Topic: GODZALA - The Empire Strikes Rafe
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:20 AM
Yes DD will do the synastry with Heath lol quote:
I clearly remember when Diana died. We were eating lunch in front of the TV and a news report came on that she'd been in an accident but that she was sitting up in hospital receiving visitors. A couple of minutes later the real news broke. I was quite shocked and expressed my sadness. My husband got up and said basically who cares, plenty of people die every day and no-one gives a toss about them.
Yes, I had a similar scenario. First report was on Sunday on Ch 9 saying that she had been in a car accident and had a few gashes to her thigh. Around 12.30pm, my dad was listening to the radio and said that Diana was dead. I couldn't believe it! The funeral was very heavy going. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:20 AM
Remember this one ~~ She later said they were at it like rabbits in the taxi a couple of hourse later. Later, it seemed there was some desperation to keep him interested. I could be wrong, I didn't know them, after all. The Moon/Neptune interaction is interesting. I think transiting Neptune was on his ascendant when he died, I could be wrong there.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:20 AM
Heath's Moon conjuncts my IC. SN/NN conjunctions. And Sun-Sun conjunction.DD - yeah, yeah - I know - you're synastry is going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (as usual).  IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:23 AM
They've got very strange synastry. In fact she has a very strange natal chart!I don't think anyone could have kept MH, he was a roamer. You just had to accept him when he appeared. He said his great love and the one he married should've been his first love, Michelle Bennett. He still turned to her in moments of crisis. I have to find the passage of when they met in MH's mother biography, it was amazing. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:25 AM
Interesting synastry. Chiron conjunct Chiron. Neptune & Moon - fantasy or highly spiritual - depending on how they were as individuals, I suppose. And her Saturn on his Mars - that's the Earth putting out the fire. Sun opposite Moon. Grand trine. Sun square Sun. His Venus unaspected. Her Venus aspects are minor aspects - in my opinion/take on it.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:26 AM
DDIf you do look at Heath. Have a look at his Drac synastry with me. Check out mutual Plutos! IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:31 AM
The T-Square is very fragile ~ Sun/Moon/Neptune. Natally she has a Kite with her Sun/Neptune opposition as the driving force. His Sun makes the T-Square apex, and hers opposes his Moon/Neptune Conjunction. His Mars on the Saturn end of her Mars/Saturn opposition. I was about to say danger all the way but I've got that on my synastry chart ~ got an idea what that is all about. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:38 AM
quote: And her Saturn on his Mars - that's the Earth putting out the fire
They also have Mars Opposite Mars ~ so overall I find that a very sexual combination. Saturn is form and structure, not just control, but I wonder how sustainable it was for Saturn to try to confine the Martial sexuality into a relationship? ~ We got an answer to that question. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:39 AM
I have to look at the analysis tomorrow.It just occurred to me that MH is Aqu Sun, Sco Moon, Cap Rising. Mr 23 is Gem Sun, Sco Moon, Cap rising. There is a very, very, very vague similarity between them. Mr 23 looks more like Mark Hamill, Lib Sun, Cap Rising, Moon sign I can't remember and couldn't be bothered looking up now. Good night, I'm off to bed! IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:45 AM
Off to purchase off supplies. Sleep tight! *will be back soon if insomniac Angel is around* IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:49 AM
Goodnight 23.LOL bm - yes, insomiac Angel will be around. I may need some stimulation to keep awake. This may help. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:50 AM
And this: IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:51 AM
...and this: OH! NO NO NO. Wake up. Wake up. Quickly - need urgent help.............. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:52 AM
Well, may actually need the tassle pic to fully revive.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 06:57 AM
I hired the following movies from the video shop today:The Constant Gardener Strange Days Casino Royale I think my husband will be relieved that there are no Colin Farrell movies this week. ***steps in close, whispering*** I think he may be onto me. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:08 AM
Mmm, me like. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:09 AM
which one?IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:10 AM
Did you see lqhunk's rules in astro forum? Mars rules Scorpio and Pluto rules Aries.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:11 AM
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blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:14 AM
O.K, tea break time. He's back on the box, in India, saving the day. RICHARD SHARPE HE'S HARD HE'S SCARRED HE'S SHARPE HE AIDS A SARI HARPER AIDS SHARPE A RAID HARDSHIP HE RIDES HARDER HE DARES HE IS PRAISED there you go, plot summary in lexigram SHARPE RIDES HARDER IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:17 AM
For some reason the page often downloads very slowly. I was talking about Christian in Brown. But anything with Beanie as Sharpe is going to tickle my fancy. "Go on then, lass" Don't mind if I do! I'll hop on that horse and I won't moan about the sun/ dust/ marauding dope smugglers. I promise! IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:22 AM
RICHARD SHARPESharpie carries diarrhea shares his rash sacred hard radish IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:26 AM
Unusual for Christian to not be in black. 99% of the time he's in black.Umm ***clears throat nervously*** just an observation. I'm not super diligent in case it sounds like it. ***puts away massive Christian Bale portfolio*** ***puts away massive camera lens*** ***puts away binoculars*** ***puts away copy of every tabloid magazine*** IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:26 AM
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blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2008 07:27 AM
Ah, the 5th house, 8th house thread. The astro-forum hits problems when people don't learn the basic principles, but instead base their knowledge on their own narrow experience. It happens all the time, no wonder Zala et al pop up every now and then sounding frustrated. But you can lead a horse to water, you can't force it to drink There's some people I can tell there is no use arguing with, they aren't going to listen. There are some basic principles in astrology, like the idea of shared property and its house following on from marriage. Sex for procreation, life and death. It's not that difficult a concept. Particularly for those of us with mortgages, life insurance on our partners, and a working knowledge of family planning. IP: Logged |