posted January 28, 2010 05:19 PM
Anagram/simple Lexigram* of
EVIL MIEN CODE COSTdefinition of the word;
definition # 2
2. suffering or sacrifice; loss; penalty
definition of the word;
1. A systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of laws.
2. A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct:
definition of the word;
Literary a person's manner, bearing, or appearance, expressing personality or mood.
[probably variant of obsolete demean appearance; related to French mine aspect]
So in essence, in situations of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE we have a person with an evil manner,
bearing, personality, or mood;
who lives by codes/rules of their own making
which are their own evil procedures and conduct for interacting with others.
This in turn inflicts a high cost upon the one who is suffering under the abuser's hands.
An Anagram is always also a simple limited Lexigram.
However, a Lexigram is not always an Anagram.
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