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Author Topic:   agree or not?

Posts: 1951
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posted April 27, 2009 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think all of us have their own interpretation of the word "relationship"

Some interpretations:

# a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness); "the relationship between mothers and their children"
# a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); "he didn't want his wife to know of the relationship"
# a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
# kinship: (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption

Most people seem to understand "realtionship" as a "long-term union"

Passion often dwindles with time = not possible to sustain it in a "long-term union"

I realize all that. Still. I prefer to believe that it is possible. I guess I'm just setting myself up for a disappointment... although maybe re-discovering passion for one another is what can constitute lasting passion.

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Posts: 1119
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posted April 27, 2009 11:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Coffee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Passion often dwindles with time = not possible to sustain it in a "long-term union"

Whether true or not, if I keep reading that (in womens magazines) I will believe it.
I have seen plenty of relationships which discount that statement. Others which re-inforce that statement too.

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I disagree. I'd get bored and neglect a relationship with someone I'm not crazy about.

If we confine ourselves to people who arouse us only mildly, all we're doing, imo, is avoiding meeting our own extreme emotions. A person we're crazy about can help us get in touch with buried, controlled emotions. Once those feelings and behaviors come to the surface, we can analyze the dysfunctional ones and learn to experience and express them in a new way. I don't want to miss out on experiencing all the parts of myself.

For me, it's about passionately wanting someone, while also being devoted to what's best for him as someone separate from me. Desire + loving friendship.

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posted April 27, 2009 01:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
eve, well put.
Now to the real question - have you had a relationship like that? You know, the "Desire+Loving Friendship" kind? What is that like?

*genuinely curious here

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 01:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, not to brag.

There's an element of that in all that I do, from relationships to work. I like to grow. The excitement and passion entice me to experience parts of myself I've avoided out of fear. And in that vulnerable state, I look at what I'm afraid of, and what I'd be missing out on if I didn't put myself there. I guess I'm just hooked on self-growth, must be my Sag sun's desire for expansion coupled with my Sco/Pluto influence.

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Posts: 5373
From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion!
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posted April 27, 2009 01:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AG said:
If your passion allows you to say that he's your very best friend, that you talk about everything, and that you prefer his company over your other friends, then I'd say you're alright being passionate.

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posted April 27, 2009 01:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
eve, more curious here - with what Sun sign did you experience that?
(I know you are a Sag Sun as am I with a heavy 8th house)

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Most strongly with a Taurus. But all my sexual relationships have been a blend of passion and friendship.

The Taurus and I have been together 7 years. A couple years in, we had a 6 month separation that, at the time, I believed would be the end for us.

I used to think I didn't have faith in love lasting. When working through our isses to get back together I realized that, even worse, it wasn't lasting love that I didn't have faith in, but love itself. Because once I accepted real love as a possibility, I could feel how I loved him and how he loved me, and that anything that would happen from that moment was right. If we split up, something that I had feared happening so much that I initiated the break-up, it would be becuse it was best for our paths in life. The relationship's end wouldn't be love's end.

So I guess what I'm saying is that in a relationship, it's not just passion and loving friendship that's needed, but a loving faith in life. Once I had that faith, I experienced my passionate feelings for him differently: instead of fearing his loss, I celebrate his presence. And the thing is - I don't know if I would've gotten to this point with someone who I wasn't so crazy about. It was those feelings that helped me experience life like this.

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Posts: 205
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posted April 27, 2009 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for aquarian/scorpio     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Eve very wise words.

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yin, I must say your question caught me off guard. My thought was - doesn't everyone experience this? Friendship is a joy in itself, but I don't know how any one can make a sexual relationship last without it. I've always relied on the friendship part of a relationship to work through the pain that can arise from heightened emotions the passionate side brings.

I think my Venus-Jupiter trine contributes to me feeling the two sides strongly in a relationship. Have the two - passion + friendship - not been linked for you?

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posted April 27, 2009 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
eve, I agree on the friendship part. No relationship can survive without it.
It's the passion part that troubles me. The balance of friendship and passion is what I can't figure out how to do. Does it just happen? Does it come easier to some people? What level of emotional maturity is necessary for it? Or is it just luck, a divine spark that is beyond any one person's control?

What comes first - passion or friendship? Can you suddenly fall head over heals for a long-time friend?

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Posts: 914
From: I am where I am and it's enough.
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posted April 27, 2009 02:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deux*Antares     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Passion dwindles, but it can be rekindled again and again. That's why I advocate being passionate about life as individuals. We should not look to the other person to provide passion and the other elements that comprise a relationship. Obviously, I am from the "nurture" school of thought.

Hey, eve!

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Doh! I just lost my long post and I have to go now! I'll get back to this, Yin, because you asked something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

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posted April 27, 2009 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You mean if the passion is not there, you have to work to get it back??!

No, seriously though, it just sounds so unromantic.

Edited: eve, I have been thinking about this a lot lately as well! Looking forward to your response.

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Posts: 914
From: I am where I am and it's enough.
Registered: Apr 2009

posted April 27, 2009 03:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deux*Antares     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Don't let it die in the first place. LOL. However, it has two go two ways and not just one of the partners doing all of the work. Both parties must be in tune with the relationship enough to sense when "refuelling" should be done.

I guess I have to also clarify that from my POV passion is not restricted to the sexual/physical aspect of the relationship.

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posted April 27, 2009 03:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Write, do you mean we shouldn't be in a relationship where LUST is the prominent feeling instead of LOVE?

LUST is very woooooooo hooooooo!
LOVE is a much slower train but takes you all over the world and not in 365 days

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 21, 2009 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yin -

I tried to come back to this thread the next day, but that was when this folder became inaccessible. I usually have a tough time being prompt, and there I was, being good, and it was something outside me obstructing me. Hmph, why I never!

The balance of friendship and passion is what I can't figure out how to do. Does it just happen? Does it come easier to some people? What level of emotional maturity is necessary for it? Or is it just luck, a divine spark that is beyond any one person's control?

Personally, passion comes easily to me as long as I feel emotionally bonded with someone. If my emotions are excited, so is my body and I'm pretty easily set off. By that, I mean just a look will turn me on. Or not being looked at will turn me on. Anything can trigger me! I think I get this from my Moon-Uranus square. (But I assign so much to that one aspect, so who knows!) And then friendship comes easily because of my Venus-Chiron-Jupiter cnj Mars grand trine, and my Moon-Neptune trine.

I see this topic as tying in with AG's "Conceptions" thread over in LLC.2 (and its discussion about talent and potential). Are some of us wired in a way that satisfying love relationships are within our reach, while others can never attain that?

Personally, I think we all have the potential to love in a way that's true and satisfying to who we are. For example, if you want passion & friendship in the same relationship, then along with that desire you also have the potential to have that.

But I do think that some of us are wired in a way that makes achieving our brand of love easy, while some are wired in a way that makes it more challenging. That wiring is luck, imo. They say trines are lucky and I usually think of that as meaning that from trines flow good things, but it can also be viewed that having that trine in the first place is lucky. It's sorta like teaching a man how to fish, because with that trine he can make good things come forth with little effort. He can make his good luck.

I don't think challenging aspects doom us from success though, just that we have a journey to go through before things click and we understand how to use our resources to get what we want. I can see how my sister is working out her Venus-Neptune square.

Our challenges aren't always easily identifiable hard aspects though. My Moon-Uranus square has absolutely caused me problems, but just as much of a hurdle has been Saturn in my 11th house, my Cappy Venus, and my Sco Asc with its ruler in my 12th house. I would always hold a piece of myself apart, and keep up walls that I never let anyone pass. So that took a little work to overcome . I think with work even the parts of our chart that are now barriers to love (or anything else) can become tools that enhance our experience of love. I can easily see how all those barriers I listed are also things that make love feel so precious to me now, and tools that keep love strong.

What in your chart do you think shows a challenge with combining passion and friendship? I'd love to see your chart. Writesomething's too, to see what inside her prompted this poll.

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 21, 2009 07:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Deux! Missed you.

That's why I advocate being passionate about life as individuals. We should not look to the other person to provide passion and the other elements that comprise a relationship.

I agree. I think this is why I like workaholics. I like when someone has a passion that's completely independent of me. It can feel like a burden when someone relies on you/love as the sole source of all that is magical and exciting in life. (Of course, this doesn't preclude turning each other on, as well.)

aqua/scorp -

Thanks! Wise eyes. (In truth, I'm about 90% buffoon, but I have my moments.)

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Cardinal Arbiter

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posted May 21, 2009 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cardinal Arbiter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So, it will work less, but I would still go for following your dreams, and going for she who you are most crazy for.

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posted May 23, 2009 08:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree with Eve and I think it has to depend on the individual. I noticed for example that AG and Lex, Capricorn and Scorpio respectively are all about getting the balance right whereas the two saggies are all for passion, not sure about everyone else's sign... That speaks volumes!
I think we all have differing levels of needs. Some people need more freedom than others. Some people need more security.
Personally I can see both sides
But I have to say that I feel life is about taking risks and if you are not with the one you are mad about why bother! Ofcourse it should be mutual but I think it's only passion if it's mutual and self-destructive when it's not passion is the keynote of relationships for me also and I'm a Libran. I am in a passionate relationship and we are also each other's best friend BUT we have our own space away from each other too..... I think thats where the balance comes in, rather than lack of passion... temporary seperation if only for a few hours and sometimes if required for a few days keeps relationships from suffocating and keep a freshness to it.

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Posts: 1951
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posted May 26, 2009 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Loved your response! Let me highlight some parts so I can respond better.

Personally, passion comes easily to me as long as I feel emotionally bonded with someone. If my emotions are excited, so is my body and I'm pretty easily set off. By that, I mean just a look will turn me on. Or not being looked at will turn me on. Anything can trigger me! I think I get this from my Moon-Uranus square. (But I assign so much to that one aspect, so who knows!)

Anything can trigger my passion too. The catalyst is always the same though - if I am not completely head-over-heals for the other person (Sun tightly conjuncts Neptune) it doesn't happen. I tend to idolize love and my love subjects so when I fall, I fall hard.

And then friendship comes easily because of my Venus-Chiron-Jupiter cnj Mars grand trine, and my Moon-Neptune trine.

Interesting. I'm very cautious about friendships and the few ones I maintain usually last for many, many years. I'd like to think they are forever but still take them one day at a time.

I see this topic as tying in with AG's "Conceptions" thread over in LLC.2 (and its discussion about talent and potential). Are some of us wired in a way that satisfying love relationships are within our reach, while others can never attain that?

Personally, I think we all have the potential to love in a way that's true and satisfying to who we are. For example, if you want passion & friendship in the same relationship, then along with that desire you also have the potential to have that.

I like this idea - we all have the potential and the capacity to handle what comes our way or what we attract - whichever you prefer to believe. Isn't this straight from the Bible too?
You also have the potential to make a choice. How you make that choice is governed by all kinds of external and internal factors. Sometimes the lessons are in the wrong choice and sometimes they are in the non-choice. It's hard to gauge that. How do you do it? How do you know?
And when you say you just know, how do you know it's not your ego playing tricks on you?

But I do think that some of us are wired in a way that makes achieving our brand of love easy, while some are wired in a way that makes it more challenging. That wiring is luck, imo. They say trines are lucky and I usually think of that as meaning that from trines flow good things, but it can also be viewed that having that trine in the first place is lucky. It's sorta like teaching a man how to fish, because with that trine he can make good things come forth with little effort. He can make his good luck.

Teaching a man how to fish? OMG, that was funny )) (my dad is an avid fisherman, he was born with a fishing rod in his hands)

Nice theory about the wiring.
So it doesn't come down to free will then? It's just fate and luck?
Mmmm. Sounds like it is really delicious aspect. And really boring if ease is not what you are after.

I think I set myself up for disappointment because I am subconsciously repeating patterns in my parents relationship. Sad, but it has proven to be true with time.

I don't think challenging aspects doom us from success though, just that we have a journey to go through before things click and we understand how to use our resources to get what we want. I can see how my sister is working out her Venus-Neptune square.

Our challenges aren't always easily identifiable hard aspects though. My Moon-Uranus square has absolutely caused me problems, but just as much of a hurdle has been Saturn in my 11th house, my Cappy Venus, and my Sco Asc with its ruler in my 12th house. I would always hold a piece of myself apart, and keep up walls that I never let anyone pass. So that took a little work to overcome . I think with work even the parts of our chart that are now barriers to love (or anything else) can become tools that enhance our experience of love. I can easily see how all those barriers I listed are also things that make love feel so precious to me now, and tools that keep love strong.

Challenging aspects can totally frustrate and discourage you though. It is hard to have faith and when things are not going the way you believe they should be, your faith gets a blow after a blow. It takes a lot of nursing and soul nurturing (for me) to get back to my happy place.

What in your chart do you think shows a challenge with combining passion and friendship? I'd love to see your chart. Writesomething's too, to see what inside her prompted this poll.

LOL, my chart. I don't know what makes me feel the way I do.
My heart is always filled with unrequited love, maybe the Sun Neptune conjunction. The unattainable ever-consuming, eternal love.
Anyway, here it is:

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posted May 26, 2009 01:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


Personally, I think we all have the potential to love in a way that's true and satisfying to who we are. For example, if you want passion & friendship in the same relationship, then along with that desire you also have the potential to have that.

what about all those people who thought
they were wired to win american idol?

i think we frequently have dreams,
often implanted/programmed by the culture,
which are well beyond our grasp.

I'm "wired" to dream of being a genius.
So, do you think genius is necessarily in me?


I disagree. I'd get bored and neglect a relationship with someone I'm not crazy about.
If we confine ourselves to people who arouse us only mildly, all we're doing, imo, is avoiding meeting our own extreme emotions. A person we're crazy about can help us get in touch with buried, controlled emotions. Once those feelings and behaviors come to the surface, we can analyze the dysfunctional ones and learn to experience and express them in a new way. I don't want to miss out on experiencing all the parts of myself.

For me, it's about passionately wanting someone, while also being devoted to what's best for him as someone separate from me. Desire + loving friendship.

So I guess what I'm saying is that in a relationship, it's not just passion and loving friendship that's needed, but a loving faith in life. Once I had that faith, I experienced my passionate feelings for him differently: instead of fearing his loss, I celebrate his presence. And the thing is - I don't know if I would've gotten to this point with someone who I wasn't so crazy about. It was those feelings that helped me experience life like this.

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posted May 26, 2009 01:02 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nice, Quinnie.

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Posts: 1951
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posted May 26, 2009 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Valus, you said: "I'm wired to dream of beeing a genius"
You didn't say: "I'm wired to become one."
That actually solidifies eve's theory.

Unless of course you meant something else.

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Posts: 191
From: jane
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 26, 2009 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Valus -

what about all those people who thought
they were wired to win american idol?

i think we frequently have dreams,
often implanted/programmed by the culture,
which are well beyond our grasp.

I'm "wired" to dream of being a genius.
So, do you think genius is necessarily in me?

Oh c'mon, you make me sound like Jiminy Cricket. Ok, ok, I made myself sound like Jiminy Cricket.

As I was typing the word "desire", in another part of my head I was hearing Salieri in "Amadeus" cursing God for giving him the desire for musical greatness but not the tools to reach it. I thought what I was saying might sound as if I was speaking against the possibility of unattainable goals (which I wasn't), but I was lazy and didn't take the time to better articulate what I meant. So thanks for bringing that up.

I meant "desires" in the sense of actively expressing identity. I'll use astrology to explain. Venus is love, so Venus wants to love and be loved. Venus wants to exist. Mars is energy and self-assertion, so Mars wants to exist by expressing what he is. And so on with all of who we are. We have a true self, and we want to live it.

Venus aspecting Neptune has a different identity/desire from Venus aspecting Mercury. When I said that we all have the potential to love in a way that's true and satisfying to who we are, I meant that we all have the potential to live as our true selves. Venus trine Neptune will probably have an easier time of loving and being loved satisfyingly in a Neptunian way than Venus square Neptune, but even the person with the square has a Venus-Neptune identity. With that identity comes the possibility of living as that in a positive way, but hard aspects can symbolize the challenge with getting there.

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