posted May 17, 2006 03:27 PM
Here are some words for you.
I lost the list I started long ago. TAMEEM MOHAMMED SAIED
a dose mate side ad dot math sided Adam dote me sit add ease mead site
adds east meat smite adios eat media smith admit eats mediate smote
admits edema mediated so ado edit meet sod ah emit meets soda aha
emote met some ahead esteem mete sometime aid esteemed method
staid aided ha methods stead aids had mi steam aim hades miasma steed
aims ham mid stem am has Midas tad amid haste mime tame amidst hat
mist tamed Amish hate mite tea ammo hated moa team as hates moat
tease ash he mode tee ashamed head modem teem Asia headed modest
the aside heads moist thee asthma heat mom them at heated most theme
ate heed mote themes atheism hem moth these atom hi oat this atoms
hid oath those dad hide oats ti dads hides odd tide dais him odds tides
dam his ode tie dame hit oh tied dammed ho ohm ties dams hoe om
time dash hoed omit times dashed hoist sad to data hoisted said toad
date home same toe dated homes sat toed dates homiest sate toes
dead hose sated tome death host sea deed hosted seam deem hot seat
deemed I seated demise id sedate diadem idea see did ideas seed die is
seem died it seemed dies item set diet items shade diets its shaded dim
ma sham dime mad shame dimmed madame shamed dims made she
dish maid shed do mash sheet doe mast shod does masthead shoe dome
mat shot
~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte"
~I am still learning~ Michangelo
The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords.
The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes.
Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages.
In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem.