posted April 24, 2009 10:02 AM
Okay gang it's game time! We have to help DD with a new name so here are some suggestions.......- D -
D-Doi - Doomsday chick - nasty nasty chick you wouldn't touch
submitted by Some guys in Oklahoma
D.I.L.F - Dad I want to F*ck
submitted by LemonSeed
D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F - Does It Look Like I Give A F***....makes for a good bumper sticker
submitted by
D.O.T.L.R. - Dandruft of the lower region, in other words "itchy pubes"
submitted by Samaj91
D.S.L. - Dick Sucking Lips
submitted by Michael
D.U.F.F. - Dumb Ugly Fat Friend
submitted by Luke
Da bomb diggidy - You're cool, you're the best or you're just plain awesome
submitted by tiajmarie
Da Bonana King! - Instead of saying "the bomb" {xD who says that anymore?} say "dude, you're da bonana king!"
submitted by Keera CULLEN
Da Port - Scum ridden town of South Wales; original land of the Chav, burberry and the GLC
submitted by Bob
Dabble - "You dont quite get the "Full Bag" of naughties from that person but you do have a treat! a "Dabble"
submitted by Danny Boy
Dadurr Dadurr - Its acutally more like a sound you make when someone says something dumb
submitted by Pablo
Dag - A word used by snowboarders. e.g. Dag, yo! or That is dag! or what the Dag?! or Daggin' board, man! or I have to take a dag! etc. Confusing, I know.
submitted by Kazer91
Daggury - A strange unconditionalised way of transport
submitted by finn
Dam straight - another version of the word yes (e.g "dam straight i'm right")
submitted by monkey
Dammis - Dumb ass
submitted by dunno
Damn skippy - It means the same as "damn straight", but it's a cuter way to say it!
submitted by aims from the boro
Damnit Hoe - It's the first thing that I say when I get hurt, I scream "DAMNIT HOE". It's pretty funny and also it's fun to say because its totally randome sometimes
submitted by Julie
Dangleberries - When someone has hemmaroids
submitted by wacko jacko
Dank - Cool
submitted by asdkljv
Dank - Very potent weed or cool
submitted by Chriven
Dapper - Amazing/Cool
submitted by emzi
Dapper - Brave
submitted by Alexia (Belgium)
Dead on Arrival - A date gone bad!
submitted by Robert M. Hensel
Debangle - When your pubes get tied in knot
submitted by mark
Dece - Short for "decent". You say "that's dece". Can be used in whatever situation like somebody gave a decent comeback and you dont want to put them down
submitted by felix
Dee-you - Cantonese word meaning f*ck
submitted by Joyce
Deebo - To take away from someone or to steal
submitted by The one n Onlii ganagsta mami KIKA
Deet - Getting stoned
submitted by beth
Defenestrate - To throw out of a window (real word)
submitted by Jamie
Defenestration - The act of throwing a person out of a window
submitted by Rose
Defenistrate - To throw someone out a window
submitted by yellowag4ever
Defenstrate - To throw someone or something out the window
submitted by winniethepooh
Deferistration - It actually means 'random urges to throw people out of top floor windows' but if someone is irritating you, you can say 'this guy is making my deferisrational problems worse, and i've run out of tablets'. The irritating person will be awed by your awesome intelligence at being able to say big words like 'de-fer-is-ration'!!!
submitted by fobolobo (and viv)
Degenerate - Complete waste of blood and organs
submitted by Tommyhol
Deluckchuck - Good bye
submitted by whitney
Deng - Stupid/Gay/annoying
submitted by dan the man
Denseass - Someone who is thick
submitted by kelli xXx
Desert Wellies - Used for flip-flops or opened toed sandals. See also Jesus sandals
submitted by anon
Detititated - When you hit a friends boob by accident
submitted by me dummy
Deuce - A very ugly girl
submitted by Kevin.y
Deuche - An idiot
submitted by e.l & m.
Deushce bag - Chuffer cleaner
submitted by Mrs. Fliginger
Devoed - Formed from Devastated when something goes wrong.
submitted by anon
DFNU - Dead from the neck up!
submitted by Robert M. Hensel
Dhia-rumpus - Severe diarreha
submitted by von
Diabolic - Wicked
submitted by bijesh
Diapers - The girlfriend of a man who is so young by comparison to her mate that when he was her current age she would have been in diapers
submitted by faxe king
Dib dab - When an older male has a liking for younger females
submitted by raffa
Dibber - TV remote.
submitted by Reno-kun
Dick Duster - Any queer with a thick beard, or just call someone with a beard a dick duster
submitted by tenpen
Dickalicious - A yummy man
submitted by Jasminbelle
Dickmatized - When a girl is whipped over a guy for sex. i.e "Dude, she's so effin dickmatized over you."
submitted by Blaspheman and Corrupt0r
Dicksnot - When you're really really GAY
submitted by Caitlin and Elyse
Dickturd - General insult for someone who has done something stupid
submitted by Sazz
Dig - Cigerette
submitted by Nobber
Dig in the Grave - When a Man needs a shave.. Need a Dig in the Grave
submitted by Philbert
Dillhole - Another word for moron/idiot.
submitted by en
Dilligaf - Does it look like i give a f*ck
submitted by stacey
Dilligaf - Do I look like I give a f**k?
submitted by kev
Dilligaff - Abbreviation, Does It Look Like I Give A Flying Fu**.
submitted by Lovejoy
Dime - A fine ass honey,
submitted by Kevin.y
Ding - Used by snowboarders when describing a dent in stuff, for example, "My board is so dinged up dude!"
submitted by WaWa!
Ding-dang-do - That is quality/I am happy now
submitted by Nickers
Ding-Dong - A dick, or can be used as orgasm (Baby, make me go Ding-Dong!!!!!)
submitted by Melissa
Dingle-Berrie-Mcspaz-Atron - A person who spazes all the time and can spaz very easily
submitted by ADD ME
Dinglebarry - When you pick a piece of hair out of your bum after taking a shower!
submitted by yums
Dingleberry - Stupid person
submitted by Mike
Dink - A gay faggot. ex. "Mike is a dink"
submitted by kristen
Dinlow - Westcountry (wiltshire) term for a stupid person. As in "what did you do that for you f**ing donlow?"
submitted by core_confusion
Dirt road - Poop stuck on your anal hair
submitted by KennyM!
Dirt-e-Squirrel - A real dirty person
submitted by ur mom
Dirty Clouch - Lighter
submitted by jackie
Dirty Rotten Flatterap - Damn it!
submitted by Grandma Norma Jean
Dirty water - You know someone who says something mean about someone else.
submitted by none
Discombobafryer - A really bad chef
submitted by Oli D
Discombobulate - To confuse (real word)
submitted by Jamie
Discombobulated - Something is totally f***ed up! eg. "My hair is discombobulated!"
submitted by chaz
Discombobulation - When you are confused
submitted by i.p.freely
Disenclined to Aquiesce to Your Request - Means No.
Disgabooberated - In a flap, confused, out of sorts
submitted by lee allen
Disgustipating - Something disgusting and frustrating.
submitted by Dibart
Disney Land - Another word for vagina.
submitted by Mrs.Urie
Ditch - A chick you suspect of being a lesbian because she is a total ***** to all men
submitted by S.Toner
Ditch some dirty water - To have sex to get rid of the horn.
submitted by mal
Dits - Male Breasts
submitted by Angus n Scott
DLATLSH - Damn look at that lesbian she's hot!!
submitted by 2 anonymous naughty chicks
Do as I do tell you not as I do do - Do as you're told
submitted by Rhian_Demon
Do one! - "F**k off", basically
submitted by Sarah.h
Do-nut - An Idiot or Fool who does something stupid
submitted by anon
Dodecaheadron - Dont know, something to do with 10, bloody good word though!
submitted by Jimmy Grant
Doesoap - One who is not very bright
submitted by P.Simmons
Dof - When somethings so hilarious you shout "that's dof!"
submitted by Chicken licken
DOG - Doddery Old git. Used to describe that annoying driver in front who insists on going slow.
submitted by Andy
Doge - Expensive, good weed
submitted by Napoleon
Doggina - Female dog's genitals
submitted by Angie
Doi - Used in reference to a pretty girl. (ie "Dude...doi")
submitted by Some guys in Oklahoma
Doidle - (pronounced 'Doy-dell') Means mistake, when the word mistake doesn't quite fit.
submitted by foxflight
Dola - Short for "Don't laugh"
submitted by Rosha
Dolo - Slang for Penis (Some places in Hawaii)
submitted by Ian
Domas - *******
submitted by Ping
Don't make me have a B.F.! - ***** Fit!! A wobblie or strop
submitted by squirt
Dondillas - A group of blokes going on holiday to party and get ****** .
submitted by Dan
Dones - Somebody who can be found festering in their bed, coming out only to eat food (often tuna) or to urinate.
submitted by Sats
Donker/Doofer - TV Remote
submitted by j
Donker/Doofer - TV remote
submitted by j
Donkey - Another name for an ass (eg. "She has such a nice donkey")
submitted by eanna burke
Donut - You really WANT that person. Ex: if they're name is Ben..."I want a Ben-donut"...yummy!
