Eleanore Moderator Posts: 87 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 23, 2004 12:41 PM
 ------------------ "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi IP: Logged |
Harpyr unregistered
posted April 25, 2004 11:54 PM
wow.. that is freaky.  I think another word that could be woven into this lexi is ELITE or ELITIST. IP: Logged |
LeylaLeFay unregistered
posted May 01, 2004 07:06 AM
All right. I've seen enough of this silly nonsense, and can stand it no more! If you want to go hunting for star-dragons, all you have to do is wait for nightfall and point your faces to the North. DRAGON OF THE NIGHT: The the NIGHT SKY (the dark womb- the dark earth) is ruled by the North Star. In particular by the Great Dragon. Draco, which currently circles around the North Star. We have the Sun in the South- the Male God Force ruling the day; and the Dragon in the North- the Female Goddess Force ruling the night. Black Elk says it best. "Growing power is rooted in the mystery of the Night. Seeds sprout in the darkness of the ground...In the Night of the Womb spirit quickens into flesh." Things that grow, grow secretly in darkness before they are revealed to the light. "In ancient times the heavens rotated around Draco. The dragon was the center around which the heavens turned and it was the symbol of primordial chaos (the goddess.) It would have appeared to the ancient sky watchers that the earth revolved around Draco." The original constilation of Draco was much larger and had enormous wings. The Greek philosopher Thales lopped off the wings in the sixth century BC. Now she is depicted as a large serpent. Most American Indian tribes call the North "Where we all come from" and some tribes call a womans vagina "The Winged Serpent" or Dragon. It's all coming together isn't it? Belly dancers with their snakes. Twisting turning seducing. The "evil" serpent in the garden. The dragon so revered in the orient, and yet so reviled in the west. The Buddhists have kept their goddess. In the orient perfection is seen as the balance of Yin/Yang, Female/Male, Black/White. In the west they will tell you black represents "evil." This is because black represents the female force. This dragon symbology is so prevalent in ancient cultures, and in ancient writings, that a generation of conspiracy theorists have been lead to believe (with all their hearts) that an ALIEN RACE of "dragons" came from the stars and inbred with humans. There are hundreds of books proclaiming "Reptilian Aliens are living among us!" They spend years tracking down people from "ancient alien blood lines." I have read the family names listed as those of "Alien Blood," including the Bushes. Unless it was their intent to produce an enclave of incompetent learning disabled alcoholics then the breeding program should be dismantled post haste, because it is a pathetic failure. If they are all products of an ancient alien breeding system constructed with the utmost planning and care it should be proven in the results. You should be able to find nary a one member of the upper class who lacks a genius IQ and mystical powers. And we all know that is not the case. Now that you know why the Goddess is "The Night" and "The Dragon" it explains all those pictures of Mary "The Mother of God" wearing a robe of stars and/or a crown of stars while standing on the Moon. Sometimes she is pictured standing on a serpent. When they tell you it is Mary conquering the devil, you will know it really represents the star constellation of Draco. One of Mary's names is, in fact, "Our Lady of The Stars." Several goddesses carried this title, including Nuit of Egypt. Many ancient Goddess names translate to "Stary" Astarte, Ishtar and Astraea for example. You know what's "Stary?" The night sky. Check out this prayer to Virgin Mary composed by Lord Byron SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY, LIKE THE NIGHT She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. I found this on a Christian web site: "Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath shined upon the world the light of knowledge; for thereby, they that worshipped the stars were taught by a star to worship Thee." Heh heh heh. Cute aren't they? Explains the hell out of all those mysterious paintings of the "Black Madonna." Of course, some nut jobs are running around with the theory that the Black Madonna paintings are a secret coded message proving the royal family is of the "Blood line of Christ." They are not. Many modern conspiracy theorists think the Black Madonna symbolises Mary Magdalene. I think I have proven the "Black Madonna" is none other than the Goddess herself, perhaps with Mary Magdalene acting as her Priestess. Here is where the confusion lies: There is the impression of "Secrecy" "Concealment" and "The Hidden" in the Black Madonna. That's because Darkness itself is concealing. They were not hiding the blood line of Jesus. They were hiding the old religion. And for good reason. The church would've killed them. OH YEAH? WHAT ABOUT THE DRAGONS CONNECTION TO ROYALTY AND THE RULING CLASSES? ANSWER: No king comes into power except through the goddess. The Goddess is the Land. He who wins the Goddess wins the Land. Nobody but the husband of the Land (Goddess) has any authority over her. Quoting: "The sacred marriage between priestess and king was the most solemn and numinous of all Mesopotamian religious rituals. Through this act the life-force of the goddess was drawn down to the land and it's people. Without his wedding to the Goddess in the living form of her priestess the king was not considered fit or able to rule the people. "The relationship between Goddesses of the land and the holder of worldly power-the king-is an important theme in Celtic mythology. Irish text suggest that the king was married to the tutelary goddess of his tribe. This would take place as a Sacred Marriage with a priestess." The Dragon is on the Flag of Wales. Queen Elizabeth's exact words to Charles as he was crowned Prince of Wales were: "This Dragon now gives you your power, your throne, and your authority." She just as easily could have said "The Goddess now gives you your power, your throne, and your authority." I wonder if they have any idea the meanings of these ceremonies they perform, and their ancient pagan roots. I suspect they are only going through the motions. Sad. Even the Jews count days from sundown to sundown. Because they know Night came before the Day. Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form and void. and darkness was upon the face of the deep And the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters." Hence the popular bumper sticker: "My Goddess gave birth to your God." Today most people have the view of "the world at war." They believe there is a great battle going on between the forces of "Light" and the forces of "Darkness." Day against Night. God against Goddess. Male against Female. The Christian God, like so many gods after the male revolution, he swears vengeance on "The Dragon." This has caused millions upon millions of confused Christians to declare war against a star constellation, and "the forces of darkness." I don't know about you, but the forces of darkness arrive here around 6:30 every evening. IP: Logged |
FairyStar unregistered
posted May 01, 2004 02:36 PM
Reptilian aliens interest me greatly. That's why I like David Icke. He's scares me a lot too.I wonder how I missed this thread the first time? 
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 964 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2004 02:58 PM
Interesting take on those lizards.  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
LeylaLeFay unregistered
posted May 04, 2004 01:27 AM
It's very very simple.God= The Sun. All sun gods are born December 25th, on the winter solstice, when the days begin to grow longer. Goddess= The Night, Draco "The Dragon" The dark fertile womb, the dark fertile earth, the dark fertile creative chaos of space that scientists call "dark matter." Thus patriarchal religions teach us to hate and fear the dark and the dragon, because these things belong to the goddess. IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 232 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 10:55 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 03:28 PM
I am simply stating my observations here. No disrespect intended. I do have strong and logical views why when Lexigramming it is important to endeavor not to alter the meaning in the resulting creation, by the adding of letters, thus creating words which were not to be found within the source/original being Lexigrammed. The same goes for adding entire words which are not to be found within the source/original one is Lexigramming. Are we looking for truth and true meaning when Lexigramming? Or are we inserting our wishes, desires, into the effort, trying to force it to say things which are not to actually be found within the source/original but only in our minds? I vote for truth and accuracy in Lexigramming, using all and only what the original/source actually has hidden within it. To do otherwise would logically and rationally result in untruth.I see many folks trying to force meaning into their Lexigrammings that cannot be found within the source/original they are attempting to Lexigram. One way they try to force it to say untruths or reflect what they want or desire their resulting creation to say; is the use of homophones. "LITE" is a slang homophone of LIGHT, and so is not on the following list at this link. List of British-English homophones LITE cannot show possessive, such as in LITE'S. LIGHT can, but not LITE. Totally two different words with drastically different meanings. LITE is NOT the same word in essence and meaning as the word LIGHT. light 1 n. 1. Physics a. Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about 4,000 (violet) to about 7,700 (red) angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye. b. Electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength. 2. The sensation of perceiving light; brightness: a sudden light that made me blink. 3. a. A source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern, or an electric lighting fixture: Turn out the lights when you leave. b. The illumination derived from a source of light: by the light of the moon. c. The particular quantity or quality of such illumination: moved the lamp closer to get better light. d. The pathway or route of such illumination to a person: You're standing in his light. 4. A mechanical device that uses illumination as a signal or warning, especially a beacon or traffic signal. 5. a. Daylight. b. Dawn; daybreak. 6. Something, such as a window, that admits illumination. 7. Architecture One of two or more openings in a window divided by a mullion or mullions. 8. A source of fire, such as a match or cigarette lighter. 9. Spiritual awareness; illumination. 10. a. Something that provides information or clarification: threw some light on the question. b. A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source: in the light of experience. 11. Public attention; general knowledge: brought the scandal to light. 12. A way of looking at or considering a matter; an aspect: saw the situation in a different light. 13. Archaic Eyesight. 14. lights One's individual opinions, choices, or standards: acted according to their own lights. 15. A person who inspires or is adored by another: My daughter is the light of my life. 16. A prominent or distinguished person; a luminary: one of the leading lights of the theater. 17. An expression of the eyes: a strange light in her eyes. 18. Light In Quaker doctrine, the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person. 19. The representation of light in art. v. light·ed or lit, light·ing, lights 1. To set on fire; ignite or kindle. 2. To cause to give out light; make luminous: lit a lamp. 3. To provide, cover, or fill with light; illuminate: fireworks lighting the sky. 4. To signal, direct, or guide with or as if with illumination. 5. To enliven or animate: A smile lit her face. v.intr. 1. To start to burn; be ignited or kindled: Green wood does not light easily. 2. To emit light; be lighted: Wait until the indicator lights up. adj. light·er, light·est 1. a. Having a greater rather than lesser degree of lightness. b. Of or being an additive primary color. 2. Characterized by or filled with light; bright: a room that is light when the shutters are open. 3. Not dark in color; fair: light hair and skin. 4. Served with milk or cream. Used of coffee. Phrasal Verb: light up 1. To become or cause to become animated or cheerful. 2. To start smoking a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Idioms: in (the) light of In consideration of; in relationship to. light a fire under To urge or move to action. light at the end of the tunnel The prospect of success, relief, or escape after strenuous effort. [Middle English, from Old English, see leuk- in Indo-European roots.] Usage Note: Lighted and lit are equally acceptable as past tense and past participle of light. Both forms are also well established as adjectives: a lighted (or lit) candle. continued next post........ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 03:29 PM
This is the actual definition of LITE..... The word Yivy used when she wanted to use the word LIGHT, which has an entirely different meaning. What is odd in a logical view... is this: WHY use the word "LITE", which has the incorrect meaning..... WHEN SHE HAD THE WORD "LIGHT" TO USE?  (unless she meant this definition, but it does not appear that way) Yes! "LIGHT is within the phrase: "THE REPTILIAN BEINGS".
quote: light 2 adj. light·er, light·est 1. a. Of relatively little weight; not heavy: a light load. b. Of relatively little weight for its size or bulk: Balsa is a light wood. c. Of less than the correct, standard, or legal weight: a light pound. 2. Exerting little force or impact; gentle: a light pat. 3. Indistinct; faint: light print that I could barely make out. 4. a. Of little quantity; scanty: light snow. b. Consuming or using relatively moderate amounts; abstemious: a light eater; a light smoker. c. Not harsh or severe: gave the offender a light sentence. 5. Demanding little exertion or effort; not burdensome: light household tasks. 6. Having little importance; insignificant: light, idle chatter. 7. Intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound: a light comedy. 8. Free from worries or troubles; blithe: a light heart. 9. Characterized by frivolity; silly or trivial. 10. Liable to change; fickle. 11. Mildly dizzy or faint: felt light in the head. 12. Lacking in ethical discrimination. 13. Moving easily and quickly; nimble: The dancer was light and graceful. 14. Designed for ease and quickness of movement; having a relatively slim structure and little weight: light aircraft. 15. Designed to carry relatively little weight: a light truck. 16. Carrying little equipment or armament: light cavalry; light tanks. 17. Requiring relatively little equipment and using relatively simple processes to produce consumer goods: light industry. 18. Easily awakened or disturbed: a light sleeper. 19. a. Easily digested: a light supper. b. Having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened: light pastries. 20. Having a loose, porous consistency: light soil. 21. Containing a relatively small amount of a potentially harmful ingredient, such as alcohol, fat, or sodium: light beer; light mayonnaise. 22. Linguistics a. Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a short vowel or a short vowel plus a consonant. b. Of, relating to, or being a vowel or syllable pronounced with little or no stress. adv. lighter, lightest 1. In a light manner; lightly. 2. With little weight and few burdens: traveling light. intr.v. light·ed or lit, light·ing, lights 1. To get down, as from a vehicle or horse; dismount. 2. To descend to the ground after flight; land. 3. To come upon one unexpectedly: Misfortune lighted upon him. 4. To come upon by chance or accident. Used with on or upon: lit on the perfect solution to the problem. Phrasal Verbs: light into Informal To attack verbally or physically; assail. light out Informal To leave hastily; run off. Idiom: go light on To treat casually or gingerly. [Middle English, from Old English, see legwh- in Indo-European roots.]The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
continued nex post........ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 03:30 PM
I am intending no disrespect to Yivy as some have said. I am simply showing how one can insert untrue meaning into their Lexigramming by using homophones in lieu of words they want to use but do not actually have within the source/original, (in this example that is the phrase: "THE REPTILIAN BEINGS). The use of misspelling is often employed to try and force a Lexigramming into saying something which cannot be found within the source/original. Such as misspelling of the word INTELLIGENT as INTELIGENT, dropping the 2nd. letter "L" to try and force it in. Not sure what Yivy meant by ELAN-LITE though. The only references to the word Elan I could find, refer to the school. and the word elan which means é·lan quote: (-lä, -län) n. 1. Enthusiastic vigor and liveliness. 2. Distinctive style or flair. [French, from Old French eslan, rush, from eslancer, to hurl : es-, out (from Latin ex-; see ex-) + lancer, to throw (from Late Latin lancere, to throw a lance, from Latin lancea, lance).
Other words Yivy added, which clearly do indeed, drastically alter the meaning of her creation, since it was intended to be an actual Lexigram. Which it is not, even by Linda's rules. Excerpt from page 431 in "Star Signs". quote: If necessary, you may add in, lower case, an a or a the or a but-in parenthesis-to bring more meaning to a sentence, but this should be done sparingly, and only if necessary to comprehend the full meaning of a sentence in a Lexigram.
Note: no adding big words. However, even a word such as "but" can alter a meaning not to be actually found within the source/original, ie; the name, word, phrase, one is Lexigramming. I personally and logically see no reason to add or remove any letters. If you have them (both consonants and vowels) use them! If you do not have certain ones, do not add. Any adding or removing of letters, changes the source/original, and it would no longer be the original, but often becomes a line of nonsense. Why Lexigram a line of nonsense from a invalid sequence no longer the original? Yivy'screation, minus the following added words, which can not be found within the source/original phrase; Added letters are set off thusly: aALTERNaTE SEPARaTE AGaINST STRIPsALlIES GERm SEPARaTING AREaS REPAIrS INHERENT which was misspelled as INHERINT, and I think she meant to say, and CAN BE FOUND IN THE PHRASE; "THE REPTILIAN BEINGS", so I replaced her spelling Inherint with Inherent. I replaced Lite/Lite's with Light/Light's. My changes to Yivy's work, are in BOLD Sequence for the phrase: "THE REPTILIAN BEINGS" A B EEE G H III L NN R S TT The partial revision of Yivy's work. Not valid words removed and replaced by ---------- for the time being. THE REPTILIAN BEINGS THESE ALIENS ARE REAL. BEINGS IN AN ---------------- PLANE. THEE SEE THEIR PLANS IN A ELAN LIGHT BATTLE - THEIR PLAN IS STEALING THE ESP RNA THEE HAST! THE INHERENT STAR ESP THEE HAS LET REST. THEIR AGENTS IN THIS EARTH PLANE HELP THESE ALIENS IN THEIR PLANS. THE LIGHT BEINGS SENT HERE BATTLE THE REPTILE ALIENS. THESE ALIENS LISTEN - THEN SPLIT THE EARTHLINGS IN TRIBES----------------- TRIBES ARE EASIER TARGETS. TRIBE -------- TRIBE---------- AN INNER STRENGTH. THEN IT ENABLES THE EARTH/ALIEN ALLIES A BETTER GRIP IN STEALING RIGHTS! THEN THE ALIENS RELEASE AN AIR --------- GAS THAT NEGATES THE ------------ ----------IN A BRAIN. IN THEIR PLAN, THE BEST -----------EARTHLINGS ARE IN GREAT PERIL! BREATHING IN LIGHT ------------THE BRAIN. THEIR BEST PLAN IS IN --------------THE EARTHLINGS IN TRIBES. IT BEGINS IN THAT. IT'S A SIGN THE ALIENS ARE HERE. IN TRIBAL BIAS ANGER EARTHLINGS ARE PLIANT! IN BEING ---------------, THE HATE SERPENT SLITHER IN. HATE HELPS THE ALIENS. THE LIGHT BEINGS ARE HERE HELPING. THE ALIENS HATE THE LIGHT IT'S A BATTLE SEEN IN THE AGES. EINSTEIN (A LIGHT BEING) HELPS EARTHLINGS SEE. HE RELATES THE LIGHT BEINGS STAR GRAIL - IN THE GRAIL, THEE SEE THE REPTILE PAST - GAIN AN INSIGHT IN THEIR START... THEIR PLANET. THE BATTLE IS THEN IN THEIR AIR! IT NEGATES THEIR TEETH! IT'S LIGHT'S PLAN, GAIN THEIR REAL STAR - THEN GATHER THE LIGHT ---------. GRIP THEIR PLANET. LIGHT BEINGS AREN'T THAT BENIGN. IT'S A BATTLE!!! THE LINE IS HERE - HEAR THIS....IN THE REPTILE PLAN EARTHLINGS ARE THINGS - IN LIGHT'S PLAN, EARTHLINGS ARE --------- - INHERIT THE STAR GRAIL! GAIN STRENGTH! IT'S A LARGE BATTLE THAT IS REAL! A BATTLE EARTHLINGS ARE IN - BE ALERT... IT'S HERE!!!
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LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 06:24 PM
In general I personally prefer NOT to use abbreviations such as: D.N.A.- E.S.P.- A.I.D.S.- T.V. and so forth when Lexigramming; unless the full words in such Acronyms are to actually be found withing the source/original I am Lexigramming. I explained why here: ABBREVIATIONSIP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 06:27 PM
Some of my views on the topic of "The Reptilians" from another thread. LTT  Sweet Dreams! One more thing before I get some sleep. quote: Oh, by the way- I can certainly conceive of the idea that there may be a race of benevolent reptilians, however, the draconians are the ones who don't sound very nice!
OK...first off they (draconians) were NOT reptilian, but mock-bio/Sirians. They may appear by illusion as reptilian, but that is a deception to make us fear our own reptilian mind base, our reptilian complex, our base brain. Inside, those beings were not in any way reptilian. They could take any form they chose to. quote: Draconians are apparently 'soulless' and can be associated with the neosaurian-reptilian or 'fallen angels'.
The soulless is partly true as they were an artificially created partial lifeform. There were no fallen angels, that is a myth created by the Pleiadesians and programmed into their agent on Earth, the LORD God of Genesis two and his Eden Zoo. We were/are the reptilians. Not scaled of body, but in our base mind construction/evolution. The outsiders wanted us to hate reptiles, and got us to confuse reptiles with what it means to be reptilian.The arachnids (spiders) and insects (of which their minds are closest to being)do not share with us the reptilian complex brain. We who bear the reptilian complex primitive brain, as part of our physical complete brain, are alien minded monsters to them. The human brain. What we may have looked a bit like, or some of us, reptilians, in the primeval past before the extinction of the saurians when we had to physically de-evolve into a smaller mammalian like life form physically to survive the ice ages which followed. It took awhile to evolve again into a biped humanoid form which we bear now. Do not confuse reptiles with being reptilian. Reptilians have always had what we think of as the complete human brain, not a base reptile brain like reptiles have now. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 19, 2009 08:31 PM
In many other stories, The Serpent/Reptilian is not evil but good and wise, whist the Evil Demiurge/LORD of The Eden Zoo, is the evil one. DEMIURGE He hurt the sapient Reptilians, our true ancestors, and de-evolved them causing their limbs to atrophy and reducing them to slithering creatures on land and in water, rather than the bipeds they had been. Some became Whales, some Dolphins. Some of these mammals have vestiges of the lost limbs hidden withing their bodies, and can be seen as part of their skeletal structure. We are possibly closer to them on some level than to the primate family. Some scientists even theorize that some Saurians were mammals. Remember, all mammals have as their base brain, The Reptilian Complex. This is thought to be the seat of our third eye.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 964 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 25, 2009 02:53 PM
 ------------------ "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 25, 2009 11:16 PM IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 232 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2009 05:55 PM
Have you posted this elsewhere Lexx?IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 990 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2010 07:17 PM
------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged | |