posted June 30, 2008 05:45 PM
If I were Lexigraming your name I would first start with your FULL GIVEN BIRTH NAME.The given birth names are preferred for a Lexigram showing one's POTENTIALS and general LIFEPATH. Name variations and changes can reflect who/what we are and how we are perceived by other when we go by those names. Such as spelling JAMES as JAYMES, KAREN as CARIN, or even KARYN, and so forth. Same for MARRIED and NICKNAMES.
One's MARRIED NAME is used with the FULL BIRTH NAME, first middle and both lasts, to show the complete you as a whole, both as an individual and as a married person. Ideally I would do a comparison to see what were differences and what was in common. One can also use simply the FIRST-MIDDLE and MARRIED NAME, but this would only show mostly the married aspects.
I have known folks with a FIRST and then up to 3 MIDDLE NAMES, and LAST NAME plus a MARRIED NAME. All completely allowed by my LexAgramming method.
By my LexAgramming methods no name is ever too long nor can it have too many vowels and or consonants.
Additionally you can indeed Lexigram your name in another language if you so desire.
SPANISH for example perhaps in your case.
Lexigrams do work in other languages. Contrary to popular opinion Lexigramming is NOT and ANGLOCENTRIC art.
See this link to be able to get your words for FREE IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!
Thanks for your interest in Lexigramming!