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Author Topic:   Rennes le Chateau

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posted April 25, 2005 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message

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posted January 26, 2006 10:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for salome     Edit/Delete Message
Eleanor, i'm astounded at your lexigram magic and insight here...

here's some additional stuff about arcadia...any grain of truth?

The Sicambrians, ancestors of the Franks, were known as the "people of the Bear" for their worship of the bear-goddess Arduina. The word "Arcadia" comes from Arkas, patron god of that area of Greece, the son of the nymph Callisto, sister of the huntress Artemis. Callisto's constellation is also known to many as Ursa Major, the Great Bear. The name "Arthur" comes from the Celtic arth, related to "Ursus" -- namely, "bear." In legend, the Merovingians were said to be descended from the Trojans, and Homer reports that Troy was founded by a colony of Arcadians. The "Prieure documents" claim that the Arcadians were descended from Benjamites driven out of Palestine by their fellow Israelites for idolatry. "Arcadia" was also known as the source of the River Alphaeus, the "underground stream" which figures so prominently in Coleridge's poetry and in esoteric literature. The Merovingians were "sacred kings" who reigned but did not rule, leaving the secular governing function to chancellors known as the Mayors of the Palace. It was one of these Mayors, Pepin the Fat, who founded the dynasty that came to supplant them -- the Carolingians.

Whatever it may bring
I will live by my own policies
I will sleep with a clear conscience
I will sleep in peace
~sinead o'connor

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posted January 26, 2006 11:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for salome     Edit/Delete Message
The Prieure du Notre Dame du Sion, or Priory of Zion, is said to be the cabal behind many of the events that occurred at Rennes-le-Château. According to the Prieure's own documents, its history is long and convoluted. Its earliest roots are in some sort of Hermetic or Gnostic society led by a man named Ormus. This individual is said to have reconciled paganism and Christianity. The story of Sion only comes into focus in the Middle Ages. In 1070, a group of monks from Calabria, Italy, led by one Prince Ursus, founded the Abbey of Orval in France near Stenay, in the Ardennes. These monks are said to have formed the basis for the Order de Sion, into which they were "folded" in 1099 by Godfroi de Bouillion. For about one hundred years, the Order of the Temple (Knights Templar) and Sion were apparently unified under one leadership, though they are said to have separated at the "cutting of the elm" at Gisors in 1188. (The Templar order was then destroyed by King Phillipe Le Bel of France, in 1307.) Sion appears to have been at the nexus of two French antimonarchical movements, the Compagnie du St.-Sacrament of the 17th century (acting on behalf on the Guise-Lorraine families) and the Fronde of the 18th, as well as behind an attempt to make the Hapsburgs emperors of all Europe in the 19th -- the Hieron du Val d'Or. It appears that there are vast connections between Sion and numerous sociocultural strata in European thought -- Roscicrucianism, Freemasonry, Arthurian and Grail legends, "Arcadianism," Catharism, chivalry, etc.

this is very revealing to me in that this person, Ormus, had a role in reconcilng paganism and christianity....perhaps so that both would live?

also that Sion so infiltrated these other movements...esp, Rosicrucianism, which i was told was the source of many of Linda Goodman's ideas.

i quoted from this same article in the 'forgiveness' lexi thread...something about english being the original language, and if not actually english, then 'number, or measure'...couldn't number or measure be likened to *music*?

Henri Boudet, the Abbe of Rennes-les-Bains (which neighbors Rennes-le-Château) who wrote "The True Celtic Language and the Cromlech at Rennes-les-Bains" may have been the "brains" behind Sauniere. Lincoln thinks his book may offer the key to the mystery. Boudet appears to argue in the book the silly thesis that the Celts spoke Anglo-Saxon, and that it -- English, in effect -- was the language which was spoken by Noah's sons before the Tower of Babel. But David Wood and Henry Lincoln conclude that the book may be averring something else -- that perhaps there was a universal language before the Deluge: Number (or Measure). And that the "key" to the "Cromlech" of Rennes-les-Bains might be the old English mile. Lincoln believes that metrology may play an important part in the Rennes-le-Château mystery. In any case, other authors have noted that Boudet died under strange circumstances, and that his book may have been sought out and destroyed by the Bishop de Beausejour. Boudet, a linguistic scholar, would have been a logical choice for Sauniere to approach with his curious Latin parchments.

the reason it's such a shock to people to conceive that english was the original language spoken in the Eden-Heaven now called Earth is that it's difficult for them to recall any memories of Eden and Eve in a time so many eons before the tower of babel, although they should be able to evoke memories of Eve in the garden, since EVOKE contains EVE.

the symbolic building of the tower of babel describes the wanton destruction of primordial english, which originally vibrated so purely to the Music of the Spheres that it fell as gently on the ethers and human ears as singing...or chanting. to speak in those original tones and rhythms was truly to sing ! well, what do you know ! ENGLISH contains SING. Quite. english, however, lost its musical, harmonious purity before Adam began to tell HIS LIES, two words also hiding in ENGLISH. note that it does not contain her lies, for a reason related in a forthcoming work. it's interesting that to RELATE something means to tell what is REAL -- LATER, after it has occurred. RELATE tells you all this. it defines iteself. it's easy to get lost in thought and revelation when you're tuned into lexigrams...

as that future book will relate, many lies were seeded by Adam, after he became MAD, the word being prophetically hidden within the name, ADAM -- and that's the truth, even if offends and hurts the mistaken images promoted by the patriarch-minded. all truth hurts to some degree, since it digs out falsehoods by the roots, sometimes as painful an experience as a trip to the dentist for root canal work, as truth itself warns, since HURT is found there, hiding-in-plain-sight in TRUTH. Adam's lies and the reason for his madness will explain why earthlings can never become fully EVOLVED concerning the matter of their origin until they learn to LOVE EVE, and stop believing that she initiated the original temptation, as the word EVOLOVE has been telling us, in lexigrams, for such a long weary time. this is not some maufactured promotion for women's liberation, but a long buried truth even ERA supporters have thus far not listened to with the inner EAR.

after the Fall, english remained, but in a less pure form of pattern and tone and was no longer "sung" or chanted (remember incantations?) in its original rhythms and vibrating notes, until the symbolic building of the tower of babel, at which time it disappeared entirely into the mass subconscious, remaining dormant until, by Divine Will, it was slowly and gradually resurrected in the Celtic region of Earth. it's part of the great mystery of english that NOTE is TONE and vice versa, because MUSIC was once the SUM total of all that was. the word MUSIC itself tells you that, does it not?

linda goodman
star signs

and if so, would this not hail back to those ancient greeks as well, in an 'arcadian' sense?

Whatever it may bring
I will live by my own policies
I will sleep with a clear conscience
I will sleep in peace
~sinead o'connor

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posted January 27, 2006 02:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Iqhunk     Edit/Delete Message
Notice the time of your post

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posted January 30, 2006 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for bumping this up, salome. Great info. there. Now you've piqued my interest in this topic again, lol. Maybe I'll make a run to the library this week ... again.

"To learn is to live, to study is to grow, and growth is the measurement of life. The mind must be taught to think, the heart to feel, and the hands to labor. When these have been educated to their highest point, then is the time to offer them to the service of their fellowman, not before." - Manly P. Hall

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posted October 02, 2006 09:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lotusheartone     Edit/Delete Message
Wonderful! All of you

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posted May 11, 2007 02:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for naiad     Edit/Delete Message
excellent topic.

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