Topic: Lexi my name .....Anyone ?
freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted February 24, 2006 06:56 AM
I was thinking about this. Anyone going to Lexi. Here it goes....AAABDEHHIIIKKMNPRSUVOther than that I was also curious about nick names or when people change their names. How does that influence them. Does that change their lives? IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Moderator Posts: 5988 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted February 24, 2006 07:25 PM
I think it does... it changes your vibrationAlso, I think, on a more mundane level, people will feel differently when going by a different name. It's almost like taking on a new persona. My name is Danielle. Some of my (old) friends, and most of my family call me Dani. I feel differently when surrounded by people who call me that name... like I'm one of the kids. When I'm with people that call me Danielle, it's like I'm back to being a grown-up. I also felt differently when I changed to my married name. Although, that could have just been the sheer giddiness of changing from a 9 letter last name to a 5 letter last name. Now my signature actually fits on those little lines you have to sign on! AAABDEHHIIIKKMNPRSUV I AM PRANKISH, AMUSIVE, AND ABSURD I HAVE SPUNK NAKED SKIN MAKES ME SPUNKIER I’M IN A KINKIER PHASE I HAVE DREAMS… SUPERB DREAMS I AM UNASHAMED SUPERB DREAMS MAKE ME RAVISH HIM KINKIER DREAMS INSPIRE AN AMBUSH PMS MAKES ME DESPAIR PMS MAKES ME IMPAIRED
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freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted February 25, 2006 05:04 AM
Libra Sparkle....I feel the same way ....about using nick names.Well that was funny !!!! and kinky I never knew that's what my lexi would sound....I was looking for more spiritual version.Great Work Libra !!!! Do you have any Scorp in your chart ?Is that coming out or well it was just one of those naughty Libran work. That's great Keep them coming. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Moderator Posts: 5988 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted February 25, 2006 11:04 AM
I have Uranus in Scorpio... but that's it. I don't even have anything in the 8th house.I was laughing my butt off once I realized the theme that was running through your lexi... laughing, and hoping you would find the fun in it and not be offended. I thought I remembered you are a Scoropio... so, I figured it was safe IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 23418 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted February 26, 2006 10:31 AM
I agree about nicknames.------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 4137 From: ~out looking for Schrodinger's cat~ Registered: Mar 2005
posted February 26, 2006 01:05 PM
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freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted February 27, 2006 09:28 AM
quote: I was laughing my butt off once I realized the theme that was running through your lexi... laughing, and hoping you would find the fun in it and not be offended. I thought I remembered you are a Scoropio... so, I figured it was safe
I wouldn't be offended Libra Sparkle My Pisces Friend goes " Oh ! you see such kinky stuff when I was just reading this website. You have a great memory.... Thanks for doing that Lexi....Libra IP: Logged |
freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 23, 2006 01:45 AM
*bumping shamelessly* just curious...Any more.??? IP: Logged |
freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted May 09, 2006 09:13 AM
I just thougt of reading this I am just in one of my kinkier phase. I AM PRANKISH, AMUSIVE, AND ABSURD
Prankish.....Amusive..yay..Absurbd...nay...others might think that... I HAVE SPUNK
Yeah... I HAVE DREAMS? SUPERB DREAMS I have lots of dreams both wet and dry....LOL I AM UNASHAMED Not Completely true...ha ha...I can act ashamed.... SUPERB DREAMS MAKE ME RAVISH HIM KINKIER DREAMS INSPIRE AN AMBUSH Wow taking someone by Surprise has it's own fun. PMS MAKES ME DESPAIR PMS MAKES ME IMPAIRED I started wondering how did you know my sex profile and preferences.....Too much revealed... IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 4137 From: ~out looking for Schrodinger's cat~ Registered: Mar 2005
posted May 09, 2006 10:56 AM
AAABDEHHIIIKKMNPRSUV a armada biased Dharma hah abase armed bid diaper haiku abash armies bier diaries hair abide arms bike die haired abides as bin dies hairs abrade ash bind dike ham abrasive ashamed binder dim hamper absurd ashen binders dime Han abuse ashier biped diminish hand abused ashram bird dims hands abuser Asia birds din hank abusive asian bra dine hanker ad aside braid diner hankie Adam ask brain diners hard adieu asked brains dip harden admire asp braise dire hare admires Aspen brake dish harem adverb aspire bran disk hark advise aspired brand Diva harken adviser aspirin brash divan harm ah asunder brave dive harmed aha auk bread diver harms ahead aum break dives harp aid aura breaks divine harsh aids avian bred diviner has aim avid bride drab hash aims baa brim drain have air bad brink drake haven airman bade bruise dram he airmen bah brush drama head airs bairn brushed dramas heads airship bake bud drank heap akin baked buds drape hear am baker bum drapes heard amber ban bump dream hears ambush band bun dreams heir amen bane bunk dries heirs amend banish burden drink hem amends banished buried drinks hemp amid banisher burn drip hen Amish bank burned drive her amp banked burnish driven herb amphibian banker burnished drum herd amuse bar burns drunk hernia amused bard bus drunks hers an bare bush dub hi and bark dab due hid anemia barn dais duke hide anise base dam dumb hides ankh based dame dump hike anus bash damn dumpier hiked ape basin damp dumps hiker aphid bask damper dun him Arab be dams dune hind Arabia bead dank dunk hinder Arabian beads dare dupe hinders are beak dark ear Hindi area beam darken earn Hindu areas bean darn earns hip arena bear dash ears hips Ares beard dean embark hire aria bears dear emu his arid beau demur end hive Aries bed den ends hub arise behind denim era hue arisen bend dervish ha huh ark bi desk had hum arm bias despair hades human humane make numb pink rave humans maker number praise raven humid makers numbers praised ravine hump makes nurse pram ravish Hun makeup nursed prank ravished hunk man pad prankish re husband mandrake padre pranks read hush mane padres predusk reads husk mania pads prehuman ream I map paid pride reap ibis maps pain pried red id mar pained pries rehab idea mare pains prim rein ideas marina pair prime reink imbued marine pairs primed reins imbues mark pan prism remain impair marked panama privies remains impaired mars panda prude remind impairs marsh pandas prudes rend in mash pander prudish resin India mask pane prune rhea Indies maven paned pruned rib ink me panes prunes rid inkier mead pans psi ride inside mean par pub rides insider means parade pubis rim inspire media parades puke rime inspired median paradise puked rind insure men pare puma rink insured mend pared pun rinse inure menu pares punier rip inured mi pariah punish ripe invade mid pariahs punished ripen invader midas paris punisher rise Iran mike parish punk risen ire mind parisian punks risk iris minder park puns risked Irish minds parka pure rub irk mine parked purse rube irked miner parks pursed rude irks mini parmesan pus rue is mink pars push ruin kaiser mire parse pushed ruined karma mired parsed rabid rum ken miser pause rabies rump kern mishap paused radish run khaki mud pave radium rune khan muse paved radius rush kid nab paver raid rushed kidnap Nadir paves rain sad kin nah pea rained said kind naiad peak rains sake kinds naive peaks raise same kink naked pear raisin sand kinship name pears rake sander kir named pen rakish sane kiva names penis ram saner knave nap pens ramp sank knead nape per ran sap knish nark perk rank sardine kraken nausea phase ranks sari Krishna nave phrase rap sauna ma near pi rape save mad nerd pie raped sea made nib pier rapid seam maid nip pike rapids sear maiden nub pin rash sedan main nude pine rasp send shade Spain vermin shah span via shake spank viand shaken spar vibe shaker spare vibes shakier spark vie sham speak vied shaman spear vies shame sped vim shamed spend vine shank spider viper shape spied vipers shaped spike viridian shard spin virus share spine visa shared spire vise shark spread sharp spud shave spun she spunk shear spur shed spurn sheik spurned shin sub shine sue shiner sum shinier sun ship sunk shire sup shirk super shiver superman shrank supine shriek sure shrine surname shrink umpire shrub unbar shrunk under shun unmarked side unripe sikh up sin upbraid sine upraise sink urban sinker urbane sip urine sir urn sire us siren use skein used ski user skid vain skier vampire skim van skin vane skip vanish skunk vanished smear vapid smirk varied smirked varies snake varnish snap varnished snare vase sneak veda snip vein snipe veins sniper Venus snub veranda spade verb ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 23418 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted May 10, 2006 10:28 AM
Well-said, LS.------------------ "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
freebird Knowflake Posts: 709 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted May 12, 2006 01:34 AM
Thanks Fayte .... I am going to see through the list.....Great work
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