Topic: GODZALA - The Empire Strikes Rafe
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:48 AM
Totally agreed with Jim Morrison - he does absolutely zip for me too. I can see how he appeals to others, but that's just not my thing - and neither is he.IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:48 AM
He goes in the 'gone too soon' category. Mars in Capricorn (makes sense) Trine Pluto. Heavily aspected Mars. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:50 AM
quote: My Saturn squares JT's Eros. Hasn't really dampened things down this end.
I suppose depending on which branch of astrology you believe - the square may not have that much weight. All talk recently seems to suggests that conjunctions and oppositions are it, basically. I'm a big fan of trines, I must admit - I see great value in those - no matter how dismissed they are sometimes. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:52 AM
I thought MH had a 5am birth, making his ASC 28 deg Cap. I knew he had Cap Mars, it's that exaltation. Never noticed the trine, makes sense. Just makes me wonder why I'm not hot LOL Man, he was something. He will always be something. And as arrogant as I sound, I think I could've nailed him if I met him, I really do. Again, it's the instinct. I think the thing that I liked about him that I couldn't explain before was the action of his Venus in Sag, there was always a subtle element of humour and mockery when he did things. Such a tease. Very attractive. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:54 AM
quote: I suppose depending on which branch of astrology you believe - the square may not have that much weight. All talk recently seems to suggests that conjunctions and oppositions are it, basically. I'm a big fan of trines, I must admit - I see great value in those - no matter how dismissed they are sometimes.
I think they all matter but stick to the conj and opp because everyone else does. Conj is the most powerful aspect and is associated with Aries - self. Opp is about balance - Libra and thus is about relationship. Squares are associated with Cancer off memory - intimacy and family. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:56 AM
quote: He goes in the 'gone too soon' category.
Yeah - that sense of shock. The same feeling when I read that Heath Ledger died. That really rattled me. It was all I could think about for a week. Really really got me. Funny thing about Heath was that I couldn't stop thinking about him for the two days before he died. I couldn't work out why he was in my thoughts. Same thing with George Harrison - I was in the kitchen and thoughts of him rushed into my head and later I walked into the living room and as I'm walking in the news was on announcing his death. But Heath, man, he was in may brain for those two days before. Michael's death made me sad because it looked like he was happy with Paula Yates and she was just so in love with her and I really liked her and wished a lot of happiness for her. So I was really sad for her. I felt really sad for her kids when she died - desperately sad. There's that thread in the other forum - about people dying of a broken heart - I believe she's one of those. 23 Same when Belinda Emmett passed, couldn't stop thinking about Rove. Really felt for him. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:57 AM
Really uneventful synastry with Jim Morrison too.IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:58 AM
I never bonded with Heath so I didn't really have feelings for his death. I think he's an Aries riser by the way.When Michael died at the time, for some reason it didn't bother me. It's been in the last few years that it has started to. I do feel sorry for Rove but I feel very sorry for Glenn McGrath. As for MH, I think that him and PY were star-crossed lovers. MH made it clear through his past that he had a traumatic time dealing with his parents' divorce and vowed never to get married and have kids. It's like fate caught up with him or something and pushed him over the edge. Gotta put up Synastry with MH. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 05:59 AM
Jeff Buckley is right up there for me ~ my ears miss him ~ imagine what he could have done.....IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:00 AM
23Venus in Sag appeals to me too. I like Sagi influences. I think of all the signs I have the best affinity with Sagi. And Aries. I know I should be competitive with Aries - but I love Aries men and women. Really enjoy the energy. Merc in Sagi really appeals to me too. quote: Man, he was something. He will always be something. And as arrogant as I sound, I think I could've nailed him if I met him, I really do. Again, it's the instinct.
NEVER doubt your instinct. No matter how incredulous it may seem to your logical side or even to others. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:00 AM
What about Kurt? Still think of him with a pang of pain. Very tragic. Drugs. What a waste. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:01 AM
quote: I think they all matter but stick to the conj and opp because everyone else does.
Totally agreed. The belief that quincunx is more important than trines and squares puzzles me greatly, though. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:04 AM
Do you know I can remember discussing the Michael thing at work, was it around the same time as Diana? Couldn't miss that one, I was on Pall Mall. The people walking past with flowers ~ oceans of flowers everywhere. Quite amazing. Paula ~ she suffered. Finding out about her true parentage, that was a blow too many. I've read a couple of autobiographies of people who knew her, her brother and her friend. It wasn't all true love and champagne from their accounts, star-crossed may be right. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:07 AM
.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:08 AM
quote: I never bonded with Heath so I didn't really have feelings for his death.
I really felt Heath. Very strongly. I really wanted to meet him. I don't have genuine desires to meet any celebrities (except for George Lucas) and I would have loved to have met/known him. There was something really special about him for me. quote: I think he's an Aries riser by the way.
I want to check out our synastry. I've never done that. Funny that it comes up because I've been meaning to do that for the last couple of days. quote: When Michael died at the time, for some reason it didn't bother me. It's been in the last few years that it has started to.a
I was the same with Michael - shocked - and then over it. Was curious as to the real cause of death. I don't believe suicide - at all. quote: I do feel sorry for Rove but I feel very sorry for Glenn McGrath. [/quotea]Yeah, that one got me in the stomach too. For a couple of days it was in mind. She had such a beautiful, tremendous spirit - so brave and always with a smile. Just beautiful. [quote]As for MH, I think that him and PY were star-crossed lovers. MH made it clear through his past that he had a traumatic time dealing with his parents' divorce and vowed never to get married and have kids. It's like fate caught up with him or something and pushed him over the edge. Gotta put up Synastry with MH.
I always felt like they were kindreds/soulmates, not necessarily twinflames ,as such (I really hate that expression - twinflames) - but very close - soulmates. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:09 AM
quote: Do you know I can remember discussing the Michael thing at work, was it around the same time as Diana?
Diana died 21 Aug, Michael on 22 Nov. I remember Diana was on a cloudy Sunday, Michael on a sunny Saturday. I guess it was not easy for Paula. She had to fight and wait for him too, I think must have thought she was a stalker for a very long time, even though video above suggests something else (ie Mike was hot for her). IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:09 AM
quote: Jeff Buckley is right up there for me ~ my ears miss him ~ imagine what he could have done.....
Yes, really brilliant. Such beauty and just the depth he gave to music. Divine.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:12 AM
quote: What about Kurt? Still think of him with a pang of pain. Very tragic. Drugs. What a waste.
Not affected by Kurt. Never a fan - never into him. My only thoughts/feelings there have always been for Courtney Love and their daughter. He never appealed to me in any way whatsoever. His death has never affected me or meant anything to me. I get that he meant a lot to a lot of other people - but I don't get why. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:12 AM
I think MH suicided. The custody battle got to him.Twin flames, soulmates, don't know the difference really People either fit or they don't IMHO. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:13 AM
Never got Jeff Buckley  IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:15 AM
I just checked up on my name asteroid. My name in his chart falls conj my Eros.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:15 AM
I clearly remember when Diana died. We were eating lunch in front of the TV and a news report came on that she'd been in an accident but that she was sitting up in hospital receiving visitors. A couple of minutes later the real news broke. I was quite shocked and expressed my sadness. My husband got up and said basically who cares, plenty of people die every day and no-one gives a toss about them.I had to work (waitressing at a very fancy country club) the night (here in Oz) of the funeral and I was walking in the corridor between two of the restaurants and everyone had stopped and Elton was singing. I saw about 10 seconds of it and wanted to cry. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:17 AM
quote: just checked up on my name asteroid. My name in his chart falls conj my Eros
Ooh-la-la.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:18 AM
I know DD will come on soon and see that we're talking about Heath and she'll do her synastry. Laying bets.  IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:18 AM
...and my asteroid Michel is conj his Juno....LOL there's an asteroid called MichaelPalin. IP: Logged |