submitted by lukewarmbabe
Doo-hickeys - "Mysterious gadgets for which there appears to be no "real" term, e.g. most parts of a Swiss Army Knife"
Doober - Dorkie goober
submitted by caramel
Doobie - A joint
submitted by Jack
Doobie Snack - To smoke a joint
submitted by chrondons
Doodamakokabear - You're a stooge/idiot
submitted by Chloe
Doodle - A girlfriend.. Use in context like "I had no idea you had a doodle, but tis nice enough"
submitted by annoymous
Doodlebutt - Idiot
submitted by bizzi
Doolaley - Not all there
submitted by Chaz
Doomaflatchie - Any object, idea, or person whose name you've forgotten
submitted by Jimbo the himhoe
Doomslice - A terribly embarrassing insult
submitted by Mistress Doomslice
Doorknob Licker - Much like a 'Window Licker' but very worse because you can't make it to a window
submitted by riley is the shizzzz
much loveā„
Dooshe - Said when giving a friend a friendly punch when joking around or accompanied by an evil look when they say something offensive but jokey and you're too far away or cant be bothered to give them a punch
submitted by Shelly
Dooshe - A guy who is completely stupid
submitted by Andy
Doot duder - Remote control for the TV
submitted by arseface
Dooz Fest - A person, place or thing that is very odd or crazy
submitted by Dooz fest
Dope - Totally awesome
submitted by Louie
Dord - A mix between a dork and a nerd
submitted by Cassie
Dorkatard - A complete idiot
submitted by Saywhat?!
Double bagger - Someone with a really hot body but an ugly face, so you need to put two bags over their head when you do them
submitted by anonymous
Double-bagger - Rhy
submitted by Rhy
Double-parked - When you have two alcoholic drinks on the table at once you are "double-parked" and must "See it off"
submitted by MellyD
Doublets - What my daughter used to call twins!
submitted by GeeJay
Douche McFagqueer - A name for a person who is gay and/or a *******
submitted by Andrew
Douche Nozzle - The dirtiest part of the douch. ie "You are such a douche nozzle"
submitted by Sparkzor
Douchebaggery - The act of being a douche bag. e.g: "How 'bout we stop with all the Douchbaggery"
submitted by Bigmike
Douchebagin' - Doing unpleasant things ex "Quit douchebagin' yu douche"
submitted by Brain
Doughnut Puncher - Slang for gay man
submitted by col
Douz - Stupid, dum, fat, annoying, etc.
submitted by Themelis P.
Downgy - You are too horny to do anything
submitted by N/A
Draculas Teabags - Used tampons
submitted by dean, amy, claire [the fat mafia of mackem land]
Dramarama - More then a drama but less then a crisis
submitted by moi
Dramastically - Drastically Dramatic
submitted by ME
Draw Mud - Wet Fart
submitted by anonymous
Drippin - Hot, cool, sexy; anything good in life.
submitted by CARRIE
Drongo - Idiot or simpleton
submitted by khilmer
Drop an otter - Poop without flushing (left it swimming)
submitted by Louie
Drop the kids off at the pool - Go for a poo
submitted by mog
Drunt - Also see gunt/funt. It is a diseased version of this
submitted by Ed Gauntlett
Dry Scream - When a girl is faking "it".
submitted by mike
Duck - An ugly person
submitted by dreabia
Duck butter - The sweat in your croch.
submitted by Montana dudes
Duck Butter - Mixture of faeces and semen after anal sex
submitted by Luke
Duck smacking - When your get duck butter on your hands and wipe it in a friends face. SEE duck butter
submitted by Montana dudes
Ducktacular - Something that tastes as good as a duck, and can even make you orgasm, if you're weird
submitted by Dynamite Heady
Dude-way - A cool person
submitted by chikadee
DUFF - Designated Ugly Fat Friend
submitted by gary
Duffy - A geeky/swotty looking kid
submitted by anonymous
Duhuhuhuhuhhu - This word, just like gouuuu, is used when something is seen or heard as shocking and deserves the noise
submitted by REMO
Dumb-Snap - Somebody who does stupid things
submitted by Schwan
Dumper - Someone that wont stop talking
submitted by duche bag
Dumpster day - Where you don't go to the loo for a poo for a week or more and you get it all out in one day, it takes a while but you are glad after it.
submitted by cozza cha
Dunbar - When you are to f***ed up to move. eg "I am dunbar"
submitted by sam
Dunzo - Done, finished, totally over with
submitted by Lo
Durawear - Worn out
submitted by Lady Cass
Durex - Do you reckon?
submitted by James
Durf-durf - An overly dramatic way of saying "duh you idiot" (sad slowly to make it sound more irritating)
submitted by Turquoise
Dusted - Extremely intoxicated
submitted by anonymous
Duswin - Complicated
submitted by Jon
Duswin - Complicated...
submitted by Jon da scone
Dynamic Butt Monkey - A term used for annoying retards who love their mums
submitted by Simon B.
Dyson - Someone who sucks up all your cocaine.
submitted by Jason