Topic: GODZALA - The Empire Strikes Rafe
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:14 AM
Hmm, maybe I should find out, who will play Hamlets Stepfather next year. lol Donīt know about the God-status. they are all Gods and Goddesses after all, our planets I mean. But Psyche is mortal. I just thought this was interesting.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:14 AM
quote: Ah, Robbie, my soul-brother.
Robbie is your soul brother? Alas - like Ewan and me! So, ummm, will you introduce me to your soul brother? We have Psyche conjunct Eros, you know! quote: No seriously, I always liked him, but thought there was so much loneliness surrounding him. It`s in his eyes, behind all that joking and provoking, there is that forlornless of a little boy, just asking to be loved as he is.
Yes - lonely lonely that one. Genuinely.  IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:15 AM
I don't know why - but I find the whole gods and mortals mix quite fascinating. Much more interesting than gods and goddesses.IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:15 AM
Yes, I kinda "love" him, but not in a sexual or infatuated kind of way, even though I can understand how others can view him that way.Well, I guess,if we were ever to meet, we would fight like cats and dogs, as brother and sister do. So donīt know about my chance of introducing you to him. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:16 AM
Hit me with your synastry with Ethan.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:23 AM
quote: Yes, I kinda "love" him, but not in a sexual or infatuated kind of way, even though I can understand how others can view him that way. Well, I guess,if we were ever to meet, we would fight like cats and dogs, as brother and sister do. So donīt know about my chance of introducing you to him.
Yeah - sad really. Like me and Ewan McGregor. We have this OUTSTANDING synastry and all I see is this brother! How weird. Again, I can see why woman fall over themselves for him - but he just doesn't do a thing for me. I like Robbie - a lot. Have been looking at our synastry tonight. His Mercury & Karma conjunct my NN. His Chiron conjunct my Karma. See a pattern? His Destinn conjunct my Chiron. His MC conjuncta my Ascendant. His IC conjunct my Descendant. His Pluto conjunct my Descedant. Draco. His Vertex conjunct our NNs. His Saturn conjunct SNs. His Eros conjunct my Mercury & Karma. His Venus conjunct my Sun, Psyche, Chiron, Ascendant & Karma. His Chiron looks 3-4 degrees from my IC. His Sun & Jupiter conjunct my Saturn.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:32 AM
Ewan's Karma is conjunct my IC. His Mars is conjunct my Eros on my MC! His Eros is conjunct my Venus & Mercury. His Mercury conjunct my Venus. His Sun & Chiron conjunct my Sun, Chiron, Psyche, Ascendant & Karma.Drac. His Moon & Psyche conjunct my IC. My Moon conjunct his IC. Making a dw of Moon conjunct IC! His Adonis is conjunct my MC. I should see him as the perfect man! LOL!  His Destinn is conjunct our SNs. His Isis is conjunct our NNs. His Sun & Chiron conjunct my Venus. His Mercury, Eros & Vertex conjunct my Mars & Destinn. His Venus opposite my Pluto. Well, I do say that his Obi-wan Kenobi is THE perfect man for me. He really is. Obi-Wan is what I idealise is THE ULTIMATE MAN. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:35 AM
Where did you go? Are you looking at your synastry with Ethan? Ethan, Ewan! LOL - that's close! How weird is that!Your absence means it's going to be one very long list of aspects. Just post a chart! Sheesh! Or charts - you'll want to post Dracs too. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:35 AM
PA,"You asked me what I think of Julian Sands. Have you looked at my synastry with him?" I didn`t dare to, actually. " LOL! His Sun conjunct my Eros." Hey, we have that the other way round. His Eros closely conjuncts my Sun. So, I guess there is "some" attraction from you to him. AS you said yourself, you have been drawn to him, but probably this attraction was overshadowed by some other aspects. After all it is also square your Sun. So I would understand why you are feeling uncomfortable.
" His Karma conjunct my Chiron, Ascendant, Sun & Psyche." Yes, his Karma is interesting. It also conjuncts my IC, opposes my Pluto (and Draco Karma) and squares my Venus (we have actually a DW of Karma-Venus), completing a T-square including my Venus-Pluto-aspect. His Karma also of course trines my Mars, ASC, NN and Neptune.
" His Destinn conjunct my South Node."# Yes, his Destinn falls onto the degrees in Virgo, that are very prominent in all our charts, yours, Meta`s, mine and Rafe`s. And he has Destinn there. Very enlightening! 
" His Venus & Chiron conjunct my Moon. " Since all three of us, Meta, you and me, have Aquarius Moon his Venus and Chiron conjuncts all our Moons.
"You should take a look at the Drac! LOL!" Ik now. Let`s talk about his Draco Pluto opposing my Eros, Vertex and Destinn and sitting on my natla Sun-Moon-midpoint and conjunct my Draco MC. lol
"You asked me what I think about him and I was trying to recall what I used to think of him when he first came to my attention."# When did he come to your attention? IN my case, I can`t remember. I really can`t remember what film it might have been. He just was there. I can`t describe it really. I must have seen him in a film, sure, but I just can`t remember.
"There's something really - unsettling about him. And not in the sexual way that you see him." I agree with the unsettling part. He stirs up something inside of me, well for me at least. and in my case it has definitely something to do with sexual issues. If you knew my dreams for the last days. lol
" I think we have some very unsettled and highly karmic unfinished business between the two of us." Did it involve violence?
" His Drac Psyche is conjunct our North Nodes." Well, as his Psyche sits on his NN, it will be conjunct anyone`s Draco NN. But it seems to imply that his life path is connected to a very fine spiritual intuition (actually his Neptune AND Psyche are conjunct his NN). A very tender and sensitive connection, which definitely fit his love for poetry and literature I think.
"In fact, there's a whole lot of stuff there and Nessus conjunct Pluto - which is EXACTLY what I think went down." What do you think that was? Because I share this connectionw ith Rafe. HIs Draco Nessus conjuncts my Draco Pluto.
It`s also an important placement for me. His Draco Nessus / yoru Draco Pluto. His Draco Nessus EXACTLY conjuncts my Aphrhodite and opposes my Part of Reincarnation. It is also widely conjunct my Draco Nessus and Pluto. Oh and of course his Draco Nessus opposes my Draco Sun. I`m puzzled by the Nessus-Aphrodite-conjunction. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:35 AM
btw - I think your beloved Julian killed me in a past life.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:37 AM
Hey - we posted about Julian at the same time - with no prompting! How odd!IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:40 AM
Yes, I know he did, PA.That is almost scary, but the moment you posted this, I got very sad and heard myself mumble: "Why did she have to provoke him?" I was startled about that thought. I was sounding like a woman in a violent relationship, who stil tries to find excuses for the flaring of his temper, which will not only hurt her but also those she cares about. I think it`s time I told you about my "dreams". But not here. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:42 AM
I'm sure that Julian came to may attention in one of the, are they Warlock or something like that, movies. Then Boxing Helena - which - is - ummm, no words......... made me cringe! It may have been before. I can't place it. Seems so long and ago and never held the test of time.I think Julian is to you what Colin is to me. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:42 AM
Maybe it happened while you were trying to save me or covering up for me. Would that make sense to you?IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:43 AM
Okay - and I'll have to fill you in with some insights I have too - but not here. Umm, I'll be back in a couple of minutes - otherwise the animals are going to hate me - or eat me out of hunger. Bad pet owner, very very bad. :sad:IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:43 AM
But you do not feel startled by Colin, or do you?IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 07:45 AM
BTW I saw you yesterday, when I tried to meditate.Just had closed my eyes, and I saw you, but not the present "You". You were wearing a servant`s uniform. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:46 AM
quote: But you do not feel startled by Colin, or do you?
Ah, so many openings for so many dirty lines right there. But I won't. No - nothing startling about Colin. Quite a sincere, humbled person. Nothing scary or startling. I meant the strength of sexual attraction. I think Julian was my brother and it was a little bit, ummm, Isis/Osiris (if you get my drift). I checked it out today for astrological confirmation and there's some stuff in my 3rd house. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:58 AM
quote: Just had closed my eyes, and I saw you, but not the present "You". You were wearing a servant`s uniform
Julian was a sibling to me. Lover to you. Husband to you, I think. And in the Rafe lifetime, if they're separate things, I see Rafe as like the Lord of the Manour - something like that. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 07:59 AM
No - definitely not - Colin has gentle energy where Julian has - dangerous energy.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 08:18 AM
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 08:30 AM
I have a lot of reading to catch up with!!!!!Disco was fun! My favourite song went on as I walked through the door!! Geez, I wanted to jump up and down like an excited night club floozy - but did the typical cool composed sensible supervisor thing, and tapped my hand on my leg!!!! 23 - oh yes indeedy!!!!! Garner pics have a certain inspiration that bedazzles. Okay, so you mentioned it 23 pages ago!! Anything that good's worth waiting for  looking forward to a good read Sunday!!  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 08:33 AM
PA,"Julian was a sibling to me." Now you got me being jealous.  " Lover to you. Husband to you, I think." Yes, I think we were married. And I think in a way it was Rafe who decided I would marry Julian. I donīt know, I just feel like I didn`t have much say in this. It wasn`t a marriage out of love for me, at least not at first. Astrologically, there are some hints there may have been a marriage. His Juno conjuncts my SN his Juno conjuncts my DSC his Juno conjuncts my DR Moon His Juno opposite my Groom his Dr Juno exactly conjunct my Union (and Adonis and Uranus) his DR Juno opposing my Venus, Isis and Osiris his Groom exactly conjuncts my Juno his Bride conjunct my Amor his Draco Groom conjunct my dr Chiron his Draco Bride conjunct my Chiron  my Draco Juno conjuncts his DR Venus and Dr Chiron my Groom conjuncts his Mars my Groom opposes his Juno my Briede opposes his DR Nessus exactly my Draco Bride opposes his Dr Destinn " And in the Rafe lifetime, if they're separate things, I see Rafe as like the Lord of the Manour - something like that." Yes. I even started addressing him inwardly as "Master Rafe". lol IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted November 01, 2008 08:35 AM
Jeez, PA, I nearly got a heart attack! :eekIP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2008 08:44 AM
LOL - Master Rafe!  Oh, that's going to stick. And I didn't know there's Bride & Groom asteroids! LOL! IP: Logged |