posted February 01, 2009 11:55 AM
*Wheels is wondering whether adding turmeric to a face pack will make her look like Marge Simpson?*
Turmeric goes deep into the skin and is the most potent astringent and antiseptic - it kills all the bacteria that live in our oil glands and blackheads - like a large happy community ...yuck....its actually true though.
I tried this on Friday and it was awesome. When it dried it went all sort of blobby and I looked like some strange undersea creature from the depths, but I sh!t you not, upon examination of the goop (when I chiselled it off) there was a whole load of well... (gross I know) blackheads and gack that had been living in my face.
Actually it may irritate a sensitive skin to scrape it after its fully dried but half-dried is just as well .
This is a once a month thing that most indian women do religiously -
Not just on the face 
Rub this mixture on the whole body when it semi - dries - you will not believe you have showered a day in your life -seriously .
As we grow old dead skin cells, oil and toxins from the dust and environment around us clog pores and make our skins look sallow and aged.
Once a month do this all body treatment , substitute Yoghurt with light cream for dry skin or if you really want to pamper yourself - your skin will be so soft - the BF will find it hard to not lick it 
Those who are into such remedies though - might want to considera nice ayuirvedic book - we have thousands of hair,face and skin treatments that involve your pantry ingredients - no chemicals,nothing that your body cannot assimilate and is alien to it.
Try googling or search the local alternative store for a good ayurvedic beauty care book - its worth every penny.
This one is nice -
I have 10 recipes for shampoos but i doubt if all the herbs are available locally...
For Dandruff - A bowl of yoghurt , a lemon squeeezed into it,a spoon of honey .
This also makes hair airy and fresh and the flakes disappear - stuff we buy at the chemist is loaded with chemicals that are known to be carcinogenic and the residue is absorbed right into our organs.And that goes for all chemical shampoos that are detergent based -
Detergent is for cleaning Non- Living Clothes - Not for us Living Beings !!!
No matter what exotic herbs they add to it. !!
For Pimples
- dont bother with what the doctor prescribes - that are chemical compounds.
Buy a stone - that you get in spice shops to grind spices against .Buy a single Nutmeg.Pour a spoon of milk and rub the nutmeg into it on the stone until you are left with thick paste.Dab on the zit - it will suck all the heat out of the zit that may otherwise last for a week and lead to infection and more zits.
If you cant bother with the above - a spoon of nutmeg powder and a few drops of milk will do .
Tried and tested over the horrid teenage acne era - works like a charm.
For a light moisturiser - equal parts of glycerine and rose water and half part lemon juice - apply at night and after shower - cheap and you smell like a dessert 
If anyone has any skin or hair problems i can post the recipe that is best suited for the same.