Topic: Question About Lexigram Rule
Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 16, 2022 05:33 PM
From what I recall in Star Signs, Linda says that when determining the truth of a statement from a lexigram, if a negating word also can come from the source words, then it automatically negates any statement that can be made. Is that the correct definition of this rule or am I remembering it wrong? If there are negating words such as "no" "don't" "not", then do I have to include those in any statements I gather from the source words? For example, If I derive the statement: "God is Love" but my source words have the word "not" or "no" in them, does that negate the "God is Love" statement? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200726 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 16, 2022 07:06 PM
No, Linda said only if there was something bad in a Lexigram and there's a No or NOT, then they might be wrongly accused of it but not be guilty. So, Linda was talking only about the bad or negative. IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 10:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: From what I recall in Star Signs, Linda says that when determining the truth of a statement from a lexigram, if a negating word also can come from the source words, then it automatically negates any statement that can be made. Is that the correct definition of this rule or am I remembering it wrong? If there are negating words such as "no" "don't" "not", then do I have to include those in any statements I gather from the source words? For example, If I derive the statement: "God is Love" but my source words have the word "not" or "no" in them, does that negate the "God is Love" statement?
quote: Originally posted by Randall: No, Linda said only if there was something bad in a Lexigram and there's a No or NOT, then they might be wrongly accused of it but not be guilty. So, Linda was talking only about the bad or negative.
As you may already know I do not go by Linda's rules. I see where she was coming from but all in all it does not really apply as she said. If it did she would not have changed her name to LINDA GOODMAN👽 AA DD G I L M NN OO which has such phrases as: IN LINDA NO GOOD AND NO GOOD IN LINDA AN ODD NO GOOD GOD IN LINDA
Even by adding her maiden name MARY ALICE KEMERY AA C EEE I K L MM RR YY We cannot aquire a YES or any word to negate the negative in either her birth or professional name👽 She does have YEA but no IS is there to be found to validate those words either👽 In fact one can see here even by use of the words YEA neither negates the negatives but indeed reinforces those negatives no matter which name is used👽 LINDA GOOD ⁉️ YEA⁉️ NO NO GOOD IN LINDA😢 I shall post links to my threads concerning these issues of negative words found and whether they have actual relevance to the names being Lexigrammed. Also note that her fate of her dying from Diabetes was revealed by way of a relationship LEXIGRAMMING of her names LINDA GOODMAN AA DD I L M NN OO MARY ALICE KEMERY AA C EEE G I L MM RR YY Full relationship sequence to aquire only words that can be found by the two names together and not found any other way is: AAAA C DD EEE G II LL MMM NN OO RR YY to find the words that can be only aquired by sequencing her names together but cannot be found in common, COMPATIBILITY nor as unique individuals, SINGLE by using the words that can only be found when we sequence the names together, a possibly relevant but also very strange picture emerges😳👽 Neither name alone does that👽 For example LINDA GOODMAN nor MARY ALICE KEMERY has the word DIE 👽 However together they do👽 Changing her name may have contributed to the vibrations that sealed her fate👽😢😳 That is a much more in depth and complex analysis, so bear with me as I intend to return to further explain this and add the relevant links to help folks to better understand the issues of NEGATIVE and POSITIVE words and their actual relevance to the person whose names one is Lexigramming.
Remember the birth name can reveal life path potentials and other names add to or even can augment the outcomes. I SHALL RETURN😎 ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️ IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 10:11 AM
Please pardon any typos I shall fix if there are any upon my return😎 Also using this post to edit to add what LINDA wrote about the subject of negating negatives when LEXIGRAMMING 😎 I shall return ASAP 😎IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 10:18 AM Have also just bumped that thread up😎 ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️ IP: Logged |
Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 17, 2022 12:23 PM
Thank you, Lexxi!That is very helpful. So for clarification and my attempt to summarize how to gain the truth from a Lexigram I would say: Using all the rules of Lexigramming and the context of the situation, I intuitively craft phrases/sentences, essentially "channeling" the actual relevant information from the original source words. Is that basically what happens when "divining" with Lexigrams? IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 03:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: Thank you, Lexxi!That is very helpful. So for clarification and my attempt to summarize how to gain the truth from a Lexigram I would say: Using all the rules of Lexigramming and the context of the situation, I intuitively craft phrases/sentences, essentially "channeling" the actual relevant information from the original source words. Is that basically what happens when "divining" with Lexigrams?
You are most welcome Snake Lady😎 Okay first off you state that quote: Using all the rules of Lexigramming
So do you mean Linda's rules⁉️😳👽 Apologies but for many reasons which I have clearly explained many times here at LindaLand I simply must disagree with most of Linda's rules👽 I can back up everything that I have said about her rules and why I disagree and can show examples clearly illustrating my reasons😎✍️ You then said/asked quote:
Using all the rules of Lexigramming and the context of the situation, I intuitively craft phrases/sentences, essentially "channeling" the actual relevant information from the original source words. Is that basically what happens when "divining" with Lexigrams?
There are many ways to get your words and yes channeling is one way though I am not sure what you personally mean by channeling here😳✍️ I do channel them at times including during deep Immersion Trance States and also in my rare seizure like Natcaleptic REM state dreamings and even my dyslexic state helps me do LEXIGRAMMING/LEXAGRAMMING 😎 Yes I understand what you mean by intuitively aquiring your words by looking at the letters which you actually have available from the source being Lexigrammed and meditating on the name. phrase, date and so forth which you are Lexigramming ✍️ You can even use a list but best I feel to try to do it on your own and then if you wish use a list to aquire words you and most folks would not ever had found that are often very very relevant😎✍️ There is no logical reason not to allow your LEXIGRAM to be everything it can be just because we all have very limited vocabularies😎✍️ Many names, phrases and dates etcetera often have available more words within the full letter sequence of those sources than the average person's vocabulary has😳😎 Why ignore them just because you did not automatically find them within your own vocabulary😳👽 Those words, whether you can aquire them on your own or not, are still extremely valid words when they are actually found within the letter sequences of the name, phrase, date etcetera😎 In fact like clouds the relevant words can rise up 😎✍️ just as the ones not relevant will fade before your eyes and mind's eye👀✍️ Of course you can still do them pulling soley from your own vocabulary💙 However why limit yourself because of Linda's rules⁉️👽 By Linda's rules and method one would totally ignore such abundance of valid relevant information👽 Note please that the way that I LEXIGRAM/LEXAGRAM predates Linda's very loose and not accurate style that allows one to add letters that are NOT found within the sequence of letters from the names, phrases, dates, and so forth being Lexigrammed 👽 Her method also dictates that letters be removed from the full sequences👽 That is exceedingly illogical and causes the resulting creation to NOT be derived from the full sequence of letters that are present in the full name, date, phrase and so forth👽 See these links concerning improper sequencing and about the adding of letters one does not have available, and removing letters one does indeed have and goes about the illogical mutating/butchering of the name, date, phrase etcetera being Lexigrammed is simply illogical at best👽 Why Linda did this makes absolutely no logical or valid sense👽You have the letters Use them😎✍️ You do not have all the letters you want NEVER add them because when you add letters which you do not have your creation would be invalid and worthless for divining any relevant information😎 It would be in essence a lie👽 The method I employ is quite ancient😎 See this link on that issue😎 ✍️✍️✍️ Did you read my LEXIGRAM/LEXAGRAM biography✍️😎 I shall return with the links ASAP 😎✍️ I hope that I have not totally confused you💙😳 With well that over a century of LEXIGRAMMING/LEXAGRAMMING experience betwixt my husband and I some 115 years to date on fact😎✍️ we are the experts at them no matter what the naysayers say. That is pure and simply as it is said of factual statements No brag here Just pure fact✍️😎 Fact we can back up every time😎✍️🌈💖 Pardon any typos and weird autofills 👽 If you see any please point them out to me so that I can fix them💙 I hope no one here jumps me again because I do not endorse all of the rules etcetera that Linda invented👽 Linda was a great astrologer but she was a total novice at Lexigramming and never continued exploring them as my husband and I have done and those long before us did and that we continue to do😎 That is not meant as any insult to Linda💙💙💙😢 It again is simply fact💙😢 I refuse to lie and endorse things that I know to be untrue and illogical no matter how much her some of her ardent fans hate me for it💙😢👽 Please read my biography and feel free to ask any questions about LEXIGRAMMING/LEXAGRAMMING 😎💖✍️ I shall include here in this post links to threads which can further help explain lexigramming/Lexagramming 😎💖✍️ On that note I shall return with those links ASAP and bumped threads 😎✍️💖 ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️
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Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 04:20 PM
Before computers one could Lexigram and Anagram by going methodically through dictionaries and thesauri etcetera 😎 This was and is a very time intensive procedure but was often employed in order to aquire more relevant words not usually easily found withing one's limited vocabulary😎 For example using a simple short word such as WORDS 😎 One would begin to find the words within the letter sequence of the word WORDS D O R S W 😎 So we would look firstly at the letter D and as one can see we can totally ignore all letters before the letter D 😎 The next letter available in the sequence is the letter o 😎 So immediately we know that we need not look after the letter D nor E through N to find the first word in that letter sequence which would be DO 😎 And so forth. Any questions😎⁉️✍️👀Note: I was a total computer newbie and internet newbie when I joined LindaLand on March 24th. 2005😎 To my horror and dismay I was pretty much immediately accused of using computers and word generatprs to Lexigram😢👽😢👽 I had absolutely no idea what a generator even was👽😢👽😢👽 In fact in my naivete I did not even know about Star Signs or nor did I even know about Linda's brief limited interest in them👽 I found LindaLand by accident when I finally got a computer and on the internet a few days after I had to resuscitate my husband when his heart stopped from a dangerous sodium drop😢😢😢 I needed something to keep me sane as I had to keep a close watch on him for several days, so I did a search for LEXAGRAMS and found LindaLand not under the word LEXAGRAMS but under the term Linda used which was and is LEXIGRAMS 👽 That surprised me because I knew it was a term used in primate language research and had absolutely nothing to do with any kind of wordplay👽 Linda misappropriated the word but did not coin or invent it nor did she invent Lexagramming/Lexigramming👽 Okay enough of my ranting for now😳✍️👀 Going to find all those promised links above😎💕🌈 IP: Logged |
Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 17, 2022 04:22 PM
Lexxi 💖Thank you kindly for your detailed explanation. It didn't confuse me at all. I actually have read your bio and basic rules for lexigramming thread and I do agree with you that Linda was a novice at Lexigramming and I don't fully trust all of her advice in Star Signs. I understand she got excited about a lot of ideas but didn't look deeply enough into some things. She mostly relayed info she received from her teachers. We are lucky to have the internet now to discover things at a much faster rate than Linda had access to. I respect her very much. She made an unforgettable difference in my life. And, Lexxi, I very much respect your years of experience in this particular matter and by "rules" I meant, of course, your stated basic rules of not adding/subtracting letters from the source, as well as any other "rule" I may have missed from you. I meant to say, under the restrictions of creating an accurate Lexigram, I am assuming the resulting words would be pieced together by the person's intuition and the context of the Lexigram's subject. Like you said, if you can find contradictory sentences, use the one that makes the most sense. Does that sound right? IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 04:47 PM
Oops dp will use to edit add links to relevant threads here ASAP IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 04:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: Lexxi 💖Thank you kindly for your detailed explanation. It didn't confuse me at all. I actually have read your bio and basic rules for lexigramming thread and I do agree with you that Linda was a novice at Lexigramming and I don't fully trust all of her advice in Star Signs. I understand she got excited about a lot of ideas but didn't look deeply enough into some things. She mostly relayed info she received from her teachers. We are lucky to have the internet now to discover things at a much faster rate than Linda had access to. I respect her very much. She made an unforgettable difference in my life. And, Lexxi, I very much respect your years of experience in this particular matter and by "rules" I meant, of course, your stated basic rules of not adding/subtracting letters from the source, as well as any other "rule" I may have missed from you. I meant to say, under the restrictions of creating an accurate Lexigram, I am assuming the resulting words would be pieced together by the person's intuition and the context of the Lexigram's subject. Like you said, if you can find contradictory sentences, use the one that makes the most sense. Does that sound right?
