Topic: Should the name LEXIGRAM be changed?
StarLover33 Knowflake Posts: 3064 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted April 20, 2003 01:16 PM
Why use LEXIGRAM as a name?I don't fully understand why Linda, who discovered this magic, use this specific word. It contains LIE, LIAR! Why not use Star Art, Word Art, or Word Magick? IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Knowflake Posts: 3064 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted April 20, 2003 01:43 PM
From now on, I'm going to use the name, WORD MAGICK. As it contains WORD, MAGI, and KARMIC.It's compound number is 33, and single number 6. I've also decided, that I'm going to spell the word GOSSIP as GOSSEP, becuase it contains EGO and POSSE, and it's compound number is 29. So people can finally know, that it's a terrible thing to do! IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted April 20, 2003 11:29 PM
Sonia, you've caught the bug Linda ordained Lexigrams from another word which is explained in Star Signs but since my copy got stolen....I can't look for it. (I loaned my friends for awhile but she took it back..) I think the fact that it contains LIE is very important and holds a lesson in it for us all. However, since we know this lesson and have learnt it, lets got for WORD MAGICK!!! IP: Logged |
A Learning Angel Knowflake Posts: 144 From: Registered: Jan 2003
posted May 03, 2003 09:15 PM
Hi StarLover,There was a pretty lively discussion about this several months ago which sent me back to Linda Goodman's Star Sign book. She refers to the Zebra Rule of Lexigramming. She says (and I quote) that ..."When a negative word appears in a name Lexigram and NO or NOT do not appear in the Lexigram, then that person has a problem, and needs to change his or her name to cancel the negative word or phrase, also changing to a more favorable numerological vibration - and also needs to be aware of the necessity of bringing this personal character flaw under control". My conclusion was: 1) she must have had a great sense of humor to use "Lie" as the word for demonstrating her Zebra rule 2) This in NO WAY negates the magic of the Lexigrams and the Druids - in fact, that isn't even the issue here 3) Instead I believed she was testing us to be sure we read her rules carefully since she was very firm about her rules. She said if her rules weren't obeyed we won't learn anything of consequenceds or dependability. So in conclusion, I did what you just did...I gave my lexigrams another name, specifically I started calling them ANGELgrams. This is also the reason you may see me refer to my "Druid Angels". You may want to get Aselzion's take on this as he knew Linda. Again, I do not think any of this negates the WORD MAGIC of lexigrams. Cool name, by the way. Food for thought... A Learning Angel IP: Logged |
wlorac Knowflake Posts: 135 From: New Zealand Registered: Aug 2002
posted August 18, 2003 09:10 PM
So has anyone done a lexi on LEXIGRAM?a e g i l m r x I am aim agile mail e-mail arm gram exam marl rail ail gale male lexigram means: a symbol that represents a word.
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purplezen Knowflake Posts: 888 From: outer space Registered: Aug 2003
posted August 20, 2003 06:46 PM
I'm adopting the phrase "word magick" from starlover! IP: Logged |
wlorac Knowflake Posts: 135 From: New Zealand Registered: Aug 2002
posted August 25, 2003 08:59 PM
Ruth's given us this addy to conclude the discussion, as these topics match ...
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RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 26, 2003 02:36 AM
am I ruth??IP: Logged |
endaphia Knowflake Posts: 295 From: orillia ON CA Registered: Aug 2001
posted August 26, 2003 02:46 AM
or you could call them 'hopewords'... since they bring hope to their readers, and hope is such a light, magickal word that it brings the idea of 'enlightenment' from the process.Notice in 'hopewords' you get POWER. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 1233 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Jan 2008
posted September 05, 2008 09:03 AM
Lexigrams have been around since ancient times. Lexigramming and Anagramming and were popular word play games at the turn of the 19th.& 20th. centuries. However… Many folks heard about Lexigrams by way of Linda Goodman’s chapter….not a book…about her personal experiences with discovering them. The word LEXIGRAM(S) was already being used in ape/primate communication studies before she then later applied the term to this free form style of word play. This form of word play has been around as long as Anagramming, which is thought to have “officially” begun with the Greek poet Lycophron. Lycophron Lexigramming was however, most likely, already a popular past time, which Lycophron simply documented and is thereby remembered for it. My family called it; as far back as anyone remembered, back to the 1800s: LEXAGRAMMES and LEXAGRAMMING. My partner’s family called it for at least as far back as the early 1900s: LEXAGRAMS and LEXAGRAMMING. A friend who would be over 110 years old if she were alive today.. called it: NAME/WORD SCRAMBLE…(not SCRABBLE.) Other names I have heard (there are more)Lexigramming called by oldtimers are: NAME FRENZY BREAKOUT WORDS MYSTERY WORDS DECODER SHAKEUPWORDS...(a homemade game where pennies with letters marked on them are put in a jar or can, shook, dumped, then each player takes 50 tiles or lettered pennies and sees who can get the most words the fastest. There are two ways to play, and if anyone is interested I will describe it.
------------------ It is not about waiting for storms to is about learning to dance in the rain! __________________________________________________________________________ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 1233 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Jan 2008
posted September 05, 2008 09:04 AM
LEXIGRAMMING AND ANAGRAMMING, AND OTHER FORMS OF DIVINATION BY LETTERS AND WORDS IS NOT NEW! IT IS VERY ANCIENT! MORE TERMS RELATED TO DIVINATION BY WORDS! And ANAGRAMMING and LEXIGRAMMING are of these MANTIC ARTS! logomancy…..divination using words nomancy…..divination by examining letters of name onomancy…..divination using proper names 1. Ogham casting: by Ogham letters 2. runecasting/Runic divination: by runes 3. dictiomancy (dĭk’shə-măn’sē : by randomly opening a dictionary (English dictio(nary) + Greek manteia, prophecy) 4. gematria: by the Hebrew alphabet (Greek gē, earth + -metriā, measurement) 5. grammomancy (grăm’ə-măn’sē : by writing individual letters (Greek gramma, letter + manteia, prophecy) 6.graphology (gră-fŏl’ə-jē; also graptomancy): by studying handwriting (Greek graphē, writing + -logiā, study) 7. graptomancy (grăp’tə-măn’sē → see graphology above (Greek graptos, written + manteia, prophecy) 8.lisopsephy: by numbers and letters (Greek īsos, equal + psephos, pebble)
------------------ It is not about waiting for storms to is about learning to dance in the rain! __________________________________________________________________________ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 1233 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Jan 2008
posted September 05, 2008 09:05 AM
9.literomancy (lĭ’tər-ə-măn’sē : by a letter in a written language (Latin lītera, letter + Greek manteia, prophecy) 10.nomancy (nŏm’ən-sē, nō’mən-sē → see onomancy below (variant of onomancy, influenced by Latin nōmen, name) 11,notarikon/netrikon: by initials (Latin notāricus, in shorthand) 12.onomancy/onomomancy/nomancy (ŏn’ə-măn’sē : by letters in a name (Greek onoma, name + manteia, prophecy) 13.onomomancy (ō-nŏm’ə-măn’sē, ə-nō’mə-măn’sē → see onomancy above 14.Ouija/Ouije: by ouija board (French oui, yes + German ja, yes)
------------------ It is not about waiting for storms to is about learning to dance in the rain! __________________________________________________________________________ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 1233 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Jan 2008
posted September 05, 2008 09:06 AM
15.rhapsodomancy: by poetry (Greek rhapsōidiā, verse + manteia, prophecy) 16.stigonomancy: by burning writing onto bark (Greek stizein [stigōn-], to brand + manteia, prophecy) 17.temurah: by ANAGRAMS 18.typomancy¹: by typographical errors (English typo + Greek manteia, prophecy)MORE ON TEMURAH:[/quote] ------------------ It is not about waiting for storms to is about learning to dance in the rain! __________________________________________________________________________ IP: Logged |