Topic: I have one for the lexigrammers!!!!!:)
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 119 From: baltimore, MD USA Registered: Sep 2003
posted September 23, 2003 04:06 PM
Ok, guys, you might find this one interesting. I don't know. Work on it and let me now what you think! AAAA G HH I K NN P RR SS T U Y I'll post up what I got ASAP. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 796 From: Peabody, MA USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted September 23, 2003 10:35 PM
Greetings...Ok Alchemist, if you want me to try a hand at any Lexigram I need my original word or phrase. That is how Linda did it, and how I prefer to work. Without the original it's like staring at alphabet soup, and doesn't at all motivate my intuition or make me spiral. I understand that seems to be the way people here prefer to do their Lexigrams, but it is not true to the way that Linda did them, nor how she taught them. In the Light... A ------------------ "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted September 23, 2003 11:28 PM
I prefer the word or phrase as well Thanx for being honest Aselzion, I never thought it was apropriate to admit as mixing was the go here when I arrived. Sometimes I feel the true meaning of Lexigrams is lost in people trying to prove that they can 'guess' a word or phrase or lexigram something that is on par when the mixed letters are revealed. Like an ego thing.... (sorry if I have offended anyone). IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 119 From: baltimore, MD USA Registered: Sep 2003
posted September 27, 2003 11:32 PM
eeps, my computer died, and i had to get a new one and then reinstall windows and crap on it cause it had linux on it instead (don't ask ) and I suck at all things technical... anyways, the original phrase was: HARNESSING THE UNIVERSE. It is a phrase that one of my friends used in a discussion we were having last week. It just really caught my attention for some reason. I usually use the whole phrase while lexigramming too, but I saw that a lot of phrases listed on here just had the individual letters in groups, so I thought that was the preferred format
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alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 119 From: baltimore, MD USA Registered: Sep 2003
posted September 27, 2003 11:34 PM
hmm, i was looking at my first post, and I see the letters I have on there are incorrect. I have no idea where I got those:P Thank goodness you guys asked me for the whole phrase!!! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 16464 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted September 28, 2003 12:47 PM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
imajre Knowflake Posts: 114 From: new zealand Registered: Apr 2002
posted October 16, 2003 10:47 PM
So to the top as I totally agree with Aselzion! And RubyRedRam, you have kept the fort going well. May I also suggest to people, first learn to get inside a word by Lexigramming a noun, verb or adjective or small phrase rather than a name. And Do stick closely to the rules Linda sets out! (and we have repeated them often enough!) Through experience on this panel, though people can spell their own names, when it comes to scrambling the letters they more often than not get it wrong! Even words - as in the case above. Stronger vibes are always felt when a name is not scrambled. Lexi Bees# used to be the only ones acceptable to be scrambled, still are, and it didn't matter how long it took us. So if anyone expects a quick answer or reply on a name DO NOT SCRAMBLE IT and keep names separate, not mixed together. I for one avoid them as there are plenty of other words and places in our vocabulary to lexigram and learn their hidden truths without wasting time on - dare I say it -egotism. in Love and Light imajre
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CancerianMoon Knowflake Posts: 205 From: penrith,australia Registered: Aug 2003
posted October 17, 2003 02:34 AM
ohh dear..i never knew that..i just followed the lead of others i saw here...i have a name i could really use help with(i only seem to get negatives)...but i would prefer not to post the name directly its not my anyone able to look at it for me???------------------ ************************* The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted October 28, 2003 07:23 PM
I don't agree, that you have to have the name,word or phrase before you can lexi. The art of lexigramming is a form of divination, so knowing what the phrase is beforehand shouldn't have a bearing on whether you can get a message or not. It is in the listening, that the message comes. Those little druids DO love to whisper!!Personal names and messages are scrambled for PRIVACY reasons....always have been. There is no rule that says ONLY lexi-bees can be scrambled. Wouldn't it be awful to ask for a lexi of someone you had a crush on and that person didn't know you did, then happened to read this forum and was saddened by the idea of your crush. How terrible that would be for all parties concerned. ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Butterflys Knowflake Posts: 84 From: we of the never never Registered: Aug 2001
posted October 28, 2003 10:30 PM
I would think that if Linda had realised how popular Name Lexigrams etc, was to become on message boards, she might have instructed us in this matter of Alphabetical order, things evolve themselves...As Lexigrams are not anagrams, and to me are an extension of, I do not see why the name or phrase has to be shown in the original spelling.. This is only needed in an anagram, where all the original letters of the word or phrase are used once. Lexigrams have different rules, and take on a life of their own.I dont see why Lexigrams have to adhere to the Anagram accepted rule, "see and rearrange"... there were a couple of things Linda did not leave us with, another was NEVER in a name phrase etc, is this counted as a NO? Some people think so..I'm not so sure.. just fluttering by. IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted October 29, 2003 12:36 AM
Butterflys......I, so agree with your reasoning!! There are things that did not exist when Linda first gave birth to Lexigrams, of which, message boards are one! I think your ideas make alot of sense. There is absolutely no reason to spell out a person's name, if the lexigrammer truly has the ear for listening.I remember Hopeful used to really have an ear for the druid's whispers, and our precious Yivy was the undisputed QUEEN!! They never insisted on the names being spelled out. And when we (me and a couple of others) first came up with Lexi-Bee's, the whole purpose was to lexigram the letters and try to guess the phrase. It was a game and at no point did we lay out any rules, so to say that the letters can only be scrambled for a lexi-bee is bunk!! The game was invented on this board!!!! Bright Blessings Butterflys!! ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Butterflys Knowflake Posts: 84 From: we of the never never Registered: Aug 2001
posted October 29, 2003 04:52 AM
Hello LTD, I discovered 2 years ago that the letters of names were put into Alphabetical order for Privacey reasons on Lexigram forums.. It was hard at first, something you have to ajust to.. The Lexi Bees were going when I was here last, and I had forgotten that it was about guessing the name phrase etc..Ive only just come back to Linda Land just recently..was going to try a Halloween Lexigram, or bring up my old one, but it is long gone.. Was surprised to see that you were still here LTD.. see you again soon, I missed the interaction.. (()) IP: Logged |
majenta Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted October 29, 2003 07:29 AM
Hi everyone.I was introduced to Lexigrams by my cousin and she also introduced me to this forum. I have been reading for a few weeks and other forums that do lexigrams too. I was quite disapointed to find long winded verses and jumbled letters. I have followed Linda's teaching and I think what Aselzion was saying is how can you spiral on the word or phrase if you don't know what it is? Lexigrams are looking at the word/phrase/name and spiraling from that name. Lexigrams are not putting a whole heap of jumbled letters together and constructing sentences from your imagination. The word leads to a word/s which starts your spiraling. You build on the word or phrase you have. You can't build on letters. From what I have seen people have taken Linda's concept and created their own version. They are playing a game and can't be truly tuned into a word if they don't know what it is. Another thing. People seem to be adding words and other lettes that don't belong. Linda said an 'a' or 'but' or 'the' might be used but only sparingly.. if to string the sentence together. I am sad that people have taken lexigrams and turned them into simple letters used to make words that can't be related back to the original word because they don't know what it is. Anyone can find a list of words and write a poem or a story. It takes someone with pure talent to look into the word/phrase/name and spiral higher from it. to this date Linda is the only person who has pefected this. I am striving.
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majenta Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted October 29, 2003 07:57 AM
I wrote down the phrase and noticed some numbers in there. SEVEN, EIGHT and TEEN. The only number that jumped at me was SEVENTEEN as it reduces to EIGHT BUT the whole phrase equals SEVENTEEN. STAR of THE Magi, EIGHT pointed STAR of VENUS.VENUS and SUN are both contained in UNIVERSE . HARNESSING and UNIVERSE both reduce to six!! Number of love!! All I can add is: SING THE VERSE. IT ENERGISES THE EARTH. THE EARTH TURNS. EARTH IS GREEN. SUN ENERGISES THE UNIVERSE. SING VERSE. HARNESS THE UNIVERSE.
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La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted October 29, 2003 08:35 AM
Majenta......if you have a gift, it doesn't matter what order the letters are in!! You can spiral from a bunch of letters...and how can you criticize a lexi, calling it long winded....after all, my dear, it is spiraling and isn't that what you are talking about. To criticize how one spirals is a form of not attaining the perfection that you so seek.Go to other sites and you will see the same thing. Look before you leap!! ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 16464 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 29, 2003 03:38 PM
Welcome back, Butterflys. Welcome to Lindaland, Majenta! ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
majenta Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted October 29, 2003 10:50 PM
I don't think you understand what I was trying to say.The people here and at other sites that I HAVE looked at have taken Lexigrams and made them their own. They shouldn't be called Lexigrams. They should be given their own name and say they are inspired by Linda's Lexigrams. If you read star signs by Linda Goodman chapter 9 then you can not possibly say that the two forms are the same thing. How could you get ‘gee you are you’ from guru if you are looking at it like URGU? Like I said spiralling is not forming a list of words and making a story out of it. I feel if you weren't so quick to be defensive about your style here and other places then you could see my reasoning. I do not wish to criticise how you do your form of Lexigrams. I am sorry for that. I am simply staunch in my following of Linda’s teachings and I feel the true meaning of Lexigrams have been lost. This is Linda Land and I think this is the one place that should follow her teachings and not go with the rest of the flock of sheep.
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La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1434 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted October 30, 2003 08:32 AM
Baa-aaa-aaaa!!!!! IF I have read Linda's book!? Please!!! I have read that book hundred's of times...and still unearth other mysteries!!!!No one is being came on very strong in your opinions!! I was merely saying that everyone has their OWN unique style. Linda's teaching are not written in stone, and I feel that SHE, of all people would have appreciated the expansion that others have taken. There is NOTHING written that says things must be in a state of stasis. Things are ALWAYS changing and evolving. Perhaps, if you close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you, you will notice the subtle changes that are constantly occuring. Because someone always wears Blue, is not reason to criticize that person, or whatever it is they are doing, that deviates from what you consider the NORM. I am a free thinker and I believe in evolving and expanding. I understand about the GURU garbage. I would sit and wonder how that came out of that 4 letter word, as well. But part of the path of enlightenment is learning, evolving, changing and forging your own path. No harm intended on your thinking....just trying to get you to see where I was coming from. ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM
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majenta Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted October 30, 2003 09:59 PM
I feel I may have been rather strong with my opinion. For that I apologise. You are right. Linda did encourage people to take her teachings and decide for themselves. I guess my frustration stemmed from my thought that people were only scratching the surface WITH their REVELAtions.Thankyou for listening to my opinion and giving feedback. It was good to see how you feel about this. I hope I encourage further EVOLvement. Take what you come up with and further expand on it. Spiral higHER. Good luck on your path to enLIGHTenment.
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fuchela Knowflake Posts: 75 From: New Zealand Registered: Aug 2002
posted November 10, 2003 05:37 AM
PRIVACY ISSUE of names to be lexied. What a load of garbage!!!! If a name required to be lexied is not for the public domain, then you have not the right to ask for its secrets, unless you have permission. As far as it being able to be read by the person... Please give me a break!!!! It is not the deep spiritual secret you are after but a quick fix fortune telling.By the way, I have been away for a few days, and I took the letters of the original phrase with me of what turns out to be HARNESSING THE UNIVERSE. A very good reason not to use alphabet soup I would think. I have been trying to get back to doing lexies for some time now. All that time and effort wasted. fuchela IP: Logged |
crystal tipps Knowflake Posts: 12 From: Registered: Nov 2003
posted November 20, 2003 10:48 AM
I think here on the internet we can enjoy delving around with words ,place names and even famous people as we are able to know something about them before we start. When it comes to people's personal names I think that only someone who knows that person will be able to extract the sometimes very abstract combination of words that is hiding in their name. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 796 From: Peabody, MA USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted November 26, 2003 02:54 AM
Greetings...LTD: long time no see. I was not suggesting that you cannot do Lexigrams by scrambling the letters, but only that that was not how I learned it, nor how Linda taught it. Kudos to the person that mentioned GURU. That was exactly what Linda meant when she talked about spiralling. In terms of "if one has a gift" for lexigramming one can do it with the letters scrambled as well. I disagree. Linda constantly told me what a gift I had for Lexigrams, and as I said, seeing a jumble leaves me cold. But that is ME. If it works for you, and I see that it does, good luck and God Bless. I think that knowing the original phrase helps to start the spiralling process... it offers a SIGN and it gives the intuition a place to start. In terms of the word druids... I'm not really sure what I think about that topic, for me the jury is out. But I keep an open mind. None of these things are being said in an offensive manner, but I am only explaining how I utilize my gift. I would never presume to tell another how to use thiers. Peace, Light and Blessings... A ------------------ "Aum bhoor buvah svaha Tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasaya dheemahi Dhiyo yo naha prachodayat." ****Gayatri Mantra**** "We meditate on the glory of the Creator Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He enlighten our intellect." IP: Logged |
majenta Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted November 26, 2003 07:06 AM
I wish I could have said it as nicely as that. I do try but sometimes I forget.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 16464 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted November 27, 2003 09:18 AM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |