Topic: Godzala - The Other White Meat
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3601 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2009 12:01 PM
Goodnight. ***PA's attention is distracted for a moment. Through the Stargate in the living room, a familiar figure appears - just about bed time*** Ah, goodnight. ***Oh, it's a really really wicked laugh*** IP: Logged |
spunknini unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 12:05 PM
DDI think you have actually gone mad with grief over the departure of PA & moi. I see no other logical reason for this "obsession" with RDA. It's sick DD & I insist that you quit it right now or I will be forced to get tough with you young lady. Very tough! IP: Logged |
spunknini unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 12:05 PM
dpIP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 12:06 PM
OH I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT.Don`t think you get away with that, MISSY! Oh wait, that familiar figure was Yoda. Okay, everything`s alright. I don`t have a thing for gnomes. Well except for the JL gnome. lol I am out of here myself. Good night you all. And keep your fingers from my fantasies. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 12:09 PM
No, Spunky, no way to cure someone who doesn`t want to be cured. And I don`t want to. IP: Logged |
spunknini unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 12:09 PM
Goodnight everyone AG Love ya cherub wherever you happen to be right now. I've missed your cheeky butt! IP: Logged |
sunshine_lion unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 03:39 PM
i really don't like the way you talk about johnny depp when i am not around. not one know waht they say about guys with big hands , right? they need big gloves. i have to lay low. may have to get another screename, my friendships here are just part of my life, and i don't want to give it up becasue of some rude people with nothing to do except stalk. i been staying in gu becasue i doubt they would look for me there, and i like to argue with jwhops, keeps my mind sharp (er). 26, pa, spunnki, lexx, koi, meta, wheels, mvm, dd and bm...i cant stay away too long, you are part of my life. i guess you think john mayer is a dork too? you guys are crazy b!tches and have no sense when it comes to men. preferring hairy knuckles and caved in rib cages to just plain sexy and talented, i dont get the bunch of you's. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 2543 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted April 15, 2009 04:08 PM
I'm so happy to see you guys It's like returning to our regularly scheduled program...assuring. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 04:10 PM
It`s great to have you back, Sunshine. And I would never dare saying anything bad about Johnny. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 04:13 PM
23,you asked about the progressed aspects in the synastry of RDA and me, and well, I think it does explain why just now. lol his Pluto opposing my pr Venus (but separating) his Pluto conjunct my pr Vertex his Karma conjunct my pr Moon his Psyche conjunct my pr Psyche his Aphrodite conjunct my pr ASC his ASC conjunct my pr Karma
his pr Moon opposite my Mars his pr Moon conjunct my DSC (it`s a bit wide, but approaching) his pr Venus conjunct my Moon his pr Karma conjunct my DSC his pr Psyche conjunct my IC his pr Cupido conjunct my Psyche his pr Sun conjunct my pr Juno his pr Venus conjunct my pr Mercury his pr Venus conjunct my pr Venus his pr Venus conjunct my pr Antivertex his pr Mars opposite my pr Juno his pr Vertex conjunct my pr Lust his pr DSC conjunct my pr Sun his Venus/Mars-mp opposite my pr Karma his pr Venus/ Mars conjunct my NN my Eros/Psyche conjunct his pr Eros Ah, I see my pr Eros / Psyche conjunct his Karma D`oh! IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 3148 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2009 04:19 PM
I'm slaving away, Spunk, but I'm so happy to see both of you back! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 04:22 PM
Oh I couldn`t resist looking at the progressed synastry with Jude on the evening of when I am going to see him in Hamlet. I almost wished I had never looked at these aspects. Some of them are really freaky. his Sun conjunct my pr ASC his Mercury conjunct my pr Lust his Venus opposite my pr Karma his Vertex conjunct my pr Eros his Karma conjunct my pr Lust his Valentine conjunct my pr DSC his ASC conjunct my pr NN his ASC conjunct my pr Valentine
his pr Sun conjunct my Moon (this one is a bit wide 2°15, but approaching) his pr Moon widely conjunct my Moon his pr Mercury conjunct my Moon his pr Mars conjunct my Mercury his pr Mars conjunct my Sun his pr Antivertex conjunct my Psyche his pr Karma conjunct my Venus his pr Moon conjunct my pr Mercury his pr Moon conjunct my pr Venus his pr Moon conjunct my pr Antivertex his pr Mercury conjunct my pr Mercury his pr Mercury conjunct my pr Venus his pr MErcury conjunct my pr Antivertex - Moon, Mercury and Venus are the ruling 8th, 7th and 5th house in both our charts btw his pr Venus conjuncts my pr Sun (a tad over 2°, but approaching) his pr Antivertex widely conjunct my pr Venus (also an approaching aspect) his pr Karma conjunct my pr Amor his pr Karma conjunct my pr ASC his pr Amor conjunct my pr Psyche his pr Aphrodite conjunct my pr Moon his pr Juno opposite my pr Karma his pr Sun/Moon-mp conjunct my pr Antivetex his pr Sun/ Moon conjunct my Moon very exactly his pr Eros / Psyche conjunct my pr Sun my pr Venus/ Mars conjunct his Jupiter (his chartruler) my pr Venus/ Mars conjuncts his Antivertex. Double D`oh!
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sunshine_lion unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 04:43 PM
that is going to be one great night dd. are your seats any good? you may need an extra pair of panties with those transits!IP: Logged |
sunshine_lion unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 04:57 PM
it really takes all of us to make this thing's like our own support group without the 12 steps. just 12 man spams and we're good. i just wish i didn't have to worry about nosy people that don't like me trolling for my posts.
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MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 2543 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted April 15, 2009 05:03 PM
"You may need an extra pair of panties with those transits" IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted April 15, 2009 05:39 PM
"that is going to be one great night dd. are your seats any good?" First row, close to the centre of stage and the other evening a bit to the side, but also first row.God what were we thinking when we ordered the tickets? "you may need an extra pair of panties with those transits!" LOL I try to keep that in mind.
Actually it were only the progressions, haven`T looked at the transits in depth yet, but I think Transit Venus and Mars will be in my 7th house; have to have a closer look somewhen.
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1851 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2009 06:20 PM
OMG - the night I have a big family reunion dinner and I could have been HERE!!!!!!!!!!Welcome back, missing but relocated Knowflakes!!! Geez, didn't I miss out on a loooonngg chat!!! Yay!!! Welcome back Peace Angel, spunky. Sunshine lion, did you go somewhere? Gald you're back too!! Kick It's been asking about more of your poetry!!! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3878 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 15, 2009 07:48 PM
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3601 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:16 AM
Lara IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3601 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:19 AM
SL quote: you know waht they say about guys with big hands , right?
What's that? That they need to change hands ocassionally? Yeah, I've heard that one. John Mayer. One word. Conceited. IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 3601 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:20 AM
koi quote: Welcome back, missing but relocated Knowflakes!!!
I think the word there may be "misplaced". Then, again, I think this is the site for the world's misfits. We belong. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:24 AM
Hello!I should go through all the old posts that DD has laboured away and see what she has written. Mr 23 is due to come home though, so I'm here only for a short time. PA are you still around?? PS I'm still thinking JT is Gem rising, such that he has Sun/Venus in 2nd, Jupiter in the 8th ---> $$$$ Also Sag DC --> his wife is American as well as a few foreign gfs or gfs with foreign dads. Makes money off his partners (Jupiter in 8th), his wife has funded their recordings when they re-started. Most likely to have Cap MC (if not, just Aqu) but Cap MC would mean awfully amibitious (which has been mentioned), yes Aqu MC would make sense as it is an odd job (btw, his Saturn would then be in the 9th and Ura in 4th).
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23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:35 AM
quote: Transiting Pluto's conjunct my NN at the moment and opposing the Saturn/SN, so maybe Pluto will help too. Ta muchly!
Wheels - probably Pluto getting underneath all that Saturn-SN stuff and forcibly showing you by breathing down your neck how to get out of the rut. I think the link you put up PA was good from astrologyweekly, the aspect does sound like it would make the person conservative. Re the synastry: I'd extend it to past karmic debts. I'd say Saturn might still want some sort of payoff from the past and still wants to teach SN how to do it. Except that SN knows how to do it because it's been done before and wants to move on wit things. It's like when people say they have forgiven you but then keep on raising the thing which makes you think they haven't. quote: AC conjunct NN is considered one of the big aspects by CafeAstrology.
What orb would you use for this?? Bryan Ferry's ASC is 17 deg Sco, my NN is at 18, my Vx is at 16! quote: think when it comes to North Nodes, the planet person would just withdraw just out of understanding that they've served their purpose for the NN person's growth and it just feels right to exit.
Probably this one unless the NN wants faster legs if you know what I mean. quote: that Venus-Vertex-progression alone should signal the arrival of a soulmate
Interesting, in the next few years I will have prog-Venus square my Vx and NN. Never thought of that. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:38 AM
quote: Oh Happy Day! PA's back! And what's all this talk of Gemini Risings? That would be me, you know? Do I have the Gemini Rising nose, 23?
Hey AG! If you go to this link I have a few piccies up of some Gem risers. I think both David Charvet and Neil Armstrong both have classic Gem rising noses. It's very smooth and kind of pinched in the middle. Some Gem risers I've noticed have their nostrils pinched in. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 250 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 16, 2009 05:48 AM
OK DD, is this the current progressions for them? It is with Jude right and it seems to be with RDA...RDA - Karma-Moon is interesting, some return of emotion and then his Karma on your DC too. Also his p-DC on your p-Sun but I think the big one actually is p-Venus conj p-Ant-Vx, you're inviting him in for a relationship after he has sought one with you if that makes sense. Then there's those Eros connections and MP with your NN between his Venus/Mars! I'd say the NN midpoint is probably the next important. Judey baby - So you're seeing him in the flesh?!!? Again Sun-axis connection. You're going to hear him communicate and it will turn you on! (Merc-Lust). I'd still count the Sun-Moon conj by the way, 2°15 is acceptable I think. Again, I think it's all those Vx aspects whether it is an aspect or a midpoint plus the very fatal ASC-NN. I think probably the most important stuff is NN, Vx aspects if you can find it. Then maybe equivalent is the Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars progressions as well, don't you think? Of course, it doesn't hurt to have a few Eros-Psyches as well. I have to try with JT but I will do it at the start of when I first saw him. Again I don't know his rising.... quote: First row, close to the centre of stage and the other evening a bit to the side, but also first row.
OMG!! I'm startstruck and I'm on the other side of the world and it hasn't even happened yet! He COULD see you DD! EDIT - he SHOULD see you! IP: Logged |