posted December 28, 2004 10:37 AM
Sure sweetie All words contain hidden meanings. Lexigrams help us deduct these meanings by dissecting the word, letter by letter.
To do this you take the letters from the word you wish to look into and create other words from it. You then 'spiral' your thoughts from what you see into sentences, a poem, or statements.
For example; 26 kindly did a lexigram for Sheaa Olein here;
In the link, 26 shows in bold the words created by the letters in the name 'Sheaa Olein'. She did an ace job
Posts: 449
From: somewhere in the Green Mountains, VT
Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 13, 2004 02:29 PM
Yay! Sheaa! Welcome!
A new name, a new day!
A new Way!
Earlier today I decided I wanted to Lexigram your new name and see what I could come up with. So, I took your new name and my dirty clothes to the laundromat and excersied my Lexigram muscles. I figured it would be more fun than watching my clothes spin 'round and 'round. So this is the "Lex" that I "flexed".
~Sheaa Olein~He is in she
she is in He
Shine as ONE
She has an alias no one else.
She heals ails ~ with noise
A Leo?
No! ~ a Lion --unleashed!
Sol is shining on her!
an alien....alone
walking a line...a lane
no one else has seen,
nor worn the same shoes
she sails on a sea,
loses lies.
Asia, the Nile,
IS`IS, ~ NOAH, ~ LAO!!!
sailing on
.....and on
sees an isle
....heels on soil
yet she is ONE. she & he.
She has a Halo ~
we all can see......
Sol is shining IN her!
Solshine is she!
The process is basically an evolved anagram that the word druids help us with, to unmask the real meaning behind the names we give to things.
Not every word will produce a lexigram, however allowing yoursElf time to contemplate on the word or phrase can open up a whole new perception.
Do you have a copy of Star Signs, Randall? Linda shows how lexigrams work with some amazing examples. She lexigrams, The Great Pyramid, Adolf Hitler, and Jesus amoungst a few. It's a pity we can't have an online version, since we have to address copyright issues.
If you cannot obtain one, let me know. I have thought about buying a copy and sending it to Knowflakes who haven't got one ~ who can then redistribute it to those who need one here.
Here is an example of what Linda wrote in Star Signs which I noted in the early days in discovering lexigrams, the lexigrams for the original words are in capitals;
Diplomacy ~ MAD POLICY
Moonlight ~ THIN GLOOM
Weird nightmares ~ WITHERING DREAMS
Rebublican ~ INCURABLE CLAN (if you're a Democrat)
Democratic ~ RATED COMIC (if you're a Republican)
South ~ SO HOT
North ~ NOT HOT
I will have a look at your insight aswell now. I hope this helps