Topic: anyone feel like taking a crack at an interesting lexi?
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 15, 2003 12:05 AM
ah, i forgot to clarify a couple of things. i have forgotten which spelling etc i used up there. would it be easier if i just typed the names? or is it easier if they are all mixed up? ill correct when i have some feedback. like i said though, its not a big deal, if i am meant to have the information it will come when its 'ready' or i am 'ready', and i am patient. that earth gt sometimes works in my favor  ~confusingfaery ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 228 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 15, 2003 03:19 AM
Oh, feelsforgottenfaery! I haven't overlooked you!I'm so sorry, if you felt that way! I was simply waiting for you to win the argument with yourS-elf as to who you are! I agree that you have grown beyond 'shelly'. Now that we kNOW you are truly 'ana', would you mind reposting the letters you would like LEXI'd? Type them out or mix them up, your choice. I think reposting them would help us clear up any confusion that may be going on in druid land! 
------------------ "If immortality be untrue, it matters little whether anything else be true or not." - Buckle IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 15, 2003 06:51 AM
I agree  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 15, 2003 07:25 AM
hi dear loony and lovely ruby  yea, i was quite... confused as to what to do about it. i agree with all of you who have said that i have 'evolved'. it just makes so much sense. its part of my little plan too... once certain issues are taken care of. i want to move away from the place i grew up, which is this area, away from family, to live my *own* life, and be my own person, if that makes sense? its too hard being in the same general area as my family. i almost moved to miami fl a couple of years ago, but it ended up not working out, and its good, because i would have died there with my delicate constitution. i did end up in emergency because of severe dehydration and heatstroke. and THAT was december!!! when i was there though, i did notice that i felt MUCH freer, much more really me. it was remarkable, the change. i do love my family in general, and a couple of them i love dearly, but i just have felt for a long time that my destiny lay elsewhere... that if i am to be the best person, the happiest person i can be, itll be when i am living in a different place. i dont really know how to describe it. the few times ive lived away from the lower mainland of bc, i have been such a different person, and so much happier and freer. actually not so much different, but just... more really 'me'. not so much restraint. i blossomed, i guess. that said, its hard to give up the security of having family close by, even if they dont pay me much attention, or help me out at all, they are *there*. one day i will be able to break free of that, fate has all the cards in place, i just have to wait until they show up in the deck. i still have work to do too... i know what i have to do, i just cant do it till im ready. i plan on getting into relocation charts soon, and seeing if i cant find a place that might be really good. i want to stay in british columbia though, just go to the interior or the gulf islands. if you have read around and about the forums, my 'god' is very present in bc. its a beautiful province. wheee, didnt i ramble ok the letters. i spose because of the lurker factor i will scramble them up a bit. i trust everyone in the forums, but we have no control over everyone that reads this board. i am honest and confident and not particularily paranoid, but not foolish  ok so the birth name spelled the way it appears on my birth cert is BEEHLLRRSYY i added an extra e when i was about 12 years old, but i suppose that doesnt matter anyway hey? then my chosen and married name is AAEFGILMNN i did not add the 'is' as in ana ---> anais because i would go by 'ana', and the fact that it will one day appear as 'anais' on my birth cert (when i can pay for the process) will be more of a secret joy. if that makes sense. wow those arent many letters. i wonder if anything can come from them. :/ oh well, the druids have their ways, no? take care! *hugs* ~contraryfaery ps two *very* different names, i see now... two very different 'people' too. ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 228 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 17, 2003 06:53 PM
Greetings Ana!Well, this isn't complete because the energy is sorta jumping around. I did get some negative things from your birth name. I'll post them if you want, but I'll tell you the truth... I didn't go very far with it, the energy was just so...bleh! As for your chosen name...that 'is' wanted in, just couldn't force them out!  AAEFGILMNN LIFE IS A GAME. FAIL IN GAME, FAIL IN LIFE. MAN'S LIFE IS A LIE. SEAL LIFE'S LIE IN A SMILE. ANA IS A LEAF IN A GALE. ANA IS AN ELF IN AN AGILE LIFE. ANA'S ELF IS A MAGI, A MAGE, AN' A LIEGE. AN AEN AGE IS ANA'S LIFE. ANA IS A FEMALE NAME. ANA'S ELF IS MALE. ANA'S FEMALE NAME IS A LIE. A GLEAM IN A FIG LEAF. A GEM IN ELF LIFE. ANA, MINE AN ANIME GAME FILE. ELF LIFE IS IN A GAME'S NAME. MALE ELF IS SAFE IN ANA'S FEMALE LIE. ANA IS SAFE AS A MALE ELF. SAFE AS A MAN IS. I feel more is to come isn't time yet.
