posted April 06, 2009 03:37 PM
Operating on the assumption that the "Obama Effect" is happening (when it may not be, or be a case of mistaken causality--ie, what causes those to do better is also what caused Obama to do better, or it's coincidental):Why do you think the Obama Effect happened?
I'd say that it happens because it shows that the system in place isn't just "whites only" anymore. Before, most famous role models tended to disdain academics, or any achievement beyond athletic and/or monetary. Those who tried to better themselves in other ways were often seen as "trying to be white" or even becoming an "Uncle Tom." (Sure, plenty of good role models existed, but they're not promoted.)
Not just that. I can't recall what it's called, but there's another effect that could be at work here. It was named after an experiment in which a new teacher was told that habitual failing students were actually smart, bright kids, and for the first time the kids DID learn while she taught, suggesting that a teacher's expectations has at least as much an affect as a student's attitude. In this case, seeing quite a few successful black men may also inspire teachers to treat such students differently than they may have before.
It should also be noted that Obama isn't the only place where "African Americans" have made serious progress, so calling it "the Obama Effect" isn't exactly accurate, even if the assumptions here are otherwise true (though he's the most visible).
There's also that it could be white students are performing worse because their families are in greater turmoil right now due to the crisis (and they don't have any great morale booster that "African Americans" do to offset that).
('Course, this could all just be less than accurate reporting, for which the NYT is infamous for, too.)
Have you personally observed any cases of the Obama Effect?
What do you think this means for our future?
That really depends on how well Obama pulls a rabbit out of his hat, among other things that could happen (good and bad).
But overall, there's a symbolic victory here that has the potential to revolutionize how our society sees itself, of all supposed races (again, that potential is both good & bad).