Topic: Cats and dogs- which do you prefer?
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2008 09:45 PM
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LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9742 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2008 10:34 PM
CATS! I did have years back a 3/4 nearly 200 pound white wolf with gold eyes. His name was Igor. ------------------ Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 25, 2008 01:25 AM
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zenwarner unregistered
posted November 25, 2008 03:33 AM
Definitely dogs! Much more responsive, and much more loving and loyal. At least in my opinion and experience....IP: Logged |
Atlenta unregistered
posted November 25, 2008 04:21 AM
I'm a dog person. My dog's astro configurations are pretty close to my Draconic placements - such that it feels like me in animal form.IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 25, 2008 04:30 AM
Cats. They do their own thing. They are clean animals. Isn't there a test somewhere that makes your favourite animal what you like in a partner? If so that is spot on for me ~ my husband is Aqua with Virgo Rising. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 25, 2008 05:22 AM
I thought I was a dog person until a friend rescued and gave me a Siamese called Sisi (reverse name Isis).Oh My Gosh!!!! I could feel an energy from her. It felt like LOVE!!!! So, of course, I fell in love with her. She passed away at the age of 10. She was with me for 5 years. Here are things I remember her for: **sniffing flowers **watching insects **loved being kissed and smooched **flick her tail when I touched her **greet me at the door **comforted me **always in control, very cool and calm **make me want to go home **drink my bedside water **snored in my ear **scratched my jeans while I was wearing them **followed me around **flop her body and snuggle bottom first into bed **would take a deep breath when I did IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 25, 2008 09:32 AM
I'm with Koi on this one. I thought I didn't like cats until I went to the pet shop for some goldfish food, and saw an advert for a "Home Wanted" for this critter: I fell in love with her. Gretel was 14 when I got her and she lived to be 20. I miss her tremendously. She was a real card, a real miserable old grandma and she had a thousand yard stare of pure malice, but very very loving when she chose to be. Amazing vocal range of chirrups, burps, grunts and meows. She's buried under a hawthorn tree and sometimes I have a cheese sandwich with some hawthorn leaves (tasty, btw) and say "I'm eating you, you old b!tch!". IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 26, 2008 09:45 PM
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teaselbaby Newflake Posts: 5 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted November 27, 2008 12:02 AM
I love them both ~ there's no way I could choose. IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9742 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 27, 2008 02:14 AM
One of my kitties is a bigger version of this wild little guy! ------------------ Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. IP: Logged |
CrimsonChyld unregistered
posted November 27, 2008 02:21 AM
Dogs for sure.. And my daughter's dog got hit by two different cars last week and killed. She got out the back fence somehow and was only out for about 10 minutes.. such a tragedy. ------------------ "Secrets and lies can sleep from the walls of Rome if we sit hard enough on them. They are undeniably destined to come out. Tomorrow, the next day or a hundred years from now!" IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 29, 2008 02:47 AM
CrimsonChyld - sorry to hear that. It is a tragedy. I hope your heart isn't hurting too much.....Love to you IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 29, 2008 10:13 PM
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spunknini unregistered
posted November 30, 2008 03:48 PM
I like both! I have 2 cats & 1 dog. My dog Lily is a Sag! and she has me in stitches with her funny ways and not to mention she actually thinks she is a cat possibly due to her closeness to my Egyptian goddess Monte. Monte used 2 be the biggest Biatch on the planet in her younger days....sh1tting in my pot plants & removing most of my skin while having a bath, she never wanted 2 hang out & was most anti social.....but then I would have sad days every now & then & Miss Monte was always by my side, full of love & comforting purrs and now that she is older (10) she loves to snuggle after breakfast lunch and dinner, snuggles with me in Winter & scratches my eyelids in the morning when she thinks I have had enough sleep & should be up serving her breakfast!IP: Logged |
zenwarner unregistered
posted November 30, 2008 07:20 PM
I wake up every morning to my dog snuggling up to me. She burrows her nose into my neck and wags her tail until I wake up and give her some snuggles. It never fails to make me smile. It does my soul good It's a wonderful thing to wake up to. IP: Logged |
alma_pisces Newflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 30, 2008 08:16 PM
Definitly Dogs! I am sorry but I do not like cats I am terrified of them. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted November 30, 2008 10:07 PM
Way too hard to choose, but i'm slightly allergic to cats and really have always wanted a dog or two.Maybe someday! IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted December 02, 2008 05:12 PM
Like them both but prefer dogs. Zenwarner said: quote:
I wake up every morning to my dog snuggling up to me. She burrows her nose into my neck and wags her tail until I wake up and give her some snuggles. It never fails to make me smile. It does my soul good It's a wonderful thing to wake up to.
I feel your pain koi, woc, CrimsonChyld That dog in the pic looks just like my little buddy did when he was a puppy. He was with me for 9 yrs. He "went away" just after Christmas last year. IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted December 02, 2008 05:16 PM
Like them both but prefer dogs. Zenwarner said: quote:
I wake up every morning to my dog snuggling up to me. She burrows her nose into my neck and wags her tail until I wake up and give her some snuggles. It never fails to make me smile. It does my soul good It's a wonderful thing to wake up to.
I feel your pain koi, woc, CrimsonChyld That dog in the pic looks just like my little buddy did when he was a puppy. He was with me for 9 yrs. IP: Logged |
Yin Moderator Posts: 2405 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 02, 2008 06:46 PM
OMG, Zenwarner, do you have a toy fox terrier? I do too! They are so lovable and snuggly and full of energy when they want to be! Awesome dogs!IP: Logged |
zenwarner unregistered
posted December 02, 2008 07:26 PM
Actually, shes a jack russel terrier. Pretty close though. Yes, she can be full of energy when provoked into playing, but unlike a lot of jack russells, she is mostly calm and would much rather sit next to me.Did you find your terrier easy to train? Mine picks up new tricks very easily. IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted December 03, 2008 09:02 AM
What a cutie, Zenwarner IP: Logged |
Yin Moderator Posts: 2405 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 03, 2008 10:23 AM
Hi Zenwarner, Yes, my Peanut buddy is a very clever little thing. She is ready to be a circus dog with all her cute little tricks that she does. We also have another dog - an australian cattle dog which act as the discipliner and put the terrier in its place all the time so the little one is not really "free" to do her silly tricks. She gets reprimanded by the big one way too much. I love my dogs! Funny to think that I used to be a cat person before.IP: Logged |
CrimsonChyld unregistered
posted December 03, 2008 07:51 PM
Oh it's okay.. I appreciate the empathy. She was actually my daughter's dog. And my daughter has lost around 8 dogs this year. Her dad in OK had around 8 dogs, which is a bit much. But they first thought the dogs were poisoned but later found they were all bitten by rattle snakes in the area. She had such a hard time with that. Then our dog here in Utah died about a year ago from old age. He was 15 yrs old. Then in August my parents bought another dog who was eerily similar to the dog who died a year ago...then she got hit. It was the hardest thing I've done in a long time. I circled the neighborhood looking for her and saw the police car lights and just had this sinking feeling. I drove by slowly and saw her laying in the middle of the road in a pool of blood. I got out and sat with her for about an hour waiting for animal control, but she passed on her own. My daughter is okay now but she had me worried for awhile there...------------------ "Secrets and lies can sleep from the walls of Rome if we sit hard enough on them. They are undeniably destined to come out. Tomorrow, the next day or a hundred years from now!" IP: Logged |