------------------ "If immortality be untrue, it matters little whether anything else be true or not." - Buckle IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 17, 2003 10:48 PM
I still havent started but this is next on my list!!IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 17, 2003 11:52 PM
WOW! *stunned*its a good thing. THANKYOU LOONY! ill say more on it once ive picked my jaw up off the floor  ps i am not surprised that you got negative vibrations off my birth name. not surprising i want to change it, hey? oh and please go ahead and post the birth name ones. i am interested in how they lexied even though they were 'bleah', and i dont have anything to hide. ill explain to you too, what it is... so it sheds a little light. oooh i have interesting stuff to say but i will wait. want to study your amazing lexi! *hugs*
IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 17, 2003 11:56 PM
cool ruby  i cant wait to see what you get! this is amazing you two, thank you so much. you have no idea how much this means to me. i think its also safe to say that i firmly believe in the validity in lexis, im no longer a skeptic.  *high fives lindas... essence for a magic well shared* ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 228 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 18, 2003 04:21 AM
Oh Ana! I think that's two of the shortest posts you've made! j/kThank you for your kind words! SOOO happy I could help bring another beLIEver into the LEXI fold! LOL! I look forward to your comments. OK, since you don't mind, your birth name LEXI... I didn't do much with it. Sorry! I can go back to it, if you would like? BEEHLLRRSYY BE SHELLY, SEE HELL. SEE HER SHELL? HELL BE HERS HERE. YES, SHELLY SEEs HELL.  SHE SEEs BERRYS. SHE SEEs BEES BY HER HEEL. HE LEERS, SHE SEEs. HE'S SLY, SHE 'R' SHY. HE YELLS. SHELLY, HE'S a LYER! REBEL, SHELLY, REBEL! SHE RELY'S on HER SHELL, HER HERBS. SEE HER BELLY? SHE REELS. YES, HER BELLY'S HER HELL. RELEaSE HER BELLY. ELSE HER HELL'S REaL. That's where I stopped. Do you see why? I'm so happy you could rise above SHELLY! I kNOW it couldn't have been easy.  
------------------ "If immortality be untrue, it matters little whether anything else be true or not." - Buckle IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 18, 2003 05:47 AM
wow loony. i dont blame you a bit for not continuing, and that lexi MAKES SENSE. i wonder, should i explain it? or wait till ruby posts? i know if it was me i would rather have a blank paper in my brain before doing anything like this. i was the same when i did tarot, i adamantly refused to know what the persons question was before a reading. then id do the reading, and they would tell me the question, then wed give it context after that. i dont know how ruby prefers it though, so ill leave it until she says otherwise.  i have a couple of questions about the first one. the second one couldnt be more crystal clear. btw it sort of bothered me that the word lie was in the first one. at least there was no 's' though, so it wouldnt lexi as 'ana lies'. i am very proud of my honest nature. it doesnt mean i lie, does it? i really dont, ive said elsewhere on the forums that the only time i will lie is to protect myself if im feeling unsafe. thats it in a nutshell. overall im more honest than most. anyway, what is an 'aen age'? i didnt know what the word aen meant. also, what do you think the druids are saying, i mean... about covering a lie with a smile? that sort of bothered me although it could have several different meanings. also the part about males, i think it means something along the lines that i was a male in a past life, maybe my most recent. does that make sense? i would not be terribly surprised if i was a male, last life, or even the bulk of my lives. even though i look like one of the femmiest femmes that ever femmed  it was very interesting and i will await rubys input before i explain the birth name one. wow, lexis are just incredible, arent they??? im really tired and blah tonight so i will have another uncharacteristically short post  thank you loony you are so precious  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 228 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 18, 2003 06:37 PM
Greetings ANA!I hope you are feeling much better!  I agree with you about doing 'blank' readings. When there is no context, you are open to ALL possibilities. My guilty pleasure is the satisfaction that comes from 'hitting' on something that I couldn't possibly kNOW in advance.  Now, for your questions... AEN AGE? I must admit to having NO idea what this means! But the druids speak, I listen. I guess I just assumed you would kNOW. *shrugs* I did google it and got some interesting hits. Maybe you could try it and see what rings a bell? SEAL LIFE'S LIE WITH A SMILE? - When I wrote that line I had a picture in my head of an 'enigmatic' type smile, LOL. Sort of a message that you should keep smiling because you kNOW this 'reality' is an illusion. MALE ELF? - Well, this one is only my opinion, OK? We each have a higher S-elf. That higher S-elf is the true ruler of our lives. Many call this our ELF. Our ELF makes choices for us based on what we need to evolve to the ONE. IMHO, this LEXI is saying that your higher S-elf is male energy. He chose to incarnate this time as a female, and a very girly girl at that, in order to bring balance to your evolutionary process. It's a fact that men and women experience Life very differently. Too many Lifetime's as a man could skew your Soul's perspective. Does any of that make sense? I hope so.  ------------------ "If immortality be untrue, it matters little whether anything else be true or not." - Buckle IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 12:38 AM
First name: I have no idea what this is all about, I didn't feel much from it. It was just words to me, nothing else.BE HER LYLE BY HER BELLY SHE SHYLY YELLS HER HELL BE HE SHE YELLS HER HELL BE HER HELL SELL HER HELL HER HERB, HER SHERRY SEE HER SHYLY BE HE BE SLY HE BE SLY, HE BE LYER HE BE, SHE BE HER BE BY HER. IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 02:57 AM
yippee. i lost my post. this server hates me. honestly. usually i hit 'back' and it comes back to the reply screen, and my response is still there. not today, of course not. *sigh*anyway, this wont be as nice as i am pist off now, but here goes  thank you ruby  ill explain now. this should be fun ^_^ so, when i was a kid i stayed a lot at my grandmothers. there was a corner store next door, and i was sent there often to fetch things for people. i was there at least once a day, im sure. well, for a period spanning at least a year, the proprietor of that store molested me. hed purposely not ring up my items till the store was empty, so id be forced to stay there and he would do his sick things. i didnt know what to do and he was the adult, and back then those things werent spoken of. now they have things on tv and in schools telling kids 'if someone touches you, tell'. in the mid 70's they didnt, so i was left to deal with it alone. that ties in with the hell and the belly (that general region) and now do you see how amazed i am at the accuracy? its truly remarkable. i hated my 'belly' area too. didnt want to even know it existed. caused me a lotta pain. i dealt with my pain in teenagehood by drinking and using pot, and sometimes other drugs. hence the sherry etc references. my parents werent any use, they were rotten parents, to be truthful, and imposed their own version of hell on my life. i took the b***ard to court, and didnt win. his lawyer was a jerk and manipulated me on the stand so that i looked confused. how on earth would a 7 year old kid know the dates she was assaulted? i did not keep a friggin diary for gods sake. sheesh. i had a little bit of a nervous breakdown after i was told that the charges were stayed. i was about 23 years old at the time. sometime a few months ago i actually spoke with the crown counsel who prosecuted the man, and it was amazing. after 10 years, he REMEMBERED me and my case! the man has tried thousands of cases, its odd indeed that he would remember. but he did. he told me that he always regretted what happened in the court, and that he always believed me totally about what happened. i told him that it was ok, and that i was ok... i didnt want him to carry that around any longer. we were both 'done' with it. i was pretty much gathering up the remnants of that past, so i could put them in their place and move forward. i feel thats done, and has been 'healing' for quite awhile. also as a side note... at age 19 i was followed home by a man who got into my apt and raped me, twas a night of hell. so, im not really surprised by that lexi, actually i am, but by its accuracy. no wonder i never liked my name, and tried to change my name many times! wow... amazes me really, what the self will do on an unconscious 'spiritual' level. obviously my higher consciousness didnt want any more of those particular lessons! btw i am not of the opinion that i 'deserved' the rape and abuse because it was karma for what i had inflicted on others. i went into that in some detail, about karma, in another thread around here somewhere. considering this later info that i was probably a male for most of my lives, i think it was part of that balancing that you spoke of loony. makes sense, no? how better to learn but by experience, of what we can be capable of if we are not scrupulous in our interactions with others? food for thought. ill comment more on what you said loony, after a break. im tired still... not feeling very well. see here for details thank you both SO MUCH. its not just the validity of lexis you have given me (and in spades, at that!) but so much more... why i suffered makes a lot more sense to me now. that was always one thing i never understood, why all that stuff happened to me. im tired... i better stop here. ill probably have more to say later  *hugs* ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:04 AM
oh btw, i was a very very shy kid. i was sociable and very bright and animated and creative, but painfully shy of any of my talents. also forgot to mention, but i was a chubby kid, and used to be teased mercilessly for it because if you switched two letters around in that birth name of mine, it made my last name 'belly'. the kids were terrible with that and my school years were literal hell because of 'belly'. i cried often. thank god im all better now  i really am too. i love saturn returns!!! *dances*  doesnt it just blow your mind how crystal clear some lexis are? amazing... ill never doubt them again. now if we could just know whats in store for me... how im gonna help this world. ive been thinking about your lexi of my married name, loony. im sure ill have some feedback soon!  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 03:09 AM
What a truly courageous spirit you are You inspire me with your wisdom. I do beleieve you will grow and heal and you deserve happiness as your spirit is vibrant and strong.Please see a doctor about how you are feeling after being exposed to those chemicals. If not for yourself but for all of your concerned knowflake friends. My next lexi reveals the importance of your name change. but I will start a new post for some new energy. IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:10 AM
