tantricseed unregistered
posted September 18, 2004 07:48 PM
I've known this person for nearly 21 years and think I'm too biased. Could you guys help us out?IP: Logged |
pisces-girl unregistered
posted September 19, 2004 02:25 PM
tantricseed unregistered
posted September 19, 2004 09:15 PM
Bravo pisces-girl! I didn't see that at all. Thank you for your insight.IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle unregistered
posted September 22, 2004 01:46 PM
I'm gonna get to this one. I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten.I've had a bunch of stupid crap goign on... Our car got stolen out of our apartment parking lot, and I've been jumping through hoops left and right to get the damn thing back. Playing run around, and phone tag with everyone. Blah! Life... I swear... it just keeps trying to suck out my fun! But I'll be damned if i let it I just got home from retreiving my car... The only things missing are the tank of gas, my cute little flower entena topper, and the rainbow disco ball hanging from my rear-view window. Anyhow... I don't really wanna go on too much about it. I'm trying not to give it too much energy, else I start getting really angry about the whole thing. It's over now, and Life can resume Fun Times! Yay! IP: Logged |
tantricseed unregistered
posted September 22, 2004 09:07 PM
Whoa LibraSparkle! Thank gawd you were able to retrieve your car. I admire your ability to put the whole thing behind you. Just think, now you can pimp up your car with all new accessories. Thanks for the update and pleeaase take as much time as you need, I've been told this is a challenging name to lexi. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle unregistered
posted September 23, 2004 12:44 PM
Yeah... the car thing's annoying. I just got it out of the shop the day (er.. night) it got taken. Anyhow... I didn't post about it in FFA because I didn't want to give too much energy to it. Just some young kids out joy-riding... no harm done. What goes around comes around, right? Well... I sure did some stupid stuff when I was a kid I'm starting your lexi in WordPad now... I'll post it later. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle unregistered
posted September 24, 2004 12:03 AM
ANGEL(s) MANA AGLEAM MAN(s) MANA AGLEAM HELL MANGLE(s) MANA ANGEL(s) (and) MEN (and women ) HEAL HELL MANAGE MANA; HEAL HELLI feel like there's something with GALA, MA, AMEN, AND LEGAL ... but I seem to be stuck here. I've decided to post it unfinished so you can see what I've gotten so far IP: Logged |
tantricseed unregistered
posted September 24, 2004 11:04 PM
Geez, this site sure does attract lots of talented lexi folk! How long have you been practicing LibraSparkle? I'm not entirely sure on the definition of it energy of some sort? I'll have to google it. It's impressive how you are able to conjure up these sentences. No pressure, I'll be checking back to see your progress. I assume you have others waiting for your lexi wisdom, so you can come back to it whenever you feel inspired.IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle unregistered
posted September 25, 2004 12:41 AM
Mana is the Hawaiian word for your personal spiritual energy. Actually, I haven't really been lexi-ing all that long. 5-6 months at the most. What I do is make a list of words from the phrase, then spiral the words into phrases. Although, sometimes they just come without having to first make a list. Thank you for your kind words You should give it a whirl IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 508 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2004 01:03 PM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 1014 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2009 02:13 AM
sighs------------------ “It is absolutely the perfect name,” Dr. Brown said, given the continuing discord among astronomers and the public over whether Pluto should have retained its planetary status. In mythology, Eris ignited discord that led to the Trojan War. “She causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else’s is wrong,” Dr. Brown said. “It really is just perfect.” IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 261 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2009 10:04 AM
Why sad Glaucus? Do you know what the name was they were trying to Lexigram? I'd like to take a look and will not add words not really to be found there.
------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged |