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Author Topic:   Self-Realization

Posts: 14733
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posted March 15, 2008 01:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Juni & Eleanore,

You both brought up many points I wanted to make and said things better than, and a whole lot nicer than, I could have.

Thank you both for taking the time and for sharing your insight.

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posted March 15, 2008 01:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
If anyone is looking for a reply from me, you can email me if it is that important, as I still cannot see the posts here. And I will reply in one form or another.

my junk mailbox addy is:
*deleted by Eleanore as per 26t's request*

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From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted March 15, 2008 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message


If I didn`t tell you how lovely that was before, I`m telling you now.

When your lexigrams spiral to this depth of Spirituality, no one should mind an errant letter or two. It is the that is of importance.

and I you

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~

- George Eliot

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posted March 15, 2008 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for silverstone     Edit/Delete Message

I just wanted to stop in and tell you that I always admire your uniqueness in Lexigramming; I also always appreciate you correcting my errors; I think it's important, sometimes we may think we have them all correct, only to discover that we do not... a fresh eye is always welcomed.
I know you respect Linda's way and you simply have a different approach, which I think is great. I think many just don't understand your passion is all. Keep your head up, my friend

I'm sure that Linda would've listened to other's ways of lexigramming without becoming defensive; she seemed very open-minded


Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year....
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost

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Posts: 7068
From: Blue Star Kachina
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posted March 15, 2008 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Yes silverstone!!

It is the uniquenees of every individual that brings their gifts to LL that enrichess us all.

Each has a unique gift and we are blessed by everyone`s involvement! That`s the diversity and richness that makes LL unique

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world is immortal"~

- George Eliot

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posted March 15, 2008 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
I hope you feel better now.{{{Hugs}}}

I never felt bad LEXX. I view this situation a lot differently than you do. The real question is; after all of that; do you feel better now?

I never get jokes easily.
Been like that all my life to date.
Nor do I truly understand completely why you are so upset.

If you say so, LEXX.


I am not "upset". Not sure how to get that through to you. I guess you couldnt tell from my post above that this has nothing to do with me being upset. Especially not me being upset about you pointing out "errors". You are missing the point entirely.

And the crap I have had to deal with behind the scenes concerning my Lexigramming has been awful. You really have no idea.

No, I dont because I dont look at life from a victim standpoint. I dont see situations, negativity and people as if they are coming at me and I have nothing to do with it and am helpless. I think one's outer world is a reflection of their inner world. That everything 'happening to us' is a gift for us to take an opportunity to go within.

I have just had enough already.

Have you really? We are still here arent we?
I will keep coming back as long as I feel there is positivity to be had from this.

So yeah, I have become rather touchy about my passion for Lexigramming.
I do not feel I deserve such words from you.

Again fayte, I hear victim mentality here.

Maybe I didnt deserve all of these words from you:

"Cheat, add, fake it all you or anyone wants, but at least play fair and set off the added letters in brackets."
"I do not care if folks add letters. All I am saying is to please be fair and set off the added letters in brackets as even Linda said to do."

"AND FUN...... but HIDING the added bits is just plain dishonest."

"It is the ones pretending to be Lexigram Masters who HIDE the added words and letters who I am upset with."

"my beef is the HIDING of the added not allowed words and letters and calling it a Lexigram when it is not."

"My way of pure lexigramming seems to gall those who want to show off and intentionally HIDE their added letters, and those who have money making scams of pretending to be Lexigrammers when they are not.

"there should not be any embarrassment or sense of having been caught intentionally cheating by HIDING the added bits."

"It is the folks who know damn well they ARE INTENTIONALLY HIDING THE ADDED LETTERS instead of setting them off in brackets who annoy me. "

"In time hopefully they will swallow their pride and be ethical and honest and set off their added letters in () or []."

"but I do have trouble comprehending why anyone would reject the chance to fix errors or set the added bits off correctly, unless they do intentionally want to hide the added bits to appear better at Lexigramming than they are."

"I can and do respect those who are honest and do not hide the added bits."

"Unless again, they want to hide the added bits and errors to show off pretending they are great Lexigrammers."

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with being really good at doing LBRs!!!!! SIMPLY DO NOT HIDE THE ADDED BITS! "

"again..IT IS THE HIDING OF ADDED WORDS AND LETTERS I am most concerned with."

"Again it is not the method, it is the HIDING OF ADDED LETTERS AND WORDS etecera I am annoyed over."

