Topic: Amazing!
Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 24, 2003 10:01 AM
This may sound silly, but I just had to share: I decided to try and Lexi my user name just to see if I could find anything significant. Not a lot of letters to work with but I was astounded to find LINDA and LAND in it!! Talk about my Higher sELF leading me! I also found YIN...and with 5 planets, Juno and Ascendant ALL in water signs, I am definitely more Yin than Yang. BTW...I'm no stranger to Lexigramming; I've been doing it since I first got Star Signs back in '89 and have come up with some incredible truths re my name and the names of loved ones. Anyway, just wanted to share! ------------------ "Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde IP: Logged |
aquamoon Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2002
posted March 24, 2003 02:36 PM
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Miracle Moderator Posts: 581 From: Croatia Registered: Jan 2002
posted March 24, 2003 04:09 PM
Twin lady - what lovely observation! I would love to read more of your lexis! ie names you've done.
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Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 24, 2003 05:29 PM
Thank you Miracle As for Lexigrams I've done in the past, I'll have to dig up the notebook I had them in, somewhere in my bedroom closet, lol. But I WILL share a few when I find it. Just bear with me; I have tons of notebooks! Be back soon. ------------------ "Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon Knowflake Posts: 363 From: Alaska Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 24, 2003 06:16 PM
Twin~ That is very cool ! I wanted to share something with you I found Amazing. My friend just dicovered while doing a lexi on my name that my sons name is there. Her sons name also comes through for her name ! I though that was really neat Cant wait to see your lexi work.------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 16464 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted March 24, 2003 09:37 PM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted March 24, 2003 11:44 PM
Great stuff Twin!IP: Logged |
Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 25, 2003 12:53 PM
Okay, I found the notebooks. Most of the names are friends and family members (and me)...and very I cannot post a lot of them here. I will share a few, however. Here goes:One of my first Lexigrams was for my beloved Maternal Grandmother, an Aquarian, who died when I was 11 years old from a massive heart attack: EE AAA O U DD NNNN P M H R S Y SHE'S MY MA'S MA SHE ADORED THE SON (her firstborn; my uncle) NAMED SAME AS DAD SAME SON HURT HER HEART; MADE HER SO SAD! (unfortunately true) SHE ADORED ME, (DONNA) AND DONNA ADORED HER EDNA (her name) NEAR DONNA'S HEART; MY HEART NEAR HER, HERE-TODAY... (continued) IP: Logged |
Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 25, 2003 12:55 PM
...continued...The next Lexigram is of her husband, my Maternal Grandfather. He died before I was born, also of a heart attack when my Mother was 16. He was a Gemini like me, and my Mother told me many times how she wished we'd known each other and were so much alike. What I found in this one blew me away: AA E U II LL HH W NNN P M Y S R T HE WAS MY MA'S PA HIS HEART IS TRUE HIS MATE HURT HIM HE HAS MANY TEARS; HURTS MANY YEARS A PAIN IN HIS HEART HURT HIM...THEN HE WENT AWAY WHILE HE SLEPT HE IS AT REST HE IS ALL NEW HE IS ME...I AM HIM THIS IS TRUE! HE HELPS ME HEAL MY PAIN...MY HURT WAS SAME AS HIS HE WAS A TWIN AS I AM...WE ARE THE SAME! HE WEARS A SMILE...THRU ME... MA...LISTEN! HEAR WHAT I SAY... HE IS HERE WITH ME; YES THIS IS TRUE! (As a kid I had memories of items he used...described them to my Mother; and there was NO WAY I could know about them as she never told me. She adored her Father and had a very deep bond with me; saying she found much comfort in me. Could it be reincarnation...?) More later.
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Miracle Moderator Posts: 581 From: Croatia Registered: Jan 2002
posted March 28, 2003 01:46 PM
Twin Lady! Very poetic lexigrams! Beautifully put! IP: Logged |
Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 535 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 29, 2003 10:42 AM
Hi all Okay, here's a Lexi I did on my Father when I first became interested. Some background info shows up in his name: He's a Taurus Sun with his Moon squaring it in Leo, and a Taurus Ascendant. Generally, he's very sweet and makes corny jokes but if he gets going on a topic he feels strongly about he will debate tirelessly and with much (in his opinion, anyway) authority. Besides me, he has one son, my brother, who has had Juvenile Diabetes since age 3. He (now retired) drove bus for our city for over 30 years. Before I was born, he suffered a serious accident at work, involving liquid steel burning his foot and leaving scars. His name is Francis. Now to the Lexigram: A I E O R SS N F TT Y C FRANCIS IS CORNY FRANCIS IS A STAR ONE SON FOR FRANCIS FRANCIS CRIES TEARS FOR SON - FOR SISTER (the Diabetes is in his side of the family and he's always blamed himself for my brother's illness. His older sister died from complications of Diabetes also) FRANCIS IS SAFE FRANCIS IS NOT FANCY! (he's very down to earth) FRANCIS IS FRANTIC FAST - SO CAN'T REASON - YET IS FAIR (he will listen to another point of view, but stands firm to his own) FRANCIS IS A FINE ARTIST (always loved drawing, and still does extravagant lettering on greeting cards) FRANCIS IS FRANTIC AT FIRE ON TOES...FIRE ROASTS!...SCARS ON TOES FRANCIS CAN RANT ONE CAN REST IN FRANCIS (my Rock of Gibralter) FRANCIS IS FIRST TO EAT! (sweet Taurus AND Italian; he loves his food, lol) FRANCIS IS IN CITY TRANSIT FRANCIS CARES To me...amusing and amazing. Till next time IP: Logged |