Topic: Have you ever had a stanger hate you?O.o
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 17, 2009 10:06 AM
Pidua-Lol, it's ok I got the jist of the post. Tapping into Pluto is scary sometimes because when I do people feel all uncomfortable around me and they just go "What in the world is up with you?" because I am usually laid back and a bit nonchalant but this is when people push my buttons. I would love to read more about how prominant Pluto effects people, so if you ever do stumbled upon your old threads do you think you could post links to them here. I would love some food for thought on Mister Enigma lol.23- At first I was like, holy crap I don't want to get on your bad side haha. It's understandable, all that projected intensity could frighten a person and make them go all primal on you. For me it's a bit wierd because I know Pluto is dominant in my chart, it's just Im not sure how he manifest or where he does for that matter but it's like only when someone really does get under my skin is when I can turn a bit nasty and have that "Have a taste of your own medecine.." intent but I try to avoid such feelings and actions towards my bullies because I usually regret it after sometime. Like what happened last year between me and this guy, that always called me "nasty f*ckin dyke" and "schitzo", and I just snapped on him one month because I've had enough of crying and avoiding his crowd at school and told him "I hope you choke on lard fatarse.." and everyone started joining in and taking jabs at him but several days after I said that I begin to regret how childish I was and how I could of handle that better. IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1071 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 13, 2009 09:57 PM
cheshirekat i also hate this. i get people who do this all the time. it annoys me to no end. but i find that i do it too. so i think balances itself seems to me this guy is really rude and just needs to grow up. dont even waste your tears on this loser. and the next time he bugs you or anyone else you tell them where to go curdesy of your middle finger. most people always act this way. it comes with the package that is life. IP: Logged |
yuajah Newflake Posts: 23 From: toronto Registered: Dec 2009
posted June 28, 2010 12:26 AM
I really appreciate this post. I went through similar things while in my twenties, I became withdrawn. I am happy to know its not just me. For me it is not all people and not all situations. I find my self very unimpressed with "superficiality," or people who insist on acting from the ignorant part of them selves, or even worse spewing this ignorance on to others. I think people sense that in me. So, they may already be feeling insecure, and into the picture I come. I have done some experiments, regarding this, just to see the different reactions. Try acting the exact way you think, they would like to see you behave. I will admit, I can last about 5 minutes like that, then the real me comes out. I tend to gravitate to people who are intelligent, down to earth, maybe even a little outside of the norm. I find these people can teach me something, its where I feel most comfortable. Having my mars in scorpio, means I like to "penetrate." I have a very low tolerance for just like I said the same old same old. I keep to my self, and I make friends with folks older than me. That always seems to work out well. Sometimes even younger than me too. If you want some real advice, I say, be your best self in every way inside and out, and gravitate towards what makes you happy. I have a real liking for astrology if anybody wants to check their zodiac sign, I will be starting horoscopes on my other blog, this up coming july 2010, by for now. ------------------
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WinkAway Moderator Posts: 1540 From: here, there & everywhere Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2010 07:46 PM
YES! I've been told a few times thru the years that I can appear to be stuck up. This surprised me because I'm very quiet around people until I get to know them. The last place I worked at for instance. My boss said how he thought I had my nose in the air. Then he laughed and shook his head at how much of a clown I am. After about a year they couldn't shut me up. I'm not so much of a people person, but I love to make people happy. Like at work I like to bring things to share on holidays and if it's not a holiday I bring salads or what not to share. That's just me. So when I hear that people think I'm stuck up, I'm really not. My self image was extremely low just a couple of years ago. I'm finally at a point where I've accepted myself.But I have had feelings about people I've never met before...bad feelings. Like maybe their aura is negative to me. There was someone here at LL at one time who gave me that feeling. I couldn't say I didn't like her because I didn't know her...just a feeling I had. Everyone else seemed to love her... I just couldn't get over the not feelin the love thing lol. People's energy affects others in different ways. I believe that has a lot to do with it. Just being comfortable in someone's energy...or not. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 3303 From: U.S. Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2010 12:30 AM
