Topic: Past Life in Jesus Time
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 07:29 AM
This is one of the most exciting researchs im doing right now.It all started days ago when i started talking with LEXX. She is a great Soul,very kind and generous. I dont have a clue how to lexigram,so we chatted and she looked at my name....and BAM Without knowing of my previous researches with IQ about some of my Past lifes,LEXX discovered through my name,reincarnations in Sumeria,Lemuria,and surprisingly,in the time of when Jesus was born...! IM not gonna tell for now what was discovered specifically,but im gonna post the charts of draconics with the asteroids that are pertinend for this study.
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 07:33 AM
One of my Lexi result is this one:"SUMERIAN SEERESS SEES OMENS IN STARS! SEES TRUE AMOUR! AS A RA SEERESS, SEES ISIS... SEES OSIRIS... MENTOR ALL MORTALS. AS AN ASTRAL MUSE IN LEMURIA IN UR, SEES META SOULS. SEERESS... IS SILENT IS SERENE. SEERESS... LISTENS AS MASTERS ILLUMINATE, IN STELLAR TRUISMS. SEER'S AURA IS AS AN AURORA! AS SEER'S INNERMOST SOUL SUN EMANATIONS ARE SEEN... IT IS SEEN AS AN INNER EARLIEST SUNRISE TO US ALL!" As there are no coincidences,and all is interlinked and conected....from past researches,that i know for a fact that me and my current partner were together in Sumeria. So the astrological researches are confirmed by what says in one of the Lexigrams..AMAZING! And i was a seer,someone that looked into the wonder that now im so interested in astrology isnt it? Egypth is one of my main dream destinations,i believe that the momenti put a foot there,i will have deja vu feelings,vividly! and waht about Lemuria?...that one is more mysterious to me right now...but all i know is that is somehow related to Atlantis .. IP: Logged |
Predominantlyfire unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 07:51 AM
Your Ascendent is smack bang on mine. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 08:29 AM
About the past Life in Jesus Time...the best way to see past lifes are seen in Draconic charts,so i went to see those imediatly and used all asteroids that i could see directly related to those times... What did stood out? - Israel cj Astronomia - Christian cj Karma cj LOgos - Jesusalem cj StarGazer cj Ishtar - Church cj Starr cj AntiVertex - jose wide cj Jacob opose Moon. - Yeshushua cj Eloi (closest asteroid to name sound of Eloim-God)-opose Pluto - Davis ( the star) cj MELCHIOR ( one of the 3 wse men...) - Davis cj Melchior wide cj Ur ( U-ru-sa-lim is the ancient name for Jerusalem.) - Davis cj Melchior are opose Betlem.and Merc(ruler of my 12TH) -Estrela(portuguese for star)is cj Magion.cj Sun.Trine my IC and square Uranus. -BETHLEEM is cj my ASC 0´10º therephore proving my past life there with no doubts. - Balam ( for Ballam) i used cause of:the prophecy of Balaam (who was from the town of Pethor on the Euphrates River near Persia) in Numbers 24:17. Balaam's prophecy specifically mentions a “star coming out of Jacob.” ) -Balam is cj my IC wide.opose Babel. Some say that Magi:the 3 wise men were not priests,but astrologers,as Magi stands for it: "The historical record of this event is found in the Bible book of Matthew. There we read: “After Jesus’ birth, astrologers from the east arrived one day in Jerusalem inquiring, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.’” (Matthew 2:1, 2, New American Bible) Why does this Bible translation call the visitors from the east astrologers and not kings? The scriptures here use the plural form of the Greek word ma´gos. Various Bible translations render it as “wise men,” “astrologers,” or “stargazers,” or they simply transliterate it as “Magi.” This word refers to those who give advice and make predictions based on the position of the stars and the planets. The Bible thus identifies the visitors to Bethlehem as diviners, who used occult practices disapproved by God.." i didnt found any asteroid for Balthasar,but found Melchior and Gaspar. Gaspar is 29Virgo,cj SN. Gold is cj Jose.Who brought Gold was Moon is opose Gold in 0Pisces. 0 VIRGO: "A LARGE WHITE CROSS, DOMINATING THE LANDSCAPE, STANDS ALONE ON TOP OF A HIGH HILL " kEYwORDS:Religious ideals dominating. The fear or the wonder of God. Following a mystic Path. davis-the Star: 6CAP "A VEILED PROPHET SPEAKS, SEIZED BY THE POWER OF A GOD" KeyWords:BIRDS IN THE HOUSE SINGING HAPPILY You may feel a sense of uncomplicated contentment. Even though there are a number of social rules to obey, that shouldn't bother you. This is a time for sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations. Being at one with everything....
