Topic: 26's Lexi
tracysalome Knowflake Posts: 268 From: minneapolis minnesota USA Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 18, 2005 12:16 AM
Okay, this lexi was hard without the help of extra letters. The ones that seemed to be needed were: n,y, and o besides repeat letters. So here it is: A RED PAST LETS A LASs REAP PRESenT TEST LASs A TAuRuS, eLATES nET PALS LEnT An EAR To PALS PALS ALSo LEnT An EAR ALl To LEARn LASs iS A SAP -iS PLEASAnT LEAPS To PLEASE PALS An ASTRAL PAREnT SPEnT yEARS To LEARn STARs SPEnT yEARS To LEARn PLAnETS OR SPEnT yEARS in AT PLAnETS/STARs AT A RED PLAnET in PAST LASs PLAyS A PART in PRESenT TALE LASs STEPs, LEAPS And LEARnS ThE TEST IS PAST IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 18, 2005 12:59 AM
Thank you so much tracy!!! That was so awesome!! Wow! Youre good at this. RED PAST LETS A LASs REAP PRESenT TEST (makes total sense) eLATES nET PALS Cool. LASs iS A SAP Indeed. lol iS PLEASAnT .....errmmm...sometimes.... LEAPS To PLEASE PALS Yes. ASTRAL PAREnT .....Now that's cool. SPEnT yEARS To LEARn STARs/PLAnETS ~ Very true! OR SPEnT yEARS in AT PLAnETS/STARs Some people have said I'm from another planet. AT A RED PLAnET in PAST - I take that one to be about my Aries ex. He's long gone and I'm way over him but he was probably the biggest love of my life so far. I love the last three lines: LASs PLAyS A PART in PRESenT TALE LASs STEPs, LEAPS And LEARnS ThE TEST IS PAST So cool. Again thank you. I'm going to print this out and save it. Youre a sweetheart. IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 18, 2005 01:05 AM
ThE TEST IS PAST.....let's hope so...... IP: Logged |
tracysalome Knowflake Posts: 268 From: minneapolis minnesota USA Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 18, 2005 02:40 AM
Well, your welcome! It seems to me that you've learned quite a bit, and if your having relationship turmoil, it's probably just karmic issues. Lexigrams don't lie right?IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 18, 2005 03:01 AM
No, they dont. Though I wouldnt say I'm in relationship turmoil. I'm still living with my now ex Taurus because I dont have the means to move out at the moment. We both came to the conclusion that it just wasnt going to work out between us, but for mostly financial reasons we are still living together. I also have no other option at the moment. And I know he enjoys my company. And it's actually working out fine. We both lead our own lives, do our own thing. Our composite Uranus is on our DC so an unconventional relationship was inevitable. I love him dearly and he has been very good to me. But neither of us are in love with each other. I know he loves me alot too though. But it's not a romantic love for either of us. Nonetheless a strong bond that is definitely past life. His Moon is exactly conjunct my Sun. He's a great guy and I want to see him happy but it wont be with me. It's a bit of an odd situation but it works for now! Soon we will be going our seperate ways when our lease is up. I dont know what I'll do yet but I'm trying not to worry about it. This is one relationship that hasnt given me too much turmoil. He's a sweet soul. But I'm looking for things that he cant offer. Or just arent a part of him. IP: Logged |
tracysalome Knowflake Posts: 268 From: minneapolis minnesota USA Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 18, 2005 04:05 AM
Oh my god 26!! No wonder i seem to relate to you so well, I am in practically the same situation, except we don't really live together, my husband has a house with his girlfriend but he pays my rent. It is very difficult to pay the rent for me with my children. I don't have anyone to watch them and it would be very difficult to even get assistance because 1. he sold my car to "have money on the rental deposit for my house" and I would have to take the bus with 2 kids in the winter to get there 2. he owns a $25,000 truck in my name so they probably wouldn't give me help anyway. But I too am no longer in love with him, as such a violation of trust has occured, and i did try and give him a chance and he messed up anyway(+ she wouldn't leave him alone either) But it is still a bit difficult for me because he expects me to kiss his *ss for the rent and i also will not ever reject his son who he doesn't even care for because his son's mother is a crack w*ore literally and hasn't been a mother to him for 5 years. His son lives with his grandma and is happy, but i couldn't bear to let him be left or rejected by another parent that is supposed to love him. It causes alot of morality related turmoil for me. And I'm trying my best to find a way of escape before he is allowed to make our 2 year old daughter feel the same hurt and rejection his son feels. P.S that would make 3 children including his son. Can you imagine that all at the age of 21? You are certainly lucky to have a working plutonic relationship after being inimate but make sure for yourself that it's really okay because to have to deal with resentment like that can really break the spirit.IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 18, 2005 05:41 PM
Wow, tracy! I guess you can relate. Though your situation is so much different because kids are involved. I thank God I am not bound to someone through children. You are so lucky to have them though. Like you said in another thread, they provide you with all the love you need. Yeah, I am lucky that this situation is working. I know there are "higher purposes" behind it all that I might not be aware of yet. The whole thing is just strange. I moved to another state with him after only knowing each other for a very short period of time. Very unlike both of our normal natures to do something like that. I remember the drive here, thinking to myself, "What am I doing?" But I guess I dont need to know all of the reasons why right now. I'm just accept it for what it is and roll with it. But like I said I'm going to be forced to make a move soon and the stress is building everyday. Anyway....Well, I really hope your situation improves. It sounds really hard. Youre a caring soul and it's only a matter of time before things get better. Stay strong.IP: Logged |
tracysalome Knowflake Posts: 268 From: minneapolis minnesota USA Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 18, 2005 08:51 PM
Thamks 26. I will stay strong.I have already realized the lesson in all of this and now it's time for the chapter of his and her lesson to unfold, There must be a purpose for your situation if it is working that way and with the circumstances given. I hope that you will be able to find out what it is. In my personal experience, the worst situations are the easiest to learn from. Just don't give up on trying to find out what it is. As i have a natural analytical nature, i never stop looking for answers to my questions at any second of the day. Good luck to you and good luck to also your roomate to be able to also see the lesson. IP: Logged |
nowment Knowflake Posts: 24 From: browns mills, nj, usa Registered: Apr 2004
posted February 22, 2005 12:27 PM
What are the original letters of this they were not posted with your Lexigram, I am curious to know what they are for. Lia IP: Logged |
tracysalome Knowflake Posts: 268 From: minneapolis minnesota USA Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 22, 2005 09:25 PM
This is 26Taurus's lexigram. In another thread we were talking about the desitiny of motherhood and i suggested to do her lexigram. i can't find the paper with the original letters right now maybe 26 can post otherwise, i found her letters in the 2nd page i think of pixelpixies lexi in this forum.IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 24, 2005 12:07 AM
Hi nowment! They were the letters for my name. SSTTAAAREPL If you have time that would be great! Thank you. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 901 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 12, 2005 10:03 AM
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26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted March 12, 2005 02:57 PM
Thank you Steve! That was amazing! To me it spoke of past lives. For some reason it reminded me of something a psychic told my mother. That I had commited suicide in my last three lifetimes and this lifetime would be a major series of tests to see if I can break out of that cycle. So far it has been. But I know now I'll make it now, though there were times that I almost didnt.PRESSES PAST REAPS TARES PAST RAPES & SLAPS LAST STEP A LEAP Thanks again! IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted March 12, 2005 02:59 PM
Here's one I did for myself awhile ago. One of my first lexigrams.ARTist hEART PETALS PART TEARS of PAST ARE PASSing. EARS hEAR TALES of EARLy ERAS..... of PASSing TESTS LEAPS into the ASTRAL - ASLEeP yET ALERT! STRAPEd to A STAR, TAPS into ESP - A LASER STARE. PARA - normal. TESLA! puRPLE PLATES! A TREAT AwAiTS! RATTLE! STARTLE!............ AwAkE! it's all REAL! we ARE not APART! wearenotapart. A PALE STAR STARES AT A LASS............ AT A LASS AT SEA............ AT LAST!
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 901 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 12, 2005 08:10 PM
ARTist hEART PETALS PART TEARS of PAST ARE PASSing.I like that. So, did you really TAP into ESP? That 8th house moon must be a trip. I'm sorry to hear your life has been so difficult, but I love to see your "whatever doesnt kill me makes me stronger" attitude. I know you will accomplish your dreams. I'm going for my first Reiki attunement on Monday. I'll let you know how it goes. The woman who does it seems really cool. IP: Logged |
26taurus Moderator Posts: 6417 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted March 12, 2005 11:31 PM
Tap into ESP? Of course! All the time! Yes, the 8th house moon is fun. Pluto lives there too. Really I dont consider my life having been that difficult. There are people out there who've had it much worse. Must be that 8th house moon, had to deal with some stormy emotional seas. But who hasnt?Wow great!!! I think you will be a natural at Reiki! I learned the Usui method as well. Yes, let me know how it goes and what you think of it. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 901 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 13, 2005 11:27 AM
One of my usual, way too formal, pop-psychological responses:It is a bitter consolation, I know, to reflect on the fact that others have suffered worse fates. But, its wise of you to take that perspective. You certainly dont want to glorify, or sentimentalize them, but, still, you should always be careful not to underestimate your own emotional needs. But, I'm probably not telling you anything you dont already know well enough. So, you really think I'd be a natural? Me too.
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