"I do agree with Linda Goodman and so do many others;
( ) or [ ]....or LEFT IN lower CASE!"

Granted, they werent all directed at me personally. But worded in such a way that might make me want to think so.

Dont dish out what you cant take. Dont try and guilt trip me either. By telling me about all of these mental and health problems. It's not working on me. I've seen it all before.

How kind. Call me a faker.

You started it, LEXX. Go read those quotes above again. I'm only turning the tables on you.

What you are saying about others, is speaking volumes about you.

You do not know me as you assume much. Then insult me.

Do you realize that that is exactly what you did to me? Assumed I was "hiding" letters, being "sneaky" and pretending to be something I am not. Then loosely insulted me and other people in the process.

I need some more brain scans and more MRIs. Yippie.
And please do not pity me. I hate that!

Dont worry, I dont.

For the most part, my outlook on life doesnt involve pitying people. That just doesnt fit in with my way of seeing things. When I am able to see things clearly, pity for others just does not fit into the picture.

Much of what youve said about having comprehension problems and not being able to get things without coaching from someone else, seriously contradicts the things youve said about yourself in other posts in this thread and in other threads in the past.

I'm sorry you dont get jokes easily. That must make life even harder to deal with.

I know, if i didnt have my sense of humor, i never wouldve made it this far.

A sense of humor is something that can develop naturally by not sweating the small stuff and finding the love and beauty in life and all things in it.

Is there anything else you would like to add to this discussion? I'm still listening and still not "upset".

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posted March 15, 2008 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Juniperb, I you so much and wish I could give you a big hug.

Well said as usual.

Thank you.

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posted March 15, 2008 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
silverstone, you are LEXX's friend and I think it's kind of you to come in and make her feel better.

I think many just don't understand your passion is all.

I know the feeling!!!

Are you sure what it is is called "passion" though?

I'm sure that Linda would've listened to other's ways of lexigramming without becoming defensive; she seemed very open-minded

I agree. It really would be nice to hear her opinion here.

Knowing her though, I'm not quite so sure she wouldve taken completely kindly to LEXX's way of pointing out her errors.

You know that Arien temper she had
that we all so often affectionately refer to?


It's cute when Linda lost it, but when other's do
(even when in reality arent actually angry about something)
it's called defensiveness and close-mindedness....very unevolved.

Such is life.

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Posts: 1239
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Jan 2008

posted March 15, 2008 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message
You took things personally. It was not meant to be personal to you. But something about it must ring true or you would not be upset. I admit I am upset. You post and post and claim to not be upset. Uh huh.
In a nutshell all I really wanted was to see folks set off their added words thusly:
( ) [ ].
And then suddenly a simple request turned into all this.
I said I would not point out your errors again. And you said if I had asked first you would not have minded. Uh huh. I do not buy that after all this, because once I said I would not point out your errors the matter should have ended.
Granted, they werent all directed at me personally. But worded in such a way that might make me want to think so.
If the shoes do not fit you, then seriously 26t you have no reason to be upset. You say they do not fit you so chill out. They were directed at anyone doing it intentionally not personal to you or anyone who is just making honest mistakes. That you took great heavy long winded umbrage to my valid and fair requests and logical comments on process and standards, which are also in agreement with Linda's way..confuses me since you claim to be making honest errors and omissions.
I think maybe I simply need to simply avoid most Taureans.
I do have a sense of humour. Just not your kind.
And when I said I'd had enough already I did not mean LL.
You totally missed what I was saying.
And this is odd:
You started it, LEXX. Go read those quotes above again. I'm only turning the tables on you.

What you are saying about others, is speaking volumes about you.

My requests to set off added letters were valid and rational.
My comments logical and should not offend the innocent. My offers to find errors and help fix if wanted were sincere. I get nothing from it except fun of the hunt like crossword puzzles or scrabble.
I feel you may see me as an unreasonable person, you have made it rather clear...and called me a fake in more than one way. You throw the victim word at me. I am not a victim, but I am bewildered as to why such offense has been taken. And insults towards my character.
I offered to discuss this by e-mail. It is you who wanted it out here. I never previously assumed you were intentionally hiding your added bits or trying to show off.If I thought that, I would NEVER have pointed out your errors! Someone hiding intentionally their added letters WOULD get upset if I pointed their hidden letters or errors out, and carry on having a go at me. I certainly would not invite that! I sincerely thought you would appreciate my efforts. But now because of your reaction maybe I have to reconsider my assumptions.
I will say it again:
I will not correct you again.
I will not correct anyone unless they ask me to or I get permission.
I will keep requesting folks set off their added letters thusly:
( ) [ ].

I feel that I am being reasonable.
If my request offends, then the ones offended should ask themselves why my valid fair request offends them so deeply. Such offense is illogical.
This entire insanity begain because you took offense at my pointing out your errors and no matter how politely you phrased your request to leave your threads and "lexigrams" alone, it was not polite. It was telling me to get lost etcetera or else. And posting the "MyWay" thing was a dig right? I was not sure. Were you baiting me to correct it? That is how it appeared to me. If so, it was not nice to do. Nor funny.

This can go on seemingly forever.
I agree to disagree. And I do indeed disagree with you just as you clearly disagree with me post after post.
That will not change will it?
So enough already OK?
I will leave you alone.
And when I comment on Lexigramming do not assume I am talking about you or anyone in particular. It is simply my point of view and my requests to set off added letters thusly:
( ) [ ].
I am tired of all the hours spent here ranting on about things you and I will never agree on.
Aren't you tired too?
Truce is all that can be achieved here.
So truce or not?

PS. More folks have appreciated my helping and trying to teach than not here at LL. It is a minority that do not want me here or my viewpoints on Lexigramming. I have met so many folks who are willing to learn and folks who are so very relieved that I can teach them to Lexigram without limitations imposed by the popular rules. I have seen too many newbies leave sadly when told their name cannot be Lexigrammed. Where is the truth or kindness in that? I can Lexigram for such folks or teach them how. And the newbies being told it only works in English. Sorry, that is racist and Anglocentric and untrue.
I can do it and I can back up my way.
And I welcome intelligent discussion with folks who can back up their way logically with facts NOT opinion or belief. If anyone can show and prove with examples and hard facts that my way is wrong and any other way right...please please do so! Teach me something new about Lexigramming by all means!
As long as you can logically prove it.
And yes please tell me when you find mistakes in any of my Lexigrams! I really want to know!
I wish I could have sat down with Linda Goodman. Aries women may have tempers, but they are usually very rational and willing to look at things in different ways.
My best offline women friends are all Aries and Leos.
LEXIGRAMMING! And "Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat........."

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Posts: 1239
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Jan 2008

posted March 15, 2008 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message
silverstone my friend!
You know about my Lexigramming and our research more than most here. You have seen some (yes, there are many more surprises in store!) of the prototypes of what I could offer to folks here to assist with Lexigramming and bring it into a new century. But until I feel it is all going to be accepted and welcomed...I will not share my secrets with the public. I also have some proposals I have been considering for some time that you may be able to pass on to the right parties concerning Lexigrams.
Thank you for understanding and listening to me and helping with our research.
Blessings to you my dear friend.
Much Love

LEXIGRAMMING! And "Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat........."

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posted March 15, 2008 11:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
LEXX, if you really wanted to let this go, you would not have just made yet another
long-winded post.

You made 9, count 'em, nine, very long winded posts before I could even see what was going on in this thread. Who is not letting this go?

Most of what you posted was repetition about how you think lexigrams should be done and how for the most part, others make far too many mistakes and are fakers.

All you really needed to do was simply tell me you would back off from me and carry on your way. That is all I needed from you, LEXX. I thought I made a nice but firm post requesting that and that it could end after that.

All you had to say was okay and goodbye. But you chose a differemt route and I'm going along with it by replying to your comments now. I'm not looking to drag anything out. This has probably drained me more than it has you.

Maybe you couldve started a thread about why you think people should bracket off letters in their lexigrams. Why did you have to post it all in this thread and word it the way you did, if it wasnt supposed to be directed at me? You expect me not to believe that at least some of that was not? At least partially anyway? Come on LEXX. Dont try to say that none of what you stated in those posts was directed at me. I was one of the culprits in not bracketing off letters, remember?

I'm happy I have had such a great sense of humor through all this and dont take offence easily. What you percieve as me being highly offended is really only me not backing down from an issue I think needs to be addressed, for once. I'm going with this flow quite nicely and just wish we could settle it and be friends again.

In so many ways it has been a great exercise for me and I thank you for the challenge.

My requests to set off added letters were valid and rational.

No one said they were not valid or rational, LEXX! But what makes you think you have any right to tell people how they should be doing their lexigrams in the tone that you do? Okay, great! You want them done this way and think they are faking cheaters if they dont. Not giving them the benefit of the doubt that they may have simply made some innocent mistakes.

Well sorry, but people do not have to abide by the rules you have made up.

I also dont really have the right to ask someone not to correct my lexigrams if i post them on a public forum. Some might say I do have that right. I dont know. One thing is for sure, i wont post any more here.

Wouldnt it be more productive to focus more on your business endeavor than the mistakes other people make?

Dont mind them and they wont matter. They are going to happen no matter what you try and do about it. New Knowflakes will come along and not know your rules yet. It will never end for you.

Should the mistakes other people make matter so much to you? Why? Are they hurting you by making mistakes or upsetting you by not conforming to the way you want lexigrams done? Should you let your own inner peace be so disturbed because of something like that?

You took things personally. It was not meant to be personal to you. But something about it must ring true or you would not be upset. I admit I am upset. You post and post and claim to not be upset. Uh huh.

Okay, LEXX. Again, I'm not upset. I was a little fired up in a good way! I love a good debate. Mars in the 7th house.

Also, I'm positive that I am not only speaking for myself when I have said what I have here. That is why I am continuing on with this. It's not all about me and that fact that you pointed out some errors in one of my lexigrams.

For example, an old friend of mine who no longer posts at this website, but liked to lexigram decided not post in this forum anymore because the person didnt want to have to deal with the lexigram police officer. I cannot say i blame them.

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posted March 15, 2008 11:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
In a nutshell all I really wanted was to see folks set off their added words thusly:
( ) [ ].

We know you did LEXX, we know you did.

Let's pause for a moment and reflect on the strong possibility that unfortunately for you, that just may not happen. What will you do about that?

I said I would not point out your errors again.

And may I say Thank you LEXX! That's all I asked. This couldve been a lot less winded on the both of our parts had that request really been respected and seen in the correct light!

If I ever decide to post a lexigram again and you find errors in it, by all means, ask me if i would like them pointed out! You will not offend me by do so.

This has escalated into what it has NOT because you told me you would no longer point out my errors and I just didnt take that as your answer. It's because you continued on and on with the whys and hows and annoyances you find in the way others lexigram. You did it in my thread. I have to feel that some of it was directed at me and that it deserves a response or two ...or three, four or five!

Sorry dear, but if you simply felt like you could let this all go and have been trying to, you would have done so quite a few post ago. Maybe you couldve tried one post after the one in which i requested that little something of you.

Dont pretend that you tried to let this go and I have been dragging you back here. I couldnt even see the posts here for awhile and on you went. Not even really hearing what Eleanore or anyone else had to say. Otherwise you wouldnt have had to have kept repeating yourself.

I really thought that after my initial post/request you wouldve said something like; "Okay 26t, i will not correct your lexigrams without asking if my corrections are welcome first. Have a nice day."

Now, another thread has been mucked up with "LEXX's WAY".

Of course, I had a feeling you might take it the way you did and misconstrue my intentions. Act hurt, confused and appalled. But I thought maybe it wouldnt have to turn out that way and you could respect my wishes and move right along.

And when I said I'd had enough already I did not mean LL.

I didnt think you did. I thought you meant either here in this thread and/or with the people outside of here that have been attacking you.

I feel you may see me as an unreasonable person, you have made it rather clear

Yes, that's true. Unreasonable and stubborn. Yep.
That's okay though, what's so wrong with that?! I still like you anyway!
Ive been known to be that way too.

If my request offends, then the ones offended should ask themselves why my valid fair request offends them so deeply. Such offense is illogical.

Yes, they should. *whispers* Who are they?

I for one am not "deeply offended".
Initially, I was slightly annoyed, like I said. And spoke up about it and am over it now. What I am doing here is replying to your responses.

Could it be that somehow you are deeply offended that people wont open right up and really listen to your way of going about lexigramming?

Yes, this could seemingly go on forever. I get the feeling it's losing steam though. And I'm quite happy about that. Unfortunately, I think it's a little sad that you look at me differently now. I guess we werent really that great of internet friends. That is okay. I can accept that you will avoid me now and dont really want to accept the truce offering I made in round about ways in other posts.

Truce is all that can be achieved here.
So truce or not?

LEXX, that is what I wanted and was trying to make happen a few posts ago.

So yes, Truce.

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posted March 15, 2008 11:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Aries women may have tempers, but they are usually very rational and willing to look at things in different ways.

You do realize you could change the Aries to Taurus and the sentence would still hold truth, right?

You could even change it to Leo or Scorpio. Astrologically speaking, all of these signs are known for having what people like to label as tempers.

Dont turn it into an "i cant deal with taurens because they are too bullheaded or whatever". I'm afraid it's not that simple and goes deeper than that.

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posted March 16, 2008 01:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Lexx, I always try to remain as impartial as possible. You expect others to follow Linda's rules about added letters, but you don't follow her rule about too many letters or vowels. Just pointing out a dichotomy. That being said, I do find much of your work here to often be very fascinating. And 26t, you do, in fact, seem to be losing your temper (evidenced by the expletives). You speak of "your thread" as if you had some sort of exclusive right here. I see nothing wrong with Lexx giving her opinion, so long as she points out the errors in an amicable fashion. Your "command" not to do so is without merit. In the name of free expression, we are all allowed our opinions here in Lindaland, as many of your "friends" should surely be able to attest to. I find it a bit distressing that you dare to dictate what one can and cannot post on any string...whether yours or anyone else's (within the confines of tactful and polite speech, of course).

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll

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posted March 16, 2008 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
And 26t, you do, in fact, seem to be losing your temper (evidenced by the expletives).

Dont let expletives fool you Randall.

You speak of "your thread" as if you had some sort of exclusive right here.

I do? Where?

Where do I speak of an exclusive right? From what I can see, I simply and nicely requested someting of someone. Who has not quite accepted it right away. And we are working that out. Not a big deal! I'm not freaking out telling people it's my thread and stay out! I'm saying ask me if I want something corrected first.

Didnt I already point out that by chosing to post here, in a public forum, I open myself up to people coming in and making corrections or whatever else? I can accept that. Fine! That is how it works.

And that is why you dont see me posting lexigrams here anymore and will not in the future. Make any sense?

This lexigram was an old one. I bumped up for the fun of it. This is a slow forum, so why not? Now it's turned into this. It's all really good though.

I see nothing wrong with Lexx giving her opinion, so long as she points out the errors in an amicable fashion.

There isnt anything wrong with that! I also dont see anything wrong with asking a so called friend to not give me their two cents please. Is that such a horrible thing to do?

Your "command" not to do so is without merit. In the name of free expression, we are all allowed our opinions here in Lindaland, as many of your "friends" should surely be able to attest to.

Randall, I was not "commanding" anything. I politely asked someone something and thought they could handle and respect it.

Yes, everyone is allowed their opinion. Lexx's has been quite clear in this thread and i am communicating back and forth with her about it just fine. I'm not asking her to change her opinion. Just stop throwing it in other's faces. We know already.

I find it a bit distressing that you dare to dictate what one can and cannot post on any string...whether yours or anyone else's (within the confines of tactful and polite speech, of course).

Where did I dictate anything. I asked a favor of someone and thought they would be big enought to respect it and not take it personally.

From what Lexx has said, she has. And says she will not come into my threads with her corrections.

Problem solved. Case closed!

I think we have been handling this just fine and it's just about wrapping itself up.

You can choose to see it as me trying to dictate or command something, but that is not really what I am doing.

Thank you for your input. And giving me a chance to repeat myself once again. LOL

Maybe it will become clearer now?

I hope so.

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posted March 16, 2008 02:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

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posted March 16, 2008 02:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

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Posts: 1239
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.........& LEXIGRAMMING... is my Passion!
Registered: Jan 2008

posted March 16, 2008 02:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LEXX     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry about the escalated chaos and turmoil.
And thank you.

LEXIGRAMMING! And "Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat........."

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posted March 16, 2008 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
So, it's a truce! Yay!

We are done!

God Bless.

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posted March 16, 2008 03:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Can you feel the love tonight?
Elton John

....somewhere deep down inside....
it's there.

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From: Columbus, GA USA
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posted March 16, 2008 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
No worries, Lexx. I thought you behaved very well, considering.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll

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posted March 16, 2008 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

my hand was NOT caught in some strange kind of cookie jar, that contained all the letters that were not found in the inital phrase.

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posted March 16, 2008 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think anyone said it did.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll

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posted March 16, 2008 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
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posted March 16, 2008 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think anyone said it did.

Yes, some one did! Have you been keeping up with the thread???

In a round about way, I was lumped into the group of people that annoy fayte because they dont bracket off letters or sneak others into their lexigrams. That is completely absurd to me. That she would think people are doing that on purpous to make themselves look better. WTF?

So, yes. Someone DID say i did.

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