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 08:32 AM
PDFThat is why i always liked you IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 08:36 AM
Your post reminds me of a dream I was having many many years ago (I was still a teenager I think); ironically it took place around Easter.In that dream I was in that cave they had Jesus buried in, and I actually was searching for him there, but of course did not find him, when the cave was suddenly filled with an infinite golden warm glow. There was someone there, and the glow somehow radiate from him. He was talking to me. The weird thing was that it kinda was "normal" for me in that dream; I was a little bit surprised, yes, but not shocked or gaping with open mouth. The whole dream had a very warm, peaceful, serene feel to it. Well, and your post now reminded me of that dream. BTW IQ once lexied my name, and he said, since ENKI is part of my name, I very surely had a past life in Sumeria, too. (which later on got emphasised by the asteroids, too).
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 08:47 AM
Diandra,I just noticed my DR MARIA is precisely conjunct my tropical ATLANTIS. BOTH are on 8.1 Sagittarius. The SAbian you ask? A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway And it conjuncts my NEPTUNE, TRUE NODE, ASC, WISDOM and ANGEL! Tropical MARIA is EXACTLY opposing my tropical MOON. Which asteroids should I look at?
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DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 09:00 AM
About the 3wise men: "The phrase from the east is the only information Matthew provides about the region from which they came. Traditionally the view developed that they were Babylonian or Persians or Jews from Yemen".The majority belief was they were from Babylon, which was the centre of Zurvanism, and hence astrology, at the time; and may have retained knowledge from the time of their Jewish leadership by Daniel. - SPIRIT is 19Scorp oposing StarGazing and Mars
- Moon is cj Alma.oposing GOLD... - Myrrth is 10AQUA ..cj Yeshuhua..the name hebrew for Jesus...opose Babylon! - Gaspari is 29Virgo exact opose PAIR FORTUNE in 29PISCES..AND VESTA 27PISCES.. - ANgel 1TAU trines Gold/JOse and Ur. - Angel sqaure DNA in 1LEO which cj KING and TYCHE 4LEO -felicitas cj AUra in 23/24Virgo wide cj GASPARI. GASPARI is trine BLESS in 29CAP! - CHILD is 11ARIES.SEXTILES my Sun/estrella/MAGION!sextiles Eloi/Yeshuhua... -CHILD sqaures my ASC/Bethleem.My MELCHIOR/DAVIS... - CHILD trines Babylon -do you have a clue of who i might have been_? IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 09:04 AM
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 09:19 AM
Melchior. That was my first thought I had when I read your post.Maybe not Melchior himself, but associated with him? Davis along with Davida could also point to the origin from the house of David maybe, w hich of course is a pointer at Jesus`s origin. Not sure. The funny thing is I have Davida conjunct Maria in Leo. (something that just struck me is that Jude`s two names relate to Christian times: Jude is obvious I think, and his real first name is David. lol) Speaking of names: my own birthname is derived from Christ as is my mum`s, but unintentionally. We figured that out only later. All t hese names: Kerstin, Christa, Christina, Christiane have the same origin: Christ. Mmh. IP: Logged |
Winged Leo Knowflake Posts: 396 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 09, 2010 09:24 AM
Diandra, beautiful Lexigram!! Lexx has an amazing gift She's working on my name too. YUPPIE! IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 09:37 AM
BTW UR is also a city in Sumeria.IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 09:53 AM
Well, these are my Draco Charts, Diandra, if you want to look at them.
BTW I was wrong. Draco Maria is not exactly conjunct Atlantis (the conjunction is 1 degree), but it is on the same Sabian degree as tropical ASC and tropical Angel and tr Wisdom.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:14 AM
Conjunctions I see are:Magdalena conjunct MIDHEAVEN MESOPOTAMIA exact conjunct VALENTINE (on my tropical Juno) CHALDAEA conjunct VENUS
JOSEFA conjunct CASPAR MOON exact conjunct UR conjunct CASPAR
SUMERIA conjunct URANIA (on tropical SN) ISHTAR conjunct MELCHIOR conjunct JUPITER
KARMA conjunct BETLEM conjunct KAALI conjunct BALAM SATURN conjunct DAVIS conjunct VERTEX MARIA conjunct DAVIDA (on my tropical ASC-NN-Angel-stellium) (and opposing Draco Sumeria, Urania,UR, Moon)
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LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:22 AM
DiandraReborn25! for posting all this information and for the compliments.From Lexigram Magic: quote: Ursalim is the ancient name for Jerusalem. According to Jewish tradition (Josephus, "Antiq. Jud.", I, 10:1; Targum Onkelos, Genesis 14:18), Jerusalem was originally called Salem (Peace), and was the capital of King Melchisedech (Genesis 14:18). This tradition is confirmed by the cuneiform tablets discovered in 1888 at Tell Amarna, in Egypt (see below, under III. History). Five of these letters, written at Jerusalem about the year 1400 B.C., inform us that the city was then called U-ru-sa-lim. It figures in Assyrian inscriptions under the name of Ur-sa-li-im-mu. According to the Assyrian syllabaries, uru and ur signify "city" (Hebrew ir). In several of the Tell Armana Tablets the word salim is used in the sense of "peace". Ursalim, therefore, means "City of Peace". The Psalmist, too, connects Salem with Sion: "He hath his tabernacle in Salem, and his abode upon the mountain of Sion" [Psalm 75:3].
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:25 AM
LEXX,wow! That is really beautiful! And I, too, think you have an amazing gift for lexigramming. I wanted to ask you to do mine, too, but I read that you are so busy with lexi`s all over, and I really do not want to burden this onto you, too. But just so you know, I think you are REALLY good with those. Well, good is a clear understatement, as you sure know yourself. Thanks for doing all of this for all of us. IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:28 AM
Winged Leo quote: Diandra, beautiful Lexigram!! Lexx has an amazing gift She's working on my name too. YUPPIE!
------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:47 AM
DD quote: LEXX,wow! That is really beautiful! And I, too, think you have an amazing gift for lexigramming. I wanted to ask you to do mine, too, but I read that you are so busy with lexi`s all over, and I really do not want to burden this onto you, too. But just so you know, I think you are REALLY good with those. Well, good is a clear understatement, as you sure know yourself. Thanks for doing all of this for all of us.
Feel free to ask I will look over your name(s) and do them as I become inspired to do Lexigramming on them. One of the reasons I have yet to charge and have long since lost count of all I have Lexigrammed in nigh onto 5 decades..... is the fact that I prefer doing them not in the order of requested times, but when it feels and senses to be the right time to do so for each and every person. If I have had a past life connection with a person(s), it makes it come to me much easier, as DiandraReborn25's has come to me in dreams and visions, the Lexigrams somewhat writing themselves and I typing them out. I plan to take iQ's advice and begin charging for them come Summer, but honesty detest the "timing" aspect of performing a service on demand, rather than doing what I do naturally, when I "feel/sense" it is the right time to do it. Some folks have been waiting years for me to Lexigram for them, but some I Lexigram immediately if it feels right to do so. I show no favoritism to anyone...because I prefer it flows and feels right, and so one(s) get their Lexigrams not when I choose to do the Lexigramming, but when I get certain vibes. And for the lovely compliments..... ------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7076 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 10:56 AM
Lexx,I understand your way of thinking and processing. AS a matter of fact I am often the same with horoscopes; some come so naturally to me, but for some I must actually put hard work into it, and they never get as good as the ones that "come to me". So I am just giving you my letters (or do you need the name?), and if it feels "natural" to you, I would be very happy if you could look over it. But if not, that is perfectly okay, too. the letters of my name are: k n rr ss t a ee i u As a child I had the nickname Stina - but I do not know if that is important. Oh my Sun is in Sagittarius, my Moon in Aquarius, and my ASC is also in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune, Mars and NN. IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 11:00 AM
If anyone gets time, I would appreciate any Astrological information on myself (and my beloved too) I am a near total doof when it comes to Astrology. November 3rd. 1954 11:02AM Titusville, Pennsylvania U.S.A.My beloved's: June 27th. 1969 10:46AM Ashtabula, Ohio U.S.A. ------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged |
wheels of cheese Knowflake Posts: 1461 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 09, 2010 11:05 AM
I'll have a lil go Lexx my love. Can't promise anything earth shattering, but sometimes it comes. IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 11:38 AM
DD Thank you for your understanding and patience. About your name... quote: So I am just giving you my letters (or do you need the name?)