Thank you ever so kindly for reading !y biography and more💕🌈😎Yes indeed use what words make relevant sense to you when LEXAGRAMMING 😎💕🌈 Context often does indeed matter😎 Yes I too respect Linda And she could not help but to be a child/person of her times that were the start of the new age thinking💙   She could not help but become excited about many things as the world was changing in so many radical ways and so fast in the late 1960s to the 1980s👽😳👀 Being a teen during part of decades and then my 20s yes I can see how she became overly excited and neglected in her excitement to delve deeper into the land of word playing💙 Astrology was and still is her true claim to fame😎🌈💖 ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 05:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sake Lady I meant to say, under the restrictions of creating an accurate Lexigram, I am assuming the resulting words would be pieced together by the person's intuition and the context of the Lexigram's subject. Like you said, if you can find contradictory sentences, use the one that makes the most sense. Does that sound right?
Yes indeed but you need not simply rely on your own limited vocabulary either😎 No one realistically has a big enough vocabulary to easily do Lexagramming a perfect justice👽✍️Your intuition as I said can allow you to see the words even in a dictionary or thesaurus or even on a generated list😎✍️🌈 Your intuition would guide you even if words were not on your personal internal mental vocabulary yet😎🌈✍️ You would just know which words are relevant the moment you see them😎🌈💕 For example a person whom I Lexagrammed for decades ago long before computers and such; Had this fabulous word within the letter sequence of their name😎💕 PARADIASICAL Wow😎💕🌈 I would not have found it in my mind and only by my searching methodically in a huge old 6 inch thick dictionary did it jump out at me for them😎🌈💕 They wanted to know whether Lexigrams could reveal terrible family secrets👽😢 Indeed it did👽😢 They had horrifying things within their name but still very relevant to say the least and not two words that I would have found it I had been simply just using my own intuition👽 This person had sadly this line within their name to my horror and it was all terribly tragically true😢👽 MY DAD DID PATRICDE AND MATRICDE AT TEN👽😢 Yes this person's father killed their parents when he was 10 years old😢😢👽 It was self defense not posting the details here. They also had this word INFANTICIDE and sadly had been on drugs and the baby was stillborn😢 The guilt 😢 overwhelmed them and until the LEXIGRAM they were unable to forgive themselves😢 The word PARADIASICAL let them feel that GOD had forgiven them all and all would meet again someday in a paradise💕🌈 Yes LEXIGRAMS/LEXAGRAMS can indeed reveal much whether sad or happy things even when not just using our internal vocabularies😎
PS Not sure if I spelled those words right I shall fix later if goofed up✍️ ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️ IP: Logged |
Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 17, 2022 05:50 PM
Fascinating story, Lexx. I'm so glad you were able to help those people find forgiveness and hope.And thank you for answering my question! I've been trying to solve the mystery of a dream I had 17 years ago in which a sentence was uttered at the end of the dream right before I woke up. I've lexigrammed it a number of times and only slowly am I seeing some patterns. I don't think it's one I can have someone do for me as it's quite personal but it definitely led me to practice lexigramming a lot. Haha. I've gotten some interesting things from it so far. More to come I think. IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 06:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: Fascinating story, Lexx. I'm so glad you were able to help those people find forgiveness and hope.And thank you for answering my question! I've been trying to solve the mystery of a dream I had 17 years ago in which a sentence was uttered at the end of the dream right before I woke up. I've lexigrammed it a number of times and only slowly am I seeing some patterns. I don't think it's one I can have someone do for me as it's quite personal but it definitely led me to practice lexigramming a lot. Haha. I've gotten some interesting things from it so far. More to come I think.