oh just wanted to mention too... how the fact that i was a chubby kid, well that was largely in part because of the store man. psychologists have amassed a lot of data about how kids who were molested often got chubby because they didnt want to be attractive, they wanted people to stay away from them, so they ate and ate (which is a way of self medicating anyway, easing pain same as drugs/drink) so that they would get fat and therefore not be attractive to the opposite sex. food for thought, hmmm? (pun unintended)also thought this was interesting... but a few years ago, my mother told me that she wanted to name me anne after anne of green gables, her favorate book growing up. too bad she caved to my dads side of the family things might have been a lot different. *sigh* funny how i ended up arriving at a similar name through my own devices. anais nin has hardly any similarities to anne of gg, but they are similar names. wow this has been an interesting ride, hasnt it? i wasnt lying in the title of this thread although i might be overestimating its value of interest but i certainly find it fascinating. wow.
------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 03:16 AM
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:19 AM
hi ruby, we cross posted  thank you and sooo much to you and the value of yours and loonys and the others' work! what a GIFT!!! im excited to see what you got from the new name, loonys was amazing and very true. the parts that i understand... specially the leaf in the gale, that sentence was amazing and couldnt have fit better. i am understanding the lexi a lot better now, than i did originally. there were only a couple of things i didnt understand, but now its pretty much just as clear as the other ones. as i said ill comment more, want to see rubys and have a think about them before i comment.  haha so much for taking a rest, i got a renewal of energy after i posted that explanation post.  i will take your advice about the chemicals. ill see if someone can take me tomorrow. i did ask my neighbour, and they didnt do anything for her at the hospital except observe her, so i dunno what they could do for me but i will. i am feeling a bit better now, but i want to take it easy. phew! ok ill try to rest now  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 03:22 AM
ok, me again.The line: 'IF MY NAME GAIN MAGI MEANING' got me thinking about the numerology of your name change. I had a guess at your name and I could be wrong but the numerology wasn't particulary great. ana (*insert last name) was so/so. Adding an xtra n didnt help BUT using anafaery and last name* equals 17 - Star of the MAGI!!!!! What is your higher elf teling you about this name change?? Here is what 17 (star of the magi) says: This is a highly spiritual number, and was expressed in symbolism by the ancient Chaldeans as the 8-pointed Star of Venus. The Star of the Magi is the image of Love and Peace, and promises that the person or entity it represents with rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life, with the ability to conquer former failure in personal relationships and the career. 17 is "the number of Immortality," and indicates that the person's (or entity's) name will live after him--(should one decide to dies, that is, which is a choice, as you'll learn in the Physical Immortality chapter). This is an extremely fortunate Compound number, with one warning. It reduces to the Single number 8, so it's important for anyone with 17 as a Compound Key Number to carefully read the section about the numbers 4 and 8 at the end of this chapter.  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:25 AM
oh WOW! that is soo cool  im beaming right now. what a delightful lexi! far better than the other name, NO DOUBT about it!!!! you two are simply AMAZING! wow  i will think about these two lexis of my later chosen name, then post about them, but i honestly think that my 'new' name is a very wise choice. *pats higher self on back, for choosing the name 'ana', and marrying the right guy*  i think i should send for the name change papers. im sure ill find a way to pay for a legal name change soon  *just stunned and pleased as punch* words cant express how i feel about you and loony, ruby  bless you both! (good lord, im gushing... *venus in virgo looks embarrassed* lol!) ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:27 AM
amazing thoughts because they meld with mine, response in a sec ruby  ohhhh this is exciting! IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 03:55 AM
ok. wow. now, at risk of sounding egotistical or overestimating my importance and/or gifts to the world, this is HONESTLY what i have thought/felt for... lets say, awhile.i have felt for some time that i am to do something important in my life. thats led me to searching. in the past little while since ive been here, ive tried to find out exactly what it is. i pondered the 'star seeds' theory, took a test online, and it came up with a hiiiigh score. ok then. i do have a bit of a difficulty believing that i am a reincarnated space alien, but thats ok.  rev alice did my chart. while i am not yet certain in my mind about her methods (she uses local mean time, which is something i have not considered before and still have to think about, although much of what she said was very insightful and true) there is something to her interpretation. id be willing to share her