quote: when someone really does get under my skin is when I can turn a bit nasty and have that "Have a taste of your own medecine.." intent
I know it says chesirekat is unregistered, but I read this and it's 'just like me.' With strong Pluto, you quickly realize the only way to get under their skin is to serve it in the same way they did to you. Not as a first resort, mind, but some people don't respond to rational discussion, and really their intent to you or someone you love is pure malice, and that cannot be sustained on a daily basis. I meter out the 'punishment' in a dose that fits what I was dealt, not over the top but just enough for them to see that they are not '#1 bully of the year', for myself and also for others who don't speak up for themselves, since i'm loyal. But I really had to laugh as it's quite sneaky and utterly Plutonian. IP: Logged |
VirgoPianist Newflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted November 12, 2010 10:17 PM
I'm a triple Earth girl: Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, and Capricorn Rising. Now that I think about it, a LOT of strangers have hated me. My social skills have greatly improved since childhood, but I still have a difficult time opening up to others until I feel completely comfortable in their presence. I've been called arrogant, selfish, rude, unfriendly, etc. One of my college dormmates often referred to me as "the girl who looks down her nose at people."Once people get to know me better, they're pleasantly surprised to learn that I'm a warm, sweet, polite, and fun person- this is thanks to my Mercury, Venus, and Mars placements in Leo. As for the people who still don't like me after the first few meetings, that's just too bad. =) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 24, 2010 10:40 AM
Haha! Yes.------------------ "The earth is not given to us by our mothers and our fathers, it is borrowed from our children." IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 27, 2010 11:30 AM
Have you ever hated a stranger?------------------ "The earth is not given to us by our mothers and our fathers, it is borrowed from our children." IP: Logged |
VirgoPianist Newflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 01, 2010 09:02 PM
No, I've never hated strangers. If a stranger gives me dirty looks but doesn't say anything, I'll just ignore the person. However, if he or she makes rude comments- I'll politely excuse myself before my Mars in Leo temper is activated and I make a scene.It's my policy to be cordial to everyone, but the older I get- the less I care what others think of me. =) IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2010 10:14 AM
Um, yep. I don't take it personally. It's more a reflection on them than me. ------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 3303 From: U.S. Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 01, 2011 12:54 AM
There was this new gal at my workplace who stared at me straight on everytime I spoke to someone, right in my face, wow she was obsessed with me, couldn't stop talking about me for anything. It was strange..but I could tell that I threw her off-balance.IP: Logged |
Cancer/Scorpio729 Moderator Posts: 530 From: 6,000 feet above sea level Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 10, 2011 01:42 PM
People might hear a certain rumor about you and automatically hate you, or see you messing around with one of your friends and get the wrong idea. It's stupid.IP: Logged |
charmainec Moderator Posts: 1805 From: on the other side of the rainbow Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 10, 2011 03:00 PM
CS unfortunately that is how it goes but don't let it get to you. People can believe what they want, it doesn't change the truth.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 10, 2011 03:09 PM
Haters often have a wreck of a life, because whatever you send out and wish on others will inevitably return to you. ------------------ "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." Harriet Van Horne IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 11, 2011 02:39 AM
Work on character-building, and ignore all of the drama. ------------------ "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." Harriet Van Horne IP: Logged |
Cancer/Scorpio729 Moderator Posts: 530 From: 6,000 feet above sea level Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 11, 2011 09:27 PM
Yeah, stupid drama. Annoying as hell. You just want to slap some people sometimes, abd often it's just immaturity that causes fights. Grrr, grow up!
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 12, 2011 09:29 AM
It's not just in high school. You will encounter the high school mentality throughout the world.------------------ "Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." Harriet Van Horne IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 5746 From: The Goober Galaxy Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 16, 2011 10:28 AM
*bump*------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |