posted May 03, 2009 07:15 PM
Moderators, in the past Randall liked the idea of partnership through e-mail; don't forget to check your e-mails from time-to-time for moderator discussions; it seems to be the only way we can all communicate. Lexx has responded, and we need everyone's ideas to continue to help Randall with his site, along with other topics.I also wanted to add: All Members of LL, not just Moderatos. Any ideas, suggestions for the site, please feel free to share with us here on this thread. We need everyone's input on helping Randall with his site. We will all discuss and, at the end, we will leave it to Randall's final descisions. LindaLand is our sanctuary; in essence, we are looking for brighter ideas to keep the momentum going...
As you can see, we Moderators are working on communicating more frequently on Moderator discussions to help Randall continue to make LindaLand "The best discussions boards"
Reminder moderators, we are e-mailing using your e-mail posted above the forum, if you use another e-mail, which you check more frequently, please let us, Moderators, know. Otherwise, we will use the one posted in LindaLand
Moderators, you all have an e-mail to begin our next Moderator discussion.