Topic: Your moon, your mom
good girl Knowflake Posts: 127 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 22, 2008 08:32 PM
Do you see your mother reflected by your moon? By sign, house and aspect? How many of our mom's are the same sign as our moon?My moon is libra, which also happens to be her sun sign. Growing up I was very aware of her love of clothes, how men thought she was attractive, etc. But my moon is in the 3rd, and the only 3rd influence I can think up right away is that my second language is because my mother was a foreigner. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted December 22, 2008 08:37 PM
mine's very mean. my moon's in virgo 29th degree conj. NN, square venus. her saturn exactly opposes my sun. she's anal and neurotic and a health/clean freak. serious issues. IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 120 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 22, 2008 10:39 PM
Well I have Aqua moon and my mom has Aqua rising and Gem Sun..So that all goes well and my mom has Cancer moon which goes well with my Pisces Sun.. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 23, 2008 02:55 AM
Natally my mother has Sun/Mercury/Pluto in Leo. She is a grey-haired old lady now, but I think there are still a few tough guys about who secretly find her scary. My Moon is Libra, exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith, and not far from Pluto. Does it describe my mother? No comment. She is a kind person who does a lot for others. So Libra does fit. There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very good indeed, But when she was bad she was horrid.
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CrabbyFish unregistered
posted December 23, 2008 03:20 AM
Hmmmm.....My Mon Is Taurus..I am Cancer..So far fine! Very fine. Its great to be a cancerand have a cozy, earthy Taurus Mama. Her ascnt is Sagittarius...Mine is Aries...Fine again..altho we do get into heated arguments sometimes. They blow over pretty easy. (adolescence scarred her for awhile, tho..the Bull in her makes it hard to forgive. ) But our Moons..Well Mine is in Pisces...hers in Virgo. We have ahrd time understanding eachother when we get emotional. But its good Both our moons sextile both our suns. Emotionally , tho...I relied on my Aunt. She was a Scorp with Leo Rising. SHe always eemed to understand me like no other. In the end Id say I had and have a very good rrelation with my mom...I had a nice upbringing overall. My Sun is trine my moon..which supports moon sextile my jupiter...supporting this as well. ANd that same Jupiter trines my moms Sun!! IP: Logged |
CrabbyFish unregistered
posted December 23, 2008 03:27 AM
You could say that she is my Number One Fan!1 Lol. As my younger brother jokes , with a rye sense of humor..."If you want to know how great I am...just ask my Mom!"IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 25, 2008 12:02 AM
My mother and I both have Libra moons, my grandmother is a Libra, and my daughter is a Libra.How do ya like thems scales? IP: Logged |
AceNeerav Newflake Posts: 0 From: India Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 26, 2008 12:14 AM
me= sag moon mom=sag moon, leo sun, cap ascshe doesnt want to let her grip loose on me and tries to get control and i am constantly trying to get away from her to the point that its become neurotic. i have had a very bad spell of depression because of her but she has changed a bit. she is also a constant source of irritation to my aries dad and leo bro. she just wants to have her way around everything and with everyone. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 26, 2008 12:06 PM
I'm an Aries moon, Saggie Sun, with a Virgo Ascendant. My mom has a Cancer moon, Cancer sun with a Scorpio Ascendant. Her sun / moon forms a hard square to my Moon (7th house) and Uranus in Libra (1st house) while opposing my Mercury in Capricon (4th house). Cancer is a hard sign for me, but as I have gotten older my relationship with my mother has grown in leaps and bounds. My brother is also a Saggie but he has a Scorpion moon with a Pisces rising. IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 6141 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 27, 2008 04:39 PM
my moon is pisces, conjunct my mom's venus. our suns are trined aries and leo. she has saturn in leo(bang on my sun!!), and was a very DISCIPLINED mother, though NOT disciplinary...we were expected to behave but allowed to make our own decisions for the most part!my daughter's moon is in leo (near my sun and conjunct my descendant!!) i swear she was my husband in a previous life and still tries to be the boss sometimes...but her moon is in 12th which also matches well with my pisces moon(which is in the 1st and therefore understands her arian sun/mars) spookily(?) the composite of my relationship with her father has sun conj her moon, moon conj her sun, asc on her venus, jupiter on her mars and saturn on her saturn square her moon!! one of the things that convinced me astrology was no fantasy...! IP: Logged |
robyn.c unregistered
posted December 28, 2008 12:12 PM
me-pisces sun, cancer moonmum-cancer sun, pisces moon my daughter, cancer sun IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 29, 2008 04:09 PM
I have a Libra Moon and my mom is a Pisces.However, she has an Aquarius Moon and I'm an Aquarius, go figure. I think the Moon is more about how we relate to our mom more so than what our moms actually are. My friend Whitney (who has HUGE mommy issues) has Moon in Scorpio conjunct pluto and HATES his mom. I don't see why, I know her okay enough (she was my girl scout troop leader when I was little). I think where his moon was placed affects how he sees her immensely. IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 30, 2008 07:18 AM
I am Taurus Sun, Sag Moon, Cap ASC my mom is Leo Sun, Cap Moon, Sag ASC her mom was Cap Sunmy dad is Cancer Sun, Scorp Moon, Aqua ASC his mom is Scorpio Sun, Aqua Moon my niece is Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aqua ASC her mom is Aqua Sun, Aries Moon, Libra ASC IP: Logged |
SunChild Moderator Posts: 1962 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2008 12:24 AM
I have never compared our charts. hmmm26t what you described about your mother sounds quite like my own mother. She wants to take my baby off me because I am lazy!... convincing other family members..ect... I am so angered. I will almost never speak to her again (i know there may be forgiveness down the track.) I really think shes insane. (opportunity to vent)
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charmainec Moderator Posts: 2030 From: on the other side of the rainbow Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 17, 2011 08:10 AM
moved to Sweet PeasIP: Logged |