interpretation of my chart. its quite interesting, and like i said, i dont know about her methods as they are new to me, but she does do good charts. what she said ran along the same lines, that i had a purpose in this life, and that i was valuable in certain ways, of what i could give to this world. theres a couple of things im not happy about though, i felt from the chart that i should 'give up' my husband, and thats just not in me, hes not ballast. hes my partner. i do love him and in some ways i am here to save him. thats been known since probably around the time we met. another person i know has looked into my chart and he is very gifted with charts. hes an expert at real prediction. many astrologers wont touch prediction, as its very hard to put ones reputation on the line if one is wrong. easier to interpret things past. anyway ill take a quote from a thread from astrology, in wevils thread 'how are you feeling today pt 2' and it'll illustrate a little bit i think, on what i think of my 'destiny'. quote: i know that i have to come to some sort of resolution about certain things in my life like school, but i just cant make that decision yet. i do have some months until i have to though, so i have time. mars in cap Rx, slow to get things done but they do eventually get done (usually through solitude, its like the Rx factor lol). i guess most of all whats on my 'feeling' list lately is a feeling of pressure but not overt pressure, more the kind of constant and steady pressure involved in making a diamond from carbon. its rather curious how that fits though... into my grand scheme of things, as i have had my chart done by someone who was extremely good and extremely bright vis a vis astrology. hes been studying for 40, yes 40 years... he has seen thousands of charts, and he said that mine was one of the strongest hed ever seen, 'strong like diamond' was the exact quote. so it kind of fits... expect miracles at some point from me it was always my hope that i would do something wonderful for this earth, who knows, maybe itll really happen
being born on the 26th, lindas words about being a 'child of fate' have rung heavy on me since that book came out. i do have some issues with the description of 26 (the partnership part, to a libra that was a death sentence), but i wont get into those right now. in any event, since i was a little kid, i felt somehow 'different'. i taught myself how to read at age 3, and was considered 'gifted'. in my family, my 'tribe', i have never fit in. politics, interests, abilities... i was always the odd man out, and if i daresay, far more 'advanced' than most of my 'tribe'. i was always extremely different from them. ones tribe tends to contain a large part of our identity, and for me it never did. its a good thing imo, as they are... not the most enlightened of individuals. they are pretty simple people, and many of them are out and out bigots etc... its just sad and i was never that way. thats a tangent for another time though. whew! anyway, to tie things up, ive felt for some time that i need to do something for this world with my talents. what, i do not know. i thought about writing a book, and thats been a recurrent theme. i have a certain idea in particular that i am fond of. we shall see what happens. it would be partially spiritual, and would tie in sort of with my personal philosophy of the digital age. things need shaking up, we cant live in the past anymore. we need new archetypes, we need to revere the past but break free of it and forge a new age. aquarian age, ne? society on a whole is still clinging to whats safe, whats dependable. i personally believe we need to move on. of course i was born in 1969, lol. 'this is the dawning of the aaage of aquariuuuuuuus' and all that. i have wandered the internet in the past few months looking for guidance. i have gotten some in dribs and drabs, but i still havent found anyone who has looked at all the facets and given me a road map. i have lots of hints and information, and maybe im not supposed to have such exact guidance. maybe im supposed to be a pioneer. i dont know. all i know right now is that i am not yet comfortable to proceed. im waiting for something, i dont quite know what. i do think that anafaery is a perfect name to change myself to. im gonna speak to my husband and see if we could possibly try to set some money aside for changing my name. i have no qualms about changing it to anafaery, i could go by ana for things like resumes, if thats what i end up doing (getting a job). i can name myself whatever i want, cant i?  wow... this is so exciting! *HUGE HUGS to ruby and loony!!!!!!!* *wonders if she should start a new religion*  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted August 19, 2003 06:50 AM
I know that whatever you do, will come to you at the right time and you will be great at it!! Your energy is contagious and I think that what you need to tell, will be told and will be a great benefit to all You are in a great place for soul searching and guidance...that being lindland   IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 07:32 AM
and i thank you SO MUCH for it!!! endless hugs and to both of you. so many questions have been answered here. this thread just blows my mind  im glad it happened with a fish and a ram, i do so love rams and fishies  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 863 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 19, 2003 07:38 AM
ps hmm... i spose i should keep on the lookout for anyone named glen, hey?  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged | |