Topic: Have you ever had a stanger hate you?O.o
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 11, 2009 12:08 PM
This as happened to me most of my life, it always seems like one person that I really don't know well or at all would have some intense hatred for me. I really don't get it because I've never done anything wrong to these people and on top of that did I mention I barely know them.This seems to be happening again with some guy at school. I usually mind my own business and keep to myself in some classes cause Im kinda shy and nervous but for some reason this "guy" that I have as a partner for some project is all like "I don't really like you because your a stuck up ***** .." and working with him is hell on me because I am a sensitive person and all I could really do at that time was hold back my tears and say I was sorry but that just made it worse.. I just don't get why this happens to me because I don't usually wrong people or hurt people's feelings unless I am provoked constantly, which this guy is about to see pretty soon if he keeps this up. I told my sister and she says I shouldn't take it so personally and that it's not always about me as it is them, that they're mad at me because they're mad at something within themselves but I am just projecting that "one" thing within themselves that they they go on the attack. Oh and this is my fave (rolls eyes)..they're just jealous of you. I mean seriously!?Come on, jealous of the strange, eccentric, sarcastic, dorkish, artsy fartsy, weak, weepy, tomboyish girl?O.o Someone is jealous of THAT? Also, these kinds of people annoy me. I mean if your going to hate me, let me give you a good reason to hate me. Let me kick your pooch into outerspace, sleep with your lover, crash your car. >.>;; Honestly how do you deal with these kind of people, do you just ignore them or do you talk it out with them? IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 12:34 PM
Sadly, this is one of the aspects of human nature that is less pleasant. It will always happen that someone will take a dislike to something about someone else, maybe about you, maybe me, based on your gender, race or accent, just because, just because that is you and they are different. Or maybe they just won't like the 'cut of your jib'. That's an old saying, and that in itself says all we need to know. Just something about you, or about me or anyone else, they couldn't even say, they just take a dislike. Your sister is right, it isn't just about you, it happens to everyone. Not that I think you are silly to be upset about it, I don't like it either. However, I would be lying if I said I never took a dislike to someone, although I try and be fair and give people a chance. Instinctively I ignore this kind of vibe when I pick up on it. Someone more sensitive might be able to advise you on techniques that will help. Mine are too ingrained for me to able to come up with anything that won't take me a long time in introspection. IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted March 11, 2009 12:39 PM
I would agree wholeheartedly with your sister. Something about you threatens them in some way. If I think back to the people I've "hated" without knowing, the reason was that I projected a quality on to them that I didn't think I had in myself, and was consequently jealous. It's a self-esteem thing. Conversely, it has happened to me. I got talking to a girl who I vaguely knew in high school. We were talking for about 6 weeks (on the same bus journey) and she said "I really like you but in school I thought you were such a stuck up cow, you seemed to be into your books and seemed really arrogant and nerdy, but actually you're really nice". She was struggling academically at that time and she said it was a sore point for her, therefore everybody who seemed like what she was not, she didn't like. If only we'd talked. I couldn't make friends at that time because I couldn't take them home to hang out as my parents were splitting up and I didn't want anybody to know. Hence the seeming arrogance. Far from it actually. I would say your sis is bang on.
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blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 12:47 PM
Or he may have mistaken shyness for aloofness. It would make sense given his comment. Whatever the reason it's his problem, don't waste your time agonising over something you can't change. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 02:25 PM
Where is your Pluto located? Many times, those of use with Pluto in the 1st house, especially conjuncting our ASC will cause a very "love v/ hate" reaction in people. I'm a Sag and like to think they love me LOL...IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4657 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 07:05 PM
I got that when I was growing up, too. Mostly a matter of the people not knowing me. Some of them, once they spoke with me found a different opinion, and told me about it.I think part of being shy and self-contained is that people don't understand why you don't give attention to the things they are interested in. You're not into the same things they are, so they think that maybe you think you are too good to be into the same things they are. Like you're holding yourself above it, when really you just don't really care about it. Your disinterest also shows them a certain confidence that they may envy in you. If you're willing to stand against the flow, and not conform to whatever is seemingly normal, then you must possess an attitude that doesn't care what people think. The truth may be that you care a lot about what people think, but since it's not on obviously display people don't necessarily catch on to that part of you. I would advise against throwing the jealousy in his face as he won't understand, but I would be firm in establishing that you're ok with whatever makes you different. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 08:33 PM
pidaua is right in raising it as a Pluto thing. I've got Pluto on my DC (add to that Aries ASC) and I get a lot of the treatment mentioned even if I have never talked to the person or treated them civilly. I should also add that I am Libran Moon with Moon on DC and I do care what people think and it worried/s me if this happens. As mentioned, they find you threatening or and treat you like this or they envy you, think you are better etc. You can never appease these people. Never appease, or appeal to their whims, they will do something else to upset you. Walk away and minimise contact with these people, they will always try to put you down. If the situation gets worse and to the point of bullying, then you might need to strategise and put them in their place if they push too far. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4311 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2009 09:00 PM
Sweetheart, I have one thing to say to you - if someone doesn't like you, for whatever reason - **** them! Find people who do. I'm sure you have many wonderful talents and attributes and there are multitudes of people out there who want to take the time and make the effort to see the magic inside you.I can empathise, because apparently I "appear" stuck up. Huh! I'm the most friendly person you could meet. If people can't get beyond their own insecurities or prejudices to find that out - that's their problem. It really has nothing to do with you (or me). It's always about them. Just be you. Do your thing. And allow the right people for you to come to you. The rest - ah, don't sweat it. They can choose to stew in their own jealousies, prejudices, judgements, insecurities or whatever........ or, they could pull the sticks out of their behinds and make an effort to actually get to know you. But maybe you'd prove them wrong! And that runs the risk of making them feel inferior or whatever. How they see you is a reflection of themselves. You only worry about how you see you. So, go out there and shine your own light and, in the process, for each person who thinks they don't like you there is someone who admires you and is inspired to shine their own light too. IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 12, 2009 12:31 AM
Blue Moon- I need to keep my sensitivity in check, sometimes there really is no need for me to react personally to others and I now know I need a bit of detachment when dealing with people because I get so plugged into them.Wheelsofcheese-I can relate to that story, I've always been good at school and sometimes teachers have a bad habit of playing favorites and this gets a lot of animosity. Such as fifth grade when a good friend of me turned vicious on me out of nowhere. She believe I was self-popmtous because school work came easier to me then her and I also helped other kids who were struggling but little did she know I struggle at some subjects too and that I have to study extra hard to excel in those subjects but she would hear nothing of it. Eventually our friendship ended and we went to different middle schools. It still stings to this day but I can't hold myself back in my studies for my friends but I can help them in their studies though. IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 12, 2009 12:53 AM
Pidaua & 23- I have prominant Pluto in my chart. I have an 8th house stellium. The ruler of my 8th house is Leo and Sun is in the 8th house. I have Pluto is the 10th or 11th house. Scorpio on the 11th House Cusp. I have experienced people feeling threaten by me and feel the need to attack me to disable me but the older I get the more I get used to carrying all this Pluto and how to use this energy for the better. My Venus conjuct Jupiter in Leo, wants nothing more then to be generous and gracious with everyone I meet, so sometimes it hurts. I will take your advice 23, I will not let these people effect me.AG-That is the curse of being shy and a mixture of independence. This guy and I have very different interests. I guess I don't know how to put this for people to understand but because were both black teens in an all white class and as they say theres a certain comfort in familiarness but for me I don't see colors, I see character so being in all white class does not bother me or impose on my self indentity. He must of taken this has "cope out", "sellout", "uncle tomming" because I don't do the things he thinks a "black teen" should be doing. I do what I like to do and I am not ashamed nor afraid of liking what I like. This has happened to me most of my life, I've never been afraid to step out my comfort zone an be who I am as opposed to others nor will I be squeezed into that ridiculous "black teen" mold. One day I hope he can see, that this is ME and I can only be ME. PA- Lol thanks. That as encouraged me and your right there is no pleasing these people. Believe me I have tried but to no avail they still harbor hatred towards me but like I said to AG, this is me. Sure sometimes I hold down a bad mood at school because I don't want to upset others but what you see is what you really get and I am happy that I don't have to hide that. I hope it was not wrong for me to confront this guy in my Art Studio Class. I just had to ask "What his deal is" and I joked about it with him. Thats just the way I am, I just sorta joke with people about it and sometimes it breaks the ice and sometimes it annoys them lol. This guy may just come around or not, I will see and if he doesn't then I'll move on. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4657 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 12, 2009 02:05 AM
You're not alone in dealing with this pressure to act black, but it sounds like you've got things well under control. If you think about it, he may experience that pressure even more. He might resent that he feels compelled to bend to that pressure while you are free to ignore it. Hopefully you can show him that because you feel free to be yourself that he can also be himself without worrying about what people think.IP: Logged |
Xena unregistered
posted March 12, 2009 11:39 AM
Cheshirekat, I think intense hatred of the type you describe occurs more in teenagers than it does in adults - or at least less childish adults. Or maybe adults just disguise it better, since they have learned to be more civil. At the end of the day we're all animals, acting up in one way or another, or baring our teeth at unknown entities to test them, and jealousy/hatred can come out in the most unexpected places, from the people that you thought were most on your side. So, in a sense, better to have it out in the open from the start LOL...unpleasant, but at least you know where you stand. Yup, have to agree with Pidaua - Pluto in 1st makes for a very love/hate effect on people... IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 12, 2009 11:48 PM
AG-It boggles me how people attatch "race" to a personal preference. There's nothing wrong with rap or baggy clothes, it's just not my thing. I mean if I choose chinese food over fried chicken, does that make me less black? lol I think not but this guy is coming around, I've shown him the jester side of me and how I can joke about stuff and now he's kinda like "ok..ok your still wierd but funny" XD.Xena- Thats the only thing about Pluto, I dislike. That whole "threat in the air" feeling people get around you, it's painful because I am quite harmless. I would love a bit of humor with my jealousy. I admit I've been jealous of my Scorpio art mentor, his art is so amazing that sometimes I wish his hands would fall off but I say that in a light hearted sense. Jealousy is nasty and can poison one's heart, so I guess have it out in the open is better. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4657 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 13, 2009 01:00 AM
Lord knows I'd be Mexican if we were what we ate. “Go into any inner-city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can’t teach kids to learn. They know that parents have to parent, that children can’t achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white.” —Barack Obama, Keynote Address, Democratic National Convention, 2004 Here's a study about acting white: IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 13, 2009 03:53 AM
There's stages in a man's life I wonder if testosterone levels are causing an aggression surge (old men get cranky, young boys pick fights, teenage attitude). He sounds like he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder, fuelled by a hormone rush. Or maybe he is just naturally a bit of a knob-end? Not your problem. Be true to yourself and you won't go wrong, etc. The president would like our library. On most days an African accent can be heard. But then, every library I've worked in there are Nigerians hitting the books and the enquiry desk. Which reminds me of a comment made by a friend from Nigeria, about the Damilola Taylor case (young boy in London on his way home from studying, killed by a teenage gang). He said: the West Indians are jealous of us because we work hard and study. His words, not mine. He was a mature person, grown-up children, I think he may have had grandchildren Damilola's age. The story upset a lot of people in England. It was very tragic. IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 15, 2009 05:08 AM
AG-I read that link and I could see myself in it lol. It used to make me upset but now I just kinda laugh about it. "I guess I'll be acting Mexican tomorrow at Taco Bell and next week I'll act Italian as I view some art galleries and go to Olive Garden." Sometimes I just have to laugh, so it doesn't hurt so much. Actually I feel this guy just needs someone to crack open the door for him, I mean his urban/pop culture art is kind of cool. Before Spring Break started I offered to invite him to some art galleries, where he could sell his art at some of these galleries just love to soak up student talent and this kind of put us on good rapport with eachother. So in the end I turned a enemy into a frenemy haha. Bm-That saddens me, the same thing happened here a few months ago to some innocent kid just walking down the street. Someday I hope someone can reach these kids and tell them they are not limited to drugs, violence, and sex. That they are now free with multiple options to rise above such things in life. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 15, 2009 07:16 AM
It choked me up reading this page:- Some more things on this trial if anyone is interested:- The expression alluded to here, calling things 'gay' in a derogatory way really annoys me (wikipedia), but that's another thing altogether, I suppose. There seems to be something about male identity going on here, even though my sons are young I have seen this with their classmates. My eldest likes High School Musical which he has been told is "for girls". I asked him if this means he won't like it any more, but he said no. I also said, don't take any notice of idiots like x and y, tell them to sod off, but that wouldn't make it into a parenting manual. Though Damilola was only 10, wasn't he? Killed by a 12 and 13 year-old. So young. It annoys me we lost the decent one who wanted to be a doctor and get to keep the two toe-rags who are no use to man nor beast. Such is life. IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 15, 2009 11:14 AM
Wow, I could not read that without cringing and tearing up. There just middle schoolers for goodness sake and already filled with so much violence and intolerance for human life. I have to wonder where is the love and care for these children, where are the people teaching them that it doesn't have to be this way. There are far better options I can think of for a middle schooler then toting guns and thieft.Sometimes I think some kids really feel snuffed by the world, so they lash out at everyone. When all they really needed was someone to give them an hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to lend an ear to listen to their problems. Then it's teaching children personal responsibility and acceptance with appreciation of other people. This story really strikes a familair chord Bm, and one that I hope will never happen again and what you tell your son is right, who cares if he likes HSM. It's his own personal preference and he shouldn't stop liking it, I certainly wouldn't. IP: Logged |
Dervish Knowflake Posts: 625 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 15, 2009 07:34 PM
Schools are so alienating & retarding (socially, developmentally, intellectually) that it's very unlikely that I'd ever send a child in my care to one (public or private). As for someone black calling you stuck up, that's probably because he sees you as being too smart or something. Seriously, some blacks are hated by other blacks because "they speak white" & "try to act better." Such a healthy attitude to think another "race" (*) is better than you. You can also "dress too white," and everything else. Any of this can get you branded an "oreo" (black on the outside, white on the inside). This happened not only to a friend of mine, but my best friend, and I must say that you're better off without "friends" like that. They're essentially telling you that they think you ARE better than they are, and they hate you for it. The only way to please them would be to lower yourself to their standards, and I'd hope you'd have enough self-respect to not do that. (*Race is an arbitrary term, which makes it even more stupid for people to get hung up over it. Plenty of immigrants from Asian countries are baffled, even outraged, by our racial definitions, as in their view we're blind to REAL racial divisions while using made up ones. Plenty in South America are baffled by the use of "Hispanic" in the USA. Africa divides up people more on tribal terms than racial, and many automatically don't like USA blacks because they're not of their tribe. But when slavers brought blacks over to the USA, they destroyed their native culture & language which created a unified black culture over here that's pretty unique, and also exactly what the slavers & white racists were trying to prevent from happening in the first place. In retrospect, the "one drop rule" that white racists came up with turned out to be pretty stupid for those holding such views, too.) IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 15, 2009 10:37 PM
My parents and my relatives have never understood the concept of 'acting black or white'. It's quite alien to them since in the country where we're from, a race is just a distinction but culture/ethnicity is everything. I know the whole thing about 'acting' a certain race since I've been here for 3/4 of my life and I think it's absolutely ridiculous and degrading to an entire group of people since your basically saying that to be 'black' means to be ignorant and uneducated. That, and an entire race of people are being generalized. I'm sorry you have to go through this Chesire, I know how highschool and the people in it can be just plain awful but trust that it will end soon. Don't pay any attention to the haters, as I think your sis is spot on. My sister also has a Scorpio Asc. with pluto in the first house and she's always had the problem of some people automatically hating her and she's never understood why. I personally think its jealousy, and sometimes it is from narrowminded people like the ones who want you to fit their stereotype-schema. We're not even of the same culture but they expect us to act like them because we happen to share the same skin tone, it's ludicrous but it's life...we just pay no mind to them. IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 16, 2009 02:56 AM
Most of the time people think you're mean if you're shy and reserved around them. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 16, 2009 06:16 AM
Now that annoys me, this business about being reserved and mean. I'm quite reserved in reality. Usually I keep my distance and I feel people out better that way. It's got nothing to do with being a snob or mean, it's just a defence mechanism from getting hurt. IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted March 16, 2009 10:58 AM
Wow, thanks for the support and understanding guys and I will reply later tonight as I am running out of time and I have to get the windshield of my truck fixed but I will definately respond later.IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 16, 2009 12:56 PM
Hi Cheshire... I am not sure your age or if it really matters, because I'm a Saggie and it takes us forever to learn certain lessons... okay.. weird opening but true to my Archer way... For me I never realized how strong Pluto played in my life (not only does it conjunct my ASC is squares my sun which is in my 4th house). As I got older, it became more necessary for me to learn to wait, observe and then speak (again food in mouth combined with my need to always buck authority). I embrace Pluto and love that it can have that reaction in people but more so it can be tamed and used at the right moments. For me, it is more of a quiet simmer that when I must fight for something it gives me a bit of a "big bad brother" standing behind me as a bully tries to push me around LOL... It is really weird and I am sure I can dig up some of my past posts about it. One thing I can say is that I feel that Pluto in my chart has been as much a benefactor to me as my own ruler Jupiter I also understand the feeling that we must act to expectations regarding race. I have been lectured by fellow Hispanics and American Indians that I do not act a certain way or others expected me to have an accent when I was brought up in So Cal and not on a reservation. I'll post more later, sorry for being a bit of a blatherer without saying too much at all. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 16, 2009 07:27 PM
Interesting reading Pidaua. For me, people seem to think I'm sort of pushover and weak. I don't know why, whether it is my Libra Moon that might give me the appearance of appeasement, Jupiter in the first and Chiron in the first which shows me wounds maybe or my restraint, Sun opp Saturn. I often attract bullies and maybe it is my Pluto conj my DC that gives away the power. Then after a while, I just get fed up and you get your power back, people are then shocked at how dangerous you really can be I guess. In my younger days, there was a girl who kept on pushing my around in my primary school, she was a year above me. She kept on saying really insulting things so I said that we should meet at the back of the classroom one Tuesday afternoon. Well, we did and so did about 20 other kids. Then I beat the crap out of her. She left me alone after that but then tried to get smart again so I threatened to break her neck, she never touched me again. Another one was a guy who pestered me for 7 years untiI turned around and fully abused him, I got so fed up with that I told him he was fat, ugly and loser, nothing was to be of him. I never say things like that to people but he was so hurt he couldn't talk to me a month or so. He's up to his old tricks again but I said to him I'll never talk to him again, I know he's beneath me. Another bully or psychopath at work tried to ruin me through rumours and exclusion, so I formed my own gang and manipulated her in public and told everyone what she did. After about two years they then believed me. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Just trying to show you the Pluto relationship in me. Most of it as you can see is being quiet like Pidaua but then I explode through quiet means. IP: Logged | |