Topic: Are Virgos Moody?
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 17 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 06:24 PM
Ok folks...So, maybe I am nuts but it seems as if the virguy I have been dating does get moody, and I have read comments on virgos and moodiness. He is actually reminding me of a cancerian I dated, the difference being that Mr. Crab was vocally needy whereas the Virguy does not get needy at all. These are the three moods I have observed from him: 1. The normal mood: this is when he is normal and feeling good. 2. The I want to be alone mood: this moodiness is characterized by him feeling moody and not wanting to be with anybody. It is different from him wanting his space. Also, he does not know what causes it. 3. The grumpy moodiness: here, he wants to be around people but he is grumpy, touchy, sensitive and critical as hades. He does not want to be touched, no kissing....nothing. I am facing #3 right now. I don't know if I should ask him what is wrong or just give him his space. Additional details: Well, he usually gives me a kiss on the lips and last time we hanged out (yesterday), he didn't do it. I asked him why....he just kept going and I came between him and his car door. I told him if there is something that bothers him and that he needs to tell me to let me know. He said that me not letting him go was bothering him. I stepped away. Anyways, at the end, he said that he just did not feel like it and asked the reason he should explain himself. I told him my point of view. At the same time, he has been spending more time with me...which is odd. I don't know, he is being moody and critical and I am being needy and insecure. Perfect. I am the kind of person that if I don’t feel comfy with someone, I just don’t hang out with him/her. Oh…and since I was in such a happy and jolly mood, he kept saying that I was crazy. He has been saying that for the past three times we have been hanging out. Imo, he has been a grumpy and boring old fart. I am not tolerant towards people who go through few days-week moodiness, especially if they are men. I guess that makes me a sexist somewhat. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 06:33 PM
nope I suggest that you look at the aspects to his Moon because it is the object that is associated with emotions,feelings,and moods
a moon that is in hard aspect will tend to be moody.....especially if involved with a t-square. I have lunar apex t-square of Moon square the opposition of Saturn and Jupiter-Neptune myself,and I am very moody person. Cancers have nothing on me. I am the son of a woman who has strong Cancer influences in her chart, and she's the daughter of a Cancer Man. Also Moon in conjunction,opposition,square,semisquare,sesquiquadrae to Ascendant and Midheaven can be moody too
There could also be a significant water influence like a Moon in a watersign I have significant water myself including having a moon in a watersign. actually Sun,Mercury,Venus in Scorpio...Moon in Pisces.
also I suggest that you read up on irritable male syndrome. Men have their own PMS type stuff. It's connected to fluctuation,drops in testosterone. I can totally relate. Testosterone was even used as an antidepressant for men a long time ago. also males with high estrogen levels tend to be more sensitive,emotional,moody,and prone to depression more than the average male. I am male with high estrogen levels myself. there are lot of factors for a male to be moody.
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Plutonian Persona Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Denver, CO, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 07:06 PM
My first inclination was much like Raymond's post: lots of water or an afflicted moon.He almost sounds like me and my afflicted (and VERY moody) Scorpio moon. #2 mood sounds like there could be a strong Pluto involved as well, especially since he doesn't know what causes it. This, at least to me, sounds like Plutonian self-preservation that pops up suddenly, but has been building for some time in the unconscious. IP: Logged |
amowls Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 07:28 PM
My best friend is a Virgo Moon. She's been diagnosed as manic depressive. So yeah, she's really moody. It's in her 12th and only makes harmonious aspects.Another friend of mine has a Virgo Moon and he can be REALLY cranky when things don't go his way or if he's tired. His Moon squares Saturn, Uranus and opposes his Mercury and Jupiter. But then again I can be a cranky b*tch too and I have a Libra Moon. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 72 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 08:19 PM
I don't do 'moody' very well - and would prefer to avoid moody types. They can be draining and rob you of vitality of which you could be using to build a greater life.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 09:02 PM
amowls,very interesting. I wonder if that Virgo Moon has harder aspects through declination I also wonder if she has hard aspects to kuiper belt objects...especially the big ones My Moon is only square Varuna by only 10 minutes of arc. Moon in a close square to a kuiper belt object could be very sensitive,intense,emotional,moody .......just like Moon in square to kuiper belt object, Pluto could be. I also believe that in extreme circumstances, it could indicate possibility of schizophrenia and/or prone to psychic attacks in the metaphysical sense. After all, it is a transneptunian object. Kuiper belt objects have highly eccentric orbits which could indicate possibly nonconformist natures. Classical kuiper belt objects aka cubewanos like Varuna are actually transplutonians, they orbit well beyond Pluto. it's just a thought
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 09:04 PM
oh yeah another thing Moon on/near the celestial equator...that is near 0 degrees latitude in the declinations, can indicate a highly emotional,moody,sensitive type also Moon beyond 23'25 degrees in the declinations is when Moon is out of bounds, and that can indicate emotional,moody,sensitive type...more unstable emotionally
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Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 09:40 PM
Are you sure he doesn't have a water and/or afflicted moon? Or maybe many personal planets in water? I think its a bit premature to blame it all on his earth sun, IMO. I'm a virgo moon and consider myself moody too, but it sits in the 8th house...and I have a cancer sun.
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VirgOh Knowflake Posts: 8 From: New Jersey, USA Registered: May 2009
posted April 09, 2009 10:32 PM
I am very moody, my Virgo colleague at work is moody too, she can be laughing one minute and switch and start crying all of a sudden  I suggest you completely pull back when he pulls one of those on you and show understanding, dont push him to do something he doesn't feel like doing, there is nothing that irritates me more than a bubbly female who is being pushy when I am just not in the mood for her. Why is that irritating? Cause you simply cant reciprocate back what you are getting and it isn't fair, thats how I feel about it personally. For mood 2: Natural Virgo trend. I am like that too, at times I dont want to be around anyone even the ones I care for and love, I just want to be alone, it's time to reflect or sort out whatever is bothering me or just for the hell of it. I enjoy and love my own company too. For mood 3: Virgo's are all self absorbed and self centered, so if something is bothering him or if he is just not in a good mood it will just manifest itself as crankiness, grumpiness and all the other good stuff lol. Also Virgo's do not like to display emotions in public, this touching, feeling and kissing stuff can be done in the bedroom, I dont have to kiss you or hug you or put my arm around you in public to reassure you of how I feel towards you while everyone is watching. I personally do it a lot but when no one is watching though lol. 
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2009 10:39 PM
no offenseI really hate the word afflicted what a nice self esteem booster! hahahahahah t-squares are common in successful people. There is a lot of energy and drive in those types of people the opposition corresponds with Libra and the waxing and waning square correspond with Cancer and Capricorn. Libra,Cancer,and Capricorn cardinal signs which are associated with action initiation. Conjunction is associated with Aries which is a cardinal sign too,and therefore action and initiation. t-square would be viewed as an afflicted configuration by people use the word, "afflicted" I also believe that if you looked at aspects through the harmonic perspective, there would be a different view about hard aspects. they are definitely not viewed as afflictions in Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology. I am going to make a thread about t-square apex planets
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babeefoxx unregistered
posted April 10, 2009 02:14 AM
GOD, YES. My Virguy, the one I'm stuck on , has Virgo sun AND a Cancer ascendant, and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder last year. I think the only thing he is really sentimentaland emotional about is his family and childhood friends. Romantically, for the past two years he has been very detached. I think initally Virguys can be outgoing and fun and social, but maybe it's once they get comfortable in a relationship, they don't think they have to try anymore. And these hot and cold moods, he can't even explain them. It's just because. However if they have a sign that needs justification of love and constant attention (me), it probably won't turn out right. You have to go into it without having outlandish expectations of him. I've learned that the hard way. IP: Logged |
SilverFairy Knowflake Posts: 5 From: Delaware Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2009 07:39 AM
Mine is Moody, I'm a cancer and even I don't do moody well. haha He's a Virgo Sun, Moon and Asc. His moon is conjunct his sun, mercury, Venus and saturn. it squares his neptune and sextiles his Mars in cancer. It's a very selfish thing in my eyes. He oozes misery all of a sudden. It's been much worse since Saturn has been in Virgo, especially the last 6months. He's going through his return, but so am I. He's taking it harder I guess. All I know is if he doesn't knock it off, he may get my foot in his a$$!! lol IP: Logged |
cheshirekat unregistered
posted April 10, 2009 11:05 AM
Well I am moody and a Virgo with my moon in watery Pisces but I am also 17 and a girl lawlz and I know from personal experience Virgos are not the only moody ones of the Zodiac that crown goes to my Libra cousin.IP: Logged |
amowls Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2009 12:53 PM
Raymond, my best friend who is manic depressive has her Moon conjunct Nessus (2 degrees) !IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2009 01:17 PM
oooooh wowYeah...Nessus is considered the badboy of the centaurs Nessus is considered to have a Saturn-Pluto like energy about it with Saturn/Pluto midpoint considered to be Nessus-sensitive, meaning an aspect to Saturn/Pluto midpoint is like an aspect to Nessus. My mom has Moon oppose Nessus with only 3 minutes of arc, and she has manic depressive like tendencies.
She is very moody any with all that cancer,water....too much water in her chart....literally,she has a history of too much water in her body. she used to have take waterpills. Raymond
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swirl-kitt Knowflake Posts: 24 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2009 03:03 PM
I don't think people get moody because they want more attention or because they love you less. Socializing is fun but it's more tiring for some people who want everything to be perfect so they have to have some time off.. It's also related to past habits. So you might have to leave him or accept him the way he is.. I hate how he judged you for the emotions you displayed. I could understand moodienss but judgemental people, I can't stand thoseIP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 17 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2009 06:02 PM
GuysHis moon is in Virgo….. And he only has Saturn in Scorpio. No more water other than that. And also, since his birth time is not correct, I don’t know the exact placements for the houses. How do I figure out the t-squares, stellium, etc? And what in the nine worlds is Nessus? VirgOh Thanks for the advice. I shall give him space or at least, I am going to take some space. Do remember that he has been the one coming to my apartment and consuming food, drinks etc. I want to be respected and feel comfortable under my own shelter. Instead, he gets critical and moody. This is not a very comfortable position since (if you have read my previous posts) his parents would never approve of me, thus I am the one who provides the 'home', bed, etc. He lives with his parents, I live on my own. I have not been the one pursuing him. I know I want to be there for him but he also should try to be responsible for his emotions. IP: Logged | |