I prefer the real FULL names, birth given FULL name(s) and married Full name. You can e-mail me at if you prefer not to post such information. For posting the results, I would anagram scramble any names as I did for raspberii here: If not, I would still do a Lexigram. It is easier though for me to get vibes on a person, when I have a picture of them and know their real name(s). Knowing where they live, not the specific, just general, like city, state, country.... anything like that really does help me "get the feel". I hope that made sense. However I do not demand all that information but it usually helps quite a lot. quote: and if it feels "natural" to you, I would be very happy if you could look over it. But if not, that is perfectly okay, too.
When anyone requests a Lexigram from me, I ALWAYS look a name over for an hour or so, to get an initial vibe or feeling concerning it, whether I do the Lexigram right off or wait. quote: the letters of my name are:k n rr ss t a ee i u
Is that your full name? quote: As a child I had the nickname Stina - but I do not know if that is important.
Yes it can be! I always want to know nicknames and when you went by them, and if it was by your choice, or only what others called you. For example (EXCERPTED FROM MY BLOGS): quote: Question: Hey Lexx, what about nicknames? I've been called by my nickname since I was given my birth name. Does it affect anything? Answer: Yes! If you use your nickname most of the time I feel that ideally you shoud add it to your complete name when lexigramming. As I already said above: Quote:
"Another guy wanted math to be in his name. He is an accountant. I told him, but your nickname has the letter "H" you need. Wow he said it does! So he was happy and did not change his name, and added the nick to his business cards." For example: A fellow named James but called Jim or Jimmy. As you can see by adding his nickname or shortened name he would acquire an "i" or a "y". He could simply add ONLY those extra letters not found in James. Or add the entire nickname. He would then get AEIJJMMS by adding for example James/Jim. Or he could just add the I from Jim that is not found in James. AEIJMS. It is a personal choice on that issue. However with real nicknames unrelated to real names, I would Always add the entire nick, but again it is a personal choice. Your birth name was not your choice but it can reveal the basic you. Names added to your birth name or name changes later can show who you have become. So yeah, Nicknames matter. Often they are names given to you. They can refect how others percieve you. Doing a name with just the nick and last name tells a different story too. Like a guy named for example, Richard James Wilson. He is a Doctor. Do you do his name that way or as, Dick Wilson? Or Doc Wilson? Or Jim Wilson? The variations are many. Sorry to make it sound so complex but it can be. But Richard might want to change his name. If it creeps him out that dead is in his name. But most people are not that concerned. He has heals in his name. Being a doctor that is cool! He also has....
And his hands can heal men and children. Now if he adds Doctor to his name he can get that "T" and negate the dead to not dead! He has in his original name such things as... he heals men. And he heals children. If he adds Jimmy he can get a "Y" and get..he heals many men and children.
Thank you for your basic Astrological information. I like knowing birth dates too and year, but do not need to know, but it does help me notice more relevant things. ------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*>
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LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9752 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2010 11:45 AM
wheels of cheese quote: I'll have a lil go Lexx my love. Can't promise anything earth shattering, but sometimes it comes.
Thank you beloved Lady! Like I said, I am a near doof when it comes to Astrology. Anything you come up with I am sure would be more than I could find or figure out for myself. ------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. }><}}(*> IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 12:18 PM
Dear Lexxi will take a look adn create a thread so that we ALL take the peek Winged Leo it is beautiful indeed... DD OMG!i didnt knew that Jon´s name meant that! embarassed! about Melchior...well the lexigram points exactly that me and JOhnw ere two of the tree men..who found jesus through the Star. i did some research and seems that Melchior came from Baybylon but there are many studies that point torwards some place,or is a bit confused..i myst searchf or some other asteroids to see better the probability. Do you think you and Jude might also have lived in this Time?might be!look...if i was in Sumeria and Lemuria,which you were too,and i was in Jesus time,probably you were too...seems that Souls who choose to live in specific times,always choose the ones after,with some pattern isnt it? your name surely is Christian...did you know that mine - Ana - means full of Grace?hihihih and it was the name of Mary+s mother! hmm waht drove me so surprised were also the Sabians..i just looked at some and WOW!So..maybe your Sabians can also shed some light too? i would also look at DNA,aura,spirit,alma... IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted March 09, 2010 12:21 PM
LEXXwell i dont have words to describe my thankx to you.. im having trouble with your place of birth in astro:is it this one? titusville,(PA)(US)=41N38,79W40? IP: Logged | |