Topic: Can anyone lexigram my love's name?
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 20, 2007 07:33 PM
He has MRSA and is obese (having surgery next year, god/dess willing)... I'm worried about his health. His name is Jake Corbet. I would appreciate anyone's help with this as I am not gifted with the word druids in lexigraming - but I know many of you are. you have my eternal gratitude. If you think it would be helpful to add my name to his (we are going to marry once he recovers), let me know. Blessings, LMB edited to add: I was looking at old lexi posts and found one from an Indian gentleman... and YFIS and fayte saying that one cannot come in here and expect someone to lexi a word for them.... and I realized that is exactly what I did... and I want to apologize. That being said, I am going to my notebook and pen and tap into my own word druids and going to have a go at it myself. Thank you for opening my eyes. IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2362 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 22, 2007 06:23 AM
There's nothing to apologize for, LMB. It's alright to make a request for a lexigram. It's a busy time of the year right now and so not many people may be able to help but that's nobody's fault. Feel free to use this thread to "think out loud" and try your hand at lexigramming. Someone usually chimes in and I'd be happy to give it a try myself though perhaps after Christmas and the New Year. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 22, 2007 08:44 AM
I agree with Eleanore. I did look at the words on the name but not much there. Is that his full birth name? And asking for one is not taboo. But if I did one for everyone who asked, that is all I would be doing with my spare time.I can give you words if you wish, but some do not want that. And a warning... The ones out there charging to do them (there are 3 prominent ones and many not so prominent ones) but they are not the professionals they claim to be based on the many errors I see in many of their Lexigram examples. . Maybe I should start using my skills as a livelihood... However I have yet to charge for Lexigramming, and the time it takes, and I can see why those others are charging big money to do them. However it is pitiful how they do not concern themselves with accuracy. I do. I take Lexigramming very seriously. No errors guaranteed. If you post his full name I will see what there is and either Lexigram it or give you a Lexigram based reading. I hope he is on the right antibiotics for the MRSA.{{{HUGS}}}. Is he going in for bariatric surgery? The MRSA must be cured before the surgery. I am sure you already knew that. And I salute you...for not overlooking a good man just because he is obese. Many would. Blessings to you! IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 23, 2007 12:56 AM
Thank you both for your responses. Fayte, his full name is Jacob Scott Corbet. However, he changed his middle name from Lee when he was 12 years old. I'm an ameatur lexigrammer, but didn't Linda say that you should lexigram the name that is most often said? That being "Jake Corbet?" and not Jacob? I trust you implicitely because I have seen the truly amazing work you have done here, so your answer will be my answer. I just want to understand correctly. I love Jake so much, I can barely contain myself. We're going through a very rough time right now because, until he goes into the hospital after the 1st of the year, he is housebound and his desk is his whole universe (which includes XBox and computer). He expends so much time managing pain that makes him nearly scream with agony, that he pulls away from me. He does not mean to do this. But I'm someone with deep needs and a need to feel connected and that need hasn't been fulfilled in a long time. But I know we're a forever sort of thing. In past relationships, when my boyfriend and I have disagreed, I thought it was an inherent problem in our relationship and I would imaigne us breaking up. When jake and I disagree on something or argue (we never fight), I chalk it up to learning about each other. The next chapter in our book. It's just so hard becuase since the pain got so much worse 2 months into our relationship, our connection has become very limited. And I miss my love, you know? Boy, you didn't ask for that rant. I'd appreciate any work you could do. So far the words that make sense that *I* see in his name are BROKE and TEAR and JOKE Blessings to you both, LMB IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 01:35 AM
Rant on dear all you want.{{{HUGS}}} This is a hard thing for both of you. If you wish you may e-mail me(if you do not want to post it even scrambled) with your full name so I can see what your Compatibility and Union words are. Yes, for in the present one can use the most used name...but augmentors are important too and come from the full name. For example: BRAD SMITH has IS BAD. lets say his middle name is: NORTON Which lets us then see that IS NOT BAD So the full name can tell us much more.JAKE CORBET Has a short list. I have it here categorized by parts of speech for you, The starred * words are designated as relatively rare being found in under 25% or less full names. ARTICLES a CONJUNCTIONS or INTERJECTIONS eek ta PREPOSITIONS at o to VERB-INTRANSITIVES abort arc bake be bear beat bore break* broke* cake care cater creak croak eat jack* jar jerk* jet object* rack react rebate reek rocket* rot trek VERB-TRANSITIVES abet abject* act bake bar bark* bat bate bear beat berate bet betake* bete boat bore brace bracket* break* cart cat cere coak coat cob coke core cork crab crate creak create croak ear eat eject* ere erect jab* jacket* jerk* job* joke* jot object* orb race racket* rake rate react rebate reject* retake rob robe rock rot rote tack take tar tear tee tobreak* toe trace track* tree ADJECTIVES abject* are back* bare corbe create erect octa orbate
NOUNS abet abort ace acre act actor arc are ark art ate back* backer* baker* bar bare bark* bat bate beak beaker* beat beater becker* becket* bee beer beet bet beta boa boar boat boce boer bort bot brace brack* bracket* bract brake* brat bret brock* brocket* cab cake car care caret carob cart cat cate cater cere coak coat coatee cob cobra coke cora corb core cork cot crab crate creek crete croat ear eater ecto eject* ejecta* ejector* era erato jab* jabot* jack* jacket* jacob* jako* jar jerboa* jet job* joke* joker* jot karob* kate kerb keta oak oaker oar oat oke okra or orb orc ore ra rabot race rack racket* rake rat rate re reak rebato rebec recto reek rob robe roc rock rocket* roe rota rote tab tace tack tacker* taker tar tare taro tea teak tear tee teek toe tor torc trace track* tree trek
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 01:55 AM is some more. This is one way I having them broken out into parts of speech. It really helps at least to me.Words common to Both Jake Corbet & Jacob Scott Corbet are: ARTICLES a CONJUNCTIONS or INTERJECTIONS ta PREPOSITIONS at o to VERB-INTRANSITIVES abort arc be bear beat bore care cater eat jar jet object* react rot
VERB-TRANSITIVES abet abject* act bar bat bate bear beat bet boat bore brace cart cat coat cob core crab crate ear eat jab* job* jot object* orb race rate react rob robe rot rote tar tear toe trace ADJECTIVES abject* are bare corbe octa orbate NOUNS abet abort ace acre act actor arc are art ate bar bare bat bate beat bet beta boa boar boat boce boer bort bot brace bract brat bret cab car care caret carob cart cat cate cater coat cob cobra cora corb core cot crab crate croat ear ecto era erato jab* jabot* jacob* jar jerboa* jet job* jot oar oat or orb orc ore ra rabot race rat rate re rebato recto rob robe roc roe rota rote tab tace tar tare taro tea tear toe tor torc trace And words unique to Jacob Scott Corbet...words that cannot be found in Jake Corbet are: CONJUNCTIONS as so INTERJECTIONS too scat PREPOSITIONS as VERB-INTRANSITIVES accost* bears beats boast boose bores cares cast coast coo eats ebb* jabber* jest objects* roast root roots rotate scab scatter* scoot* score set soar sob stab stare start taste toot totter* treat treats trot
VERB-TRANSITIVES absorb* accost* acts attest* barb* bars baste bats batter* bears beats besort besot bestar bets boast boats bob* boost* boot bores breast cabob* carts case cast cats coats corset cost cotter* crest ears eats escort jabber* jobs* objects* rabbet* races recast recoct* rescat rest roast robes robs roost root roots saber sacre sate scar scare scatter* scoat score sear seat set sob sober soot sort stab star start stroot* taboo* taste tatter* tatters* tattoo* tears test toast tobeat* tobrest* toes toot toscatter* tose tot tote totear traces tract treat treats trot ADVERBS as scarce* so too
ADJECTIVES barocco* base best coarse east rococo* roseo rotate scarce* sear sober sore sot sote state stor store taboo* tart torose tort tosto* NOUNS abbot* acres actors acts arose arse arts aster astro attest* babe* baboo* barb* barbet* bars barse base bast basto bats batter* beast beats besort best bets betso bettor* boaster* boats bob* bobac* bocca* boor boort* boose boost* booster* boot boots* breast brett brob* brose cabob* caboose* cabs cares carotte* cars carse cartbote* carts case caste caster castor cats coast coaster coats coboose* coca coco* cocoa* coot cooter corsac* corse corset coscoroba* cost cotter* crest crocose* ears east ebb* ejoo eros es escort jest jobber* jobs* joso jotter* oars oast oats objector* oboe octet octo october* ottar otter rabbet* races rats reostat rescat rest robes robs rocoa rococo* roost rose roset rost rotta saber sabot sacre sacro scab scar scare scat score scot scoter sea seat sect sector set setto soar soja soot sora sorb sorbate* sorbet sore sort sot stabber* stacte* star stare state stater stator stoat store stot stote stretto* taboo* tact tarot tart tarts taster tatter* tatters* tattoo* tears teat test testator* tetra toast toaster toat tobacco* toco toes tooter* toret torse torso tort torta tot tota tote toter traces tract tsar I will look into this more as soon as I can. Pretty busy lately. Blessings to you Sincerely Fayte IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 02:12 AM
Oh... Something else interesting I found when doing it as I normally would when there is a nickname or unformal name... JACOB SCOTT CORBET "JAKE" Has in his name:OBESE His birth name Jacob Lee Corbet "Jake" does not have "obese" in it. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 02:28 AM
PS.I apologize for any typos. Must rest. IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 23, 2007 08:10 AM
fayte, bless your giving spirit!!! Thank you so much. VERY interesting that the Scott lends itself to obese and the Lee doesn't. Wow. Thank you SO Much for doing all that work. What email shall I email my name to? I hope you had restful sleep dancing under trees with the word druids for they certainly like you! LMB IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 10:32 AM
LMB{{{HUGS}}} And I hope you will not be offended but I do not believe in the WDs. Well not how other folks do. Linda was talking to someones...but not what she thought. In my opinion and experience. They were sincerely trying to be helpful, but were not what she was led to believe. Like I said, my opinion based on my experiences. And yes...I have talked with what seems to be the ones she talked with. It was interesting and I can see how she assumed they were something other than what she thought. Ever see the movie "Practical Magic"??? They remind me very much of the two Aunties, but there are 5 of them. A funny delightful mischeivious bunch for sure! And yes...they have names! I feel Linda was picking up on the faerie glamour being these 5 are faerie friends. Lets just say, these delightful dead ladies from several time frames, got a little help from their friends! If Linda was a deep immersion trance channeler like me with a control to record the what a different story she would have told! Spirits can be very clever...I myself was fooled unintentionally by a well meaning one called Florence...Flo.. who kept subtly advising me when I wanted to "go with the flow" and would ask "FLOW" what I should do. Heh heh...and Flo/Florence hopped right in trying to be helpful. Things got very weird but amusing after I discovered that! I do have my own muses though. IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 23, 2007 11:20 AM
Not offended at all. To each their own guides. (((hugs))) I emailed you. LMB IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 11:45 AM
Bless you LMB! Going to look now!IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 04:20 PM
You will have mail soon. IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 23, 2007 05:00 PM
Oh goodie!!! Thank you!IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 23, 2007 06:00 PM
OK...have not replied to the letter but did send you COMPATIBILITY & UNION info. Will try to reply more in a little while. IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 29, 2007 08:40 PM
he broke up with me. i'm shattered. IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2362 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 29, 2007 10:44 PM
Oh my goodness, LMB. I'm so sorry. Anything you need, please reach out to us. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9749 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 29, 2007 11:53 PM
LMB I e-mailed you.{{{HUGS}}}IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted December 30, 2007 02:35 AM
((((Eleanore and Fayte))))Thank you dear ones.... I went through a dark night of the soul... for a few days.... fought all my old demons....because this brought up all kinds of issues for me about abandonment and such... I talked with Jake on the phone the day after and I understand where he's coming from now. We were hurting each other unintentionally.... I needed someone he couldn't be due to his limitations and his disability.... i needed someone more emotionally available... he needed someone who wouldn't get so upset every time he was in pain... we didn't have enough shared interests.... at first it didn't matter because we were so far over the moon in love with each other. we thought the love could sustain us. but it just got too hard. he had to break up with me now so we could be friends later. and i so desperately want to be friends with him when our pain heals. so it's a bittersweet thing. Unfortunately, when one bad thing happens to me, it brings an avalanche of horrible things down on top of me. I think I *have* to suffer... I miss my mom terribly.... I admit I nearly called the suicide hotline today when I had to come home from work because I couldn't hold it together (I have a history of severe depression). But tonight, late tonight, I visited a new kindred friend who just infused life back into me. I'm going to really enjoy having her in my life. She's a life coach and had some very insightful things to say. We talked about Jake and other things in my life and by the end of the conversation, we were talking about OTHER things... non-painful things....and I was feeling GOOD about who I was.... which I haven't felt in days... so right now, at this very moment, I feel supremely content. I know I am a super strong woman. I hope I can hang onto this feeling. The trick is to feel this way when I'm on my own. When the missing-yous come back. Thanks for asking, you two. And listening. LMB IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2362 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 30, 2007 11:05 PM
Glad to read it. And a very warm bunch of happy thoughts to you and the real life angels in your life.IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted January 04, 2008 10:25 AM
Jake is in the hospital.... he's where he needs to be, but last night was scary. He had a 104 fever and labored breathing. He's resting comfortably for the first time in a that's good. It's wonderful, even. As for me, I've fallen into a deep depression I'm desperately trying to get out of. If you could send prayers and good thoughts his way, that would be great. LMB IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 12656 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted January 04, 2008 10:48 AM
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Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2362 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 04, 2008 10:48 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that. You're both very strong people.Positive prayers for Jake and for you. IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 2362 From: Japan Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 04, 2008 11:25 AM
There are many possibilities here. IP: Logged |
LMB Moderator Posts: 782 From: Cooltown, USA Registered: Dec 2000
posted January 04, 2008 11:54 PM
(((Eleanore))) Thanks for the lexigram. The word that pops out is broke.... his soul and body are so broken... but there is also CREATE which i like. he's in the hospital, where is being taken care of... where he needs to be. And as for me... I have a lot of soul searching to do... IP: Logged |