Topic: Michael Jackson's Lexigram
juniperb Moderator Posts: 3936 From: www.Heaven.Home Registered: Mar 2002
posted November 20, 2003 11:08 AM
Back in the news again so any more trys at it?------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 20, 2003 12:06 PM
Why do parents continue to allow their children to "sleep" with Michael? It is obvious that he is SICK, on many levels, so why expose your child to that?------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 3936 From: www.Heaven.Home Registered: Mar 2002
posted November 20, 2003 02:00 PM
Good question LTD. It`s sad to think it`s because he`s famous and it makes them to feel important to 'know' him Would you let your kid play with a four legged that was thought to be rabid? ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 1987 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted November 20, 2003 03:42 PM
La-Tee-Da I agree. I don't know what to think anymore, I feel very sorry for Michael Jackson becuase he is so empty inside. He is a very sick human being, he has been able to get away with a lot of broken taboos, but now I feel this latest accuser is the sign of a horrible end. I don't see anymore options for Michael. Especially since the the investigators will not back down by any means justified. I'm afraid he is coming to an end especially if his children get taken away. Either he fights his innocence or he dies. I know everytime I speak about this I sound horrible, but this is a horrible situation with limited things to say. I hope that Michael's spirit moves on from this suffering.-StarLover IP: Logged |
Sunmeadow Glades Knowflake Posts: 253 From: Brisbane, QLD, Australia Registered: Jan 2003
posted November 20, 2003 04:54 PM
I had another very quick look at his name. Something about the claims doesn't sit right with me, but I don't know why.Here is what I got: Michael has coins Sick claims (for) Michael's coins Alone is Michael Alone (with) coins Claims make Michael sick (and feel) alone Sick claims aim (to) make Michael alone What do you think? Sunmeadow Glades. IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 20, 2003 06:09 PM
I am sorry to all that think otherwise, but I think Michael has been caught for the last time. I think there is no escape, no way out. This is the end for a very sick man.I have always loved his music and his talent, but how can one look the other way with a second set of allegations? You can only cry "wolf" so many times.....then what? I feel that he is guilty of this and many more horrible acts....and it breaks my heart to think that, but I am afraid that it is true. Look at his "mug" shot....he looks a monster. Poor man....he is very, very sick. May he be freed from this suffering. ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 1987 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted November 20, 2003 07:46 PM
Many of Michael's supporters want very much to believe that his accusers want his money. The Lexigram is not necessarily referring to the truth, but what some people believe. Unfortunately, we need more than Lexigrams to tell us the truth. I also believe that this is the end for Michael. The investigators are holding their breath for the final blow. If this was a chess game, it would be a check for Michael. This needs to go to court. We have to know the truth once and for all. -StarLover
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La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 21, 2003 07:25 AM
StarLover......I agree 100%. We need to know...period....end of story. The man needs to go in for extensive treatment. I mean, look how he has destroyed his face...that is NOT normal....nothing about him is normal.------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted November 21, 2003 10:44 AM
I have to agree with LTD, the man is not normal.I remember being horrified, watching the documentary on TV a few months ago, that Michael would sit beside a 12 year old boy and talk about sleeping with young boys in his bed. He said it was "charming, sweet." Sorry, but no, it's not. Would you allow your child to sleep with any adult, let alone Michael Jackson? Shame on those parents who did. His career might be over...but if the allegations are true, well, we can chalk that up to the very serious karma Michael brought to this life. IF they are not true, there may be redemption for him (just ask Hugh Grant, though granted, children were not involved). I would urge you to read the deposition of the child who accused him ten years ago, it's available on The Smoking Gun, which I believe is It has the ring of truth. I've said this before: If I were accused of molesting a child I would spend every single cent I have defending my innocence. I would never pay millions of dollars, or even one cent, to my accuser for his silence...that smells like the act of a guilty man. Wishing healing for all involved. btw, as I posted elsewhere, it seems it's the child's psychologist who originally came forward with the allegations out of concern for the child. There is much in the story that remains untold...we will have to watch it unfold, and I hope the truth comes out. IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Moderator Posts: 3280 From: San Francisco, CA, United States Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 21, 2003 11:19 AM
I read the desposition last night for the 1993 case. Terrible IP: Logged |
juniperb Moderator Posts: 3936 From: www.Heaven.Home Registered: Mar 2002
posted November 21, 2003 02:14 PM
Trillian, thanks for the link. I didn`t know ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 21, 2003 03:15 PM
This is to horrible too comprehend completely! I agree with Trill....I would spend every penny I had to defend myself, if I was innocent....but NEVER would I pay out millions for silence. The man is guilty 110%. He is a sick twisted MONSTER!!!"sick claims for Michael's coins"...the line in the above lexi.....I understand that the child involved in this was a cancer patient that wanted to meet Michael as a last wish. Is this true? Could this be the "sick claim" for his coins? ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted November 21, 2003 03:33 PM
There is also some information on the site about the child who levied the latest charges, and his troubled family.It's a very, very tangled web... IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Moderator Posts: 3280 From: San Francisco, CA, United States Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 21, 2003 03:44 PM
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StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 1987 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted November 22, 2003 12:31 PM
I believe it's quite reasonable to suggest that his father Joe Jackson may have molested him as a child. I think Michael just never got the help that he needed. Also because he's so rich and famous no one could ever refuse him. I think that his plastic surgeons should be sued for allowing any patient to go as far as he did. I think parents are to blame for having absolutely no sense. I think that Michael Jackson is a good person, but he's off his rocker and society is to blame. There is not much to say anymore. -StarLover IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted November 22, 2003 05:25 PM
Starlover, I agree with you except on your final point.If Michael Jackson is molesting children, he is not a "good" person. He is not a victim of society, even if he was molested by his own father. Adults grow up and make choices, and as adults, only we are responsible for our choices. Adults who spend their lives blaming others and their lousy childhoods for their current lives and problems are a sorry lot. Grow up. Take responsibility. Do not molest innocent children. It's not rocket science. If he is, as you say, "off his rocker," society is not to blame. He may have a chemical imbalance. His hard-wiring might be off. All unknown. I agree that he is surrounded by enablers and sychophants, but they are an effect, not a cause. There are thousands of celebrities that society creates, who do not molest anybody. Sorry, but anyone who preys upon and sexually molests a child will never be a 'good' person, in my book. Consenting adults--I don't care what they do to each other, beat each other up, play weird games, get into the "plushies" thing on a recent episode of CSI, none of that matters to me in the least. To each his own. But we are talking about a man who has been accused of very heinous crimes. Ask yourself if you would think of any man as a 'good' man if it were your child whose words comprise the depositition I spoke of earlier. Still wishing healing for all involved. IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 1987 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted November 22, 2003 08:30 PM
Well, I said that because I wanted to be sympathetic to those on the other side of the spectrum. Michael Jackson chose this life to teach society a major lesson. I'm sure we won't know that until he has left the earth for another place. Maybe as a society we'll finally realize that worshiping gods and idols is truly one of the great evils on this earth. I feel bad for the fans who are in such delusion and confusion. I think it's time for all fans to finally let go of him, and realize that he is only a human not a god. -StarLover IP: Logged |
Sunmeadow Glades Knowflake Posts: 253 From: Brisbane, QLD, Australia Registered: Jan 2003
posted November 22, 2003 10:12 PM
I don't think I am a delusional fan of Michael Jackson's, but my gut feeling is something isn't right with these allegations. I agree with you that he is a musical genius. I also agree with you that he has decided to cut himself off from society and that he does have a twisted view of the world and how he perceives himself. I do not condone him sleeping with boys (for goodness sake, I have my own little boy), and if he has done anything untoward to those children, may the full force of the law prove him guilty. But, what if he paid off those parents because he knew that they would cease harassing him only until they got the money from him? What if he thought this whole thing will be over in an instant if he just paid them out? Granted any normal person would if they could afford to prove their innocence until the last. But, what about those parents? They knew that he had had allegations of suspected child abuse years ago. Why on earth would you allow your child to be in bed with a man you don't really know? My only advice is just be careful how the media exploits us all. The real truth may not be exposed just yet. Love and Peace, Sunmeadow Glades. IP: Logged |
mooey Knowflake Posts: 49 From: mission viejo, ca., usa Registered: Oct 2003
posted November 23, 2003 12:21 AM
perhaps we could be stronger with love, then clinging to blame. All deserves love, for all is love! sorry for all the ouchies!!!!IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted November 23, 2003 04:01 PM
StarLover, firt let me say that in no way did I ever mean any disrespect to your opinion. Aplogies if it seemed that way, I simply have very very strong feelings about adults who prey upon children.Sunmeadow, I agree, there are many apects of the truth that we likely do not yet know. However, on the part of the parents 10 years ago--it is NOT harrassment, if Michael was guilty. A guilty man is not being 'harrassed' by his accusers. If he was innocent, then the ONLY way to truly stop them, AND the repercussions of their allegations, is to PROVE his innocence in a court of law. I would ask, why was he afraid of this venue? Why was it worth $15-20 million to shut them up? I read that child's deposition several times, and it rings true to me. The charges were levied when the child's father gained custody and found out what was happening to his son. Mooey, if ALL is love, then nothing negates love. Blame is still love. Hate is still love. Because love is all there is. It's all a piece of a part of a whole, it is the yin and yang of life. And I would also submit to you, that if you believed your child was a victim of such abuse, you too would lay some blame. Now, to you all, as we watch this story unfold.
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La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 23, 2003 07:13 PM
Bravo Trill !!!! You have a wonderful way with words!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
trillian Moderator Posts: 1317 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted November 24, 2003 11:42 AM
Thanks LTD I think I just get carried away, it's a subject I am a little passionate about, but I mean no disrespect to anyone's opinion. Michael brought some heavy karma with him to this life, whether the allegations are true or false. And with each step we take, each choice, each moment in each moment, we continue to choose our karma. We are not victims of our karma, we are the creators of it... ...the story will unfold and hopefully the truth will come out. Healing for all... IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted November 24, 2003 05:58 PM
P.S. I don't think MJ is here to teach society a huge lesson......he is here to LEARN a huge lesson.....unfinished business from a previous life. Sad, sad, tale.------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Moderator Posts: 1987 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted November 24, 2003 09:55 PM
Could be both ways. We need to learn to stop decieving ourselves when it comes to idols. The Michael Jackson case will be heard all around the world. -Starlover IP: Logged |
mooey Knowflake Posts: 49 From: mission viejo, ca., usa Registered: Oct 2003
posted November 24, 2003 11:07 PM
Fair enough!!!! (and I agree with you too I'm still just little, learning and growing, but I have a warm and cozy love to all of you! thanks guys!IP: Logged |