posted March 23, 2009 10:01 PM
As you may have noticed, a thread was just closed...The thread confronted questions and issues which many people find frightening,
and which many people would much rather see swept neatly under the rug.
This thread, in my opinion, was an angel.
"Every angel is terrifying." (rilke)
This thread was life.
More vibrant than 99% of the threads we see on LL.
In just a few days, it racked up 262 posts.
How many threads can do that,
without showcasing Hugh Owen's abs??
I do not defend all of my words or behavior on that thread.
But then, I do not believe I have to. It was nature.
Things were said to me which were just as offensive
as anything I said to others, -- at least, from my perspective.
But, then, my perspective is not shared by the moderators,
while, evidently D for Defiant's is. So be it.
The important thing is how the thread turned out.
The thread had resolved itself very nicely,
and it looked as though everyone had been enlightened.
Posts about love and respect and healing began to appear,
like flowers in the Springtime.
Then D for Defiant came in and got the last word.
She resumed the debate, which, evidently, she found as important as I did.
I commend her for giving admirable expression to her side of the story.
But why was the thread closed?
Was it because D's post resumed the conflict,
and said all sorts of unflattering things about me?
Was it because she raised, and twisted, personal issues;
slandering me by calling me a drug abuser (i smoke pot)?
Or was it because somebody thought it would be cute
to close on that note, and give D the last word?
We may never know.
Then again,
we may be about to find out.
I just want to say that,
while I didnt go about it in the best way,
I believe I was in the hands of something bigger,
and the results, though not perfectly tidy and sweet,
are more meaningful, penetrating, and enlightening
than the majority of threads we see springing up.
Thats all I wanted to say.
I dont expect to be understood.
Proceed to make mincemeat of this, lol.
love to all,
even peri,