonis his Nessus conjunct my Aphrodite IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 01:32 PM
Meta,I hope you`re not upset, but I looked at your synastry with Ralph. I just couldn`t imagine that the strong feelings wouldn`t show. And they do. I think it`s very passionate synastry, but not so soaked in power-plays like his with me or PA. Of course there is still a certain degree of power and willfullness here - he is still Ralph after all and you are not a weak person either -, but I think there is more emotional attachment in here. But if you object to me posting it here, I will delete it. Just let me know. Tropical - Tropical (his first) Venus trine Venus Venus conjunct Pluto Venus opposite Mars - this means he "docks" at the most important opposition in your chart, and he does it with his Venus; actually I wouldnīt need to look any further, this constellation alone speaks of your passion for him, and I guess it would be mutual. I can`t imagine that he wouldn`t feel it. Saturn conjunct NN - still don`t know what to make of this one
Pluto conjunct Aphrodite - ah now things are getting REALLY interesting. All three of us have connections to his Pluto. ON these 3 degrees of Virgo there are his Pluto your Aphrodite and DRaco Venus my Persephone Pa`s SN Well he may have had power over PA (his Pluto on her SN) and he may even have abducted me (his Pluto conjunct my Persephone), but he surely was attracted intensely to you (his Pluto on your Aphrodite and Venus). Your whole synastry with him "stinks" of Pluto-Venus. Interestingly Aphrodite / Venus and Persephone were fighting over a man (even though it was Adonis, not Pluto), has there been some competition going on between you and me? Your Draco Venus and my tropical Persephone are on the very same degree with the SAbian: AN ARISTOCRATIC FAMILY TREE Were we relatives? Sisters? Distant cousins? Your Destinn conjuncts his SN - a destined past life-experience with him.
And as you may remember it conjuncts his Draco Nessus and my Draco Pluto and Draco Aphrodite. Another hint to a clash between the three of us? Acutally Pa`s Draco Eros falls there, too, so it seems to be a thing between the four of us. For PA, me, and even Rafe the DRaconic planet`s are triggered, focusing on the past life-dynamic, but your tropical Destinn is triggered. Whatever happened then seems to have a big influence on your present life. I guess he was a true womanizer with a pretty dark side (his Draco Nessus), and somehow PA (her Eros) and me (my Aphrodite) triggered that side inside him, and you had to find a way to deal with that side of him. his NN conjuncts your Persephone - well Persephone was abducted by Pluto or followed him voluntarily, because she had to learn something "below", something that was hidden in her subconsciousness, she had to go deep down inside herself to find the root of her personality, which is passion. I guess he, his present self, somehow triggers that need in you.
his Juno opposite your Karma - so he was married to you in a past life; the first of several hints towards past-life-marriage
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 01:38 PM
DD,Your syn with Julian is insane. In.Sane. You have the Venus/Karma connection- past love. You also have the infamous NN/Saturn conjunction. The rest of the synastry is heavy. Very heavy. How much is he influencing you? What was it like when you FIRST saw him? Anything?? EDIT: You have Eros/Psyche AND Persephone/Adonis. There can't be any question in your mind now that there was a connection before.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 01:43 PM
(cont.)his Eros conjunt your Pluto on 16° Scorpio To me this is one of the strongest aspect for intense, powerful erotic attraction and passion. And the Sabian is so cute A GIRL'S FACE BREAKING INTO A SMILE. "It introduces us to a series of responses to human experience and pictures a glowing WARMTH OF FEELING." his Amor conjunct your Karma - in the past you experienced being loved unconditionally by him
his Adonis conjunct your Pluto - of course another sign of attraction. You are spellbound by him, and since Pluto is triggered, that magnetic appeal holds tremendous power Draco - Dreaco his Saturn conjunct your Sun and opposite your Moon - I suppose he was much older than you. He was responsible for you and probably had some control over you. He had to decide for the both of you and take all the responsibility. And probably he liked this position. He definitely held onto you and wouldn`t have let you go so easily. But maybe at times you felt a bit stifled by all this seriousness. his Chiron conjunct your Aphrodite maybe he felt a bit fear towards your seductive appeal as a woman. his Juno opposite your Nessus You vehemently pursued marriage with him. his Destinn opposite oyur Juno and conjunct your DSC it was his Destiny to be married to you his PErsephone conjunct your Pluto it seems, this time around you abducted HIM. You held a considerable amount of influence over him. And of course as Pluto you were completely infatuated with him. Draco - Tropical his Venus conjunct your Venus, but also opposite your Saturn - you loved each other deeply, but somehow there were also blocks, restrictions. Maybe you couldn`t act on your love you wanted (both of you) for some "social" reason or any other reason, which frustrated the two of you greatly
his Pluto opposite your Juno and conjunct your DSC - he was as obsessed with you as you were infatuated with him. Yours must have been a very passionate marriage his Nessus opposite your Jupiter and Persephone. On the one hand he was obsessed with you and chasing you (Nessus-Persephone), on the other hand you were probably the only one who could ahve a calming effect on his pretty harsh desire nature (your Jupiter aspecting his Nessus). I guess you had some soothing influence here, which was good for PA and me,t oo. Remember her Draco Eros and my Draco Pluto and Draco Aphrodite are part of this, too.
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darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 01:50 PM
(cont.)Natal - Draco Venus opposite Karma a past life romance as I have already mentioned, and this opposition actually overlays your Mars-Pluto-opposition, so whatever Mars-Pluto means to you today, seems to have its roots in a past life (your Draco Karma) and he, his love-nature and the way he pictures women is probably an important part of it his Pluto conjunct your Venus and oposite your Saturn - I already analysed this in the first post on your synastry-analysis, the fact that you have been so passionately in love with each other (something that spans into this life, because the conjunction is repeated in tropical, too), but your Saturn opposing this again emphasises some form of restriction on expressing your love. Maybe it wasn`t received well, if married partners were TOO passionate about each other, or there were some physical or psychological handicaps involved. His SN conjunct your Psyche Well, Psyche is the soulmate, SN is the past life - you do the math.  his Juno opposite your Destinn - again an aspect, that signifies the destined marriage between you his Destinn conjunct your Aphrodite - it was or is also his destiny to be magnetically pulled to you (I guess it IS his Destiny, because his tropical Destinn is triggered; it could mean that this past life passion is sipping into his present life) his Adonis opposite your Karma and it is your Karma or fate to be spellbound by him. So you are his destined Aphrodite, while he is your fated Adonis. Can you relate to any of this?
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meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 01:57 PM
DD, quote: Meta, I hope you`re not upset, but I looked at your synastry with Ralph. I just couldn`t imagine that the strong feelings wouldn`t show. And they do. I think it`s very passionate synastry, but not so soaked in power-plays like his with me or PA. Of course there is still a certain degree of power and willfullness here - he is still Ralph after all and you are not a weak person either -, but I think there is more emotional attachment in here. But if you object to me posting it here, I will delete it. Just let me know.
No, it's perfectly fine that you did so. Thank you for looking. I think i've been feeling rather put off because of how evident your connections are with him. Your feelings (both you & PA) are so immense that i feel like my feelings must be flimsy and weak by comparison. Afterall, i don't look at him the way either of you do, so i feel left out. Like i'm defending a "monster" who may or may not have cared for me in the first place. quote: Pluto conjunct Aphrodite - ah now things are getting REALLY interesting. All three of us have connections to his Pluto. ON these 3 degrees of Virgo there are his Pluto your Aphrodite and DRaco Venus my Persephone Pa`s SN
So what does that mean to us (all of us)? It means something different to each of us, i know. We're not all being affected by each other the same way- which explains a lot now!- but yeah... quote: Well he may have had power over PA (his Pluto on her SN) and he may even have abducted me (his Pluto conjunct my Persephone), but he surely was attracted intensely to you (his Pluto on your Aphrodite and Venus). Your whole synastry with him "stinks" of Pluto-Venus.
It's hard for me to hear this, which is absolutely retarded i know, but it is. To hear he had power of PA and abducted you, it's like... how could i have ever been in love with someone like this? And it's also hard to hear he was "intensely attracted to me" because in the end, he wasn't faithful. He wasn't committed. And to have him BE with someone else just kills me. You all know how possessive i am by this point... and.. wow. It's just exhausting to hear- even though it's in the past. Even though it has nothing to do with me now. quote: Interestingly Aphrodite / Venus and Persephone were fighting over a man (even though it was Adonis, not Pluto), has there been some competition going on between you and me?
With Ralph i would say no. I think, if anything, i have been jealous of PA. Which is stupid considering what happened between those two. With others though, (Julian Sands) i feel like there has been competition between us. I feel like there might be competition between us in general. I don't know why. I just feel it. quote: Your Draco Venus and my tropical Persephone are on the very same degree with the SAbian: AN ARISTOCRATIC FAMILY TREEWere we relatives? Sisters? Distant cousins?
Maybe. That might explain the competition factor. quote: And as you may remember it conjuncts his Draco Nessus and my Draco Pluto and Draco Aphrodite. Another hint to a clash between the three of us? Acutally Pa`s Draco Eros falls there, too, so it seems to be a thing between the four of us. For PA, me, and even Rafe the DRaconic planet`s are triggered, focusing on the past life-dynamic, but your tropical Destinn is triggered. Whatever happened then seems to have a big influence on your present life.
You have no idea... quote: I guess he was a true womanizer with a pretty dark side (his Draco Nessus), and somehow PA (her Eros) and me (my Aphrodite) triggered that side inside him, and you had to find a way to deal with that side of him.
That's a f*cking understatement. quote: his NN conjuncts your Persephone - well Persephone was abducted by Pluto or followed him voluntarily, because she had to learn something "below", something that was hidden in her subconsciousness, she had to go deep down inside herself to find the root of her personality, which is passion. I guess he, his present self, somehow triggers that need in you.
That's great. Just great. Lovely to know. quote: his Juno opposite your Karma - so he was married to you in a past life; the first of several hints towards past-life-marriage
That would explain a lot. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 02:07 PM
meta,"Insane" is a good description. Yes, it feels insane. Like something that takes away your breath, literally, and the only way to be able to breathe again, is breathing through him. It is an imagery that suddenly arose in my mind, and it surely made sense in my mind, but now I am not so sure anymore.  But as I also said, I can feel that "cold hand of fate clasping my heart". I don`t know what that coldness is, it`s not really my feelings for him. Maybe it`s the fear that makes me freeze inside (My Saturn opposes his Sun after all). i know itīs all in my head, and i`m pretty thankful I`m never going to meet him anyway. But if feels like that feeling could consume me completely, devour me. And I have a Moon in Aquarius for God`s sake!!! HE`s dangerous. He`s Pluto and I`m Persephone. Well, actually he is Nessus and I am Aphrodite. lol I don`t really what to make of this. This feeling that is crawling like bugs under my skin, and I just can`t get it out. Like his "aura" or whatever, screen-personality, is in my blood, my system, and noone took the effort to ask me what *I* think of this! Run away? Good thought. Just it becomes pretty difficult to run away, if you feel like you`re in a trance, like quicksand that is slowly pulling you down, and you just can`t do anything against it. But yes, the most prominent feeling is not one of familiarity and comfort, well familiar he is, very much so. But it`s too compulsive to be comfortable. AStrologically I`d say there are pretty high chances that we had some sort of "involvement" with his Juno on my SN, the Karma-Venus-dw and my Part of marriage on his SN.
And we have the ADonis-Venus/Aphrodite-aspect two ways. And his Persephone is also connected to my Adonis. And some pretty harsh and heavy attraction aspects, like Moon-Mars, Sun-Mars, Aphrodite-Mars, Venus-Mars (even though that one is rather wide with 4,5°, but I think it would be valid still, what do you think? ). Those are not connections that make you feel calm. lol IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 02:27 PM
Meta,"Your feelings (both you & PA) are so immense that i feel like my feelings must be flimsy and weak by comparison." Our feelings are immense compared to yours for him?  I don`t think so. Sorry that I am laughing. But seriously, you have such strong feelings; your feelings are actually so strong that they made PA and me look into our synastry with him and go deeper into ourselves, event hough we thought there was no connection from us to him at all! (At least in my case). I would never have done that synastry with him, if your feelings hadn`t been so persistent, constant and passionate. "Like i'm defending a "monster" who may or may not have cared for me in the first place." He`s not a "monster" to me. I guess I jsut have had different chemistry with him than PA. But I do not think of him as a monster or something like that. He is and was a man who had flaws, and sometimes the flaws are lower and deeper than usual, and yes, maybe he did unexcusable things. AT one point in our life or lives we all did. Maybe that is the reason that we usually forget our past lives, because we couldn`t move on with o ur present life if we knew what we had done. But I believe noone is "damned for all time".
I also do not know what kind of "abduction" took place. It doesn`t mean necessarily "rape", at least not in my case. I just don`t know. "So what does that mean to us (all of us)?" I guess I was being attracted against better knowledge and will. Aphrodite sometimes signifies animosity that turns to blind passion. Maybe it`s not just him, maybe I did something, I better should not have.
"how could i have ever been in love with someone like this?" Maybe you didn`t know.
He wouldn`t have turned to you and said: "You know, honey, I`m going to go and ravage the maid, and if I am at it, I`ll see if I will have a chance with your sister. I mean after that miscarriage you jsut had you haven`t been in the mood, and I am a man and need it once a day, as you will understand. You donīt mind, do you?" "He wasn't committed." I know you are a Scorpio and so you may not get me when I say that thing aren`t always black or white, and people make mistakes. 
Still, I`m sorry, I don`t want to hurt you. Maybe I am completely wrong with my analysis. "I think, if anything, i have been jealous of PA." Because she said he was completely infatuated with her? "With others though, (Julian Sands) i feel like there has been competition between us." Yes, that will be the next synastry I am doing. I can feel that competition. I had very mixed feelings when you said you liked him. ON the one hand I was glad that someone could see his appeal, on the other hand, it just felt "weird" in the pit of my stomach.
"I feel like there might be competition between us in general. I don't know why. I just feel it." I wonder why that is. What are we competing about?
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blue moon Moderator Posts: 4368 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted October 28, 2008 03:47 PM
Elememtary, my dear (from today's papers) IP: Logged |
darkdreamer Knowflake Posts: 3756 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 28, 2008 04:47 PM
Meta,as I said I looked at your synastry with Julian. Tropical - tropical Sun trine Mars Sun conjunct Neptune Venus opposite Sun Venus conjunct Moon Venus square Mars Venus square Pluto - I don`t like that, I don`t like that at all. Not that I am jealous or something like that, it`s jsut that I am, well, jealous. Juno conjunct Psyche Psyche conjunt Juno
Destinn conjunct Aphrodite Psyche conjunct Pluto and ASC Aphrotidte trine Pluto, Juno and ASC Adonis trine Venus Adonis trine Proserpina PRoserpina conjunct Saturn PErsephone trine Adonis and NEssus Nessus trine Saturn DRaco - draco
Venus conjunct Mars Venus opposite Pluto venus opposite Juno - ouch that does really hurt. Isn`t it enought you have that amazing intense synastry with Ralph?  Mars opposite Aphrodite ` Destinn opposite Eros Eros conjunct Karma - DD is NOT amused. Psyche opposite Sun Amor conjunct Venus Nessus conjunct MC Draco - Natal
Sun conjunct Psyche - are the two of you in telepathic contact? Venus opposite Uranus sAturn opposite Juno Saturn conjunct DSC Pluto opposite Venus Pluto conjunct Saturn Pluto opposite Proserpina - okay, I get it. I said I GET it. I`m superfluous here. I`m just going to disappear and sulk on my own. Maybe Sean would be willing to comfort me a little bit, well, distract me from my pain. OR do you have with HIM outstanding synastry, too? Destinn conjunct Destinn
Eros conjunct Mars Eros trine Saturn Psyche opposite Nessus natal - Draco Venus conjunct Antivertex Karma coposite Sun Karm a conjunct Moon - naturally. What else? DEstinn conjunct Venus Destinn opposite Saturn Adonis conjunct Adonis Adonis conjunct Nessus Nessus conjunct Karma IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 05:26 PM
Wow, DD. You've been busy! I don't know where to start!Ok... i'll start from the beginning. This may take a while, but know that i am here. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 05:46 PM
DD, quote: But as I also said, I can feel that "cold hand of fate clasping my heart". I don`t know what that coldness is, it`s not really my feelings for him. Maybe it`s the fear that makes me freeze inside (My Saturn opposes his Sun after all). i know itīs all in my head, and i`m pretty thankful I`m never going to meet him anyway. But if feels like that feeling could consume me completely, devour me. And I have a Moon in Aquarius for God`s sake!!!
That's a pretty heavy description. From our talks before i felt like you wanted to distance yourself from him, or from thoughts of him. I think i said that "you could have him" and your response was "I don't want him". So, wow... it's not letting you get away that easy! quote: HE`s dangerous. He`s Pluto and I`m Persephone. Well, actually he is Nessus and I am Aphrodite. lol
He has a dangerous feel PERIOD i think. I don't know what it is, but i know what you're talking about. His darkness. He has some pretty distinct skeletons in his closet. Does anything in his natal hint to deadly secrets? Repression? DEpression? quote: I don`t really what to make of this. This feeling that is crawling like bugs under my skin, and I just can`t get it out. Like his "aura" or whatever, screen-personality, is in my blood, my system, and noone took the effort to ask me what *I* think of this!
My apologies. Sometimes there is so much going on here that it's hard to keep up. quote: AStrologically I`d say there are pretty high chances that we had some sort of "involvement" with his Juno on my SN, the Karma-Venus-dw and my Part of marriage on his SN.And we have the ADonis-Venus/Aphrodite-aspect two ways. And his Persephone is also connected to my Adonis. And some pretty harsh and heavy attraction aspects, like Moon-Mars, Sun-Mars, Aphrodite-Mars, Venus-Mars (even though that one is rather wide with 4,5°, but I think it would be valid still, what do you think? ). Those are not connections that make you feel calm. lol
I think if he made you feel comfortable 1) we wouldn't be talking about him 2) i wouldn't be attracted to him, lol! Those aspects aren't light and fluffy. Nor are they easy to sweep under the rug. Brace yourself. Maybe he was your Ralph and you were his PA... hope that doesn't offend anyone.. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 06:11 PM
DD, quote: "Your feelings (both you & PA) are so immense that i feel like my feelings must be flimsy and weak by comparison." Our feelings are immense compared to yours for him? I don`t think so. Sorry that I am laughing. But seriously, you have such strong feelings; your feelings are actually so strong that they made PA and me look into our synastry with him and go deeper into ourselves, event hough we thought there was no connection from us to him at all! (At least in my case). I would never have done that synastry with him, if your feelings hadn`t been so persistent, constant and passionate.
By this i meant that my romantic feelings seem irrelevant when we're talking about possible abuse in a past life. The emotions that he evokes in PA and you (sometimes) are strong but in a different way. They carry a different sense of heaviness than mine do. So because i am the only one here (that i am aware of) who knows how i see and sense Ralph, i feel like it's almost cliche to want him. I see him the way thousands of people see him, but what you're both saying is very intricate. Very personal. Not everyone feels that way, whereas, you can argue that a nice majority empathize with how i feel. Which is disheartening, as i want to think i'm not just a groupie. But i'm not asking for pity, nor am i trying to make you feel bad or convince me otherwise. It's just i feeling i have. quote: "He wasn't committed." I know you are a Scorpio and so you may not get me when I say that thing aren`t always black or white, and people make mistakes.
I don't take offense to what you say, DD. I know that i am too, too demanding. I expect everything. In my mind, this love that i search for insinuates that each person would never want, let alone actually be with, another person. Total fulfillment would come from the person you're with. So if i think that he emulates this ideal partner (not that he IS this partner) than to think he consciously acted against such a bond would hurt me beyond the definition of words. The greatest and gravest betrayal i can think of would be thinking i was eternally bound to someone who felt something for someone else. quote: Still, I`m sorry, I don`t want to hurt you. Maybe I am completely wrong with my analysis.
No, no. Don't censor yourself. Ever. I don't want you to hold things back for fear of pinching one of my delicate nerves. I'm a big girl now. I can handle honesty. quote: "I think, if anything, i have been jealous of PA." Because she said he was completely infatuated with her?
..Mmmhmm... not something i'm proud of. But to know how she had him completely captivated does touch something unpleasant. But it's noooooottttt a big deal. Trust me. quote: "With others though, (Julian Sands) i feel like there has been competition between us." Yes, that will be the next synastry I am doing. I can feel that competition. I had very mixed feelings when you said you liked him. ON the one hand I was glad that someone could see his appeal, on the other hand, it just felt "weird" in the pit of my stomach.
That's exactly how i felt with the Ralph thing. I wanted someone to understand how i was attracted to him but when someone was i was very protective and almost displeased. But i felt your jealousy. And that's why i immediately retreated. I'd rather not compete or not know what the past relationship was like (if there was one) because if it was stronger or more romantic than yours with him that would cause serious tension. And to me, it's not worth it. I'd rather be on good terms with you than know that i had Julian Sands by the balls. quote: "I feel like there might be competition between us in general. I don't know why. I just feel it." I wonder why that is. What are we competing about?
Sometimes i feel like there is a competition between who is the most intense. The most passionate. The darkest. The most poetic, or romantic, or whatever. Mainly competition over Plutonic matters. But then i also feel sometimes like there is competition over who is more liked. Who is the more interesting or charismatic. And whenever i spot this starting to arise, i retreat- just like with Julian. IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 06:32 PM
quote: Tropical - tropicalSun trine Mars Sun conjunct Neptune Venus opposite Sun Venus conjunct Moon Venus square Mars Venus square Pluto - I don`t like that, I don`t like that at all. Not that I am jealous or something like that, it`s jsut that I am, well, jealous.
I told ya! I told you he entered into my Grand Square with his freakin' Venus! But that's ok. I told you the only way i think of him is in sexual ways. No love. Not really anyways. And i need love to do the sexy-time. So no love means no sex- you should be happy! quote: DRaco - dracoVenus conjunct Mars Venus opposite Pluto venus opposite Juno - ouch that does really hurt. Isn`t it enought you have that amazing intense synastry with Ralph?
Hmm... well i didn't know what Julian and mine's Draco was like... so... yeah.. don't hurt me... But ya know, Draco is about the past, right? So maybe we were lovers a while ago. So what? Maybe it was a one night stand. Maybe i got with him to spite you and Ralph. Vicious sister i must have been  quote: Destinn opposite Eros Eros conjunct Karma - DD is NOT amused.
*whistles innocently* IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 06:35 PM
(continued...) quote: Sun conjunct Psyche - are the two of you in telepathic contact?
Maybe. That would explain my constant sex dreams...  quote: Pluto opposite Venus Pluto conjunct Saturn Pluto opposite Proserpina - okay, I get it. I said I GET it. I`m superfluous here. I`m just going to disappear and sulk on my own. Maybe Sean would be willing to comfort me a little bit, well, distract me from my pain. OR do you have with HIM outstanding synastry, too?
Well.. i didn't want to say anything, but...  IP: Logged |
meta_4 Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted October 28, 2008 06:36 PM
( more continued...) quote: natal - Draco Venus conjunct Antivertex Karma coposite Sun Karm a conjunct Moon - naturally. What else?
I loooooove youuuuuuu!!!!! You realize DD, that most of this stuff is sexual, right? Where in there does it say that we would be madly in love? I don't see anything (and if there is anything, ignore it!). So calm down, take a deep breath before you get my bazooka out of RDJ's @ss and blow a gaping hole in my chest. Me no want Julian. Me want Ralph. You take all the J's and i'll take all the R's... D's... G's... and P's... am i forgetting anyone? OH! I'll take all the R's EXCEPT for yucky Robert Downey Jr. I'll put him in PA's stocking for Christmas. He comes with his own fluffy pink boa and matching heels (but batteries are sold separately).
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