I want to hear more😎 I too have Lexagrammed such dream sentences and words😎 Quote often yes it can reveal things or give portents for the future😎And yes LEXIGRAMS can be used to help folks in many ways including myself😎🌈💕 I would love to know that sentence that you heard in your dreaming from 17 years ago😎 Maybe consider telling me privately✍️💙 Did you utter the sentence or did someone else in your dreaming😎 Meditate on it before falling asleep and keep a note pad by you because you will lose the message if revealed if you open your eyes or speak💙 I have found that if I write down such utterances whilst keeping my eyes closed and not speaking that often the mysteries will be solved😎✍️🌈 I have also found that meditating and actually hoding the pen and pad in hand actually helps so that there is hardly any movement as I write down what was uttered😎✍️ Try it a few times😎✍️🌈 IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 17, 2022 06:42 PM
Snake Lady 😎 You used this phrase in your first post on this thread✍️ quote: GOD IS LOVE
You were asking about negative words negating the phrase GOD IS LOVE Well just jotting down a few words found within that letter sequence does indeed reveal many odd things and contradictions depending on your personal concepts of what is GOD to you👽Some words found in within the letter sequence of that phrase: LIVED SOILED OLIVES LOOSED SOLOED DEVILS GLOVES OVOIDS LIVER SOLVED LODGES GLIDES GLOVED GLIDE IDLES LIVED SOLID DOVES SOLED DIVES SOLD ISOLDE VOIDS LEVIS DEVIL SLIDE SIDLE GLOVE GILDS GELDS LODGE IDOLS EVILS VEILS SOLVE LOGOS OLIVE LIVES OILED DOLES GOLD LOOSE GIVES LOVES LOVED OIL LOSE LOVE SIDE VOID SLOG GILD ODES DOVE SOLO OLDE DIGS LIES LIED DIES LIDS VILE GELD GOES VIES LOGS SOLE LEGS DOLE SLID SLED SOIL DOES IDOL IDLE IDES EVIL SOLD DOSE VEIL VISE ISLE LIVE LOGO GOOD GOLD OLDS GODS VIED DOGS DIVE EGOS DEVS GIVE DIG LIE SOD LID GEL LOG ODE LED OIL VIE IDE GOD LEG EGO DIE DOG DOE SOL LO DO IS GO SO EL I What I found intriguing is that Biblically the Old Testament that god actually states that he is both good and evil👽 So it seems that the concept of a loving God depends on your point of view and personal experiences and whether you take the not so nice words he is said to have uttered as fact or fantasy👽 Lexigrammatically it does not show any contradictions but indeed does not negate either good or evil concerning any god. Actually supports the dual nature of God as illustrated biblically 👽 So yes LEXIGRAMS are subject to interpretation. Here is that odd line from the OT👽 quote: Isaiah 45:7 King James Version I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
The big thing is use discretion in your interpretations and do not add any letters that you do not have and do not ever remove any letters that you do have available from your source which you are Lexigramming ✍️ IP: Logged |
Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 18, 2022 04:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lexxigramer:
I want to hear more😎 I too have Lexagrammed such dream sentences and words😎 Quote often yes it can reveal things or give portents for the future😎And yes LEXIGRAMS can be used to help folks in many ways including myself😎🌈💕 I would love to know that sentence that you heard in your dreaming from 17 years ago😎 Maybe consider telling me privately✍️💙 Did you utter the sentence or did someone else in your dreaming😎 Meditate on it before falling asleep and keep a note pad by you because you will lose the message if revealed if you open your eyes or speak💙 I have found that if I write down such utterances whilst keeping my eyes closed and not speaking that often the mysteries will be solved😎✍️🌈 I have also found that meditating and actually hoding the pen and pad in hand actually helps so that there is hardly any movement as I write down what was uttered😎✍️ Try it a few times😎✍️🌈
I'd be happy to tell you all about it. I liked a post on your FB page, but I can't send you a friend request for some reason. Can you add me? I don't want to say the name here, but you should see it if you log in.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 200726 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 18, 2022 09:53 PM
LEXX,1. The question was regarding Star Signs and Linda Goodman, which is what my answer was addressing. I wasn't implying that you followed her rules. 2. You misread what I said. Her having NO GOOD in her name has nothing to do with what I was saying. It is not an accurate interpretation of what she said. She said having a NO or NOT means the bad is negated and that the person or entity might be accused of it but be proven innocent. You are, of course, free to disagree. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200726 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 30, 2022 06:26 PM
There is no tone to my post, so I just wanted to say that I was merely stating facts from Linda's book and had no ill will.IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2022 01:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: LEXX,1. The question was regarding Star Signs and Linda Goodman, which is what my answer was addressing. I wasn't implying that you followed her rules.
I know that 😎 I just wanted folks to know that Linda's rules are not mone that is all💙 Sorry I made things seem confusing or whatever💙 quote: Originally posted by Randall: LEXX, 2. You misread what I said. Her having NO GOOD in her name has nothing to do with what I was saying. It is not an accurate interpretation of what she said. She said having a NO or NOT means the bad is negated and that the person or entity might be accused of it but be proven innocent.You are, of course, free to disagree.
Please bear with me; I shall carefully read over what I posted and fix it by edit of before and after of both answers; and or try to explain my reasons for what I posted💙 I know you did not mean any offense at me💙😎 I shall carefully review this thread later today 😎❤️ I do understand what she meant by the issue; Well I thought I understood👽👽👽 I need to explain my viewpoint better⁉️ I shall return😎❤️PS I think I was just trying to make it clear to Snake lady and others that my way is not Linda's way and that my take on the negating of negatives is different also. I do find it odd though that she totally changed her name to Linda, things dropping the Mary Alice parts, and that her new professional name was loaded with contradictions of Good no good and so forth👽 Okay not done here but shall return when my brain is clearer😎 Please Randall tell me if I am making more sense or not yet⁉️💙 Ask me anything too about this issue😎 ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️ IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2022 01:19 PM
PS @ Randall💙 Snake Lady was asking about Linda's rules on this issue and I wanted to make sure that she understood my take on it all as not being the same as Linda's and that my take involves much more in depth analysis of the issue because it is not as simple in my opinion and by my experience as Linda's explanation was 💙PPS Kindly pardon any typos or strange autofills as usual👽 and feel free to point them out as with any other errors I may have here👽 Thank you all😎❤️ ------------------ Take a look at my LexIgramming/LexAgramming Biography Nearly 2/3 of a century to date of ♥ LexAgramming Lexperience!🔠✍️ IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 31, 2022 01:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: I'd be happy to tell you all about it. I liked a post on your FB page, but I can't send you a friend request for some reason. Can you add me? I don't want to say the name here, but you should see it if you log in.
I still cannot find your message at fb👽👽👽I shall look again😎❤️ What was the post about and did you comment to it⁉️ Was it in the Lexigram group or my main fb⁉️ Try joining the lexigram group perhaps⁉️ Or tell Randall privately and he can send me your fb name and then I shall add you as friend😎
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Snake Lady Knowflake Posts: 243 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted August 31, 2022 04:33 PM
Yay, thanks! I just joined the group and posted. I think you need to approve my post. I actually don't know how to private message in LindaLand. Can you do that here? IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 01, 2022 12:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Snake Lady: Yay, thanks! I just joined the group and posted. I think you need to approve my post. I actually don't know how to private message in LindaLand. Can you do that here?
I will Go to fb ASAP 😎 Just got back from oncology so am resting a wee bit for the moment😎 No there is not a private messaging here at LL💙 I thought you could tell Randall in an email😎 No need to no need to now however😎 !y fb is not very exciting being that I rarely post to to here and counting you So only have 5 friends and two are relatives I just have to pacify them for the most part😳Edit to add👽 No message from you and no sign of any new requests at fb👽 I think the group settings are messed up but no idea what or why or how to fix👽 I cannot find a request from you nor a way to find your request/message👽 My husband was co-modertor on it but the is not on FB any longer👽 It seems that the site is not working right since he left👽 👽 It is set to pun Ic so you should be able to post there⁉️ Try saying hello and see if that posts⁉️
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Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 9375 From: Here since March 24th.2005/..& Have been Lexagramming going on 2/3 of a century to date! LEXIGRAMMING.♥is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 01, 2022 01:45 PM
Yeah cannot seem to get the fb group to work right👽 I think I am about close it and starting a new one. No members except for a very few are even posting for years now👽 So am closngg it and starting a new ASAP 😎 Randall could send you my email if you wish and if he is okay doing it💙IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 200726 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 02, 2022 12:16 PM
Just let me know.IP: Logged |