posted December 22, 2008 11:44 AM
Here is my response to what the astrodeinst administrator told meIt has nothing to do with politics
Astrology is used for psychological insights. Well...Learning disabilities like Dyslexia and Dyspraxia are connected to psychological too. Because learning disabilities have to do with neurological processing issues that can be connected to psychological issues too. Many people with learning disabilities have psychological problems because of the difficulties of their learning disabilities.
I believe in astrological indicators for learning disabilities. As an astrologer with learning disabilities, I understanding learning disabilities. I wanted to help raise awareness about learning disabilities as well as astrological indicators for them. A lot of indicators that astrologers use for psychological issues also fit with the symptoms of learning disabilities.
There is nothing political about learning disabilities. If anything, they are connected to the psychological and neurological. Therefore accusing me of political stuff is blatantly false. I also feel that you're discriminating against me because of my history of learning disabilities and wanting to raise awareness about them in astrology, trying to come up with astrological indicators. If I can't post anything about this, then I believe that it's a strong indicator for being discriminated against. That would be prejudice and bigotry to discriminate against me. It would be just as bad if you discriminated against a person for being gay or for a person being of another race. I am not like that at all. I believe in equality of all human beings. That is something that I have always believed in.
here is an example of a post that I have done:
I believe that there is a fine line between the schizophrenic and the
neurodivergent. The symptoms are very similar. The thing is that they
are people that are not normal. It seems that if a person is not
normal,then they are more likely to be seen as crazy,psychotic,or
other things before they are even known as neurodivergents. Normal
doesn't mean good nor right. Psychiatric diagnoses are based on the
biases of society. They are based on what is acceptable to the
I want to go over some configurations that can fit in with
Schizophrenics but also Neurodivergents
Hard Mercury-Neptune aspects,midpoint configurations involving Mercury
and Neptune,hard aspects to Neptune in 3rd,Neptune in hard aspect to a
planet in 3rd can be indicators for neurological problems that can
include confusion,distortion,and disorganization in the processing of
neurological functioning.......this can also indicate
misunderstandings in communications........also nonlinear,
idealistic,imaginative,visualizing thought processeses
Hard Mercury-Saturn aspects,midpoint configurations involving Mercury
and Saturn,hard aspects to Saturn in 3rd,hard Saturn aspects to a
planet in 3rd can be indicators for neurological problems that can
include hesitant,slow,and delays in the processing of neurological
functioning.......this can also indicate shyness in
communicates....but also linear,careful,compensatory thought processes
Hard Mars-Neptune aspects,midpoint configurations involving Mars and
Neptune can be indicators for motor coordination problems that can
include weakness of muscles,or disorganized actions.....this can also
indicate confusing,misunderstood,clumsy actions.....also
idealistic,compassionate actions
Hard Mars-Saturn aspects,midpoint configurations involving Mars and
Saturn can be indicators for motor coordination problems that can
include slow muscular development,and delays of motor
milestones.....this can indicate shy,slow
awkward,actions......careful,compensatory actions
Hard Saturn aspects could indicate insecurity,
restrictions,limitations,slowness,hesitance,and shyness involving a
certain area as well as late milestones..also hyposensitivity found in
sensory integration can also indicate overly
compensating.......but also learning things the hard
Hard Neptune aspects could indicate insecurity,
misunderstandings,confusion,disorganization,victimization involving a
certain area as well as hypersensitivity found in sensory integration
issues,misdiagnoses,drugs,medications,addictions.....but also
Hard Moon aspects could indicate hypersensitivity,being overly
emotional,insecurity as well as possible brain issues....but also
nurturing,emotionally relating,supportive
Hard Uranus aspects could indicate being unusual,weird,not fitting
in.....bringing about change,being progressive,being an activist
Hard Pluto aspects could indicate trauma,abuse,betrayal,trust
issues,suspiciousness involving a certain area....could indicate
psychological issues,needing psychoanalysis,hard experiences with
psychiatrists.......regeneration,will power,intensity
Hard Chiron aspects could indicate being "special" like in special
education, dealing with pain,being wounded........compassionate/
empathetic through painful experiences,healing,teaching,special skills
hypothetical: Hard Eris aspects could indicate diversity
issues,intolerance,civil/equal rights violations,bigotry involving a
certain area.....but also standing up for one's self and others, being
an advocate
Could a lot of Schizophrenics be actually misdiagnosed
Patients with schizophrenia are likely to have problems reading,
reveals a study that shows some may even have impairments similar to
those seen in patients with dyslexia.
The ability to recognize objects is a fundamental cognitive task in
every sensory modality, e.g., for friend/foe discrimination, social
communication, reading, or hearing, and its loss or impairment is
associated with a number of neural disorders (e.g., in autism,
dyslexia, or schizophrenia).
History: Most children who develop schizophrenia have disturbances of
behavior and cognition prior to the onset of characteristic symptoms
of psychosis. Delays in speech and language and delays in acquisition
of motor milestones are noted in approximately one half of these
children. Children who develop schizophrenia have higher rates of
impaired social skills and school achievement prior to presenting
signs of schizophrenia
(Delays in Speech and language are signs of Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,and
Autism. Delays in acquisition of motor milestones are signs of
Dyspraxia. Impaired social skills are signs of Aspergers,Autistics.
Impaired school achievement is common in
Language Disorder In Schizophrenia As A Developmental Disorder by Ruth Condray
Language disorder is increasingly understood to be an important
characteristic of schizophrenia. The hypothesis advanced here is that
receptive language disorder in schizophrenia represents a learning
disorder that involves a neurodevelopmental etiology. It is argued
that receptive language disorder may involve a preexisting
developmental reading disorder for a subgroup of schizophrenia
patients. Whether the language disorder of schizophrenia is
equivalent,phenotypically and etiologically, to the language disorder
of dyslexia is an open question. Although schizophrenia and dyslexia
are separate clinical disorders, independent lines of evidence are
suggestive of parallels between their hallmark features,cognitive
dysfunction, and potential pathophysiology.
Here are the symptoms of Dyspraxia.....if you read them, you'll see how this neurodivergent condition can be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia... I feel that out of all the neurodivergentconditions, Dyspraxia is the most likely to be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia
I have the book called Understanding Developmental Dyspraxia by
Madeleine Portwood. I had it since 2003. I bought it to understand Dyspraxia which I have.
I listed symptoms from her book.
Planning and movement(gross motor skills):
1.Clumsy gait and movement,difficulty changing direction,stopping and
starting. poor quality and control of movement.
2.poor posture,poor muscle tone and strength(especially pelvis and
shoulders - generally floppy) reduced stamina.
3.overflow and exaggerated accessory movements.
4.lack of awareness of body positioning in space.
late at reaching milestones e.g. sitting,crawling,standing,and walking:
1.(might not have crawled at all).
2.tendency to fall,trip over,and bump into things.
3.poor coordination,difficulty riding a bike and driving a car.
4.poor balance and body control,difficulty holding a position.
5.difficulty with sport,especially bat and ball games,working in teams.
6.lack of rhythm e.g. with dancing,aerobics and playing musical instruments.
7.difficulties walking up and down hills.
Hand - eye coordination (fine motor skills):
1.Lack of manual dexterity e.g. unscrewing things, sewing,locks and
keys,art and craft work, keyboard work,mechanical things,domestic
chores(untidy)and DIY.
2.Handwriting (poor pen grip,may not finish off words,keep in the line
and/or may press too hard)
3.poor personal appearance,difficulties with make-up and doing
hair,shabby clothes,tendency to look messy.
4.coordination problems with eating and drinking.
1.Perception of messages and difficulty in relating these messages into
2.Difficulty following instructions. Not instinctive;has to be taught
everything step by step
3.Little sense of time,direction,speed or weight,poor map reading
4.poor laterality and crossing the mid-line - discriminating right from
left. overly or unduly sensitive to noise,touch,taste,temperature or light
5.tracking problems - lose place easily when reading
1..late learning to talk,continuous talking, repetition, clumsy immature
speech, uncontrolled pitch and volume
.Thought and memory:
1..People with dyspraxia may have difficulty planning and organizing
their thoughts. They might find it hard to discriminate. They can be
messy and cluttered,unfocused,and erratic.
2.They can have accuracy problems and find it hard to copy and
proof-read. They often have poor memory (especially short term) and
may keep forgetting and losing things.
3.They may find it hard to concentrate,only being able to do one thing
at a time. Slow to finish a task if they do at all.
4.Dyspraxia has links with ADD and hyperactivity. Dyspraxic people may
daydream and wander about aimlessly.
5.Many will have Dyslexia and as well and have problems with
reading,spelling,note taking,essay writing,and doing maths and sequencing.
Social and emotional problems
1.Tendency to be easily frustrated, have emotional outbursts,and to be
impulsive. Difficulties with listening,especially in a large group.
2.May find it difficult to pick up non-verbal signals and judge the tone
or pitch of voice in themselves and others. Can take things too
literally,be tactless,and interrupt,wanting immediate satisfaction.
3.Can play the clown. Can be slow to adapt to new situations and to
learn new skills.
4.Can have problems with team work and have a tendency to take evasive
action when they face a difficult situation.
5.May be insomniac,stressed,depressed,anxious,and indecisive. May have
phobias,fears,and obessions.
6.This may lead to lack of self-esteem and difficulties being assertive.
Can also be individualistic and original.
Anybody that reads the symptoms of Dyspraxia can see that they
could easily meet the criteria of schizophrenia(especially the disorganized type schizophrenia)
and get misdiagnosed as that if they are misunderstood and they only go what they observe
and not do any neurological,psychological testing,nor find find out
developmental history.
Neurodivergent conditions are highly overlooked in adults compared to
children. A neurodivergent adult can easily be misdiagnosed as having
serious psychiatric disorder. But there is a skyrocketing increase of
children being diagnosed bipolar and being on antipsychotics. Bipolar
often overlaps with ADHD which in turn has symptoms that overlap with
Dyslexia,Dyspraxia. Dyspraxia definitely share some symptoms with
Bipolar and Schizophrenia.
Dyspraxia is far less recognized condition than Dyslexia and ADHD. The
3 conditions have overlapping symptoms and comorbidity just like I
have Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,and ADHD.
Because of the overlapping symptoms of neurodivergent conditions and schizophrenia, I believe that Astrologers need to differentiate the chart of a neurodivergent from chart of a schizophrenic. Researching,investigating,and documenting Neurodivergent condition indicators and writing books about them would help astrologers understand their neurodivergent clients.